Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 6/3/24

Year: 2023

The Journal of Migration Studies is published by Working Group on Migration Studies Center affiliated to Directorate General of Migration Management Migration Policies and Projects Department twice a year, in January - June and July - December periods. It is a refereed and academic journal whose publication languages are Turkish and English.

The Journal of Migration Studies adopts the open access publication policy.

The aims of the Journal are as follows:

To contribute in prospering the national and international migration literature.

To encourage novel researches.

To support of producing and sharing academic knowledge by different perspectives.

Scientific articles, case reports, scientific criticism and research studies on subjects related with migration, migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, human trafficking victims and economic, social, geographical, cultural, sociological, psychological, historical, legal features of human mobilities are published at the Journal.


Writings sent to The Journal of Migration Studies must be prepared about reference order, apostille and citation form according to the style of American Psychological Association (APA). APA 6. Addition must be version which is regarded by authors.

1- Type Sizes:
-Abstract is written with 10 points/Times New Roman.
-Abstract is written with minimum 100 words, maximum 200 words and minimum 3, maximum 8 key words are put below.
-Article titles are written with 35 points. Middle titles are written with 12 points. Main texts are written with 10 points.

2- APA in Main Text
-Paragraphs are shifted from the left margins.
-First page is the cover. On the cover page, in order, title of article, author’s name, author’s work place are written on middle of page and every other two rows. Short information note about the author are written on the left bottom of page. This information may include that author’s current situation, author’s working interests, author’s awards, whether author is financed within the scope of a project etc.
-The names of the books, journals, films and TV programmes are italicized in texts.

the TV programme of Siyasetin Arka Yüzünde.

-An expression are not italicized or put in quotes to emphasise.
-A technical term or a key word can be italicized to emphasise in text in first time (not in quotes), is not italicized next.

many migrant men served as volunteers under the title of asâkir-i muavine at the war of 93.

-Usage of numbers: In the beginning of sentences, numbers are written as lexical.

Only eight of twenty journals are on analysis of text, 12 of them relate to the migration policy of nations.

-If an information which cuts the expression suddenly is given, hyphen is used.

These three migrants –each of their nationalities were different- were tested separately.

-Footnotes are shared on related page by numbering in text, not end of text.
-If there is only one addition, it takes place in text by being entitled as italic Addition. If there are additions, they are arranged by writing as Addition A, Addition B… These additions which take place at end of text must be given their titles. Their tags must be remarked in main text as well.

When we look at the subjects of graduate and postgraduate theses (Addition A and Addition B), it seems that the most of them focus on the causes of international migration from the end of 1990s.

-Short citations in main text (under 40 words) are written with double quotes. Double quotes are not written with another double quote and italicized.
-Citations which are longer than 40-word text are written by shifting, by giving one or frequent line spacing, with smaller point than main text point, not italicized and without double quotes.

According to Canan Emek İnan (2006),

(…) as it is defined that whole nation building activities of governments, it seems that migration and migration accepting policies are one of instruments which are used for nation building. Republic of Turkey, which was founded as a nation-state, used migration policies to build nation-state as an efficient instrument. Along the decisiveness of security concerns, as an instrument and also manifestation of nation-state building process, quantitative increasing of country population and qualitative assimilation policies are supported with accepting migrants policies (p. 29).

-While quoting from original studies, words/sentences which are extracted are pointed on with (…).
-Double quotes are used when an article from a book or a journal is quote with its title in text.

Elif Uzun’s article (2006) “The Structure and The Duties of The UNHCR Under International Law and Its Place In The Development of International Refugee Law”

- Abbreviations are bracketed when they are used first time but not later.

Definition of refugee which takes place on 1951 Geneva Convention was inserted to Law on Foreigners and International Protection (LFIP - Law No: 6458) Article 61 literally. According to the definition of 1951 Geneva Convention Article 1/A-2 and LFIP Article 61…

-If an old reference which is reprinted is used, is written with (/).

Freud (1923/1961) put forward that slips in the tongue in daily life are which a kind expression of pent-ups.

-(/) is not used for comparison but (-).

for reliability of test-retest (…)

- Format of title which is in text for main and subtitles is designated as APA 5. If your text is complex, sizable and needs a few subtitles, please use 1. Level, 2. Level and 3. Level styles of title.

