Research Article
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Year 2017, ICMEB17 Özel Sayısı, 718 - 735, 01.12.2017


Production methods of iron and steel may vary from one country to the other. Despite its high import dependency for raw material supply, Turkey has been able to become a worldwide producer based on its competitive advantage by varying production and trade policies, factors such as industrial efficiency and closeness to the market demand for steel products. However shrinkage created by latest global economic crises and developments in China causes serious changes in final product as well as raw material market. The sustainability of this situation has become a hotly debated issue in the industry. In addition to progressing domestic and foreign demand structure, developments in the raw material market, concern of energy efficiency and pressures such as carbon emission reduction policy invigorate the discussion. In this study we try to see the relationship between the industrial production method and profitability. According to analysis results, increase of blast furnace ratio in the industry is an effective driving force for increasing exports and industrial profitability. In parallel with this increase, it is projected that CO2 pricing policies will not cause distinct distortion over industry objective under certain limits


  • Aren Marlene, vd. (2016). Pathways to a low-carbon iron and steel industry in the medium-term-the case of Germany, Journal of Cleaner Production, 1-15.
  • Ates Seyithan A. (2015). Energy efficiency and CO2 mitigation potential of the Turkish iron and steel industry using the LEAP (long-range energy alternatives planning) system, Energy 90: 417-428.
  • BCG Steel's Contribution To A Low-Carbon Europe 2050: Technical and Economic Analysis of the Sector's CO2 Abatement Potential [Rapor]. - [s.l.] : The Boston Consulting Group, 2013.
  • Bellone Flora vd. (2014). International productivity gaps and the export status of firms: Evidence from France and Japan [Dergi]. - [s.l.] : European Economic Review 70: 56-74.
  • Chen Wenhui, Lei, Yalin & Jiang, Yong (2016). Influencing factors analysis of China's iron import price: Based on quantile regression model, Resources Policy 48: 68-76.
  • Crandall Robert W. (1996). From competitiveness to competition: The threat of minimills to large national steel companies Resources Policy, 22: 107-118.
  • Crompton Paul (2015). Explaining variation in steel consumption in the OECD, Australia : Resources Policy 45: 239-246.
  • Crompton Paul & Lesourd, Jean-Baptiste (2004). Economies of Scale in the Global Iron-Making Industry, Resources Policy, 33(2):74-82.
  • Demailly Damien & Quirion, Philippe (2008). European Emission Trading Scheme and competitiveness: A case study on the iron and steel industry, Energy Economics, 30:2009-2027.
  • Dong Yanli Ishikawa Masanobu & Hagiwara, Taiji (2015). Economic and environmental impact analysis of carbon tariffs on Chinese exports, Energy Economics, 50: 80-95.
  • Dülger, Fikret, Gencer Salih & Burgaç, Almıla (2014). Metal (Çelik) Kullanım Yoğunluğu Hipotezinin Türkiye Ekonomisi için Sınanması, International Conference on Eurasian Economies .
  • ECORYS Mapping resource prices: the past and the future [Rapor]. - Rotterdam : European Commission - DG Environment, 2012.
  • ECORYS Research and Consulting Study on the Competitiveness of the European Steel Sector [Rapor]. - [s.l.] : Withing the Framework Contract of Sectoral Competitiveness Studies-ENTR/06/054, 2008.
  • Elbaum, Bernard (2007). How Godzilla Ate Pittsburgh: The Long Rise of the Japanese Iron and Steel Industry, 1900-1973, Social Science Japan Journal, Vol. 10: 243-264
  • Flues Florens, Rübbelke, Dirk & Vögele, Stefan (2015). An analysis of the economic determinants of energy efficiency in the European iron and steel industry, Journal of Cleaner Production 104: 250-263.
  • Heck, Nathaniel, Smith Courtney ve Hittinger, Eric (2016). A Monte Carlo approach to integrating uncertainty into the levelized cost of electricity, The Electricity Journal 29: 21-30.
