Research Article
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Mardin Eski Köşk Sineması Restitüsyon Önerisi

Year 2023, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 7 - 23, 30.04.2023


Tarihi yapılar; toplumda geçmişte yaşamış insanların anılarını, yaşam biçimlerini, sosyo-kültürel düzeylerini, medeniyetlerini günümüze taşıyarak geçmişteki somut ve somut olmayan kültürel öğeleri yansıtan bir sergi görevi üstlenmektedir. Mardin’de kentin ikonik bir sembolü olarak kabul edilen Eski Köşk Sineması Binası, son yıllarda yapı malzemelerinin bozulması, yapının bazı bölümlerinin yıkılarak yok olması gibi problemlerle karşı karşıya kalmıştır. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışmada geleneksel kagir bir yapı olan Mardin Eski Köşk Sinemasının işlevsel, mekânsal ve yapısal dönüşümünün izleri incelenerek, yapının özgün durumuna dair bir restitüsyon önerisi sunulması amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda arşiv belgeleri, eski fotoğraflar, tarihi ve güncel literatür kullanılarak, yapının özgün işlevi ve mimari özellikleri ile süreç içinde geçirdiği değişiklikler araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular; yapıya dair kat planları ve cephelerine dair restitüsyon önerileridir. Yapılan çalışma ile yapının özgün durumuna dair bilgiler sunulmuştur. Ve böylece ileride yapılacak koruma müdahalelerinde yapının ruhuna aykırı müdahalelerin önüne geçilecek ve yapıya dair kolektif hafızanın canlandırılması sağlanacaktır.


