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Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 95 - 104, 22.04.2016


In modern life, information technology has entered into almost every area of people's daily lives and become an important and undeniable part of business, educational and personal life. Thus, technological innovations that became widespread in political, economic, institutional and cultural fields are also being widespread in the educational field. Until recently the existing technical shortcomings, the problems of real-time operation of systems, the difficulty and expensiveness of providing the necessary system were making it almost impossible to apply these technological innovations to education and examination systems.

At the present day, studying in various schools and courses in order to fulfill the needs of life, improve ourselves and our lives is essential for us. Eventually, exams are administered in various ways to measure people's level of education, practical and theoretical knowledge and abilities. In the traditional education system, trainers and learners should adapt to each other in terms of time and venue and they have to fit in the same place at the same time. This particularly leaves learners in the lurch in their personal life and force them education priority scheduling. Despite this situation, it makes impossible to receive training for working people and people with disabilities and also makes it difficult for learners to develop themselves.

Web-based learning and online examination systems are able to deliver the required web content to the user on all devices with web browsers such as desktop computers, tablet computers, and even some televisions. Because of high sales and maintenance fees, deficiency of existing properties on fulfilling the needs of the institution, inability of adding new features of commercial systems make it disadvantageous to use them. In the open source systems, obligations for the institution to pay to the developer company for eliminating the problems that may occur in using process, insufficiency of technical documentation and difficulties on developing software for these reasons, these systems are also not preferred. The goal of our work is to develop an institution-specific, user-friendly web-based online examination system that minimizes operating costs, allows the institution to add new features easily by expert teams, meets the needs of the institution, integrates the current learning management system. We have developed our application in accordance with the requirements of the Distance Learning Center of Kırıkkale University using the contemporary software (Asp.NET MVC5, Angular JS, Bootstrap, Microsoft SQL Server 2014) techniques.

Keywords: Online Examination, Distance Learning, Web-based Examination, Learning Management System.


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  • Crisp, V., & Ward, C. (2008). The development of a formative scenario-based computer assisted assessment tool in psychology for teachers:The PePCAA project.Computers & Education, 50(4),1509-1526.
  • Gul E., Dogan C. (2011), “Is Online Assessment reliable?”, 5th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Syposium, Elazig, September, 2011.
  • Hang, B, ‘’The design and implementation of on-line examination system’’, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Science and Society (ISCCS), 2011 (pp. 227-230). doi: 10.1109/ISCCS.2011.68.
  • Jin, X., & Ma, Y. (2008). Design and implementation to intelligent examination system for e-business application operation. Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (pp. 318-323). Berlin, Germany: Springer doi: 10.1007/978-3- 540-85565-1_40.
  • Joi L. Moore , Camille Dickson-Deane, Krista Galyen, “e-Learning, online learning, and distance learning environments: Are they the same?”, Internet and Higher Education 14 (2011) 129–135, 2010.
  • Karal, H. & Cebi, A. (2011). The evaluation of student performance via the fuzzy logic approach, IETC, Proceedings Book Vol 2, 1445-1451.
  • Mohammad Sarrayrih, Mohammed Ilyas,“Challenges of Online Exam, Performances and problems for Online University Exam”, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 1, No 1, January 2013 ISSN (Print): 1694-0784 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 www.IJCSI.org.
  • Mustafa Yagci , Huseyin Ekiz, Shelahattin Gelbal, “Designing and Applying a New Online Examination Model”, Journal of Kirshehir Education Faculty (KEFAD), Ahi Evran University, Volume 16, number 1, Aprel 2015, pages 269-288.
  • Mustafa Yagci, Menderes Ural, ‘‘Designing and Implementing an Adaptive Online Examination System’’, 5th World Conference on Educational Sciences, Volume 116, 21 February 2014, Pages 3079–3083.
  • Mustakerov, I., & Borissova, D. (2011). A conceptual approach for development of educational Web-based e-testing system. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(11), 14060-14064.
  • Sampson D., P.Goodyear. “Next generation e-learning system: Intelligent applications and smart design.”,Education Technology and Society, 2006, 9(3):1-2.
  • Shan Wei-feng, Huang Meng, Li Jun, “An online examination system supporting user-defined question type”, Education Technology and Computer (ICETC), 2010,2nd International Conference on (Volume:1 ), 22-24 June 2010, V1-109 - V1-112.
  • Shen, R., Tang, Y., & Zhang, T. (2001). The intelligent assessment system in web-based distance learning education. Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference (Vol. 1, pp. TIF-7). doi: 10.1109/FIE.2001.963855.
  • Stephens R., Plew R., (2003), 24 Saatte Veritabanlari, Alfa Yayinlari, Istanbul: 4 – 429 – 975.
  • Tugrul Tashci , Zekeriya Parlak , Alpaslan Kibar , Nevzat Tashbash and H. İbrahim Cebeci,“A Novel Agent-Supported Academic Online Examination System”, Educational Technology & Society,17(1),154–168, 2014.
  • Welling L., Thomson L. (2004), PHP ve MySQL, Alfa Yayinlari, Istanbul: 2 – 117 – 297 -975
  • Xing-dong Yang, “The Research on Online Examination System of PE Theory Courses”,Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference of Modern Computer Science and Applications, Volume 191 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing pp 357-362.
  • Yagci, M., Ekiz, H., Gelbal, S. “Effects of Online Examination System on Academic Achievement of Students”, 5. International Computer and Study Technology Symposium, Elazig: Firat University, p. 185-190, 2011.
  • Zhang, L., Zhuang, Y. T., Yuan, Z. M., & Zhan, G. H. (2006). A web-based examination and evaluation system for computer education. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (pp. 120-124). doi: 10.1109/ICALT.2006.1652383.
Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 95 - 104, 22.04.2016