Level 1                                            Bold Words In the Center Start with Capital Letters and Continue in Lowercases

Level 2            Left Aligned, Bold Words Start with Capital Letters and Continue in Lowercases

Level 3                        The first word of the indented, bold title starts with a capital letter, other words begin and end with a lowercase letter

Level 4                        The first word of the indented, bold, italic title begins with a capital letter and other words begin and end with a lowercase letter

Level 5                        The first word of the indented, italic title begins with a capital letter and other words begin and end with a lowercase letter

For example, in a complex and voluminous text, the order including Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4 headings is as follows:

                                                                                                Dissertations on Migration Written in Turkey

Evaluation of the Doctoral Dissertations

                    Distinctions made by the methods

                    Quantitative Methods        

                  • Qualitative Methods

                Distinctions made by the approaches

Evaluation of the Master Dissertations

                Distinctions made by the methods

                Distinctions made by the approaches

For example, in a simpler and shorter text, Level 1. 2. and 3. Titles are as follows:

                                                                                                Dissertations on Migration Written in Turkey

General Evaluation of the Doctoral and Master Dissertations

                Form here, the text starts indented and continues.

                Doctoral Dissertations

              Master Dissertations

If text is not complex and sizable, please do not use numbers and letters for titles and subtitles. Still, choose to use bullets instead of numbers in various sequential sequences in the text (square, line, round, etc.).

3- System of Reference and Citation According to APA 6.0

-Citation is carried out as two types mainly:
1- When citation is carried out by using author’s surname, after surname or at the end of the sentence, the surname is not used twice.

According to the numbers which are shared by Kirişçi (1996, p. 391), while about 200 thousands migrants came from Bulgaria in 1920 and 30s, about 120 thousands Turks, Tatars and Circassian migrants entered.

2- When citation is carried out without author’s surname in text, the surname must be situated at the end of the sentence as well.

Systematic discrimination primarily against Jews and government policies along this line caused that many Jews had left Germany since the beginning of 1930s (Reisman, 2011, p. 4).

-If there is a general reference and citation is carried out for whole text, writing (author’s surname, publication year) is enough.

(İnan, 2016). If citation is carried out from a specific page or relating ideas are taken from a specific part, citation within page are written as follows: (Asan, 2016, p. 47).

-Citations in one-owned studies include author’s surname and dates. Citations seem in bibliography as follows: These are written as author’s surname, first letter of author’s name. (Publication year). Name of study is italicized. Publication place: publisher. If study is published many times, number of edition is also written before publication place.

In text: (Abadan-Unat, 2017, p.47)
In Bibliography: Abadan-Unat, N. (2017). Bitmeyen Göç Konuk İşçilikten Ulus-Ötesi Yurttaşlığa (3. Edition). İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.

-Citations in two-owned studies, surnames of both are indicated at every time.
In text: (Sorensen ve Olwig, 2015)
In Bibliography: Sorensen N. S. ve Olwig, K. F. (2015). Work and Migration. New York: Taylor and Francis Publishing.

-In studies which belong to three to five authors, when citation is carried out, whole authors surnames are written at first time. For other references, the expression and others (et al.) should be added next to the first author's surname. In English articles, et al. statement should be used.

For first time: (Akıncı, Nergiz and Gedik, 2015). Later: (Akıncı et al., 2015). The general principle is followed in bibliography.

-Same author’s studies which are publish at same year are written as follows: (Yaman, 2016a) and (Yaman, 2016b).
- When referring to more than one author, citations are situated in same parenthesis. It is separated alphabetically and with semicolons according to the first author's surname, respectively.

(Abadan-Unat, 2015; İçduygu ve Aksel, 2012; Kirişci, 1996)

-Referring to web page: The general principle is followed in the text: (Author’s surname, Publication year). It is written in bibliography as follows: Author’s Surname, Initial of Author’s First Name. (Publication year). Title of Article or Part. As italics Title of Journal or Book. Website: http://www.

In text: (Atar, 2013)
In Bibliography: Atar, N. (2013, Ekim). Küresel Yaşlı Bakımı ve Yaşlı Turizminde İsveç, Norveç, Avusturya. Turizm Haberleri. Website: http://www.turizmhaberleri.com/koseyazisi.asp?ID=2378

-If it is referred from a website without page number, paragraph numbers could be indicated.

