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Hava Yolu Endüstrisinde Hizmet Kalitesi, Müşteri Memnuniyeti ve Davranışsal Niyetlerin Modellenmesi: Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi Yaklaşımı

Year 2017, , 11 - 29, 15.10.2017


Son yıllarda hava yolu endüstrisinde
teknoloji ve yaşam kalitesindeki değişen koşullar dolayısıyla müşteri yapısı ve
beklentileri, diğer hizmet endüstrilerinde olduğu gibi değişikliğe uğramıştır.
Hizmet kalitesi ve yeni piyasa yapısına yönelik beklentiler değiştikçe havayolu
şirketleri de müşterilerin beklentilerini yüksek memnuniyetle karşılayarak ve
değişen piyasa koşullarını anlayarak rekabet avantajı sağlayabileceklerdir. Bu
bağlamda, bu çalışmanın amacı, müşteriler tarafından algılanan havayolu hizmet
kalitesinin boyutlarını belirlemek; algılanan hizmet kalitesinin müşteri
memnuniyeti üzerindeki etkilerini ve müşteri memnuniyetinin müşterilerin
davranışsal niyetlerine olan etkilerini kavramsal bir model kullanarak
eşzamanlı olarak ortaya koymaktadır. Bu araştırmada kullanılan algılanan hizmet
kalitesi boyutları AIRQUAL ve SERVPERF modelleri temel alınarak
geliştirilmiştir. Mevcut çalışmalardan farklı olarak, bu çalışma, algılanan
hizmet kalitesini, müşteri memnuniyetini ve davranışsal niyetleri tek bir
modelde saptamaktadır. Bu araştırmanın örneklemi, son bir yıldır Türkiye'nin
ulusal hava yollarından herhangi biriyle uçmuş olan yolcuları içermekte olup,
örneklem seçimi yargısal örnekleme yöntemi ile yapılmıştır. Yapısal eşitlik
modellemesi, ölçütlerin güvenilirliğini ve geçerliğini doğrulamak ve yapılar
arasındaki ilişkileri incelemek için uygulanmaktadır. Çalışmadan elde edilen
sonuçlara göre, algılanan hizmet kalitesinin boyutlarından biri olan imaj,
müşteri memnuniyetinin en önemli belirleyicisidir. Ayrıca, müşteri memnuniyeti;
kulaktan kulağa yayma ve tekrar satın alma davranışını önemli ölçüde olumlu
etkilemektedir. Bununla birlikte, müşteri memnuniyeti ve müşterilerin olumsuz
geri bildirimleri arasındaki ilişki önerilen hipoteze zıt olarak bulunmuştur.
Bu araştırma, daha önceki araştırmalara destekleyici bulgular sağlamanın yanı
sıra, daha ileri araştırmalar için müşteri memnuniyeti ve olumsuz geri
bildirimler arasındaki ilişki konusunda kritik bir soruyu gündeme


  • Ali, F., Omar, R. and Amin, M. (2013). An examination of the relationships between physical environment, perceived value, image and behavioural intentions: a SEM approach towards Malaysian resort hotels. Journal of Hotel and Tourism Management, 27(2), 9-26.
  • Ali, F., Del, B.D., and Filieri, R. (2014). An assessment of service quality and resulting customer satisfaction in Pakistan International Airlines: findings from foreigners and overseas Pakistani customers, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 32(5), 486-502.
  • Amin, M. and Nasharuddin, S.Z. (2013). Hospital service quality and its effects on patient satisfaction and behavioural intention. Clinical Governance: An International Journal, 18(3), 238-254.
  • Anderson, E.W. and Sullivan, M.W. (1993). The antecedents and consequences of customer satisfaction for firms. Marketing Science, 12, 125-143.
  • Ariffin, A.A.M., Salleh, A.H.M., Aziz, N.A., and Asbudin, A.A. (2010). Service quality and satisfaction for low cost carriers. International Review of Business Research Papers, 6(1), 47–56.
