Current Issue

Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 1/14/25

Year: 2024

International Econometric Review (IER), sponsored by the Econometric Research Association (ERA), is an independent international journal which publishes semi-annually. It is an open access journal. IER is indexed and abstracted in EconLit, IP Indexing, DOAJ, EBSCOhost, RePEc, Sobiad and Ulrich. The journal applies double blind peer review process for papers. IER has recently modified and expanded its scope, as indicated by the subtitle "Economics of the 21st Century". We seek to publish high quality papers in new fields of research in addition to conventional theoretical and applied econometrics papers. We are interested in data analytics, big data, machine learning, behavioural economics, and experimental economics.

IER aims to publish articles of high quality introducing new econometric techniques to a wide variety of problems in economics and related subjects, covering topics in estimation, hypothesis testing, forecasting, and policy analysis. Moreover Machine Learning papers are also wellcome. Applied papers using these new techniques can be published. Regarding the applied papers, IER particularly gives importance to the replicability of empirical results. Therefore, authors are expected to make available their data set and computer programs in case readers, editors or referees want to replicate results reported in submitted contributions.

Only English written, word formatted (.doc or .docx) articles are accepted to the journal. Submissions should be made through DergiPark system ( ) and they should be in the "Full Text" format where the example can be found from the "Full Text Example". 

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

The ethical principles of International Econometric Review constituted on the basis of the guidelines of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) which demonstrated in Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (2022). see,


In this journal, all the manuscripts are subject to a strict peer-review process by at least two reviewers that are experts in his/her research area. The review process in this journal is double-blinded. After the review process, the submissions can be accepted or rejected. Besides, the editor follows the reviewers' suggestions.

The submission should be original, and it has not been submitted elsewhere and is not under consideration with any other journal.

Submissions can be rejected by International Econometric Review’s editorial office if it is believed that the manuscript fails to meet the following ethical criteria:


A) Authorship
Only those who have significantly advanced the work should be named as authors. Ghost and gift authorships are strictly prohibited. The corresponding author has to provide the contribution of all the co-authors if any, such as data collection, empirical analysis, reviewing and editing. In recent years, there are cases recognized such as adding artifical intelligance programs as co-authors. This is strictly forbidden by International Econometric Review and if such an article is submitted, it is immediatly desk rejected. However, artifical intelligence programs can be used for language purposes but in such cases this should be stated in the acknowledgement part of the article.

B) Conflicting Interest
Authors have to provide a declaration in their paper of all potential competing interests involving people or organizations which is related to the work (e.g., personal or financial relationship).

C) Corrections, Clarifications, and Retractions
International Econometric Review is able to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when required. Moreover, the works can be removed or retracted from the journal’s database if it is detected that they violate the ethical issues.

D) Plagiarism
Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism or false citation, forms a serious violation of the principles of scholarship and this type of ethical issue is not acceptable. If the work of other researchers is included in the study, it should be cited appropriately and listed in the bibliography. International Econometric Review uses the Crossref Similarity Check (provided by iThenticate and/or Turnitin) software to evaluate the similarity score of the manuscripts. The submissions are not welcomed that have a higher similarity score than 30% totally, and 1% per source.

E) Ethics Committee Permission and Approval
Authors are required to describe in their manuscripts ethical approval from an appropriate committee and how consent was obtained from participants.

F) Clinical Trials and Animal Research
International Econometric Review does not accept submissions that are related to clinical trials and animal research.

Authors should submit the copyright form to International Econometric Review during the submission period.

After the acceptance of the submitted article, the author(s) is demanded to provide to the International Econometric Review the data that was used in the article for the cases where the research is an applied one. This is just for the purpose of reproducibility by other researchers.

At the last stage of publication of the issue, the author(s) has to confirm that the manuscript is in the form that he/she submitted.

For the submissions to this journal no submission fee is required.