Research Article
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Year 2017, ICMEB17 Özel Sayısı, 912 - 919, 01.12.2017


The concept of security, the consequences of accidents at the workplace, will continue to be important due to material and spiritual losses. Businesses are negligent, imprudent, lack of education, ignorance, inexperience, etc. they are constantly encountering this issue. The purpose of this study is to improve relations between security climate and safety culture and workplace injuries. Employees in the casting sector of Kırıkkale and Kırşehir include the scope and limits of the work. The data was collected by a fully structured interview questionnaire and reached 283 people. Relationships between the variables were tested by t-test, Anova test, correlation and regression analysis. As a result of the study, safety climate and safety cultures were found to affect workplace injuries. The findings were interpreted and some suggestions were made to the sector and employees


  • Ali, H., Abdullah, N. A. C., & Subramaniam, C. (2009). “Management Practice in Safety Culture and its Influence on Workplace İnjury An İndustrial Study in Malaysia”, Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 18 (5), 470-477.
  • Alkış, H., & Taşpınar, Y. (2012). “İşçi Sağlığı ve İş Güvenliğinde Yeni Yaklaşımlar, Demir Çelik Sektörü Çalışanlarının İşçi Sağlığı ve İş Güvenliği Algısı: Konya Örneği”, International Iron & Steel Symposium, 02-04 April 2012, Karabük, Türkiye, 1190-1196.
  • Arslan, V., Kurt, R. E., Turan, O., & Wolff, L. D. (2016). “Safety Culture Assessment and İmplementation Framework to Enhance Maritime Safety”, Transportation Research Procedia, 14, 3895 – 3904.
  • Beus, J. M., Bergman, M. E., & Payne, S.C. (2010). “The İnfluence of Organizational Tenure on Safety Climate Strength: A First Look”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42, 1431-1437.
  • Beus, J. M., McCord, M.A., & Zohar, D. (2016). “Workplace Safety: A Review and Research Synthesis”, Organizational Psychology Review, Vol. 6(4), 352–381.
  • Bhattacharya, Y. (2015). “Measuring Safety Culture on Ships Using Safety Climate: A Study among Indian Officers”, International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy, 3, 51-70.
  • Bjerkan, A.M., (2010). “Health, Environment, Safety Culture and Climate-Analyzing the Relationships to Occupational Accidents”, Journal of Risk Research, 13(4): 445-477.
  • Cooper, D. (2002). “Safety Culture: A Model for Understanding & Quantifying a Difficult Concept”, 47 (6), June: 30-36.
  • Coyle, I.R., Sleeman, S. D., & Adams, N. (1995). “Safety Climate”, Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 247-254.
  • Erginel, N., & Toptancı, Ş. (2017). “İş Kazası Verilerinin Olasılık Dağılımları ile Modellenmesi”, Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi, 5, 201-212.
  • Griffin, M. A., & Curcuruto, M. (2016). “Safety Climate in Organizations”, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, Cilt. 3, 191-212.
  • Hemingway, M. A., & Smith, C. S. (1999). “Organizational Climate and Occupational Stressors as Predictors of Withdrawal Behaviours and Injuries in Nurses.” Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 72, 285–299.
  • Kvalheim, S. A., & Dahl, Q. (2016). “Safety Compliance and Safety Climate: A repeated cross-sectional study in the oil and gas industry”, Journal and safety Research”, 59, 33-41.
  • Mahmud, S. H., & Amirudin, R. (2015). “Theoretical Review of Safety Climate in Malaysian Construction Industry”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences”, 9(22), Pages: 114-122.
  • Manikandaprabhu, I., Manikandan, G., & Maran, M. (2015). “Safety Culture and Safety Climate: A Review of the Literature”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 4, Special Issue 3, 71-76.
  • Milijio, N., Mihajlovio, I., Strbao, N., & Zivkovio, Z. (2013). “Developing a Questionnaire for Measuring Safety Climate in the Workplace in Serbia”, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) 2013, Vol. 19, No. 4, 631–645.
  • Morrow, S. L., Koves, G. K., & Barnes, V. E. (2014). “Exploring the Relationship Between Safety Culture and Safety Performance in U. S. Nuclear Power Operations”, Safety Science, 69, 37-47.
  • Neto, A. S. V., Barroso, A. C. O., & Gonçalves, A. (2009). “Knowledge Basis in Safety Culture for Researchers and Practitioners”, International Nuclear Atlantic Conference - INAC 2009, September27 to October 2, Rio de Janeiro,RJ, Brazil.
  • Ocon, R., & McFarlane, O. (2007). “Reducing Employee Injuries Through Behavior Based Safety”, 5th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology, Tampico, México.
  • Payne, S. C., Bergman, M. E., Beus, J. M., Rodríguez, J. M., & Henning, J. B. (2009). “Safety Climate: Leading or Lagging Indicator of Safety Outcomes?”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 22,6, 735-739.
  • Petitta, L., Probst, T. M., & Barbaranelli, C. (2017). “Safety Culture, Moral Disengagement, and Accident Underreporting”, J Bus Ethics, 141, 489–504.
  • Reason, J. (1998). “Achieving a Safe Culture: Theory and Practice”, Work & Stress, Vol. 12, No. 3, 293-306.
  • Taufek, F. H. B. M., Zulkifle, Z. B., & Kadir, S. Z. B. A. (2016). “Safety And Health Practices And Injury Management In Manufacturing Industry”, Procedia Economics and Finance, 35, 705 – 712.
  • Teo, E. Ai-Lin, & Feng, Y. (2008). “The Role of Safety Climate in Predicting Safety Culture on Construction Sites”, Architectural Science Review, Volume 52.1, pp. 5-16.
  • Uçkun, C. G., Yüksel, A., Demir, B., & Yüksel, İ. (2013). “Kurumsal İtibarın Artırılmasında İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Kültürünün Rolü İle Meslek Yüksekokullarında Bulunan İş Güvenliği Uzmanlığı Programının Analizi”, Elektronik Mesleki Gelişim Ve Araştırmalar Dergisi, Cilt: 1, Sayı: 2, 57-67.
  • Waehrer, G. M., & Miller, T. R. (2009). “Does Safety Training Reduce Work Injury in the United States?”, The Ergonomics Open Journal, 2, 26-39.
  • Williamson, A. M., Feyer A.-M., Cairns, D., & Biancotti, D. (1997). “The Development of a Measure of Safety Climate: The Role of Safety Perceptions and Attitudes”, Safety Science Vol. 25. No. 1-3. pp. 15-27.
  • Yılmaz, F. (2010). “Avrupa Birliği Ülkeleri ve Türkiye'de İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Kurulları: Türkiye'de Kurulların Etkinliği Konusunda Bir Araştırma”, Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, Cilt: 7, Sayı: 1. 149-192.
  • Zohar, D. (1980). “Safety Climate in Industrial Organizations: Theoretical and Applied Implications”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 65: 96-102.