  • Atilgan, E., Akinci, S., and Aksoy, S. (2008). Measuring and mapping customers’ expectations and perceptions for airlines: The Sunexpress case with the GAPS model. Journal of Global Strategic Management, 3, 67–78.
  • Babakus, E. and Boller, G.W. (1992). An empirical assessment of SERVQUAL scale. Journal of Business Research, 24(3), 253-68.
  • Babin, B.J., Lee, Y.-K., Kim, E.-J. and Griffin, M. (2005). Modeling Customer Satisfaction and Word-Of-Mouth: Restaurant Patronage in Korea, Journal of Services Marketing, 19(3), 133-139.
  • Basfirinci C. and Mitra A. (2015). A cross cultural investigation of airlines service quality through integration of Servqual and the Kano model. Journal of Air Transport Management, 42, 239 -248.
  • Bentler, P. M. (1990). Comparative fit indexes in structural models. Psychological Bulletin, 107(2), 238–246.
  • Brown, T.J., Barry, T.E., Dacin, P.A. and Gunst, R.F. (2005). Spreading the word: investigating antecedents of consumers’ positive word-of-mouth intentions and behaviors in a retailing context, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(2), 123-38.
  • Carman, J.M. (1990). Consumer perceptions of service quality: an assessment of the SERVQUAL dimensions. Journal of Retailing, 66, 33-5.
  • Chiu, S.C., Liu, C.H. and Tu, J.H. (2016) The Influence of Tourists’ Expectations on Purchase Intention: Linking Marketing Strategy for Low-Cost Airlines, Journal of Air Transport Management, 53, 226-234.
  • Clemes, M.D., Gan, C., Kao, T.H., and Choong, M. (2008). An empirical analysis of customer satisfaction in international air travel. Innovative Marketing, 4(2), 49–62.
  • Cronin, J.J., and Taylor, S.A. (1992). Measuring service quality: A re-examination and extension. Journal of Marketing, 56, 55–67.
  • Cronin, J.J. and Taylor, S.A. (1994). SERVPERF versus SERVQUAL: reconciling performance-based and perceptions-minus-expectations measurement of service quality. Journal of Marketing, 58, 125-31.
  • Cunningham, L.F., Young, C. E., and Lee, M. (2002). Cross-cultural perspectives of service quality and risk in air transportation. Journal of Air Transportation, 7(1), 3–26.
  • Davidow, M. (2003). Have you heard the word? The effect of word of mouth on perceived justice, satisfaction and repurchase intentions following complaint handling. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 16(1), 67-80.
  • Ekiz, E.H., Hussain, K., and Bavik, A. (2006). Perceptions of Service Quality in North Cyprus National Airline, Tourism and Hospitality Industry 2006 - New Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Management, 18th Biennial International Conference, May 03-05, Opatija, Croatia: Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Proceeding Book, 778-790.
  • Engel, J.E., Kegerreis, R.J. and Blackwell, R.D. (1969). Word-of-Mouth Communication by the Innovator, Journal of Marketing, 33, 15-19.
  • Fishbein, M. and Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief, Attitude, Intention, and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Research. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.
  • Fornell, C. (1992). A national customer satisfaction barometer: The Swedish experience. Journal of Marketing, 56, 6–21.
  • Fournier, S. and Mick, D.G. (1999). Rediscovering Satisfaction. Journal of Marketing, 63, 5-23.
  • Gures, N., Arslan, S. and Tun, S.Y. (2014). Customer Expectation, Satisfaction and Loyalty Relationship in Turkish Airline Industry. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 6(1), 66-74.
  • Hair, J.F., Jr., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J., and Anderson, R.E. (2010). Multivariate data analysis: A global perspective (7th ed.). NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Hu, L.T. and Bentler, P.M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 6(1), 1–55.
