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Barringtogenol C Türevlerinin Sentezi ve Sitotoksik Aktivitelerinin İncelenmesi

Year 2017, Volume: 45 Issue: 4, 485 - 498, 01.11.2017


B ir dizi barringtogenol C 1 türevleri 2a-c, 3a-c, 4a-c, 5a-d, 6a,b and 7 sentezlenmiş ve Vero normal hücre hattı ile birlikte çeşitli kanser hücre hatları ile HeLa, A549, U87MG, CaCo-2 and MCF-7 çalışılmıştır. Doksorubisin ve barringtogenol C ile kıyaslandığında bileşiklerin çoğunun antikanser potensiyelinde anlamlı bir gelişme olduğu görülmüştür. Bileşik 3a nın doksorubisinden 26 kat daha aktif olduğu bulunmuştur. Ayrıca in vitro koşullar altında test edilen Vero normal hücre hattında toksik değildir. Sonuç olarak bileşik 3a ileri çalışmalar için umut verici antikanser öncü bileşik olabilecek, kanser hücre hatlarına karşı güçlü sitotoksik aktiviteye sahiptir


  • 1. M. Recio, C. Del, R.M. Giner, Structural requirements for the anti-inflammatory activity of natural triterpenoids, Planta Med., 61 (1995) 182-185.
  • 2. E.K. Yim, M.J. Lee, K.H. Um, J.S. Park, Antiproliferative and antiviral mechanisms of ursolic acid and dexamethasone in cervical carcinoma cell lines, Int. Cynecol. Cancer, 16 (2006) 2023-2031.
  • 3. D.K. Kim, J.H. Baek, C.M. Kang, M.A. Yoo, J.W. Sung, D. Kim,. H.Y. Chung, N.D. Kim, Y.H. Choi, S.H. Lee, K. Kim, Apoptotic activity of ursolic acid may correlate with the inhibition of initiation of DNA replication, Int. J. Cancer, 87 (2000) 629-636.
  • 4. P.O. Harmand, R. Duval, C. Delage, A. Simon, Ursolic acid induces apoptosis through mitochondrial intrinsic pathway and caspase-3 activation in M4Beu melanoma cells, Int. J. Cancer, 114 (2005) 1-11.
  • 5. J.J. Liu, Pharmacology of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid, Ethnopharmacol., 49 (1995) 57-68.
  • 6. P. Dzubak, M. Hajduch, D. Vydra, A. Hustova, M. Kvasnica, D. Biedermann, L. Markova, M. Urban, J. Sarek, Pharmacological activities of natural triterpenoids and their therapeutic implications, Nat. Prod. Rep., 23 (2006) 394-411.
  • 7. A. Esmaillzadeh, F. Tahbaz, I. Gaieni, H. Alavi-Majd, L. Azadbakht, Concentrated pomegranate juice improves lipid profiles in diabetic patients with hyperlipidemia, J. Med. Food, 7 (2004) 305-308.
  • 8. W.S. Lee, K.R. Im, Y.D. Park, N.D. Sung, T.S. Jeong, Human ACAT-1 and ACAT-2 inhibitory activities of pentacyclic triterpenes from the leaves of Lycopus lucidus TURCZ, Biol. Pharm. Bull., 29 (2006) 382-384.
  • 9. J.H. Lee, Y.B. Ryu, B.W. Lee, J.H. Kim, W.S. Lee, Y.D. Park, T.S. Jeong, K.H. Park, Human Acyl-CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase (hACAT) inhibitory activities of triterpenoids from roots of glycine max (L.) Merr., Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 29 (2008) 615-619.
  • 10. J.M. Narvaez-Mastache, M.L. Garduno-Ramirez, L. Alvarez, G. Delgado, Antihyperglycemic activity and chemical constituents of Eysenhardtia platycarpa, J. Nat. Prod., 69 (2006) 1687-1691.
  • 11. D. Gao, Q. Li, Y. Li, Z. Liu, Z. Liu, Y. Fan, Z. Han, J. Li, K. Li, Antidiabetic potential of oleanolic acid from Ligustrum lucidum Ait., Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol., 85 (2007) 1076-1083.
