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Effects of Ozonation on Thermal, Structure and Rheological Properties of Rice Starch in Aqueous Solution (in English)

Year 2013, Volume: 38 Issue: 2, 63 - 70, 01.04.2013


The effects of ozone on the thermal, structure and rheological properties of rice starch were investigated. Rice starch-water suspension was prepared in the ratio of 1:9 (dry sample to water) and treated with concentration of dissolved ozone at a 4.2 mg/L water for 1 hour. Unozonated sample was used as control. Thermal gelatinization properties of control and ozonated samples were investigated by DSC. Peak temperature of rice starch was increased, while the onset temperature of rice starch was decreased significantly by ozonation. A significant difference was not found between the values of both the conclusion temperature and the gelatinization enthalpy of control and ozonated rice starch samples. Any distinct difference was not observed between the birefringences of control and ozonated rice starch under polarized light microscopy. Changes on granule shape and surface of control and ozonated rice starch samples under SEM were not obvious due to the smaller size of granules. The shear stress versus shear rate data at 60 oC obtained by rheometer were well fitted to the power law model for control and ozonated rice starch samples. Shear-thinning behaviour was observed for both control and ozonated rice starch.


  • Chand, R., Bremner, D.H., Namkung, K.C., Collier, P.J., & Gogate, P.R. 2007. Water disinfection using the novel approach of ozone and a liquid whistle reactor. Biochem Eng J, 35, 357-364.
  • Kasprzyk-Hordern, B., Raczyk-Stanislawiak, U., Swietlik, J., & Nawrocki, J. 2006. Catalytic ozonation of natural organic matter on alumina. Appl Catalysis B: Environ, 62, 345-358.
  • von Gunten, U. 2003. Ozonation of drinking water: Part I. Oxidation kinetics and product formation. Water Re, 37, 1443-1467.
  • von Gunten, U. 2003. Ozonation of drinking water: Part II. Disinfection and by-product formation in presence of bromide, iodide or chlorine. Water Res, 37, 1469-1487.
  • Graham, D. 1997. Use of ozone for food processing. Food Technol, 51:6, 72-73.
  • Kim, J-G., Yousef, A.E., & Dave, S. 1999. Application of ozone for enhancing the microbiological safety and quality of foods: A review. J Food Prot, 62:9, 1071-1087.
  • Kim, J-G., Yousef, A.E., & Khadre, M.A. 2003. Ozone and its current and future application in the food industry. Adv Food Nutr Res, 45, 167-218.
  • Rice, R.G., Farquhar, J.W., & Bollyky, L.J. 1982. Review of the applications of ozone for increasing storage times of perishable foods. Ozone: Sci Eng, 4:3, 147-163.
  • Khadre, M.A., Yousef, A.E., & Kim, J.G. 2001. Microbial aspects of ozone applications in food: A review. J Food Sci, 66:9, 1242-1252.
  • Sun, D-W. 2005. Emerging Technologies for Food Processing. National University of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland. 694.
  • Wei, K., Zhou, H., Zhou,T. & Gong, J. 2007. Comparison of aqueous ozone and chlorine as sanitizers in the food processing industry: Impact on fresh agricultural produce quality. Ozone: Sci Eng, 29: 113-120.
  • Liu, Y., Selomulyo, V.O., & Zhou, W. 2008. Effect of high pressure on some physicochemical properties of several native starches. J Food Eng, 88, 126-136.
  • Kaur, B., Ariffin, F., Bhat, R. & Karim, A.A. 2011. Progress in starch modification in the last decade. Food Hydrocolloids, 26:2 398-404.
  • Kuakpetoon, D., & Wang, Y-J. 2008. Locations of hypochlorite oxidation in corn starches varying in amylase content. Carbohydrate Res, 343, 90–100. 15. Adebowale, K. O., & Lawal, O. S. 2003. Functional properties and retrogradation behavior of native and chemically modified starch of mucuna bean (Mucuna pruriens). J Sci Food Agric, 83, 1541-1546.
  • Chan, H-T., Leh, C.P., Bhat, R., Senan, C., Williams, P.A. & Karim, A.A. 2011. Molecular structure, rheological and thermal characteristics of ozone-oxidized starch. Food Chem, 126, 1019-1024. 17. Chan, H-T., Fazilah, A., Bhat, R., Leh, C-P. & Karim, A.A. 2011. Effect of deproteinization on degree of oxidation of ozonated starch. Food Hydrocolloids, 26: 2, 339-343.
  • An, H. J., & King, J. M. 2009. Using ozonation and amino acids to change pasting properties of rice starch. J Food Sci, 74: 3, C278-C283.
  • Lii, C.-y., Liao, C.-d., Stobinski, L., & Tomasik, P. 2003. Effect of corona discharges on granular starches. J Food, Agric Environ, 1: 2, 143-149.
  • Chan, H. T., Bhat, R., & Karim, A. A. 2009. Physicochemical and functional properties of ozone-oxidized starch. J Agric Food Chem, 57: 13, 5965-5970.
  • Choi, H.M. & Yoo, B. 2009. Steady and dynamic shear rheology of sweet potato starch-xanthan gum mixtures. Food Chem, 116, 638-643.
  • Alvani, K., Qi, X., Tester, R.F. & Snape, C.E. 2011. Physico- chemical properties of potato starches. Food Chem, 125, 958-965.
  • Tiwari, B.K., Brennan, C.S., Curan, T., Gallagher, E., Cullen, P.J., & O’Donnel, C.P. 2010. Application of ozone in grain processing. J Cereal Sci, 51, 248-255.
  • Zimeri, J.E. & Kokini, J.L. 2003. Morphological characterization of the phase behavior of inulin- waxy maize starch systems in high moisture environments. Carbohydrate Polymers, 52, 225-236.
  • Singh, N., Singh, J., Kaur, L., Sodhi, N.S., & Gill, B.S. 2003. Morphological, thermal and rheological properties of starches from different botanical sources. Food Chem, 81, 219-231.
  • Singh, J. Kaur, L. & McCarthy, O.J. 2007. Factors influencing the physico-chemical, morphological, thermal and rheological properties of some chemically modified starches for food applications -A review. Food Hydrocolloids, 21, 1-22.
  • Lagarrigue, S. & Alvarez, G. 2001. The rheology of starch dispersions at high temperatures and high shear rates: a review. J Food Eng, 50, 189-202.
  • Xie, F., Yu, L., Su, B., Liu, P., Wang, J., Liu, H. & Chen, L. 2009. Rheological properties of starches with different amylose/amylopectin ratios. J Cereal Sci, 49, 371-377.
  • Sopade, P.A. & Kiaka, K. 2001. Rheology and microstructure of sago starch from Papua New Guinea. J Food Eng, 50, 47-57.