  • Ho Minh T., Bustamante Andrea & Wİley Dianne E. (2013). Comparison of CO2 capture economics for iron and steel mills, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 19: 145-159.
  • Holmes R.J. & Lu L. (2015). Introduction: overview of the global iron ore industry, Minerology, Processing and Environmental Sustainability, 1-42.
  • Hua Song, Chatterjee Samir Ranjan & Jingliang Chen (2011). Achieving competitive advantage in service supply chain: evidence from the Chinese steel industry, Chinese Management Studies, 1 (5): 68-81
  • Huh Kwang-Sook Steel (2011). Consumption and economic groth in Korea: Long-term and short-term evidence, Resorce Policy, 2(36): 107-113
  • Jin Peng, vd. (2017). The energy consumption and carbon emission of the integrated steel mill with oxygen blast furnace, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 117 :58-65.
  • Kasahara Hiroyuki & Lapham Beverly (2013). Productivity and the decision to import and export: Theory and evidence, Journal of International Economics 89: 297-316.
  • Kim Yeonbae & Worrell Ernst (2002). International comparison of CO2 emission trends in the iron and steel industry, Energy Policy 30: 827-838.
  • Kumar Nagesh & Chadha Alka (2009). India's outward foreign direct investments in steel industry in a Chinese comparative perspective, Industrial and Corporate Change, 2(18): 249-267
  • Lee Chaehwa & Wilhelm Wilbert (2010). On integrating theories of international economics in the strategic planning of global supply chains and facility location, Int. J. Production Economics, 124: 225-240.
  • Lee Seung-Joo & Lee Eun-Hyung (2009). Case Study of POSCO: Analysis of its Growth Strategy and Key Success Factors, KDI School Working Paper Series, 09-13.
  • Lin Boqiang ve Wang Xiaolei (2014). Promoting energy conservation in China's iron&steel sector, Energy 73: 465-474.
  • Manca Davide, Fini Andrea & Oliosi Mirko (2011). Dynamic Conceptual Design under Market Uncertainty and Price Volatility, 21st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering-ESCAPE, 21
  • Manca Davide, Fini Andrea & Oliosi Mirko (2011). Dynamic Conceptual Design under Market Uncertainty and Price Volatility, 21st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
  • Mavrotas George, Florios Kostas & Vlachou Dimitra (2010). Energy planning of a hospital using Mathematical Programming and Monte Carlo simulation for dealing with uncertainty in the economic parameters, Energy Conversion and Management, 51: 722-731.
  • Mayer Carmen, Breun Patrick & Schultmann Frank (2017). Considering risks in early stage investment planning for emission abatement technologies in large combustion plants, Journal of Cleaner Production, 142: 133-144.
  • McKinsey & Company Competitiveness and challenges in the steel industry [Konferans] // OECD Steel committee 74th session. - Paris : [s.n.], 2013.
  • Moreira Ricardo Ramalhete (2014). Commodities prices volatility, expected inflation and GDP levels: an application for a net-exporting economy, Procedia Economics and Finance, 14:435-444.
  • OECD Excess Capacity in the Global Steel Industry and the Implications of New Investment Projects, (2015)OECD Science, Technology and Industry Policy Papers, OECD Publishing, 18.
  • Ohashi Hiroshi (2005). Learning by doing, export subsidies, and industry growth: Japanese steel in the 1950s and 1960s, Journal of International Economics, 66:297-323.
  • Richardson P.K. (1998). Steel price determination in the European, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 62-73
  • Sabuncu Tanyeli Behiç (2015). COP 21 ve Paris Anlaşması'nın Sonuçları, TUSİAD, Sanayide Dönüşüm, Sektörel Politikalar Bölümü, TS/SSB/2016-004
  • Sachdev Harash J. & Joegiono Cipto Y. (2013). The Challenges of Obtaining a Competitive Advantage for Processed Material Suppliers: A Conceptual Study, Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness vol. 7(1)
  • Sakamoto Tomoyuki ve Managi Shunsuke (2017). New evidence of environmental efficiency on the export performance, Applied Energy, 185: 615-626.