  • 12. P. Kalaiarasi, K.V. Pugalendi, Antihyperglycemic effect of 18 beta-glycyrrhetinic acid, aglycone of glycyrrhizin, on streptozotocin-diabetic rats, Eur. J. Pharmacol., 606 (2009) 269.
  • 13. L.I. Somova, F.O. Shode, P. Ramnanan, A. Nadar, Antihypertensive, antiatherosclerotic and antioxidant activity of triterpenoids isolated from Olea europaea, subspecies africana leaves. J. Ethnopharmacol., 84 (2003) 299-305..
  • 14. L. Saaby, A.K. Jäger, L. Moesby, E.W. Hansen, S.B. Christensen, Isolation of immunomodulatory triterpene acids from a standardized rose hip powder (Rosa canina L.), Phytother. Res., 25 (2011) 195-201.
  • 15. R. Martin, J.C. Tavares, M. Hernandez, M. Arne´s, V.R. Gutierrez, M.L. Nieto, Beneficial actions of oleanolic acid in an experimental model of multiple sclerosis: a potential therapeutic role, Biochem. Pharmacol., 79 (2010) 198-208.
  • 16. U. Weissenstein, U.D. Toffol-Schmidt, S. Baumgartner, K. Urech, Effect of Viscum album lipohilic extract on human immunocompetent cells in vitro, Phytomedicine, 18 (2011) 18-23.
  • 17. J. Lu, Y.L. Zheng, D.M. Wu, L. Luo, D.X. Sun, Q. Shan, Ursolic acid ameliorates cognition deficits and attenuates oxidative damage in the brain of senescent mice induced by D-galactose, Biochem. Pharmacol., 74 (2007) 1078-1090.
  • 18. L. Li, X. Zhang, L. Cui, L. Wang, H. Liu, H. Ji, Y. Du, Ursolic acid promotes the neuroprotection by activating Nrf2 pathway after cerebral ischemia in mice, Brain Res., 1497 (2013) 32-39.
  • 19. K.T. Liby, M.M. Yore, M.B. Sporn, Triterpenoids and rexinoids as multifunctional agents for the prevention and treatment of cancer, Nat. Rev. Cancer, 7 (2007) 357-369.
  • 20. A. Bishayee, S. Ahmed, N. Brankov, M. Perloff, Triterpenoids as potential agents for the chemo prevention and therapy of breast cancer, Front. Biosci., 16 (2011) 980-996.
  • 21. R. Csuk, R. Sczepek, B. Siewert, C. Nitsche, Cytotoxic betulin-derived hydroxypropargylamines trigger apoptosis, Bioorgan. Med. Chem., 21 (2013) 425-435.
  • 22. S. Shishodia, S. Majumdar, S. Banerjee, B.B. Aggarwal, Ursolic acid inhibits nuclear factor-kappaB activation induced by carcinogenic agents through suppression of IkappaBalpha kinase and p65 phosphorylation: correlation with down-regulation of cyclooxygenase 2, matrix metalloproteinase 9, and cyclin D1, Cancer Res., 63 (2003) 4375-4383.
  • 23. H.R. Metelmann, J. Brandner, H. Schumann, F. Bross, M. Hoffmann, F. Podmelle, Accelerating the aesthetic benefit of wound healing by triterpene, J. CranioMaxill. Surg., 40 (2012) 150-154.
  • 24. R. Kuonen, P. Heusser, U. Weissenstein, S. Baumgartner, K. Urech, M. Kunz, K. Hostanska, M. Estko, Effects of lipophilic extract of Viscum album L. and oleanolic acid on migratory activity of NIH/3T3 fibroblasts and on HaCat keratinocytes, Evid. Based Compl. Alt., 3 (2013) 1-8.
  • 25. I. Baglin, A.C. Mitaine-Offer, M. Nour, C.C. Tan, M.A. Lacaille-Dubois, A review of natural and modified betulinic, ursolic and echinocystic acid derivatives as potential antitumor and anti-HIV agents, Mini-Rev. Med. Chem., 3 (2003) 525-539.
  • 26. K.T. Liby, M.M. Yore, M.B. Sporn, Triterpenoids and rexinoids as multifunctional agents for the prevention and treatment of cancer, Nat. Rev. Cancer, 7 (2007) 357-369.
