Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 1 - 19, 22.12.2023


İslami hareketlerin siyasi parti kurarak resmi siyasetin parçası olması önemli bir tartışma konusudur. Son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalar meselenin önemini ortaya koymaktadır. İslam ve demokrasi tartışmalarının kısır döngüsü içine sıkıştırılan ve otoriter yönetimler tarafından yasaklanan İslami hareketlerin siyasi açılımlar/fırsatlar karşısındaki pozisyonlar üzerine bir tartışma yürütmek faydalıdır. Bu durum aynı kurumsal ve siyasi şartlar göz önüne alındığında daha ilginç bir hal almaktadır. Mevcut çalışmanın temel sorusu neden aynı siyasi ve kurumsal fırsat ortamlarında İslami hareketler resmi siyasete katılım noktasında birbirinden farklı davranışlar ürettiği yönündedir. Bu kapsamda Fas önemli bir örnektir. Fas’ta Tevhid ve Islah Hareketi ile Adalet ve İhsan Hareketi siyasi fırsat ortamlarında resmi siyasete katılım noktasında birbirinden ayrılan davranışlar üretmiştir. Tevhid ve Islah Hareketi Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi ile ülke siyasetinin önemli bir aktörü haline gelirken Adalet ve İhsan Hareketi ise parti kurmaktan ısrarla kaçınarak resmi siyasetin dışında kalmayı tercih etmektedir. Bu çalışmada, farklılığı açıklamak için yapısal şartların yanında her iki hareketin iç yapısına bakılacaktır.


  • Albrecht, H. (2008). The Nature of Political Participation. in eds. Lust-Okar, Ellen, and Zerhouni, Saloua, Political Participation in the Middle East. Boulder/London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Alhamad, L. (2008). Formal and Informal Venues of Engagement. in eds. Lust-Okar, Ellen, and Zerhouni, Saloua, Political Participation in the Middle East. Boulder/London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Anani, K.(2012). Islamist Parties Post-Arab Spring. Mediterranean Politics, 17 (3), 466-472.
  • Barany, Z. (2011). Comparing the Arab Revolts: The Role of the Military. The Journal of Democracy, 22 (4), 24-35.
  • Bayat, A. (2013). Siyaset Olarak Hayat: Sıradan İnsanlar Ortadoğu’yu Nasıl Değiştiriyor?. İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • Bellin, E. (2004). The Robustness of Authoritarianism in the Middle East: Exceptionalism in Comparative Perspective. Comparative Politics, 36 (2), 139-157.
  • Bellin, E. (2012). Reconsidering the Robustness of Authoritarianism in the Middle East: Lessons from the Arab Spring. Comparative Politics, 44 (2), 127-149.
  • Boukhars, A. (2011). Politics in Morocco: Executive Monarchy and Enlightened Authoritarianism. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Bloom, J. M. (2014). Political Opportunity Structure, Contentious Social Movements, and State-Based Organizations: The Fight against Solidarity Inside the Polish United Workers Party, Social Science History, 38 (3-4).
  • Brown, N. J. (2012). When Victory is Not an Option: Islamic Movements in Arab Politics. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press.
  • Brownlee, J. (2007). Authoritarianism in an Age of Democratization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Busse-Grzymala, A. (2012). Why Comparative Politics Should Take Religion (More) Seriously?. Annual Review of Political Science, 15.
  • Cavatorta, F. (2007). Neither Participation nor Revolution: The Strategy of the Moroccan Jamiat al-Adl wal-Ihsan. Mediterranean Politics, 12 (3), 381-397.
  • Dahl, R. A. (1977). Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Dalton, R. J. Dalton, and Klingemann, H.‐D. (2007). Citizens and Political Behavior, in eds. Dalton, Russell J. Dalton and Klingemann, Hans‐Dieter, The Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Diani, M. (1996). Linking Mobilization Frames and Political Opportunities: Insights from Regional Populism in Italy, American Sociological Review, 61.
  • Dordrecht, M. S. David, and Minkoff C. D. (2004). Conceptualizing Political Opportunity. Social Forces, 82 (4), 1457-1492.