Year 2017, ICMEB17 Özel Sayısı, 912 - 919, 01.12.2017


Güvenlik kavramı, iş yerlerinde yaşanan kazalar sonucu oluşan maddi ve manevi kayıplar sebebiyle sürekli önemini korumaktadır. İşletmeler ihmal, tedbirsizlik, eğitim yetersizliği, bilgisizlik, tecrübesizlik vb. sebeplerle bu konuyla sürekli karşılaşmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmada amaç, güvenlik iklimi ve güvenlik kültürü ile işyeri yaralanmaları arasındaki ilişkileri tespit etmektir. Çalışmanın kapsamı ve sınırlarını Kırıkkale ve Kırşehir illerindeki Döküm sanayinde çalışanlar oluşturmaktadır. Veriler tam yapılandırılmış görüşme anket ile toplanmış ve 283 kişiye ulaşılmıştır. Söz konusu değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiler t-Testi, Anova Testi, Korelasyon ve Regresyon analizi ile test edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda güvenlik iklimi ve güvenlik kültürünün işyeri yaralanmalarını etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular yorumlanmış, sektöre ve çalışanlara bazı önerilerde bulunulmuştur.


  • Ali, H., Abdullah, N. A. C., & Subramaniam, C. (2009). “Management Practice in Safety Culture and its Influence on Workplace İnjury An İndustrial Study in Malaysia”, Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 18 (5), 470-477.
  • Alkış, H., & Taşpınar, Y. (2012). “İşçi Sağlığı ve İş Güvenliğinde Yeni Yaklaşımlar, Demir Çelik Sektörü Çalışanlarının İşçi Sağlığı ve İş Güvenliği Algısı: Konya Örneği”, International Iron & Steel Symposium, 02-04 April 2012, Karabük, Türkiye, 1190-1196.
  • Arslan, V., Kurt, R. E., Turan, O., & Wolff, L. D. (2016). “Safety Culture Assessment and İmplementation Framework to Enhance Maritime Safety”, Transportation Research Procedia, 14, 3895 – 3904.
  • Beus, J. M., Bergman, M. E., & Payne, S.C. (2010). “The İnfluence of Organizational Tenure on Safety Climate Strength: A First Look”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42, 1431-1437.
  • Beus, J. M., McCord, M.A., & Zohar, D. (2016). “Workplace Safety: A Review and Research Synthesis”, Organizational Psychology Review, Vol. 6(4), 352–381.
  • Bhattacharya, Y. (2015). “Measuring Safety Culture on Ships Using Safety Climate: A Study among Indian Officers”, International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy, 3, 51-70.
  • Bjerkan, A.M., (2010). “Health, Environment, Safety Culture and Climate-Analyzing the Relationships to Occupational Accidents”, Journal of Risk Research, 13(4): 445-477.
  • Cooper, D. (2002). “Safety Culture: A Model for Understanding & Quantifying a Difficult Concept”, 47 (6), June: 30-36.
  • Coyle, I.R., Sleeman, S. D., & Adams, N. (1995). “Safety Climate”, Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 247-254.
  • Erginel, N., & Toptancı, Ş. (2017). “İş Kazası Verilerinin Olasılık Dağılımları ile Modellenmesi”, Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi, 5, 201-212.
  • Griffin, M. A., & Curcuruto, M. (2016). “Safety Climate in Organizations”, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, Cilt. 3, 191-212.
  • Hemingway, M. A., & Smith, C. S. (1999). “Organizational Climate and Occupational Stressors as Predictors of Withdrawal Behaviours and Injuries in Nurses.” Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 72, 285–299.
  • Kvalheim, S. A., & Dahl, Q. (2016). “Safety Compliance and Safety Climate: A repeated cross-sectional study in the oil and gas industry”, Journal and safety Research”, 59, 33-41.
  • Mahmud, S. H., & Amirudin, R. (2015). “Theoretical Review of Safety Climate in Malaysian Construction Industry”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences”, 9(22), Pages: 114-122.
