Journal Policies

Journal Policies

  • The Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University is the publication of Hitit University Faculty of Divinity.
  • The Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University is an international peer-reviewed journal.
  • The Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University is published in print and electronic media.
  • The Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University is published twice a year, as one volume two issues, December and June.
  • In the Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University, all policies and processes are decided by the editorial board.
  • Special issues can be published with the decision of the editorial board.
  • Changes to journal publishing policies and processes are announced on the journal's official website.

Publishing Language
Publishing language of The Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University is Turkish. Additionally, texts in Arabic and English can also be published.
The editorial board decides for the publication of works in other languages.
Turkish translations of Abstract, Keywords and Summary sections of articles written in English are also published.
Turkish and English translations of Abstract, Keywords and Summary sections of articles written in Arabic are also published.

Financial Policy
Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University is an open-access journal; no fee is charged for the access.

Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University does not request any fee for article submission, processing or publishing.

The authors are not paid any fees for their published works.

The editorial board and referees are not paid any fees.

All financial and legal copyright transactions of the translations are done by the translator.

No financial support is provided to the translator for copyright and any other charges.

The author is deemed to have accepted all financial, legal and scientific responsibility since the date of the translated text is submitted to the Journal of Divinity Faculty Hitit University.

Publishing Principles
All control and evaluation processes of the texts are reported and archived electronically.
Acceptance dates for all text types are in between 15 May-15 August for the June issue and 15 November-15 February for the December issue. The article submission system is closed except for this date ranges.
The Journal of Divinity Faculty Hitit University publishes the texts that was not previously published elsewhere.
Texts that are in the evaluation process for another journal are returned to the author.
The Journal of Divinity Faculty Hitit University publishes texts related with the field of divinity. The interdisciplinary texts related to the field of divinity can also be taken into the evaluation process by taking their contributions to the field into account.
No more than one (1) study of an author can be published in the same issue regardless of the text type.
Up to two (2) studies can be published in the same volume, provided that the publication type is different.
Those who are in the editorial board of the journal can send text to the journal, but they cannot work in the journal at the time the text is evaluated.

Evaluation Policies
Articles and translations are subjected to two types of analysis:
Evaluation of the form

Writing Check: The texts are examined in terms of shape, writing rules and compliance with the ISNAD Citation System. Authors should make the corrections within 11 days.

Plagiarism/Similarity Check: Texts are examined in terms of plagiarism/similarity rate. Plagiarism/similarity rate determined by the Editorial Board is 15%. Articles exceeding this rate are rejected without being included in the referee process. Plagiarism/Similarity check is done twice, once after the Editorial Board evaluation, and before the Language Control process. The authors should make their corrections within 11 days for the first check, and within 4 days for the second check.

Language Check: For Turkish texts, Abstract and Summary sections, and for texts written in other languages, Abstract, Turkish Summary and Summary sections are grammatically checked. The corrections requested from the author should be done within 5 days.

Revision and Proofreading: In order to ensure the unity in linguistic expression and writing style, necessary corrections are made to the language and style of the text without interfering with the content and within the knowledge of the author. After this stage, no correction is requested from the author, but the text is sent to the author for the final reading.

Academic Evaluation

Editorial Board Evaluation:
Editorial Board evaluation has 2 stages. Taking the field of the text into account, each article is sent to two editorial board members by the editor.
Editorial Board evaluation is a double-sided blind evaluation process.
Members of the Editorial Board divide the texts into two as those that can be taken into the evaluation process and to be rejected.
Editorial Board members score the articles in accordance with the Editorial Board Evaluation Criteria.
The editor refers the first 25 articles with the highest score to the evaluation process.
If one of the two editorial board rejects the article, the editor sends the article to a third editorial board member. In accordance with the decision of the third editorial board member, the article is either rejected or placed in the ranking.
For Book and Symposium Review evaluations, the editor assigns an editor from the field.
The main criteria for the editor's assignment is that the field editor is working in the field of evaluations.
In terms of meeting the objectivity, double-sided blind evaluation process is operated in the evaluation process.

Referee Evaluation:
The texts are subjected to academic evaluation by the referees determined by the editorial board. In the referee evaluation process, if the referee requests, the text is sent to the author twice for corrections. Authors should send the corrected texts within 8 days for each correction request. The author must fill in the Author Correction Form along with the corrected text.
When there are both positive and negative referee reports for the same article, the decision on the article is made by the Editorial Board, taking the content of the reports into account.
It is important that the authors do not exceed the dates given for corrections in order for the journal publishing process to function properly.
The texts of the authors who do not make corrections within the specified dates are removed from the evaluation process.

Referee Policy
In the Journal of Divinity Faculty Hitit University double-sided blind refereeing system is applied.
Confidentiality is essential in the referee reports; therefore, referee names are not mentioned in the journal.
Multiple articles can be sent to a number of referees.

Archive Policy
The journal is sent to the domestic and foreign libraries determined by the Editorial Board and to international index institutions within one month from the date of publication.

Copyright Policy
From the date of its submission to the Journal of Divinity Faculty Hitit University until the end of the evaluation process and if it is published from the publication date, the translation cannot be published completely or partially in any form of visual, auditory and printed media without the consent of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Divinity Faculty Hitit University; it can be quoted by referring to the Journal of Divinity Faculty Hitit University.

Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism/similarity rate determined by the Editorial Board is 15%. Articles exceeding this rate are rejected without being included in the referee process.
During plagiarism check, the field editor uses Turnitin produced for plagiarism/similarity control and presents the results to the editor in a report.

Last Update Time: 7/13/20, 10:31:51 AM

Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University

Hitit Üniversity Divinity Faculty 

Mimar Sinan Mah. 3. Cad. 19100 ÇORUM

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