  • Ellen, L.-O. (2005). Structuring Conflict in the Arab World: Incumbents, Opponents, and Institutions. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Erboğa, Abdullah (2022), Statükoyu Yeniden Kurmak: Basra Körfezi Güvenliği ve Suudi Arabistan’ın İstikrar Arayışı, (eds.) Özden, Zeynep Oktav, Acar, Necmettin, Basra Körfezi Güvenliğinin Yeni Dinamikleri: Küresel ve Bölgesel Güçlerin Değişen Rolü, Orion Kitabevi, ss.116-147.
  • Gamson, W. A., and Meyer, D. S. (1996). Framing Political Opportunity, in D. McAdam, J. D. McCarthy, and M. N. Zald (eds.), Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural Framings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gandhi, J., and Przeworski, A. (2007). Authoritarian Institutions and the Survival of Autocrats. Comparative Political Studies, 40 (11), 1279-1301.
  • Gause III, F. G. (2011). Why Middle East Studies Missed the Arab Spring, Foreign Affairs, 90 (4), 81-90.
  • Gavious, A. and Mizrahi, S. (2003). Information and Common Knowledge in Collective Action, Economics & Politics, 12 (3), 297-319.
  • Giugni, M. (2011), Political Opportunity: Still a Useful Concept?. in Hanagan, M., Tilly, C. (eds.), Contention and Trust in Cities and States. New York: Springer.
  • Hamid, S. and McCants, W. (2017). Rethinking Political Islam. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hamid, S. (2014). Temptations of Power: Islamists and Illiberal Democracy in a New Middle East. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hamzawy, A. (2008), Party for Justice and Development in Morocco: Participation and Its Discontents. Carnegie Papers, 93,
  • Heydeman, S. and Leenders, R. (2011). Authoritarian Learning and Authoritarian Resilience: Regime Responses to the ‘Arab Awakening, Globalizations, 8 (5), 647-653.
  • Hinnebusch, R., Cavatorta, F., and Storm, L. (2021). Political Parties in MENA: An Introduction, Routledge Handbook on Political Parties in the Middle East and North Africa. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Huntington S. P., and Nelson J.M. (1976). No Choice: Political Participation in Developing Countries. London: Harvard University Press.
  • Huntington, S. (1968). Political Order in Changing Societies. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Joffé, G. (2019). Party Dualities: Where does Political Islam Go Now?. Mediterranean Politics, 24 (2), 218-236.
  • Kitschelt, H. (2006). Movement Parties, in Handbook of Party Politics, eds. Katz, Richard and Crotty, William. London: Sage Publication.
  • Kurzman, C. and Naqvi, I. (2010). Do Muslim Vote Islamic?, Journal of Democracy, 21 (2), 50-64.
  • Kurzman, C. and Türkoğlu, D. (2015). After the Arab Spring: Do Muslims Vote Islamic Now?, Journal of Democracy, 26 (4), 100-109.
  • Lacroix, S. (2016). Egypt’s Pragmatic Salafis: The Politics of Hizb al-Nour, Carnegie Papers, pub-64902.
  • Levitsky, S. and Way, A. L. (2010). Competitive Authoritarianism: Hybrid Regimes after the Cold War Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Linz, J. J., and Stepan, A. (1996). Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Linz, J. J. (2000). Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Maddy-Weitzman, B. (2003). Islamism, Moroccan-Style: The Ideas of Sheikh Yassine, Middle East Quarterly, 10 (1), 43-51.
  • Magaloni, B. (2006). Voting for Autocracy: Hegemonic Party Survival and Its Demise in Mexico Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Maghraoui, D. (2009). The Strengths and Limits of Religious Reforms in Morocco, Mediterranean Politics, 14 (2), 195-211.
  • McAdam, D., John D. M., and Mayer N. Z. (1996). Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural Framings. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Mecham, Q. and Hwang, J. C. (2014). Islamic Parties and Political Normalization in the Muslim World. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Norris, P. (2014). Why Electoral Integrity Matters. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ottaway, M. and Hamzawy, A. (2008). Islamists in Politics: The Dynamics of Participation. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 11 December 2008, https:// 22540.
  • Pepinsky, T. (2014). The Institutional Turn in Comparative Authoritarianism. British Journal of Political Science, 44 (3), 631-653.