  • 27. F.B. Mullauer, J.H. Kessler, J.P. Medema, Betulinic acid, a natural compound with potent anticancer effects, Anti-Cancer Drug, 21 (2010) 215-227.
  • 28. Q. Zhang, Z. Chang, Q. Wang, Ursane triterpenoids inhibit atherosclerosis and xanthoma in LDL receptor knockout mice, Cardiovasc. Drugs Ther., 20 (2006) 349-357.
  • 29. H. Assefa, A. Nimrod, L. Walker, R. Sindelar, Synthesis and evaluation of potential complement inhibitory semisynthetic analogs of oleanolic acid, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 9 (1999) 1889.
  • 30. Y.Q. Meng, D. Liu, L.L. Cai, H. Chen, B. Cao, Y.Z. Wang, The synthesis of ursolic acid derivatives with cytotoxic activity and the investigation of their preliminary mechanism of action, Bioorgan. Med. Chem., 17 (2009) 848-854.
  • 31. H.J. Jeong, H.B. Chai, S.Y. Park, D.S. Kim, Preparation of amino acid conjugates of betulinic acid with activity against human melanoma, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 9 (1999) 1201-1204.
  • 32. W.K. Liu, J.C. Ho, F.W. Cheung, B.P. Liu, W.C. Ye, C.T. Che, Apoptotic activity of betulinic acid derivatives on murine melanoma B16 cell line, Eur. J. Pharmacol., 498 (2004) 71-78.
  • 33. M. Lu, L. Xia, H. Hua, Y. Jing, Acetyl-keto-βboswellic acid induces apoptosis through a death receptor 5–mediated pathway in prostate cancer cells, Cancer Res., 7 (2008) 1180-1186.
  • 34. V.R. Yadav, S. Prasad, B. Sung, J.G. Gelovani, S. Guha, S. Krishnan, B.B. Aggarwal, Boswellic acid inhibits growth and metastasis of human colorectal cancer in orthotopic mouse model by downregulating inflammatory, proliferative, invasive and angiogenic biomarkers, Int J. Cancer, 7 (2011) 2176-2184.
  • 35. J.A.R. Salvador, V.M. Moreira, B.M.F. Gonçalves, A.S. Leal, Y. Jing, Ursane-type pentacyclic triterpenoids as useful platforms to discover anticancer drugs, Nat. Prod. Rep., 29 (2012) 1463-1479.
  • 36. H.X. Sun, Q.F. Zheng, J. Tu, Induction of apoptosis in HeLa cells by 3beta-hydroxy-12-oleanen-27-oic acid from the rhizomes of Astilbe chinensis, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 14 (2006) 1189-1198.
  • 37. Y. Ito, P. Pandey, A. Place, M.B. Sporn, G.W. Gribble, T. Honda, S. Kharbanda, D. Kufe, The novel triterpenoid 2-cyano-3,12-dioxoolean-1,9- dien-28-oic acid induces apoptosis of human myeloid leukemia cells by a caspase-8-dependent mechanism, Cell Growth Differ., 11 (2000) 261-267.
  • 38. I.M. Pedersen, S. Kitada, A. Schimmer, Y. Kim, J.M. Zapata, L. Charboneau, L. Rassenti, M. Andreeff, F. Bennett, M.B. Sporn, L.D. Liotta, T.J. Kipps, J.C. Reed, The triterpenoid CDDO induces apoptosis in refractory CLL B cells, Blood 100 (2002) 2965-2972.
  • 39. Y. Ito, P. Pandey, M.B. Sporn, R. Datta, S. Kharbanda, D. Kufe, The novel triterpenoid CDDO induces apoptosis and differentiation of human osteosarcoma cells by a caspase-8 dependent mechanism, Mol. Pharmacol., 59 (2001) 1094-1099.
  • 40. H. Lapillonne, M. Konopleva, T. Tsao, D. Gold, T. McQueen, R.L. Sutherland, T. Madden, M. Andreeff, Activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma by a novel synthetic triterpenoid 2-cyano-3,12-dioxooleana-1,9-dien-28-oic acid induces growth arrest and apoptosis in breast cancer cells, Cancer Res., 63 (2003) 5926-5939.