  • Johan, M.R.M., Noor, N.A.Z.M., Bahar, N., Yan, L.M. and Ping, L.H. (2014). Factors Affecting Customer Loyalty towards Airlines Industry in Malaysia: An Exploratory Analysis. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business. 6, 12-23.
  • Johns, N., Avci, T. and Karatepe, O.M. (2004). Measuring service quality of travel agents: evidence from Northern Cyprus. The Service Industries Journal, 24(3), 82-100.
  • Jones, T.O. and Sasser W.E. (1995). Why Satisfied Customers Defect, Harvard Business Review, (Nov-Dec), 88-99.
  • Joreskog, K. G. and Sorbom (1996). LISREL 8 User’s Reference Guide. Scientific Software International, Chicago.
  • Judd, C.M., Smith, E.R. and Kidder, L.H. (1991). Research Methods in Social Relations, 6th ed., Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., Fort Worth, TX.
  • Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (1996). Principles of Marketing. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
  • Korkmaz, H., Giritlioglu, İ. and Avcikurt, C. (2015). Havayolları İç Hatlarda Algılanan Hizmet Kalitesinin Müşteri Memnuniyeti ve Tekrar Satın Alma Davranışına Etkisi, Karabük Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(2), 248-265.
  • Kuo. Y.F. (2003). A study on service quality of virtual community websites. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 13(4), 461-473.
  • Ling, F.I., and Lin, K. (2005). Difference in service quality of cross-strait airlines and its effect on passengers’ preferences. Journal of the East Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 798–813.
  • Maxham, J. G., III (2001). Service recovery's influence on consumer satisfaction, positive word-of-mouth, and purchase intentions. Journal of Business Research, 54(1), 11-24.
  • Nadiri, H. and Hussain, K. (2005). Diagnosing the zone of tolerance for hotel services. Managing Service Quality, 15(3), 259-77.
  • Nadiri, H., Hussain, K., Ekiz, E.H. and Erdogan, S. (2008). An Investigation on the Factors Influencing Passengers’ Loyalty in the North Cyprus National Airline, The TQM Journal, 20(3), 265-280.
  • Newman, K. (2001). Interrogating SERVQUAL: a critical assessment of service quality measurement in a high street retail bank. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 19(3), 126-39.
  • Pakdil, F. and Aydın, O. (2007). Expectations and perceptions in airline services: An analysis using weighted SERVQUAL scores. Journal of Air Transport Management, 13, 229–237.
  • Parasuraman, A., Berry, L.L. and Zeithaml, V.A. (1985). A conceptual model of service quality and its implications for future research. Journal of Marketing, 49(4), 41-50.
  • Parasuraman, A., Berry, L.L. and Zeithaml, V.A. (1988). SERVQUAL: a multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality. Journal of Retailing, 4(1), 12-37.
  • Parasuraman, A., Berry, L.L., and Zeithaml, V.A. (1991). Perceived service quality as a customer based performance measure: An empirical examination of organizational barriers using an extended service quality model. Human Resource Management, 35–64.
  • Park, J. W., Robertson, R., and Wu, C.L. (2004). The effect of airline service quality on passengers’ behavioral intentions: A Korean case study. Journal of Air Transport, 10(6), 435–439.
  • Park, J.W., Robertson, R., and Wu, C.L. (2005). Investigating the effects of airline service quality on airline image and passengers’ future behavioural intention: Findings from Australian international air passengers. The Journal of Tourism Studies, 16(1), 2–11.
  • Pekkaya, M. and Akilli, F. (2013). Statistical analysis and evaluation of airline service quality by servperf-servqual scale, Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9 (1), 75-96.
  • Rust, R.T. and Zahorik, A.J. (1993). Customer satisfaction, customer retention, and market share. Journal of Retailing, 69(2), 193-215.
  • Saha, G.C. and Theingi, T. (2009). Service Quality, Satisfaction, and Behavioural Intentions: A Study of Low-Cost Airline Carriers in Thailand, Managing Service Quality, 19(3), 350-372.