  • Saygılı Hülya & Saygılı Mesut (2011). Structural changes in exports of an emerging economy: Case of Turkey, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 22:342-360.
  • Schumacher Katja & Sands Ronald D. (2007). Where are the industrial technologies in energy-economy models? An innovative CGE approach for steel production in Germany, Energy Economics, 29: 799- 825.
  • Sheng Yu & Song Ligang (2013). Re-estimation of firms' total factor productivity in China's iron and steel industry, China Economic Review, 24:177-188.
  • Yasar Mahmut & Paul Catherine J. Morrison (2007). International linkages and productivity at the plant level: Foreign direct
  • investment, exports, imports and licensing, Journal of International Economics, 71:373-388.
  • Yellishetty Mohan [et al.] Enviromental life-cycle comparisons of steel production and recycling: sustainability issues
  • problems and prospects [Dergi]. - [s.l.] : Enviromental Science&Policy 14, 2011. - 650-663.
  • Yellishetty Mohan, Ranjith P.G. & Tharumarajah A. (2010). Iron ore and steel production trends and material flows in the
  • world: Is this really sustainable?, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 54: 1084-1094.
  • Youn Sun Hee vd. (2014). Supply chain information capabilities and performance outcomes: An emprical study of Korean
  • steel suppliers, International Journal of Information Management, 34: 369-380.


Year 2017, ICMEB17 Özel Sayısı, 718 - 735, 01.12.2017


Demir çelik üretim yöntemleri ülkeden ülkeye farklılaşabilmektedir. Türkiye hammadde tedariki açısından büyük ölçüde dışa bağımlı olmasına rağmen, endüstriyel verimlilik ve yoğun çelik talebinde bulunan ülkelere yakın mesafede olması gibi çeşitli üretim ve ticaret politikası kaynaklı faktörler ile birlikte rekabet avantajı kazanarak dünya çapında bir üretici haline gelebilmiştir. Ancak son dönemde yaşanan küresel ekonomik krizin yaratmış olduğu daralma ve Çin merkezli gelişmeler, hem nihai ürün hem de hammadde pazarında önemli değişiklikler yaratmış ve endüstri içerisinde bu durumun sürdürülebilirliği yoğun tartışılan bir konu haline gelmiştir. Gelişen yurtiçi ve yurtdışı talep yapısı, hammadde pazarındaki gelişmeler, enerji verimliliği kaygısı ve CO2 salınımı azaltılması yönündeki politika baskılarına ek olarak ihracatı arttırma hedefleri dikkate alındığında, endüstriyel üretim yöntemleri dağılımının endüstriyel kârlılığı arttırma fırsatları ve riskleri açısından ne ifade ettiği bu çalışmada sorgulanmaya çalışılmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, endüstride yüksek fırın oranındaki artış ihracat ve endüstriyel kârlılık artışı için etkin bir itici güçtür. Bu artışa paralel olarak, CO2 fiyatlama politikalarının da belirli bir ölçüye kadar endüstri hedeflerinde belirgin bir sapma yaratmayacağı öngörülmektedir.


  • Aren Marlene, vd. (2016). Pathways to a low-carbon iron and steel industry in the medium-term-the case of Germany, Journal of Cleaner Production, 1-15.
  • Ates Seyithan A. (2015). Energy efficiency and CO2 mitigation potential of the Turkish iron and steel industry using the LEAP (long-range energy alternatives planning) system, Energy 90: 417-428.
  • BCG Steel's Contribution To A Low-Carbon Europe 2050: Technical and Economic Analysis of the Sector's CO2 Abatement Potential [Rapor]. - [s.l.] : The Boston Consulting Group, 2013.
  • Bellone Flora vd. (2014). International productivity gaps and the export status of firms: Evidence from France and Japan [Dergi]. - [s.l.] : European Economic Review 70: 56-74.