  • 41. X. Gao, D. Deeb, H. Jiang, Y. Liu, S. A. Dulchavsky, S. C. Gautam, Synthetic triterpenoids inhibit growth and induce apoptosis in human glioblastoma and neuroblastoma cells through inhibition of prosurvival Akt, NF-kappaB and Notch1 signaling, J Neurooncol., 84 (2007) 147-157.
  • 42. G. Speranza, R.J. Parker, J.H. Doroshow, M.E. Gutierrez, J. Collins, A. Chen, Phase I study of the synthetic triterpenoid, 2-cyano-3, 12-dioxoolean-1, 9-dien-28-oic acid (CDDO), in advanced solid tumors, Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 69 (2012) 431-438.
  • 43. P.M. Gowri, S.V.S. Radhakrishnan, S.J. Basha, A.V.S. Sarma, J.M. Rao, Oleanane-type isomeric triterpenoids from Barringtonia racemosa, J. Nat. Prod., 72 (2009) 791-795.
  • 44. V. Lanzotti, P. Termolino, M. Dolci, P. Curir, Paviosides A-H, eight new oleane type saponins from Aesculus pavia with cytotoxic activity, Bioorgan. Med. Chem., 20 (2012) 3280-3286.
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Synthesis of Barringtogenol C Derivatives and Their Cytotoxic Activities

Year 2017, Volume: 45 Issue: 4, 485 - 498, 01.11.2017


Aseries of barringtogenol C 1 derivatives 2a-c, 3a-c, 4a-c, 5a-d, 6a,b and 7 were synthesized and screened in cytotoxicity assay against various cancer cell lines HeLa, A549, U87MG, CaCo-2 and MCF-7 together with the normal cell line Vero. Many of the compounds screened have been found to have significantly improved anti-cancer potency in comparison with doxorubicin or barringtogenol C 1 . Compound 3a was found to be 26-fold more active than doxorubicin. It was also not toxic to the non-tumoral Vero cells tested under in vitro conditions. In conclusion, compound 3a tested strong cytotoxicity against cancer cells, which could be a promising anti-cancer lead compound for further studies.


  • 1. M. Recio, C. Del, R.M. Giner, Structural requirements for the anti-inflammatory activity of natural triterpenoids, Planta Med., 61 (1995) 182-185.
  • 2. E.K. Yim, M.J. Lee, K.H. Um, J.S. Park, Antiproliferative and antiviral mechanisms of ursolic acid and dexamethasone in cervical carcinoma cell lines, Int. Cynecol. Cancer, 16 (2006) 2023-2031.
  • 3. D.K. Kim, J.H. Baek, C.M. Kang, M.A. Yoo, J.W. Sung, D. Kim,. H.Y. Chung, N.D. Kim, Y.H. Choi, S.H. Lee, K. Kim, Apoptotic activity of ursolic acid may correlate with the inhibition of initiation of DNA replication, Int. J. Cancer, 87 (2000) 629-636.
  • 4. P.O. Harmand, R. Duval, C. Delage, A. Simon, Ursolic acid induces apoptosis through mitochondrial intrinsic pathway and caspase-3 activation in M4Beu melanoma cells, Int. J. Cancer, 114 (2005) 1-11.
  • 5. J.J. Liu, Pharmacology of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid, Ethnopharmacol., 49 (1995) 57-68.
  • 6. P. Dzubak, M. Hajduch, D. Vydra, A. Hustova, M. Kvasnica, D. Biedermann, L. Markova, M. Urban, J. Sarek, Pharmacological activities of natural triterpenoids and their therapeutic implications, Nat. Prod. Rep., 23 (2006) 394-411.
  • 7. A. Esmaillzadeh, F. Tahbaz, I. Gaieni, H. Alavi-Majd, L. Azadbakht, Concentrated pomegranate juice improves lipid profiles in diabetic patients with hyperlipidemia, J. Med. Food, 7 (2004) 305-308.
  • 8. W.S. Lee, K.R. Im, Y.D. Park, N.D. Sung, T.S. Jeong, Human ACAT-1 and ACAT-2 inhibitory activities of pentacyclic triterpenes from the leaves of Lycopus lucidus TURCZ, Biol. Pharm. Bull., 29 (2006) 382-384.