  • Sharma, N. and Patterson, P.G. (2000). Switching costs, alternative attractiveness and experience as moderators of relationship commitment in professional consumer services. International Journal of Service Industry Management,11(5), 470-490.
  • Singh, A.K. (2015). Modeling Passengers’ Future Behavioral Intentions in Airline Industry Using SEM. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 12(2), 107-127.
  • Sivadas, E. and Baker-Prewitt, J. (2000). An examination of the relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction, and store loyalty. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 28(2), pp. 73-82.
  • Sonnenberg, F.K. (1991), Marketing To Win, Harper and Row, New York, NY.
  • Söderlund, M. (1998). Customer satisfaction and its consequences on the customer behavior revisited: the impact of different levels of satisfaction on word-of-mouth, feedback to the supplier and loyalty. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 9(2), 169-88.
  • Suki, N.M. (2014). Passenger satisfaction with airline service quality in Malaysia: A structural equation modeling approach, Research in Transportation Business & Management, 10, 26-32.
  • Sultan, F. and Simpson, M.C. Jr (2000). International service variants: airline Passenger expectations and perceptions of service quality, Journal of Services Marketing, 14(3), 188-216.
  • Taylor, S.A., Baker, T.L. (1994). An assessment of the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in the formation of consumers' purchase intentions. Journal of Retailing, 70 (2), 163-178.
  • Tsaur S.H., Chang T.Y., and Yen C.H. (2002). The evaluation of airline service quality by fuzzy MCDM. Tourism Management, 23, 107–115.
  • Tsoukatos, E. and Mastrojianni, E. (2010). Key determinants of service quality in retail banking. EuroMed Journal of Business, 5(1), 85-100.
  • Wilson A., Zeithaml V.A., Bitner M.J. and Gremler D.D. (2008). Services Marketing, McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Wirtz, J. and Chew, P. (2002). The Effects of Incentives, Deal Proneness, Satisfaction, and Tie Strength on Word-Of-Mouth Behavior, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 13(2), 141-162.
  • Yi, Y. and La, S. (2004). What influences the relationship between customer satisfaction and repurchase intention? Investigating the effects of adjusted expectations and customer loyalty. Psychology and Marketing, 21(5), 351-372.
  • Zeithaml, V. A. (1981). How Consumer Evaluation Processes Differ Between Goods and Services, Marketing of Services, J. H. Donnelly and W. R. George, eds. Chicago, IL: American Marketing Association, 186-190.

Modeling Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions in Airline Industry: A SEM Approach

Year 2017, , 11 - 29, 15.10.2017


Recently, the customer structure and
their expectations are changed in the airline industry same as the other
service industries with changed conditions by technology, quality of living
etc. Due to changing expectations for service quality and new market structure,
airline companies will be able to provide a competitive advantage through
meeting customers' expectations with high satisfaction and understanding the
changing market. In this context, the aim of this study is identifying the
determinants of airline service quality perceived by customers; reveal the
effects of perceived service quality on customer satisfaction, and effects of
customer satisfaction on behavioral intentions of customers, simultaneously by
using a conceptual model. Perceived service quality dimensions used in this research
are developed on the basis of the AIRQUAL and SERVPERF models. Unlike existing
studies, the study also posits perceived service quality, customer satisfaction
and behavioral intentions in a single model. 
The sample of this research comprises the passengers who had flown on
any of the national airlines of Turkey in the recent year and they are selected
using non-probability judgmental sampling technique. Structural equation
modeling is performed to confirm reliability and validity of the measures and examine
the structural relationships between constructs. According to obtained results,
image that is one of the dimensions of perceived service quality is the
strongest significant determinant of customer satisfaction. Also, word-of-mouth
and repurchase intention are significantly and positively influenced by
customer satisfaction. However, the relationship between customer satisfaction
and negative feedbacks of the customers is found positive contrary to proposed
hypothesis. As well as the supportive findings of previous research, this study
raises a critical question regarding the relationship between customer
satisfaction and negative feedbacks for further research to focus on. 