  • Chen Wenhui, Lei, Yalin & Jiang, Yong (2016). Influencing factors analysis of China's iron import price: Based on quantile regression model, Resources Policy 48: 68-76.
  • Crandall Robert W. (1996). From competitiveness to competition: The threat of minimills to large national steel companies Resources Policy, 22: 107-118.
  • Crompton Paul (2015). Explaining variation in steel consumption in the OECD, Australia : Resources Policy 45: 239-246.
  • Crompton Paul & Lesourd, Jean-Baptiste (2004). Economies of Scale in the Global Iron-Making Industry, Resources Policy, 33(2):74-82.
  • Demailly Damien & Quirion, Philippe (2008). European Emission Trading Scheme and competitiveness: A case study on the iron and steel industry, Energy Economics, 30:2009-2027.
  • Dong Yanli Ishikawa Masanobu & Hagiwara, Taiji (2015). Economic and environmental impact analysis of carbon tariffs on Chinese exports, Energy Economics, 50: 80-95.
  • Dülger, Fikret, Gencer Salih & Burgaç, Almıla (2014). Metal (Çelik) Kullanım Yoğunluğu Hipotezinin Türkiye Ekonomisi için Sınanması, International Conference on Eurasian Economies .
  • ECORYS Mapping resource prices: the past and the future [Rapor]. - Rotterdam : European Commission - DG Environment, 2012.
  • ECORYS Research and Consulting Study on the Competitiveness of the European Steel Sector [Rapor]. - [s.l.] : Withing the Framework Contract of Sectoral Competitiveness Studies-ENTR/06/054, 2008.
  • Elbaum, Bernard (2007). How Godzilla Ate Pittsburgh: The Long Rise of the Japanese Iron and Steel Industry, 1900-1973, Social Science Japan Journal, Vol. 10: 243-264
  • Flues Florens, Rübbelke, Dirk & Vögele, Stefan (2015). An analysis of the economic determinants of energy efficiency in the European iron and steel industry, Journal of Cleaner Production 104: 250-263.
  • Heck, Nathaniel, Smith Courtney ve Hittinger, Eric (2016). A Monte Carlo approach to integrating uncertainty into the levelized cost of electricity, The Electricity Journal 29: 21-30.
  • Ho Minh T., Bustamante Andrea & Wİley Dianne E. (2013). Comparison of CO2 capture economics for iron and steel mills, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 19: 145-159.
  • Holmes R.J. & Lu L. (2015). Introduction: overview of the global iron ore industry, Minerology, Processing and Environmental Sustainability, 1-42.
  • Hua Song, Chatterjee Samir Ranjan & Jingliang Chen (2011). Achieving competitive advantage in service supply chain: evidence from the Chinese steel industry, Chinese Management Studies, 1 (5): 68-81
  • Huh Kwang-Sook Steel (2011). Consumption and economic groth in Korea: Long-term and short-term evidence, Resorce Policy, 2(36): 107-113
  • Jin Peng, vd. (2017). The energy consumption and carbon emission of the integrated steel mill with oxygen blast furnace, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 117 :58-65.
  • Kasahara Hiroyuki & Lapham Beverly (2013). Productivity and the decision to import and export: Theory and evidence, Journal of International Economics 89: 297-316.
  • Kim Yeonbae & Worrell Ernst (2002). International comparison of CO2 emission trends in the iron and steel industry, Energy Policy 30: 827-838.
  • Kumar Nagesh & Chadha Alka (2009). India's outward foreign direct investments in steel industry in a Chinese comparative perspective, Industrial and Corporate Change, 2(18): 249-267
  • Lee Chaehwa & Wilhelm Wilbert (2010). On integrating theories of international economics in the strategic planning of global supply chains and facility location, Int. J. Production Economics, 124: 225-240.