Duran suggests that the end of internal turbulence and polarization which have taken place during two years would terminate deliberate authoritarianism debate toward Turkey in Europe (Duran, 2015, parag.8).

-Works whose authors are unknown or anonymous: If the author of a work is not known, the first few words and years in the title are used instead of the surname of the author in the text. If these few words are used instead of author information; the title of the magazine, book, brochure or report is written in italics. If the title of the article or the name of a web page is written in double quotes. The display of the related works in the bibliography is in the form: The full title of the study. (year). Printing place.

In text: (Turkey Migration Report, 2015)
In bibliography: Turkey Migration Report. (2015). Ankara

In text: (“Multi Sector Needs”, 2018)
In bibliography: Multi Sector Needs Assessment of Syrians In Turkey’s South-Eastern Provinces. (2018). Website: http://www.turkey. iom.int/reports

- If a quoted text is given directly within the work, the quoted part is shown in quotation marks.

“The factor is needed to consider that new generations representatives who possess the language of the receiving country, have strong connecting abilities, have trend of adopting social pattern,” argue Erçin and Adıgüzel (2017, p. 186).

- If a reference is made to a source citing secondary sources, the original source is referenced. In the source list, only the second source’s informations are included.

In text: From Berger, Korkmaz (…). (Korkmaz, 2011).
In bibliography: Korkmaz, A.(2017). Migration and Religion. Konya: Çizgi Yayınevi

-Informations based on personal conversation from e-mail, phone call, face to face etc are shown in text but not in bibliography.

While Angela Merkel was self-criticizing about her country refugee policy, “We, Germans, had been ignoring for a long time and put off a solution across Europe,” said she (Angela Merkel, Süddeutsche Zeitung Interview, 31st August 2016).

- For the authors with the same surname, the one whose initial preceding alphabetically is stated in the bibliography first, even if the publication is older.

Ekşi, F. (2012). Psychology Books with a Critical Perspective. İstanbul: Kaknüs Yayınları.
Ekşi, N. (2011). International Commercial Law. İstanbul: Beta.

-If there are a lot of studies which belong to the same author in bibliography, references are written as from old-dated to new ones respectively. References which belong to the same author and has the same publication year are put in order with letters.

2000a, 2000b.

- In the bibliography, the work with a single author among the sources with the same author is at the top even if the publication date is newer.

Kirişçi, K. (2014)
Kirişçi, K. and Erzan, R. (2008)

- If there are two different authors whose first name and last name initials are the same, The names of the authors should be given in square brackets on the tag, whereas the names and surnames of the authors should be included in the reference.

In text: (Gökhan Kaya, 2011), (Güler Kaya, 2013).
In bibliography:
Kaya, G. [Gökhan]. (2011). ....
Kaya, G. [Güler]. (2013). ....

-A part of a book which has an editor is referred as follows: Authors’ surnames, initial of authors’ first names. (Publication year). Related part title. Editors’ surnames, initial of editors’ first names. (Ed.). In Name of Study (p. x-x). Publication place: Publisher.

In text: (Kirişçi and Karaca, 2015 p. 308)
In bibliography: Kirişci, K. ve Karaca, S. (2015). Hoşgörü ve Çelişkiler:1989, 1991 and 2011’de Türkiye’ye Yönelen Kitlesel Mülteci Akınları. Erdoğan, M. M. and Kaya A. (Ed.) In Türkiye’nin Göç Tarihi (p. 297-314). İstanbul: Bilgi University Press.

-Voluminous studies are referred as follows:
In text: (Pflanze, 1963-1990)
In bibliography: Pflanze, O. (1963-1990). Bismarc and the Development of Germany (Vol 1-3). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

-One volume of voluminous studies is referred as follows:
Pflanze, O. (1990). The Period of Fortification, 1880-1898: Vol 3. Bismarck and The Development of Germany. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

-Reports and technical articles are referred as follows:
Abadan-Unat, N. ve others (2014). Avanti I: Yurt Dışında Yaşayan Türkiye Kökenli Vatandaşların 2014 Cumhurbaşkanlığı Seçimlerindeki Siyasi Davranışları. Research Report. The Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
TTB (2014). Suriyeli Sığınmacılar ve Sağlık Hizmetleri Raporu. Turkish Medical Association Press. Ankara.