  • Acar, A. İ. (2019). “Tarihi Yapıların Korunması Ve Yeniden Işlevlendirilmesinde Çok Yönlü Değerlendirme: Niğde Ulukışla Öküz Mehmet Paşa Külliyesi Örneği”. Artium, (1),23-34.
  • Akin, E. S. (2018). Conservation And Rehabilitation In Historical Urban Centres: Halit And Gaziosmanpaşa 22nd Street, Tokat. Iconarp International J. of Architecture and Planning, 6, 274-303.
  • Araújo, E. França, K. Araújo, E. ve Souza, H. (2009). A restauração do Teatro Municipal de Ouro Preto. MG. Rem-revista Escola De Minas, 62.
  • Bilgiç, M. ve Erdem, A. (2020). Ayvalık, Georgala (Yorgola) Han’ın Mimari Kurgusu, Koruma Sorunları Ve Yeniden Kullanımı Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. Megaron Dergisi,15 (4), 624-638.
  • Bulut, M. (2018). Aksaray Sultan Hanı Avlu Taçkapısı Bir Restitüsyon Denemesi. Journal of Turkish Studies, 13, 235-250.
  • Brandi, C. (2005). Theory of Restoration, Trans. Cynthia Rockwell, Nardini Editore/Istituto Centrale Per Il Restauro, Firenze.
  • Croci, G. (2000). General Methodology For The Structural Restoration Of Historic Buildings: The Cases of The Tower of Pisa And The Basilica Of Assisi. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 1, 7-18.
  • Çakmak, Ş. (2019). Tire Yalınayak Hamamı Restorasyonu ve Yapıya Ilişkin Yeni Bulgular. Sanat Tarihi Dergisi, 28 (1), 1-21 .
  • Dal, M. ve Öcal, A. D. (2013). Limestone Used In Islamic Religious Architecture From Istanbul And Turkish Thrace, METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, METU. JFA.2013/1 (30:1), 29-44.
  • Dalkılıç, N. (2010). Tarihi Yapıların Restorasyon Uygulamalarında Geleneksel Yapım Tekniklerinin Kullanımı: Mardin Tekke Cami-Şah Sultan Hatun Medresesi Restorasyonu. Mimarlıkta Malzeme Dergisi.17, 46-60.
  • Günaydin, M., Demirkir, C., Altunişik, A.C., Gezer, E. D., Genç, A. F. ve Okur, F. S. (2021). Diagnosis And Monitoring Of Historical Timber Velipaşa Han Building Prior To Restoration. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, ().
  • Hummon, D. M. (1992). Community Attachment. New York, NY: Plenum Press. Karataş, L., Alptekin, A. ve Yakar, M. (2022a). Restitution Suggestion For Mardin Tatlıdede Mansion. 4th Advanced Engineering Days, 61-63.
  • Karataş, L., Alptekin, A. ve Yakar, M. (2022b). Documentation Of Mardin Kadife Ertem Mansion’s Architectural Characteristics. 4th Advanced Engineering Days, 58-60.
  • Karataş, L., Alptekin, A. ve Yakar, M. (2022c). Elimination of Unqualified Additions That Distort The Silhouette of The Historical Places: Artuklu Example. Advanced Land Management, 2 (2), 89-98.
  • Küçükkaya, G., Dal, M. ve Umaroğulları, G. (2006). Antique Building Stone İn Eastern Thrace Basin İn Istanbul, 2nd Plenary Meeting And Fieeld Trip Of Project IGCP-521 on Black Sea – Mediterranean Corridor During the Last 30KY;UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP, 20-28 August 2006, Odessa/UKRAINE, 100-102.
  • Karadayı Yenice, T. ve Gören, B. (2019). Debre Fatih Sultan Mehmed (Hünkâr) Camisi. Balkan Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8 (2), 235-260.
  • Kazaz, E. (2021). İbrahim Paşa Mahallesi’nde Bir Grup Geleneksel Erzurum Evi Üzerine Plan Restitüsyonu Denemesi. Megaron, 16(2), 271 - 285.
  • Kourdou, I. ve Cherradi, T. (2016). Restoration of Built Heritage: Case Study of Earth Constructions-Tiznit. In International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa, 25, 133-141.
  • Koçin, A. (2015). İstiklal Mahkemeleri. 1. Cilt, TBMM: Ankara.
  • Lynch, K. (1960). The Image of The City. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Mardin Halkevi Broşürü (1938). Mardin Eski Köşk Sineması, Mardin.
  • Michelson, W. M. (1976). Man And His Urban Environment: A Sociological Approach, With Revisions. New York, NY: Addison-Wesley Professional.
  • Oliveira, F. ve Bonfim, V. (2019). Façades of An Iconic Building In Sao Paulo. Brazil: Assessment For Restoration Design: An Interdisciplinary Approach.
  • Pérez, G. F., Rubio de, H. P., Ordóñez, M.M., Morales, C. M. J. ve Rodríguez, L. C. (2013). Sustainable Restoration of Traditional Building Systems In The Historical Centre Of Sevilla (Spain). Energy and Buildings. 62(), 648–659.
  • Relph, E. (1976). Place and Placelessness. New York, NY: Pion.
  • Salah Ouf, A. M. (2001). Authenticity And the Sense of Place In Urban Design. Journal of Urban Design, 6 (1), 73–86.
  • Shamsuddin, S. ve Ujang, N. (2008). Making places: The Role of Attachment In Creating The Sense Of Place For Traditional Streets In Malaysia. Habitat International. 32 (3), 399-409.
  • Steele, F. (1981). The Sense of Place. Boston, MA: CBI Publishing.
  • Şenalp, M. ve Beycan, A. D. O. (2019). A Restoration Criticism Of Historical Buildings According to Thermal Comfort Conditions Through Ali Gav Madrasah. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning. 7(2), 385 – 409.
  • Yao, Y. ve Xiang, M. (2021) The Preservation, Renewal And Cultural Remolding Of Industrial Heritage Under The Background Of Urban Double Construction: A Case Study Of Jinling. Open Journal of Social Sciences. 9, 243-253.
  • Ujang, N. ve Zakariya, K. (2015). The Notion Of Place, Place Meaning And Identity ın Urban Regeneration. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. 170, 709–717.
  • Zhu Yun (2011). Research The Traditional Building Materials In Restoration of Huishan Ancient Town. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 71-78.
  • Zandieh, M. ve Seifpour, Z. (2019). Preserving Traditional Marketplaces As Places of Intangible Heritage For Tourism. Journal Of Heritage Tourism. (),1-11.