  • 9. J.H. Lee, Y.B. Ryu, B.W. Lee, J.H. Kim, W.S. Lee, Y.D. Park, T.S. Jeong, K.H. Park, Human Acyl-CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase (hACAT) inhibitory activities of triterpenoids from roots of glycine max (L.) Merr., Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 29 (2008) 615-619.
  • 10. J.M. Narvaez-Mastache, M.L. Garduno-Ramirez, L. Alvarez, G. Delgado, Antihyperglycemic activity and chemical constituents of Eysenhardtia platycarpa, J. Nat. Prod., 69 (2006) 1687-1691.
  • 11. D. Gao, Q. Li, Y. Li, Z. Liu, Z. Liu, Y. Fan, Z. Han, J. Li, K. Li, Antidiabetic potential of oleanolic acid from Ligustrum lucidum Ait., Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol., 85 (2007) 1076-1083.
  • 12. P. Kalaiarasi, K.V. Pugalendi, Antihyperglycemic effect of 18 beta-glycyrrhetinic acid, aglycone of glycyrrhizin, on streptozotocin-diabetic rats, Eur. J. Pharmacol., 606 (2009) 269.
  • 13. L.I. Somova, F.O. Shode, P. Ramnanan, A. Nadar, Antihypertensive, antiatherosclerotic and antioxidant activity of triterpenoids isolated from Olea europaea, subspecies africana leaves. J. Ethnopharmacol., 84 (2003) 299-305..
  • 14. L. Saaby, A.K. Jäger, L. Moesby, E.W. Hansen, S.B. Christensen, Isolation of immunomodulatory triterpene acids from a standardized rose hip powder (Rosa canina L.), Phytother. Res., 25 (2011) 195-201.
  • 15. R. Martin, J.C. Tavares, M. Hernandez, M. Arne´s, V.R. Gutierrez, M.L. Nieto, Beneficial actions of oleanolic acid in an experimental model of multiple sclerosis: a potential therapeutic role, Biochem. Pharmacol., 79 (2010) 198-208.
  • 16. U. Weissenstein, U.D. Toffol-Schmidt, S. Baumgartner, K. Urech, Effect of Viscum album lipohilic extract on human immunocompetent cells in vitro, Phytomedicine, 18 (2011) 18-23.
  • 17. J. Lu, Y.L. Zheng, D.M. Wu, L. Luo, D.X. Sun, Q. Shan, Ursolic acid ameliorates cognition deficits and attenuates oxidative damage in the brain of senescent mice induced by D-galactose, Biochem. Pharmacol., 74 (2007) 1078-1090.
  • 18. L. Li, X. Zhang, L. Cui, L. Wang, H. Liu, H. Ji, Y. Du, Ursolic acid promotes the neuroprotection by activating Nrf2 pathway after cerebral ischemia in mice, Brain Res., 1497 (2013) 32-39.
  • 19. K.T. Liby, M.M. Yore, M.B. Sporn, Triterpenoids and rexinoids as multifunctional agents for the prevention and treatment of cancer, Nat. Rev. Cancer, 7 (2007) 357-369.
  • 20. A. Bishayee, S. Ahmed, N. Brankov, M. Perloff, Triterpenoids as potential agents for the chemo prevention and therapy of breast cancer, Front. Biosci., 16 (2011) 980-996.
  • 21. R. Csuk, R. Sczepek, B. Siewert, C. Nitsche, Cytotoxic betulin-derived hydroxypropargylamines trigger apoptosis, Bioorgan. Med. Chem., 21 (2013) 425-435.
  • 22. S. Shishodia, S. Majumdar, S. Banerjee, B.B. Aggarwal, Ursolic acid inhibits nuclear factor-kappaB activation induced by carcinogenic agents through suppression of IkappaBalpha kinase and p65 phosphorylation: correlation with down-regulation of cyclooxygenase 2, matrix metalloproteinase 9, and cyclin D1, Cancer Res., 63 (2003) 4375-4383.