  • Ali, F., Omar, R. and Amin, M. (2013). An examination of the relationships between physical environment, perceived value, image and behavioural intentions: a SEM approach towards Malaysian resort hotels. Journal of Hotel and Tourism Management, 27(2), 9-26.
  • Ali, F., Del, B.D., and Filieri, R. (2014). An assessment of service quality and resulting customer satisfaction in Pakistan International Airlines: findings from foreigners and overseas Pakistani customers, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 32(5), 486-502.
  • Amin, M. and Nasharuddin, S.Z. (2013). Hospital service quality and its effects on patient satisfaction and behavioural intention. Clinical Governance: An International Journal, 18(3), 238-254.
  • Anderson, E.W. and Sullivan, M.W. (1993). The antecedents and consequences of customer satisfaction for firms. Marketing Science, 12, 125-143.
  • Ariffin, A.A.M., Salleh, A.H.M., Aziz, N.A., and Asbudin, A.A. (2010). Service quality and satisfaction for low cost carriers. International Review of Business Research Papers, 6(1), 47–56.
  • Atilgan, E., Akinci, S., and Aksoy, S. (2008). Measuring and mapping customers’ expectations and perceptions for airlines: The Sunexpress case with the GAPS model. Journal of Global Strategic Management, 3, 67–78.
  • Babakus, E. and Boller, G.W. (1992). An empirical assessment of SERVQUAL scale. Journal of Business Research, 24(3), 253-68.
  • Babin, B.J., Lee, Y.-K., Kim, E.-J. and Griffin, M. (2005). Modeling Customer Satisfaction and Word-Of-Mouth: Restaurant Patronage in Korea, Journal of Services Marketing, 19(3), 133-139.
  • Basfirinci C. and Mitra A. (2015). A cross cultural investigation of airlines service quality through integration of Servqual and the Kano model. Journal of Air Transport Management, 42, 239 -248.
  • Bentler, P. M. (1990). Comparative fit indexes in structural models. Psychological Bulletin, 107(2), 238–246.
  • Brown, T.J., Barry, T.E., Dacin, P.A. and Gunst, R.F. (2005). Spreading the word: investigating antecedents of consumers’ positive word-of-mouth intentions and behaviors in a retailing context, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(2), 123-38.
  • Carman, J.M. (1990). Consumer perceptions of service quality: an assessment of the SERVQUAL dimensions. Journal of Retailing, 66, 33-5.
  • Chiu, S.C., Liu, C.H. and Tu, J.H. (2016) The Influence of Tourists’ Expectations on Purchase Intention: Linking Marketing Strategy for Low-Cost Airlines, Journal of Air Transport Management, 53, 226-234.
  • Clemes, M.D., Gan, C., Kao, T.H., and Choong, M. (2008). An empirical analysis of customer satisfaction in international air travel. Innovative Marketing, 4(2), 49–62.
  • Cronin, J.J., and Taylor, S.A. (1992). Measuring service quality: A re-examination and extension. Journal of Marketing, 56, 55–67.
  • Cronin, J.J. and Taylor, S.A. (1994). SERVPERF versus SERVQUAL: reconciling performance-based and perceptions-minus-expectations measurement of service quality. Journal of Marketing, 58, 125-31.
  • Cunningham, L.F., Young, C. E., and Lee, M. (2002). Cross-cultural perspectives of service quality and risk in air transportation. Journal of Air Transportation, 7(1), 3–26.
  • Davidow, M. (2003). Have you heard the word? The effect of word of mouth on perceived justice, satisfaction and repurchase intentions following complaint handling. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 16(1), 67-80.
  • Ekiz, E.H., Hussain, K., and Bavik, A. (2006). Perceptions of Service Quality in North Cyprus National Airline, Tourism and Hospitality Industry 2006 - New Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Management, 18th Biennial International Conference, May 03-05, Opatija, Croatia: Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Proceeding Book, 778-790.