Ozonlamanın Sulu Çözeltideki Pirinç Nişastasının Termal, Yapısal ve Reolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri (İngilizce)

Year 2013, Volume: 38 Issue: 2, 63 - 70, 01.04.2013


Ozonun pirinç nişastasının termal, yapısal ve reolojik özellikleri üzerine etkileri araştırıldı. 1:9 oranında pirinç nişastası- su süspansiyonu hazırlandı ve 4.2 mg/L suda çözünmüş ozon konsantrasyonunda 1 saat muamele edildi. Ozonlanmamış numune kontrol olarak kullanıldı. Kontrol ve ozonlanmış numunelerin termal jelatinizasyon özellikleri DSC ile incelendi. Ozonlama, pirinç nişastasının başlangıç sıcaklığını düşürürken, tepe sıcaklığını anlamlı bir şekilde arttırdı. Kontrol ve ozonlanmış pirinç nişastası örneklerinin son sıcaklıkları ve jelatinizasyon entalpileri arasında önemli bir fark bulunmadı. Polarize ışık mikroskobu altında, kontrol ve ozonlanmış pirinç nişastalarının birefrinjansları arasında belirgin bir fark gözlenmedi. Kontrol ve ozonlanmış pirinç nişastası örneklerinin granül şekil ve yüzeylerindeki değişiklikler granülün küçük boyutu sebebiyle SEM altında bariz değildi. Reometre’de kontrol ve pirinç nişastası için 60 oC’de elde edilen kayma gerilimine karşı kayma hızı verileri power-law modeline tamamen uydu. Hem kontrol hem ozonlanmış pirinç nişastası için kayma incelmesi davranışı gözlendi.