  • Manikandaprabhu, I., Manikandan, G., & Maran, M. (2015). “Safety Culture and Safety Climate: A Review of the Literature”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 4, Special Issue 3, 71-76.
  • Milijio, N., Mihajlovio, I., Strbao, N., & Zivkovio, Z. (2013). “Developing a Questionnaire for Measuring Safety Climate in the Workplace in Serbia”, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) 2013, Vol. 19, No. 4, 631–645.
  • Morrow, S. L., Koves, G. K., & Barnes, V. E. (2014). “Exploring the Relationship Between Safety Culture and Safety Performance in U. S. Nuclear Power Operations”, Safety Science, 69, 37-47.
  • Neto, A. S. V., Barroso, A. C. O., & Gonçalves, A. (2009). “Knowledge Basis in Safety Culture for Researchers and Practitioners”, International Nuclear Atlantic Conference - INAC 2009, September27 to October 2, Rio de Janeiro,RJ, Brazil.
  • Ocon, R., & McFarlane, O. (2007). “Reducing Employee Injuries Through Behavior Based Safety”, 5th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology, Tampico, México.
  • Payne, S. C., Bergman, M. E., Beus, J. M., Rodríguez, J. M., & Henning, J. B. (2009). “Safety Climate: Leading or Lagging Indicator of Safety Outcomes?”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 22,6, 735-739.
  • Petitta, L., Probst, T. M., & Barbaranelli, C. (2017). “Safety Culture, Moral Disengagement, and Accident Underreporting”, J Bus Ethics, 141, 489–504.
  • Reason, J. (1998). “Achieving a Safe Culture: Theory and Practice”, Work & Stress, Vol. 12, No. 3, 293-306.
  • Taufek, F. H. B. M., Zulkifle, Z. B., & Kadir, S. Z. B. A. (2016). “Safety And Health Practices And Injury Management In Manufacturing Industry”, Procedia Economics and Finance, 35, 705 – 712.
  • Teo, E. Ai-Lin, & Feng, Y. (2008). “The Role of Safety Climate in Predicting Safety Culture on Construction Sites”, Architectural Science Review, Volume 52.1, pp. 5-16.
  • Uçkun, C. G., Yüksel, A., Demir, B., & Yüksel, İ. (2013). “Kurumsal İtibarın Artırılmasında İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Kültürünün Rolü İle Meslek Yüksekokullarında Bulunan İş Güvenliği Uzmanlığı Programının Analizi”, Elektronik Mesleki Gelişim Ve Araştırmalar Dergisi, Cilt: 1, Sayı: 2, 57-67.
  • Waehrer, G. M., & Miller, T. R. (2009). “Does Safety Training Reduce Work Injury in the United States?”, The Ergonomics Open Journal, 2, 26-39.
  • Williamson, A. M., Feyer A.-M., Cairns, D., & Biancotti, D. (1997). “The Development of a Measure of Safety Climate: The Role of Safety Perceptions and Attitudes”, Safety Science Vol. 25. No. 1-3. pp. 15-27.
  • Yılmaz, F. (2010). “Avrupa Birliği Ülkeleri ve Türkiye'de İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Kurulları: Türkiye'de Kurulların Etkinliği Konusunda Bir Araştırma”, Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, Cilt: 7, Sayı: 1. 149-192.
  • Zohar, D. (1980). “Safety Climate in Industrial Organizations: Theoretical and Applied Implications”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 65: 96-102.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Himmet Karadal This is me

Ethem Merdan This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2017
Submission Date October 17, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 ICMEB17 Özel Sayısı


APA Karadal, H., & Merdan, E. (2017). İŞYERİ YARALANMALARI ÜZERİNDE GÜVENLİK İKLİMİ VE GÜVENLİK KÜLTÜRÜNÜN ROLÜ. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat Ve İşletme Dergisi, 13(13), 912-919.