-The Official Gazette is referred as follow: Title. (Year, Day Mouth). The Official Gazette (Issue: xxx). Website: http://xxxx

In text: (Some Measures Under the State of Emergency, 2017)
In bibliography: Decree Law on Taking Certain Measures under the State of Emergency (2017, 6 January). The Official Gazette (Issue: 29940). Website: http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2017/01/20170106M1-1.htm

APA 6.0 rules must be applied for writing rules and reference frame which are not stated here.

Articles which are sent to publish are evaluated by blind referee and blind editorial board method. Articles are reviewed by Editorial Board, and ones accepted are sent to two different referees. When they have a disagreement, a third one's opinion is sought. In the direction of reports from referees, it is decided that articles are published, revision is asked from the authors or article is rejected and this decision is notified to the authors. Editorial Board decides whether that articles which are accepted will be published or not, or they will be published in which journal issue. Authors are informed via e-mail. Five journals are sent to the authors who are the owners of published articles for free. Directorate General of Migration Management has whole publication rights, including that full texts of articles which are accepted for publication are published materially and electronically. The following undertaking must be signed and sent us via e-mail or mail.


Derginize göndermiş olduğum ……………………………………………...başlıklı makalemin daha önce herhangi bir yerde yayımlanmadığını, yayımlanmak üzere kabul edilmediği ve halen başka bir yerde yayımlanmak üzere değerlendirme aşamasında olmadığını açıkça bildiririm. Yayıma kabul edilen makalemin bütün yayın haklarına Göç Araştırmaları Dergisi’nin sahip olduğunu kabul ederim. .. / .. /

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The Journal of Migration Studies launched publish on June 2015. In accordance with 04/04/2013 dated and 6458 No Law-on-Foreigners-and-International-Protection and Regulation on the Publication of Directorate General of Migration Management; scientific articles, case reports, scientific critical, fieldworks and research papers related with , migrant, migration, refugee, asylum seeker, victims of human trafficking and subjects which are about economic, social, geographical, cultural, sociological, psychological, historical, logical results of human mobility are included in the Journal.

To improve literature of migration, announce the activities which are within the responsible area of Directorate General of Migration Management to whole society categories, contribute to develop social awareness and mold public opinion related with responsibilities of Directorate General of Migration Management and encourage works on migration are some aims of the Journal.

The Journal of Migration Studies is a journal which is published biannually as January-June and July-December publish seasons.

The Journal is published in Turkish and English. Titles, key words, abstract, knowledge of authors identities must be in English along with Turkish.

Articles which are intended to publish must be in accordance with the Turkish dictionary of Turkish Language Society and Turkish writing rules.

The letter of undertaking which affirms the article has not ever been published or accepted to be published or is not in a evaluation phase is signed by the authors and sent with authors’ CV in the attachment of the article.

It is possible that articles and other documents are sent via mail or electronic mail.

Articles and other works which are sent to publish are reviewed by Editorial Board whether they are in accordance with publication principles of the Journal and writing rules according to order of precedence. Articles and other works which are not be in accordance with publication principles and writing rules are not evaluated and not sent referees. However, they can be sent back to the authors in order to rewrite and revise.

Articles which pass pre-assessment of the Editorial Board are sent two referees at least in order to evaluate. Names of authors are not sent referees and names of referees are kept secret from authors as well. If the author is working as an academician, the educational titles of the referee; If the article is written in a foreign language; the language proficiency of the referee article is paid attention to.

Editorial Board has the authority of evaluating and not publishing articles which is not in accordance with publication principles in terms of scientific and national/international suitability.

Referees evaluate articles by filling the Article Evaluation Form. Articles which are accepted by two referees can be published. Yet, even if two referees accept, articles can be reviewed second time if deemed necessary by editor. If one of the results of referees’ evaluations is affirmative and the other is not, articles are sent to the third referee. If the evaluation results of the referees contradict with each other, the article is evaluated by the editor.

Editor can revise mistakes which are non-essential in terms of the publications principles, writing rules and the journal's integrity and informs the author about these.