  • Lee Seung-Joo & Lee Eun-Hyung (2009). Case Study of POSCO: Analysis of its Growth Strategy and Key Success Factors, KDI School Working Paper Series, 09-13.
  • Lin Boqiang ve Wang Xiaolei (2014). Promoting energy conservation in China's iron&steel sector, Energy 73: 465-474.
  • Manca Davide, Fini Andrea & Oliosi Mirko (2011). Dynamic Conceptual Design under Market Uncertainty and Price Volatility, 21st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering-ESCAPE, 21
  • Manca Davide, Fini Andrea & Oliosi Mirko (2011). Dynamic Conceptual Design under Market Uncertainty and Price Volatility, 21st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
  • Mavrotas George, Florios Kostas & Vlachou Dimitra (2010). Energy planning of a hospital using Mathematical Programming and Monte Carlo simulation for dealing with uncertainty in the economic parameters, Energy Conversion and Management, 51: 722-731.
  • Mayer Carmen, Breun Patrick & Schultmann Frank (2017). Considering risks in early stage investment planning for emission abatement technologies in large combustion plants, Journal of Cleaner Production, 142: 133-144.
  • McKinsey & Company Competitiveness and challenges in the steel industry [Konferans] // OECD Steel committee 74th session. - Paris : [s.n.], 2013.
  • Moreira Ricardo Ramalhete (2014). Commodities prices volatility, expected inflation and GDP levels: an application for a net-exporting economy, Procedia Economics and Finance, 14:435-444.
  • OECD Excess Capacity in the Global Steel Industry and the Implications of New Investment Projects, (2015)OECD Science, Technology and Industry Policy Papers, OECD Publishing, 18.
  • Ohashi Hiroshi (2005). Learning by doing, export subsidies, and industry growth: Japanese steel in the 1950s and 1960s, Journal of International Economics, 66:297-323.
  • Richardson P.K. (1998). Steel price determination in the European, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 62-73
  • Sabuncu Tanyeli Behiç (2015). COP 21 ve Paris Anlaşması'nın Sonuçları, TUSİAD, Sanayide Dönüşüm, Sektörel Politikalar Bölümü, TS/SSB/2016-004
  • Sachdev Harash J. & Joegiono Cipto Y. (2013). The Challenges of Obtaining a Competitive Advantage for Processed Material Suppliers: A Conceptual Study, Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness vol. 7(1)
  • Sakamoto Tomoyuki ve Managi Shunsuke (2017). New evidence of environmental efficiency on the export performance, Applied Energy, 185: 615-626.
  • Saygılı Hülya & Saygılı Mesut (2011). Structural changes in exports of an emerging economy: Case of Turkey, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 22:342-360.
  • Schumacher Katja & Sands Ronald D. (2007). Where are the industrial technologies in energy-economy models? An innovative CGE approach for steel production in Germany, Energy Economics, 29: 799- 825.
  • Sheng Yu & Song Ligang (2013). Re-estimation of firms' total factor productivity in China's iron and steel industry, China Economic Review, 24:177-188.
  • Yasar Mahmut & Paul Catherine J. Morrison (2007). International linkages and productivity at the plant level: Foreign direct
  • investment, exports, imports and licensing, Journal of International Economics, 71:373-388.
  • Yellishetty Mohan [et al.] Enviromental life-cycle comparisons of steel production and recycling: sustainability issues
  • problems and prospects [Dergi]. - [s.l.] : Enviromental Science&Policy 14, 2011. - 650-663.
  • Yellishetty Mohan, Ranjith P.G. & Tharumarajah A. (2010). Iron ore and steel production trends and material flows in the
  • world: Is this really sustainable?, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 54: 1084-1094.
  • Youn Sun Hee vd. (2014). Supply chain information capabilities and performance outcomes: An emprical study of Korean
  • steel suppliers, International Journal of Information Management, 34: 369-380.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Research Article

Yasin Bıyık This is me

Lerzan Özkale This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2017
Submission Date October 17, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 ICMEB17 Özel Sayısı
