Aim & Scope

Journal Name: Hadith
Publication Language: Turkish, English, Arabic
e-ISSN: 2667-5455 
Readership: The target audience of Hadith magazine is professionals who continue their research in the field of Hadith (and Sunnah).
with students, readers and institutions interested in this field.
Broadcast Date: July 31 and December 31
Article Acceptance Dates: Start: August 1, 2022 End: November 15, 2022
Beginning of Broadcast: 31.12.2018
Release Type: Open Access

Assoc. Dr. Abdulvahap ÖZSOY

prof. Dr. Veysel ÖZDEMİR

Assoc. Dr. Muammer BAYRAKTUTAR

Assoc. Dr. Salih KESGIN
Subject Category

Social Sciences: Religious Studies / Hadith and Sunnah Studies

Humanities: Religious Studies/Hadith History; History of Science/Hadith Method;

Methodology, Epistemology/ Hadith and Sunnah Meaning, Interpretation and Religious Value; Liberal arts

Contemporary Hadith Discussions; Sociology/ Interdisciplinary Hadith Studies; Multidisciplinary Sciences
Publisher: Prof. Dr. Veysel ÖZDEMİR
Plagiarism Control: TURNITIN
Managing Editor:  Doç. Dr. Muammer BAYRAKTUTAR
Copyright: Authors own copyright and full publication rights without restriction.
Published in: Turkey
License: CC BY-NC
Wages Policy: No fee is charged from the author or institution under any name.
Peer Review Process:  Double-Blind Peer Review
Journal History: There is no name change of the journal.
Open Access Start Date: 2018 (From the first issue)

Publication Principles
In Hadith, only works related to the field of hadith (and sunna) are included. In addition to original and scientific articles, it accepts translations of articles and papers, edition critics, thesis, book and symposion reviews, reviews, interviews, memoirs, hadith news, etc.
The papers submitted for publication must not have been published previously or accepted for publication by another publisher.
Posts sent include pictures, figures, maps, etc. It is 9,000 words, including its suffixes, but the number of words can be increased by the editorial board if necessary.
Hadith requires the authors to use the ISNAD Citation Style. Articles to be submitted to the journal should be arranged according to this system.
Articles accepted by the referees should contain a 150 words abstract with at least 750-800 words extended abstract and must be in two of Turkish, English or Arabic languages other than the article language. Articles should contain 5-8 keywords.
At the end of the article, before the bibliography, the researchers' contribution rate statement, support and acknowledgment statements, if any, should be stated in accordance with the conflict statement in accordance with the table below.

Period Months
July December