  • Przeworski, A. (2010). Democracy and the Limits of Self-Government. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ghannouchi, R. (2016). From Political Islam to Muslim Democracy: The Ennahda Party and the Future of Tunisia, Foreign Affairs, political-islammusli-muslim-democracy.
  • Reuter, O. J. (2021). Political Participation and the Survival of Electoral Authoritarian Regimes.
  • Roy, O. (2020). Siyasal İslam’ın İflası. İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • Sadowski, Y. (2006). Political Islam: Asking the Wrong Questions?. Annual Review of Political Science, 9.
  • Schedler, A. (2002). Elections without Democracy: The Menu of Manipulation. The Journal of Democracy, 13 (2), 36-50.
  • Schmitter, P. C., and O’Donnell, G. (1986). Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Tentative Conclusions about Uncertain Democracies. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Snow, D. A. (2004). Framing Processes, Ideology, and Discursive Fields, in D. A. Snow, S.
  • Soule, and H. Kriesi (eds.). Blackwell Companion to Social Movements. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Suh, D. (2001). How do Political Opportunities Matter for Social Movements?: Political Opportunity, Misframing, Pseudosuccess, and Pseudofailure, The Sociological Quarterly, 42 (3), 437-460.
  • Tarrow, S. and Della Porta, D. (2005). Conclusion: ‘Globalization,’ Complex Internationalism, and Transnational Contention. in D. Della Porta, and S. Tarrow (eds.), Transnational Protest and Global Activism. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield.
  • Tarrow, S. (2012). Power in Movement: Social Movements and Contentious Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Tezcür, G. M. (2010). The Moderation Theory Revisited. Party Politics, 16 (1), 69-88.
  • Wegner, E. (2011). Islamist Opposition in Authoritarian Regimes: The Party of Justice and Development in Morocco. New York: Syracuse University Press.
  • Wickham, C. R. (2004). The Path to Moderation: Strategy and Learning in the Formation of Egypt’s Wasat Party, Comparative Politics, 36 (2), 205-228.
  • Willis, M. J. (2014). Politics and Power in the Maghreb: Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco from Independence to the Arab Spring. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Yiğit, Murat (2022). Arap Ayaklanmalarında Ordu, Siyaset ve Dış Nüfuz: Nüfuz Alanlarına Göre Ordunun Tutumuna Dair Bir Değerlendirme, (eds) Mesut Özcan, M. Hüseyin Mercan), Arap Ayaklanmalarını Yeniden Düşünmek. Küre Yayınları, ss.141-167.
  • Yükleyen, A. and Abba, A. (2013). Religious Authorization of the Justice and Spirituality Movement in Morocco. Politics, Religion & Ideology, 14 (1), 136-153.
Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 1 - 19, 22.12.2023



  • Albrecht, H. (2008). The Nature of Political Participation. in eds. Lust-Okar, Ellen, and Zerhouni, Saloua, Political Participation in the Middle East. Boulder/London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Alhamad, L. (2008). Formal and Informal Venues of Engagement. in eds. Lust-Okar, Ellen, and Zerhouni, Saloua, Political Participation in the Middle East. Boulder/London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Anani, K.(2012). Islamist Parties Post-Arab Spring. Mediterranean Politics, 17 (3), 466-472.
  • Barany, Z. (2011). Comparing the Arab Revolts: The Role of the Military. The Journal of Democracy, 22 (4), 24-35.
  • Bayat, A. (2013). Siyaset Olarak Hayat: Sıradan İnsanlar Ortadoğu’yu Nasıl Değiştiriyor?. İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • Bellin, E. (2004). The Robustness of Authoritarianism in the Middle East: Exceptionalism in Comparative Perspective. Comparative Politics, 36 (2), 139-157.
  • Bellin, E. (2012). Reconsidering the Robustness of Authoritarianism in the Middle East: Lessons from the Arab Spring. Comparative Politics, 44 (2), 127-149.
  • Boukhars, A. (2011). Politics in Morocco: Executive Monarchy and Enlightened Authoritarianism. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Bloom, J. M. (2014). Political Opportunity Structure, Contentious Social Movements, and State-Based Organizations: The Fight against Solidarity Inside the Polish United Workers Party, Social Science History, 38 (3-4).