Mardin Old Mansion Cinema Restitution Suggestion

Year 2023, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 7 - 23, 30.04.2023


Historical buildings act as an exhibition that reflects the tangible and intangible cultural elements of the past by bringing the memories, lifestyles, socio-cultural levels, civilizations of the people who lived in the past in the society to the present. The Old Mansion Cinema Building, which is considered an iconic symbol of the city in Mardin, has faced problems such as deterioration of building materials and destruction of some parts of the building in recent years. In this context, in this study, it is aimed to present a restitution proposal for the original state of the building by examining the traces of the functional, spatial and structural transformation of the Mardin Old Mansion Cinema, which is a traditional masonry building. In this context, using archival documents, old photographs, historical and current literature, the original function and architectural features of the building and the changes it underwent in the process were investigated. The findings obtained are the floor plans of the building and the restitution proposals for its facades. With the study, information about the original state of the building was presented. And thus, in future conservation interventions, interventions against the spirit of the building will be prevented and the collective memory of the building will be revived.


  • Acar, A. İ. (2019). “Tarihi Yapıların Korunması Ve Yeniden Işlevlendirilmesinde Çok Yönlü Değerlendirme: Niğde Ulukışla Öküz Mehmet Paşa Külliyesi Örneği”. Artium, (1),23-34.
  • Akin, E. S. (2018). Conservation And Rehabilitation In Historical Urban Centres: Halit And Gaziosmanpaşa 22nd Street, Tokat. Iconarp International J. of Architecture and Planning, 6, 274-303.
  • Araújo, E. França, K. Araújo, E. ve Souza, H. (2009). A restauração do Teatro Municipal de Ouro Preto. MG. Rem-revista Escola De Minas, 62.
  • Bilgiç, M. ve Erdem, A. (2020). Ayvalık, Georgala (Yorgola) Han’ın Mimari Kurgusu, Koruma Sorunları Ve Yeniden Kullanımı Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. Megaron Dergisi,15 (4), 624-638.
  • Bulut, M. (2018). Aksaray Sultan Hanı Avlu Taçkapısı Bir Restitüsyon Denemesi. Journal of Turkish Studies, 13, 235-250.
  • Brandi, C. (2005). Theory of Restoration, Trans. Cynthia Rockwell, Nardini Editore/Istituto Centrale Per Il Restauro, Firenze.
  • Croci, G. (2000). General Methodology For The Structural Restoration Of Historic Buildings: The Cases of The Tower of Pisa And The Basilica Of Assisi. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 1, 7-18.
  • Çakmak, Ş. (2019). Tire Yalınayak Hamamı Restorasyonu ve Yapıya Ilişkin Yeni Bulgular. Sanat Tarihi Dergisi, 28 (1), 1-21 .
  • Dal, M. ve Öcal, A. D. (2013). Limestone Used In Islamic Religious Architecture From Istanbul And Turkish Thrace, METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, METU. JFA.2013/1 (30:1), 29-44.
  • Dalkılıç, N. (2010). Tarihi Yapıların Restorasyon Uygulamalarında Geleneksel Yapım Tekniklerinin Kullanımı: Mardin Tekke Cami-Şah Sultan Hatun Medresesi Restorasyonu. Mimarlıkta Malzeme Dergisi.17, 46-60.
  • Günaydin, M., Demirkir, C., Altunişik, A.C., Gezer, E. D., Genç, A. F. ve Okur, F. S. (2021). Diagnosis And Monitoring Of Historical Timber Velipaşa Han Building Prior To Restoration. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, ().
  • Hummon, D. M. (1992). Community Attachment. New York, NY: Plenum Press. Karataş, L., Alptekin, A. ve Yakar, M. (2022a). Restitution Suggestion For Mardin Tatlıdede Mansion. 4th Advanced Engineering Days, 61-63.
  • Karataş, L., Alptekin, A. ve Yakar, M. (2022b). Documentation Of Mardin Kadife Ertem Mansion’s Architectural Characteristics. 4th Advanced Engineering Days, 58-60.