  • Aimin, W., & Jipeng, W. (2009, May). Design and implementation of web-based intelligent examination system. WRI World Congress on Software Engineering, 2009 (Vol. 3, pp. 195-199). doi: 10.1109/WCSE.2009.77.
  • Akin O., “Web-based Examination Systems”, Master Thesis, Sakarya University, Computer & Information Engineering, Sakarya, June, 2007:29.
  • Crisp, V., & Ward, C. (2008). The development of a formative scenario-based computer assisted assessment tool in psychology for teachers:The PePCAA project.Computers & Education, 50(4),1509-1526.
  • Gul E., Dogan C. (2011), “Is Online Assessment reliable?”, 5th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Syposium, Elazig, September, 2011.
  • Hang, B, ‘’The design and implementation of on-line examination system’’, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Science and Society (ISCCS), 2011 (pp. 227-230). doi: 10.1109/ISCCS.2011.68.
  • Jin, X., & Ma, Y. (2008). Design and implementation to intelligent examination system for e-business application operation. Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (pp. 318-323). Berlin, Germany: Springer doi: 10.1007/978-3- 540-85565-1_40.
  • Joi L. Moore , Camille Dickson-Deane, Krista Galyen, “e-Learning, online learning, and distance learning environments: Are they the same?”, Internet and Higher Education 14 (2011) 129–135, 2010.
  • Karal, H. & Cebi, A. (2011). The evaluation of student performance via the fuzzy logic approach, IETC, Proceedings Book Vol 2, 1445-1451.
  • Mohammad Sarrayrih, Mohammed Ilyas,“Challenges of Online Exam, Performances and problems for Online University Exam”, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 1, No 1, January 2013 ISSN (Print): 1694-0784 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 www.IJCSI.org.
  • Mustafa Yagci , Huseyin Ekiz, Shelahattin Gelbal, “Designing and Applying a New Online Examination Model”, Journal of Kirshehir Education Faculty (KEFAD), Ahi Evran University, Volume 16, number 1, Aprel 2015, pages 269-288.
  • Mustafa Yagci, Menderes Ural, ‘‘Designing and Implementing an Adaptive Online Examination System’’, 5th World Conference on Educational Sciences, Volume 116, 21 February 2014, Pages 3079–3083.
  • Mustakerov, I., & Borissova, D. (2011). A conceptual approach for development of educational Web-based e-testing system. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(11), 14060-14064.
  • Sampson D., P.Goodyear. “Next generation e-learning system: Intelligent applications and smart design.”,Education Technology and Society, 2006, 9(3):1-2.
  • Shan Wei-feng, Huang Meng, Li Jun, “An online examination system supporting user-defined question type”, Education Technology and Computer (ICETC), 2010,2nd International Conference on (Volume:1 ), 22-24 June 2010, V1-109 - V1-112.
  • Shen, R., Tang, Y., & Zhang, T. (2001). The intelligent assessment system in web-based distance learning education. Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference (Vol. 1, pp. TIF-7). doi: 10.1109/FIE.2001.963855.
  • Stephens R., Plew R., (2003), 24 Saatte Veritabanlari, Alfa Yayinlari, Istanbul: 4 – 429 – 975.
  • Tugrul Tashci , Zekeriya Parlak , Alpaslan Kibar , Nevzat Tashbash and H. İbrahim Cebeci,“A Novel Agent-Supported Academic Online Examination System”, Educational Technology & Society,17(1),154–168, 2014.
  • Welling L., Thomson L. (2004), PHP ve MySQL, Alfa Yayinlari, Istanbul: 2 – 117 – 297 -975
  • Xing-dong Yang, “The Research on Online Examination System of PE Theory Courses”,Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference of Modern Computer Science and Applications, Volume 191 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing pp 357-362.
  • Yagci, M., Ekiz, H., Gelbal, S. “Effects of Online Examination System on Academic Achievement of Students”, 5. International Computer and Study Technology Symposium, Elazig: Firat University, p. 185-190, 2011.
  • Zhang, L., Zhuang, Y. T., Yuan, Z. M., & Zhan, G. H. (2006). A web-based examination and evaluation system for computer education. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (pp. 120-124). doi: 10.1109/ICALT.2006.1652383.
There are 21 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Ozgun Bursalioglu

Murat Luy

Volkan Ates

Atilla Erguzen

Publication Date April 22, 2016
Submission Date April 19, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016Volume: 2 Issue: 4


EndNote Bursalioglu O, Luy M, Ates V, Erguzen A (April 1, 2016) MOBILE DEVICE SUPPORTED ONLINE EXAMINATION SYSTEM APPROPRIATE TO DISTANCE LEARNING. IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education 2 4 95–104.

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