  • Brown, N. J. (2012). When Victory is Not an Option: Islamic Movements in Arab Politics. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press.
  • Brownlee, J. (2007). Authoritarianism in an Age of Democratization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Busse-Grzymala, A. (2012). Why Comparative Politics Should Take Religion (More) Seriously?. Annual Review of Political Science, 15.
  • Cavatorta, F. (2007). Neither Participation nor Revolution: The Strategy of the Moroccan Jamiat al-Adl wal-Ihsan. Mediterranean Politics, 12 (3), 381-397.
  • Dahl, R. A. (1977). Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Dalton, R. J. Dalton, and Klingemann, H.‐D. (2007). Citizens and Political Behavior, in eds. Dalton, Russell J. Dalton and Klingemann, Hans‐Dieter, The Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Diani, M. (1996). Linking Mobilization Frames and Political Opportunities: Insights from Regional Populism in Italy, American Sociological Review, 61.
  • Dordrecht, M. S. David, and Minkoff C. D. (2004). Conceptualizing Political Opportunity. Social Forces, 82 (4), 1457-1492.
  • Ellen, L.-O. (2005). Structuring Conflict in the Arab World: Incumbents, Opponents, and Institutions. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Erboğa, Abdullah (2022), Statükoyu Yeniden Kurmak: Basra Körfezi Güvenliği ve Suudi Arabistan’ın İstikrar Arayışı, (eds.) Özden, Zeynep Oktav, Acar, Necmettin, Basra Körfezi Güvenliğinin Yeni Dinamikleri: Küresel ve Bölgesel Güçlerin Değişen Rolü, Orion Kitabevi, ss.116-147.
  • Gamson, W. A., and Meyer, D. S. (1996). Framing Political Opportunity, in D. McAdam, J. D. McCarthy, and M. N. Zald (eds.), Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural Framings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gandhi, J., and Przeworski, A. (2007). Authoritarian Institutions and the Survival of Autocrats. Comparative Political Studies, 40 (11), 1279-1301.
  • Gause III, F. G. (2011). Why Middle East Studies Missed the Arab Spring, Foreign Affairs, 90 (4), 81-90.
  • Gavious, A. and Mizrahi, S. (2003). Information and Common Knowledge in Collective Action, Economics & Politics, 12 (3), 297-319.
  • Giugni, M. (2011), Political Opportunity: Still a Useful Concept?. in Hanagan, M., Tilly, C. (eds.), Contention and Trust in Cities and States. New York: Springer.
  • Hamid, S. and McCants, W. (2017). Rethinking Political Islam. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hamid, S. (2014). Temptations of Power: Islamists and Illiberal Democracy in a New Middle East. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hamzawy, A. (2008), Party for Justice and Development in Morocco: Participation and Its Discontents. Carnegie Papers, 93,
  • Heydeman, S. and Leenders, R. (2011). Authoritarian Learning and Authoritarian Resilience: Regime Responses to the ‘Arab Awakening, Globalizations, 8 (5), 647-653.
  • Hinnebusch, R., Cavatorta, F., and Storm, L. (2021). Political Parties in MENA: An Introduction, Routledge Handbook on Political Parties in the Middle East and North Africa. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Huntington S. P., and Nelson J.M. (1976). No Choice: Political Participation in Developing Countries. London: Harvard University Press.
  • Huntington, S. (1968). Political Order in Changing Societies. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Joffé, G. (2019). Party Dualities: Where does Political Islam Go Now?. Mediterranean Politics, 24 (2), 218-236.
  • Kitschelt, H. (2006). Movement Parties, in Handbook of Party Politics, eds. Katz, Richard and Crotty, William. London: Sage Publication.
  • Kurzman, C. and Naqvi, I. (2010). Do Muslim Vote Islamic?, Journal of Democracy, 21 (2), 50-64.
  • Kurzman, C. and Türkoğlu, D. (2015). After the Arab Spring: Do Muslims Vote Islamic Now?, Journal of Democracy, 26 (4), 100-109.
  • Lacroix, S. (2016). Egypt’s Pragmatic Salafis: The Politics of Hizb al-Nour, Carnegie Papers, pub-64902.