  • Engel, J.E., Kegerreis, R.J. and Blackwell, R.D. (1969). Word-of-Mouth Communication by the Innovator, Journal of Marketing, 33, 15-19.
  • Fishbein, M. and Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief, Attitude, Intention, and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Research. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.
  • Fornell, C. (1992). A national customer satisfaction barometer: The Swedish experience. Journal of Marketing, 56, 6–21.
  • Fournier, S. and Mick, D.G. (1999). Rediscovering Satisfaction. Journal of Marketing, 63, 5-23.
  • Gures, N., Arslan, S. and Tun, S.Y. (2014). Customer Expectation, Satisfaction and Loyalty Relationship in Turkish Airline Industry. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 6(1), 66-74.
  • Hair, J.F., Jr., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J., and Anderson, R.E. (2010). Multivariate data analysis: A global perspective (7th ed.). NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Hu, L.T. and Bentler, P.M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 6(1), 1–55.
  • Johan, M.R.M., Noor, N.A.Z.M., Bahar, N., Yan, L.M. and Ping, L.H. (2014). Factors Affecting Customer Loyalty towards Airlines Industry in Malaysia: An Exploratory Analysis. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business. 6, 12-23.
  • Johns, N., Avci, T. and Karatepe, O.M. (2004). Measuring service quality of travel agents: evidence from Northern Cyprus. The Service Industries Journal, 24(3), 82-100.
  • Jones, T.O. and Sasser W.E. (1995). Why Satisfied Customers Defect, Harvard Business Review, (Nov-Dec), 88-99.
  • Joreskog, K. G. and Sorbom (1996). LISREL 8 User’s Reference Guide. Scientific Software International, Chicago.
  • Judd, C.M., Smith, E.R. and Kidder, L.H. (1991). Research Methods in Social Relations, 6th ed., Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., Fort Worth, TX.
  • Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (1996). Principles of Marketing. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
  • Korkmaz, H., Giritlioglu, İ. and Avcikurt, C. (2015). Havayolları İç Hatlarda Algılanan Hizmet Kalitesinin Müşteri Memnuniyeti ve Tekrar Satın Alma Davranışına Etkisi, Karabük Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(2), 248-265.
  • Kuo. Y.F. (2003). A study on service quality of virtual community websites. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 13(4), 461-473.
  • Ling, F.I., and Lin, K. (2005). Difference in service quality of cross-strait airlines and its effect on passengers’ preferences. Journal of the East Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 798–813.
  • Maxham, J. G., III (2001). Service recovery's influence on consumer satisfaction, positive word-of-mouth, and purchase intentions. Journal of Business Research, 54(1), 11-24.
  • Nadiri, H. and Hussain, K. (2005). Diagnosing the zone of tolerance for hotel services. Managing Service Quality, 15(3), 259-77.
  • Nadiri, H., Hussain, K., Ekiz, E.H. and Erdogan, S. (2008). An Investigation on the Factors Influencing Passengers’ Loyalty in the North Cyprus National Airline, The TQM Journal, 20(3), 265-280.
  • Newman, K. (2001). Interrogating SERVQUAL: a critical assessment of service quality measurement in a high street retail bank. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 19(3), 126-39.
  • Pakdil, F. and Aydın, O. (2007). Expectations and perceptions in airline services: An analysis using weighted SERVQUAL scores. Journal of Air Transport Management, 13, 229–237.
  • Parasuraman, A., Berry, L.L. and Zeithaml, V.A. (1985). A conceptual model of service quality and its implications for future research. Journal of Marketing, 49(4), 41-50.
  • Parasuraman, A., Berry, L.L. and Zeithaml, V.A. (1988). SERVQUAL: a multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality. Journal of Retailing, 4(1), 12-37.