  • Karataş, L., Alptekin, A. ve Yakar, M. (2022c). Elimination of Unqualified Additions That Distort The Silhouette of The Historical Places: Artuklu Example. Advanced Land Management, 2 (2), 89-98.
  • Küçükkaya, G., Dal, M. ve Umaroğulları, G. (2006). Antique Building Stone İn Eastern Thrace Basin İn Istanbul, 2nd Plenary Meeting And Fieeld Trip Of Project IGCP-521 on Black Sea – Mediterranean Corridor During the Last 30KY;UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP, 20-28 August 2006, Odessa/UKRAINE, 100-102.
  • Karadayı Yenice, T. ve Gören, B. (2019). Debre Fatih Sultan Mehmed (Hünkâr) Camisi. Balkan Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8 (2), 235-260.
  • Kazaz, E. (2021). İbrahim Paşa Mahallesi’nde Bir Grup Geleneksel Erzurum Evi Üzerine Plan Restitüsyonu Denemesi. Megaron, 16(2), 271 - 285.
  • Kourdou, I. ve Cherradi, T. (2016). Restoration of Built Heritage: Case Study of Earth Constructions-Tiznit. In International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa, 25, 133-141.
  • Koçin, A. (2015). İstiklal Mahkemeleri. 1. Cilt, TBMM: Ankara.
  • Lynch, K. (1960). The Image of The City. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Mardin Halkevi Broşürü (1938). Mardin Eski Köşk Sineması, Mardin.
  • Michelson, W. M. (1976). Man And His Urban Environment: A Sociological Approach, With Revisions. New York, NY: Addison-Wesley Professional.
  • Oliveira, F. ve Bonfim, V. (2019). Façades of An Iconic Building In Sao Paulo. Brazil: Assessment For Restoration Design: An Interdisciplinary Approach.
  • Pérez, G. F., Rubio de, H. P., Ordóñez, M.M., Morales, C. M. J. ve Rodríguez, L. C. (2013). Sustainable Restoration of Traditional Building Systems In The Historical Centre Of Sevilla (Spain). Energy and Buildings. 62(), 648–659.
  • Relph, E. (1976). Place and Placelessness. New York, NY: Pion.
  • Salah Ouf, A. M. (2001). Authenticity And the Sense of Place In Urban Design. Journal of Urban Design, 6 (1), 73–86.
  • Shamsuddin, S. ve Ujang, N. (2008). Making places: The Role of Attachment In Creating The Sense Of Place For Traditional Streets In Malaysia. Habitat International. 32 (3), 399-409.
  • Steele, F. (1981). The Sense of Place. Boston, MA: CBI Publishing.
  • Şenalp, M. ve Beycan, A. D. O. (2019). A Restoration Criticism Of Historical Buildings According to Thermal Comfort Conditions Through Ali Gav Madrasah. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning. 7(2), 385 – 409.
  • Yao, Y. ve Xiang, M. (2021) The Preservation, Renewal And Cultural Remolding Of Industrial Heritage Under The Background Of Urban Double Construction: A Case Study Of Jinling. Open Journal of Social Sciences. 9, 243-253.
  • Ujang, N. ve Zakariya, K. (2015). The Notion Of Place, Place Meaning And Identity ın Urban Regeneration. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. 170, 709–717.
  • Zhu Yun (2011). Research The Traditional Building Materials In Restoration of Huishan Ancient Town. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 71-78.
  • Zandieh, M. ve Seifpour, Z. (2019). Preserving Traditional Marketplaces As Places of Intangible Heritage For Tourism. Journal Of Heritage Tourism. (),1-11.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Urban Policy
Journal Section Research Articles

Lale Karataş 0000-0001-8582-4612

Aydın Alptekin 0000-0002-5605-0758

Murat Yakar 0000-0002-2664-6251

Publication Date April 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Karataş, L., Alptekin, A., & Yakar, M. (2023). Mardin Eski Köşk Sineması Restitüsyon Önerisi. International Journal of Mardin Studies, 4(1), 7-23.

International Journal of Mardin Studies is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).