  • 23. H.R. Metelmann, J. Brandner, H. Schumann, F. Bross, M. Hoffmann, F. Podmelle, Accelerating the aesthetic benefit of wound healing by triterpene, J. CranioMaxill. Surg., 40 (2012) 150-154.
  • 24. R. Kuonen, P. Heusser, U. Weissenstein, S. Baumgartner, K. Urech, M. Kunz, K. Hostanska, M. Estko, Effects of lipophilic extract of Viscum album L. and oleanolic acid on migratory activity of NIH/3T3 fibroblasts and on HaCat keratinocytes, Evid. Based Compl. Alt., 3 (2013) 1-8.
  • 25. I. Baglin, A.C. Mitaine-Offer, M. Nour, C.C. Tan, M.A. Lacaille-Dubois, A review of natural and modified betulinic, ursolic and echinocystic acid derivatives as potential antitumor and anti-HIV agents, Mini-Rev. Med. Chem., 3 (2003) 525-539.
  • 26. K.T. Liby, M.M. Yore, M.B. Sporn, Triterpenoids and rexinoids as multifunctional agents for the prevention and treatment of cancer, Nat. Rev. Cancer, 7 (2007) 357-369.
  • 27. F.B. Mullauer, J.H. Kessler, J.P. Medema, Betulinic acid, a natural compound with potent anticancer effects, Anti-Cancer Drug, 21 (2010) 215-227.
  • 28. Q. Zhang, Z. Chang, Q. Wang, Ursane triterpenoids inhibit atherosclerosis and xanthoma in LDL receptor knockout mice, Cardiovasc. Drugs Ther., 20 (2006) 349-357.
  • 29. H. Assefa, A. Nimrod, L. Walker, R. Sindelar, Synthesis and evaluation of potential complement inhibitory semisynthetic analogs of oleanolic acid, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 9 (1999) 1889.
  • 30. Y.Q. Meng, D. Liu, L.L. Cai, H. Chen, B. Cao, Y.Z. Wang, The synthesis of ursolic acid derivatives with cytotoxic activity and the investigation of their preliminary mechanism of action, Bioorgan. Med. Chem., 17 (2009) 848-854.
  • 31. H.J. Jeong, H.B. Chai, S.Y. Park, D.S. Kim, Preparation of amino acid conjugates of betulinic acid with activity against human melanoma, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 9 (1999) 1201-1204.
  • 32. W.K. Liu, J.C. Ho, F.W. Cheung, B.P. Liu, W.C. Ye, C.T. Che, Apoptotic activity of betulinic acid derivatives on murine melanoma B16 cell line, Eur. J. Pharmacol., 498 (2004) 71-78.
  • 33. M. Lu, L. Xia, H. Hua, Y. Jing, Acetyl-keto-βboswellic acid induces apoptosis through a death receptor 5–mediated pathway in prostate cancer cells, Cancer Res., 7 (2008) 1180-1186.
  • 34. V.R. Yadav, S. Prasad, B. Sung, J.G. Gelovani, S. Guha, S. Krishnan, B.B. Aggarwal, Boswellic acid inhibits growth and metastasis of human colorectal cancer in orthotopic mouse model by downregulating inflammatory, proliferative, invasive and angiogenic biomarkers, Int J. Cancer, 7 (2011) 2176-2184.
  • 35. J.A.R. Salvador, V.M. Moreira, B.M.F. Gonçalves, A.S. Leal, Y. Jing, Ursane-type pentacyclic triterpenoids as useful platforms to discover anticancer drugs, Nat. Prod. Rep., 29 (2012) 1463-1479.
  • 36. H.X. Sun, Q.F. Zheng, J. Tu, Induction of apoptosis in HeLa cells by 3beta-hydroxy-12-oleanen-27-oic acid from the rhizomes of Astilbe chinensis, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 14 (2006) 1189-1198.
  • 37. Y. Ito, P. Pandey, A. Place, M.B. Sporn, G.W. Gribble, T. Honda, S. Kharbanda, D. Kufe, The novel triterpenoid 2-cyano-3,12-dioxoolean-1,9- dien-28-oic acid induces apoptosis of human myeloid leukemia cells by a caspase-8-dependent mechanism, Cell Growth Differ., 11 (2000) 261-267.