  • Parasuraman, A., Berry, L.L., and Zeithaml, V.A. (1991). Perceived service quality as a customer based performance measure: An empirical examination of organizational barriers using an extended service quality model. Human Resource Management, 35–64.
  • Park, J. W., Robertson, R., and Wu, C.L. (2004). The effect of airline service quality on passengers’ behavioral intentions: A Korean case study. Journal of Air Transport, 10(6), 435–439.
  • Park, J.W., Robertson, R., and Wu, C.L. (2005). Investigating the effects of airline service quality on airline image and passengers’ future behavioural intention: Findings from Australian international air passengers. The Journal of Tourism Studies, 16(1), 2–11.
  • Pekkaya, M. and Akilli, F. (2013). Statistical analysis and evaluation of airline service quality by servperf-servqual scale, Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9 (1), 75-96.
  • Rust, R.T. and Zahorik, A.J. (1993). Customer satisfaction, customer retention, and market share. Journal of Retailing, 69(2), 193-215.
  • Saha, G.C. and Theingi, T. (2009). Service Quality, Satisfaction, and Behavioural Intentions: A Study of Low-Cost Airline Carriers in Thailand, Managing Service Quality, 19(3), 350-372.
  • Sharma, N. and Patterson, P.G. (2000). Switching costs, alternative attractiveness and experience as moderators of relationship commitment in professional consumer services. International Journal of Service Industry Management,11(5), 470-490.
  • Singh, A.K. (2015). Modeling Passengers’ Future Behavioral Intentions in Airline Industry Using SEM. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 12(2), 107-127.
  • Sivadas, E. and Baker-Prewitt, J. (2000). An examination of the relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction, and store loyalty. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 28(2), pp. 73-82.
  • Sonnenberg, F.K. (1991), Marketing To Win, Harper and Row, New York, NY.
  • Söderlund, M. (1998). Customer satisfaction and its consequences on the customer behavior revisited: the impact of different levels of satisfaction on word-of-mouth, feedback to the supplier and loyalty. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 9(2), 169-88.
  • Suki, N.M. (2014). Passenger satisfaction with airline service quality in Malaysia: A structural equation modeling approach, Research in Transportation Business & Management, 10, 26-32.
  • Sultan, F. and Simpson, M.C. Jr (2000). International service variants: airline Passenger expectations and perceptions of service quality, Journal of Services Marketing, 14(3), 188-216.
  • Taylor, S.A., Baker, T.L. (1994). An assessment of the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in the formation of consumers' purchase intentions. Journal of Retailing, 70 (2), 163-178.
  • Tsaur S.H., Chang T.Y., and Yen C.H. (2002). The evaluation of airline service quality by fuzzy MCDM. Tourism Management, 23, 107–115.
  • Tsoukatos, E. and Mastrojianni, E. (2010). Key determinants of service quality in retail banking. EuroMed Journal of Business, 5(1), 85-100.
  • Wilson A., Zeithaml V.A., Bitner M.J. and Gremler D.D. (2008). Services Marketing, McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Wirtz, J. and Chew, P. (2002). The Effects of Incentives, Deal Proneness, Satisfaction, and Tie Strength on Word-Of-Mouth Behavior, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 13(2), 141-162.
  • Yi, Y. and La, S. (2004). What influences the relationship between customer satisfaction and repurchase intention? Investigating the effects of adjusted expectations and customer loyalty. Psychology and Marketing, 21(5), 351-372.
  • Zeithaml, V. A. (1981). How Consumer Evaluation Processes Differ Between Goods and Services, Marketing of Services, J. H. Donnelly and W. R. George, eds. Chicago, IL: American Marketing Association, 186-190.
There are 62 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Kübra Şimşek

Orkun Demirbağ

Publication Date October 15, 2017
Submission Date October 4, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Şimşek, K., & Demirbağ, O. (2017). Modeling Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions in Airline Industry: A SEM Approach. The Journal of International Scientific Researches, 2(6), 11-29.