  • Chand, R., Bremner, D.H., Namkung, K.C., Collier, P.J., & Gogate, P.R. 2007. Water disinfection using the novel approach of ozone and a liquid whistle reactor. Biochem Eng J, 35, 357-364.
  • Kasprzyk-Hordern, B., Raczyk-Stanislawiak, U., Swietlik, J., & Nawrocki, J. 2006. Catalytic ozonation of natural organic matter on alumina. Appl Catalysis B: Environ, 62, 345-358.
  • von Gunten, U. 2003. Ozonation of drinking water: Part I. Oxidation kinetics and product formation. Water Re, 37, 1443-1467.
  • von Gunten, U. 2003. Ozonation of drinking water: Part II. Disinfection and by-product formation in presence of bromide, iodide or chlorine. Water Res, 37, 1469-1487.
  • Graham, D. 1997. Use of ozone for food processing. Food Technol, 51:6, 72-73.
  • Kim, J-G., Yousef, A.E., & Dave, S. 1999. Application of ozone for enhancing the microbiological safety and quality of foods: A review. J Food Prot, 62:9, 1071-1087.
  • Kim, J-G., Yousef, A.E., & Khadre, M.A. 2003. Ozone and its current and future application in the food industry. Adv Food Nutr Res, 45, 167-218.
  • Rice, R.G., Farquhar, J.W., & Bollyky, L.J. 1982. Review of the applications of ozone for increasing storage times of perishable foods. Ozone: Sci Eng, 4:3, 147-163.
  • Khadre, M.A., Yousef, A.E., & Kim, J.G. 2001. Microbial aspects of ozone applications in food: A review. J Food Sci, 66:9, 1242-1252.
  • Sun, D-W. 2005. Emerging Technologies for Food Processing. National University of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland. 694.
  • Wei, K., Zhou, H., Zhou,T. & Gong, J. 2007. Comparison of aqueous ozone and chlorine as sanitizers in the food processing industry: Impact on fresh agricultural produce quality. Ozone: Sci Eng, 29: 113-120.
  • Liu, Y., Selomulyo, V.O., & Zhou, W. 2008. Effect of high pressure on some physicochemical properties of several native starches. J Food Eng, 88, 126-136.
  • Kaur, B., Ariffin, F., Bhat, R. & Karim, A.A. 2011. Progress in starch modification in the last decade. Food Hydrocolloids, 26:2 398-404.
  • Kuakpetoon, D., & Wang, Y-J. 2008. Locations of hypochlorite oxidation in corn starches varying in amylase content. Carbohydrate Res, 343, 90–100. 15. Adebowale, K. O., & Lawal, O. S. 2003. Functional properties and retrogradation behavior of native and chemically modified starch of mucuna bean (Mucuna pruriens). J Sci Food Agric, 83, 1541-1546.
  • Chan, H-T., Leh, C.P., Bhat, R., Senan, C., Williams, P.A. & Karim, A.A. 2011. Molecular structure, rheological and thermal characteristics of ozone-oxidized starch. Food Chem, 126, 1019-1024. 17. Chan, H-T., Fazilah, A., Bhat, R., Leh, C-P. & Karim, A.A. 2011. Effect of deproteinization on degree of oxidation of ozonated starch. Food Hydrocolloids, 26: 2, 339-343.
  • An, H. J., & King, J. M. 2009. Using ozonation and amino acids to change pasting properties of rice starch. J Food Sci, 74: 3, C278-C283.
  • Lii, C.-y., Liao, C.-d., Stobinski, L., & Tomasik, P. 2003. Effect of corona discharges on granular starches. J Food, Agric Environ, 1: 2, 143-149.
  • Chan, H. T., Bhat, R., & Karim, A. A. 2009. Physicochemical and functional properties of ozone-oxidized starch. J Agric Food Chem, 57: 13, 5965-5970.
  • Choi, H.M. & Yoo, B. 2009. Steady and dynamic shear rheology of sweet potato starch-xanthan gum mixtures. Food Chem, 116, 638-643.
  • Alvani, K., Qi, X., Tester, R.F. & Snape, C.E. 2011. Physico- chemical properties of potato starches. Food Chem, 125, 958-965.
  • Tiwari, B.K., Brennan, C.S., Curan, T., Gallagher, E., Cullen, P.J., & O’Donnel, C.P. 2010. Application of ozone in grain processing. J Cereal Sci, 51, 248-255.
  • Zimeri, J.E. & Kokini, J.L. 2003. Morphological characterization of the phase behavior of inulin- waxy maize starch systems in high moisture environments. Carbohydrate Polymers, 52, 225-236.
  • Singh, N., Singh, J., Kaur, L., Sodhi, N.S., & Gill, B.S. 2003. Morphological, thermal and rheological properties of starches from different botanical sources. Food Chem, 81, 219-231.
  • Singh, J. Kaur, L. & McCarthy, O.J. 2007. Factors influencing the physico-chemical, morphological, thermal and rheological properties of some chemically modified starches for food applications -A review. Food Hydrocolloids, 21, 1-22.
  • Lagarrigue, S. & Alvarez, G. 2001. The rheology of starch dispersions at high temperatures and high shear rates: a review. J Food Eng, 50, 189-202.
  • Xie, F., Yu, L., Su, B., Liu, P., Wang, J., Liu, H. & Chen, L. 2009. Rheological properties of starches with different amylose/amylopectin ratios. J Cereal Sci, 49, 371-377.
  • Sopade, P.A. & Kiaka, K. 2001. Rheology and microstructure of sago starch from Papua New Guinea. J Food Eng, 50, 47-57.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Hatice Çatal This is me