If referees ask authors to revise articles, papers are sent back and authors make necessary corrections and sent them to the Editorial Board within the time given by the editor in this situations. Authors consider referees’ criticisms, proposals and revision requests. If there are issues which authors disagree about referees’ decisions, they have the right to object with their reasons.

The articles which are published in the journal are checked by an academic plagiarism detector and edited. Resemblance ratio of articles can be 20% at most. Articles which exceed this ratio can not be published. Intellectual and scientific responsibilities belong to authors only. Opinions and arguments in articles do not reflect any official opinions of Directorate General of Migration Management.

Publication rights of articles which are published belong to the Journal of Migration Studies and these articles are not sent back to the authors for no reason. Articles which are not published can be sent back to the authors by editor, if they request.

The royalty is paid to the authors whose articles are published in terms of the rules of Regulation on Copyright and Processing Fees Payable by Public Institutions and Public Organizations.


The Journal of Migration Studies is based on Council of Higher Education Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive and international standards which are defined by ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).

Authors’ Responsibilities

All of the authors who are mentioned in articles have responsibilities equally about the articles which are sent and published. Authors’ responsibilities are below:
1. Considering Council of Higher Education Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive and the standards of ICMJE and COPE
2. Getting permission from ethics committee or commissions for works which are needed to get ethics committee permission
3. Stating in the article whether ethics committee or commission’ permission and/or legal/specific permission are required
4. Including the permit date and the decision number / number in the method section of the article and also on the first / last page of the article, if it is necessary to obtain the permissions of the ethical committees or commissions
5. Stating that informed consent form is procured in case reports
6. Obtaining permission for the use of scales, questionnaires and photographs belonging to others
7. Stating that the copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.
8. Guaranteeing that article is an unique work
9. Not publishing the submitted article elsewhere before or after the publication of the Journal of Migration Studies
10. Stating clearly any possible conflict of interest
11. Avoiding from plagiarism and false data
12. Supplying that raw data of researches if referees ask them during evaluation processes
13. Complying with copyright regulations for the intellectual and artistic works used

Works Requiring Ethics Committee Permission

Works requiring ethics committee permission are below. In case of the absence of these permissions, the publication is sent back to the author at the preliminary evaluation stage.
1. All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using questionnaire, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques
2. To use humans and animals (material/data included) for experimental or scientific purposes
3. Clinical researches which are studied on humans
4. Researches which are studied on animals
5. Retrospective works in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law

Referees’ Responsibilities

1. Complying with the Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive of the Council of Higher Education, ICMJE and COPE standards
2. Evaluating all of the articles by basing on a scientific context of works without considering the sex, ethnicity, race, religion, nationality and political approach of author
3. Informing the editor in cases where the content of the work sent for evaluation is considered to be incompatible with the scientific field or background of the referee, or in cases where a rapid evaluation cannot be made within the given period, and to reject the proposal for refereeing the relevant article.
4. Respecting the privacy of referee evaluation period, not sharing the information about the evaluated work or the evaluation process and afterwards with third parties.
5. Evaluating objectively and constructively without hostile or provocative and sardonic personal remarks
6. Giving information to the editor about the situation when a conflict of interest takes place
7. Keeping information or ideas obtained through referee evaluation secret and not using them for personal advantage
8. Informing the editor about the situation if there is any information that may lead to the rejection of the publication of the article

Editor’s Responsibilities

1. Complying with the Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive of the Council of Higher Education, ICMJE and COPE standards
2. Evaluating all of the articles by basing on a scientific context of works without considering the sex, ethnicity, race, religion, nationality and political approach of author
3. Avoiding conflicts of interest regarding accepted or rejected articles
4. Accepting only articles which are original and contribute studying field for publishing
5. Ensuring that works are evaluated by two referees at least according to double blind evaluation and keeping the personal information of referees secret
6. Keeping the whole information about works secret

Göç Araştırmaları Dergisi açık erişimli bir dergidir. Okuyucular makaleleri ücretsiz olarak okuma ve elektronik ortamda indirme haklarına sahiptir.
Dergi’mize gönderilen makalelerin yayımlanması ve/veya makale süreçleri (ön değerlendirme, hakem değerlendirme, editörlük süreçleri) için yazarlardan ücret talep edilmez.