  • 38. I.M. Pedersen, S. Kitada, A. Schimmer, Y. Kim, J.M. Zapata, L. Charboneau, L. Rassenti, M. Andreeff, F. Bennett, M.B. Sporn, L.D. Liotta, T.J. Kipps, J.C. Reed, The triterpenoid CDDO induces apoptosis in refractory CLL B cells, Blood 100 (2002) 2965-2972.
  • 39. Y. Ito, P. Pandey, M.B. Sporn, R. Datta, S. Kharbanda, D. Kufe, The novel triterpenoid CDDO induces apoptosis and differentiation of human osteosarcoma cells by a caspase-8 dependent mechanism, Mol. Pharmacol., 59 (2001) 1094-1099.
  • 40. H. Lapillonne, M. Konopleva, T. Tsao, D. Gold, T. McQueen, R.L. Sutherland, T. Madden, M. Andreeff, Activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma by a novel synthetic triterpenoid 2-cyano-3,12-dioxooleana-1,9-dien-28-oic acid induces growth arrest and apoptosis in breast cancer cells, Cancer Res., 63 (2003) 5926-5939.
  • 41. X. Gao, D. Deeb, H. Jiang, Y. Liu, S. A. Dulchavsky, S. C. Gautam, Synthetic triterpenoids inhibit growth and induce apoptosis in human glioblastoma and neuroblastoma cells through inhibition of prosurvival Akt, NF-kappaB and Notch1 signaling, J Neurooncol., 84 (2007) 147-157.
  • 42. G. Speranza, R.J. Parker, J.H. Doroshow, M.E. Gutierrez, J. Collins, A. Chen, Phase I study of the synthetic triterpenoid, 2-cyano-3, 12-dioxoolean-1, 9-dien-28-oic acid (CDDO), in advanced solid tumors, Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 69 (2012) 431-438.
  • 43. P.M. Gowri, S.V.S. Radhakrishnan, S.J. Basha, A.V.S. Sarma, J.M. Rao, Oleanane-type isomeric triterpenoids from Barringtonia racemosa, J. Nat. Prod., 72 (2009) 791-795.
  • 44. V. Lanzotti, P. Termolino, M. Dolci, P. Curir, Paviosides A-H, eight new oleane type saponins from Aesculus pavia with cytotoxic activity, Bioorgan. Med. Chem., 20 (2012) 3280-3286.
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There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Derya Gülcemal This is me

Ayşe Nalbantsoy This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 45 Issue: 4


APA Gülcemal, D., & Nalbantsoy, A. (2017). Synthesis of Barringtogenol C Derivatives and Their Cytotoxic Activities. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 45(4), 485-498.
AMA Gülcemal D, Nalbantsoy A. Synthesis of Barringtogenol C Derivatives and Their Cytotoxic Activities. HJBC. November 2017;45(4):485-498.
Chicago Gülcemal, Derya, and Ayşe Nalbantsoy. “Synthesis of Barringtogenol C Derivatives and Their Cytotoxic Activities”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 45, no. 4 (November 2017): 485-98.
EndNote Gülcemal D, Nalbantsoy A (November 1, 2017) Synthesis of Barringtogenol C Derivatives and Their Cytotoxic Activities. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 45 4 485–498.
IEEE D. Gülcemal and A. Nalbantsoy, “Synthesis of Barringtogenol C Derivatives and Their Cytotoxic Activities”, HJBC, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 485–498, 2017.
ISNAD Gülcemal, Derya - Nalbantsoy, Ayşe. “Synthesis of Barringtogenol C Derivatives and Their Cytotoxic Activities”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 45/4 (November 2017), 485-498.
JAMA Gülcemal D, Nalbantsoy A. Synthesis of Barringtogenol C Derivatives and Their Cytotoxic Activities. HJBC. 2017;45:485–498.
MLA Gülcemal, Derya and Ayşe Nalbantsoy. “Synthesis of Barringtogenol C Derivatives and Their Cytotoxic Activities”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, vol. 45, no. 4, 2017, pp. 485-98.
Vancouver Gülcemal D, Nalbantsoy A. Synthesis of Barringtogenol C Derivatives and Their Cytotoxic Activities. HJBC. 2017;45(4):485-98.


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