Şenol İbanoğlu This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 38 Issue: 2


APA Çatal, H. ., & İbanoğlu, Ş. . (2013). Ozonlamanın Sulu Çözeltideki Pirinç Nişastasının Termal, Yapısal ve Reolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri (İngilizce). Gıda, 38(2), 63-70.
AMA Çatal H, İbanoğlu Ş. Ozonlamanın Sulu Çözeltideki Pirinç Nişastasının Termal, Yapısal ve Reolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri (İngilizce). The Journal of Food. April 2013;38(2):63-70.
Chicago Çatal, Hatice, and Şenol İbanoğlu. “Ozonlamanın Sulu Çözeltideki Pirinç Nişastasının Termal, Yapısal Ve Reolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri (İngilizce)”. Gıda 38, no. 2 (April 2013): 63-70.
EndNote Çatal H, İbanoğlu Ş (April 1, 2013) Ozonlamanın Sulu Çözeltideki Pirinç Nişastasının Termal, Yapısal ve Reolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri (İngilizce). Gıda 38 2 63–70.
IEEE H. . Çatal and Ş. . İbanoğlu, “Ozonlamanın Sulu Çözeltideki Pirinç Nişastasının Termal, Yapısal ve Reolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri (İngilizce)”, The Journal of Food, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 63–70, 2013.
ISNAD Çatal, Hatice - İbanoğlu, Şenol. “Ozonlamanın Sulu Çözeltideki Pirinç Nişastasının Termal, Yapısal Ve Reolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri (İngilizce)”. Gıda 38/2 (April 2013), 63-70.
JAMA Çatal H, İbanoğlu Ş. Ozonlamanın Sulu Çözeltideki Pirinç Nişastasının Termal, Yapısal ve Reolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri (İngilizce). The Journal of Food. 2013;38:63–70.
MLA Çatal, Hatice and Şenol İbanoğlu. “Ozonlamanın Sulu Çözeltideki Pirinç Nişastasının Termal, Yapısal Ve Reolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri (İngilizce)”. Gıda, vol. 38, no. 2, 2013, pp. 63-70.
Vancouver Çatal H, İbanoğlu Ş. Ozonlamanın Sulu Çözeltideki Pirinç Nişastasının Termal, Yapısal ve Reolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri (İngilizce). The Journal of Food. 2013;38(2):63-70.


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