  • Levitsky, S. and Way, A. L. (2010). Competitive Authoritarianism: Hybrid Regimes after the Cold War Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Linz, J. J., and Stepan, A. (1996). Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Linz, J. J. (2000). Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Maddy-Weitzman, B. (2003). Islamism, Moroccan-Style: The Ideas of Sheikh Yassine, Middle East Quarterly, 10 (1), 43-51.
  • Magaloni, B. (2006). Voting for Autocracy: Hegemonic Party Survival and Its Demise in Mexico Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Maghraoui, D. (2009). The Strengths and Limits of Religious Reforms in Morocco, Mediterranean Politics, 14 (2), 195-211.
  • McAdam, D., John D. M., and Mayer N. Z. (1996). Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural Framings. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Mecham, Q. and Hwang, J. C. (2014). Islamic Parties and Political Normalization in the Muslim World. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Norris, P. (2014). Why Electoral Integrity Matters. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ottaway, M. and Hamzawy, A. (2008). Islamists in Politics: The Dynamics of Participation. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 11 December 2008, https:// 22540.
  • Pepinsky, T. (2014). The Institutional Turn in Comparative Authoritarianism. British Journal of Political Science, 44 (3), 631-653.
  • Przeworski, A. (2010). Democracy and the Limits of Self-Government. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ghannouchi, R. (2016). From Political Islam to Muslim Democracy: The Ennahda Party and the Future of Tunisia, Foreign Affairs, political-islammusli-muslim-democracy.
  • Reuter, O. J. (2021). Political Participation and the Survival of Electoral Authoritarian Regimes.
  • Roy, O. (2020). Siyasal İslam’ın İflası. İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • Sadowski, Y. (2006). Political Islam: Asking the Wrong Questions?. Annual Review of Political Science, 9.
  • Schedler, A. (2002). Elections without Democracy: The Menu of Manipulation. The Journal of Democracy, 13 (2), 36-50.
  • Schmitter, P. C., and O’Donnell, G. (1986). Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Tentative Conclusions about Uncertain Democracies. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Snow, D. A. (2004). Framing Processes, Ideology, and Discursive Fields, in D. A. Snow, S.
  • Soule, and H. Kriesi (eds.). Blackwell Companion to Social Movements. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Suh, D. (2001). How do Political Opportunities Matter for Social Movements?: Political Opportunity, Misframing, Pseudosuccess, and Pseudofailure, The Sociological Quarterly, 42 (3), 437-460.
  • Tarrow, S. and Della Porta, D. (2005). Conclusion: ‘Globalization,’ Complex Internationalism, and Transnational Contention. in D. Della Porta, and S. Tarrow (eds.), Transnational Protest and Global Activism. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield.
  • Tarrow, S. (2012). Power in Movement: Social Movements and Contentious Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Tezcür, G. M. (2010). The Moderation Theory Revisited. Party Politics, 16 (1), 69-88.
  • Wegner, E. (2011). Islamist Opposition in Authoritarian Regimes: The Party of Justice and Development in Morocco. New York: Syracuse University Press.
  • Wickham, C. R. (2004). The Path to Moderation: Strategy and Learning in the Formation of Egypt’s Wasat Party, Comparative Politics, 36 (2), 205-228.
  • Willis, M. J. (2014). Politics and Power in the Maghreb: Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco from Independence to the Arab Spring. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Yiğit, Murat (2022). Arap Ayaklanmalarında Ordu, Siyaset ve Dış Nüfuz: Nüfuz Alanlarına Göre Ordunun Tutumuna Dair Bir Değerlendirme, (eds) Mesut Özcan, M. Hüseyin Mercan), Arap Ayaklanmalarını Yeniden Düşünmek. Küre Yayınları, ss.141-167.
  • Yükleyen, A. and Abba, A. (2013). Religious Authorization of the Justice and Spirituality Movement in Morocco. Politics, Religion & Ideology, 14 (1), 136-153.
There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Comparative Political Movement
Journal Section Articles

Fatih Muslu 0000-0002-4171-3774

Publication Date December 22, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Muslu, F. (2023). SİYASİ KATILIMI CİDDİYE ALMAK: FAS’TA İSLAMİ HAREKETLER. Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(2), 1-19.