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Terör Örgütlerinin Klasik Realizm Açısından Uluslararası Aktörlük Durumu: Araç Olarak Kullanımları

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 2641 - 2659, 30.09.2021


Terör örgütleri, ulusal ve uluslararası güvenliği tehdit eden, devlet dışı silahlı aktörlerden birisidir. Terör örgütlerine olan yaklaşım, özellikle 11 Eylül 2001 tarihinde gerçekleşen terör saldırılarından sonra yeni bir ivme kazanmış ve uluslararası ilişkiler ile uluslararası güvenlik çalışmalarında daha sık yer edinmeye başlamıştır.
Klasik realizm, uluslararası ilişkilerdeki vaka analizlerinde en sık başvurulan geleneksel kuramlardan birisidir. Devletin tek aktör olarak kabul edildiği klasik realizme göre, uluslararası ilişkilerde sistem anarşi üstüne kuruludur. Devletler öncelikle kendi çıkarlarına odaklanır. Gerekirse savaş açmaktan çekinmeyen devletler, çıkarları doğrultusunda hareket eder ve işbirliği mümkün değildir. Terör örgütleri de klasik realizme göre bir dış politika aracıdır. Temsili savaşlarda kullanılan bir araç olarak kullanılan terör örgütlerinin, kullanan devlet açısından bazı avantajları da bulunmaktadır. Etik ve ahlaki kuralların dış politikada önem barındırmadığını savunan klasik realizme göre, başarıya ulaşma konusunda insani değerlere uygun hareket etmenin de bir anlamı bulunmamaktadır.
Terör örgütleriyle ilgili yapılan çalışmalarda uzlaşının sağlanamadığı konular da bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan bir tanesi de, tıpkı devletler gibi uluslararası bir aktör olup olmadıkları sorusudur. Terör örgütleri, silahlı bir unsur olarak bireyleri korkutarak caydırma yeteneğine sahiptir. Hatta devletlerin iç ve dış politikalarının şekillenmesinde de rol oynayabilmektedir. Bununla birlikte, doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak destek aldıkları da bilinmektedir.
Çalışmada aranan yanıt, devletlerden yardım alarak onların kendi dış politikalarında bir araç hâlini alan terör örgütlerinin gerçek anlamda bir uluslararası aktör olarak kabul edilip edilemeyecekleridir. Doğru yanıtın bulunabilmesi için temsili savaş ve melez savaş kavramlarına kısaca değinilip devlet destekli terör ile devlet terörü kavramlarının farkına yer verilmiş ve devlet dışı aktör olarak bazı kuramlarca kabul edilen tüzel kişiliklere realistlerin yaklaşımı üstünde durulmuştur. Ana bölümdeyse soruya yanıt aranarak bir sonuca ulaşılmaya odaklanılmıştır.


  • Abdurrahmanli, E. (2019). Terrorisms Growth Along With The Globalization Case. Anadolu Akademi Social Sciences Journal, 1(1), 93-118.
  • Acar, M. (2019a). Uluslararası Bir Aktör Olarak İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı. Barış Araştırmaları ve Çatışma Çözümleri Dergisi, 7(1): 51-68.
  • Acar, Ü. (2019b). The Use of Terrorist Organizations in the Sharing War. Van Yüzüncü Yıl University The Journal of Social Sciences Institute, Issue: 46, 117-137.
  • Acar, Ü. (2019c). Subcontractor of the New World Order: Terrorist Organizations. Academic Journal of History and Idea, 6(3): 1450-1474.
  • Ateş, D. (2014). Uluslararası Politika: Dünyayı Anlamak ve Anlatmak, Dora, Bursa.
  • Ateş, D. (2017). Uluslararası Örgütler: Devletlerin Örgütlenme Mantığı, Dora, Bursa.
  • Avcı, H. E. (2012). As an Example of the Terrorist Organization Supported by the Foreign Countries: Dashnaksutiun (1890-1922). International Journal of Security and Terrorism, 3(1): 89-101.
  • Aydın, M. (2004). The Realist Theory of the International Relations: Origin, Scope, Critique. International Relations, 1(1): 33-60.
  • Ayhan, H. (2015). The Terror Concept and Approach of United Nations on Terrorism after 2001 in the Framework of Security Council and General Assembly. Journal of Security Strategies, 11(21): 117-147.
  • Babic, M. - Fichtner, J. - Heemskerk, E. M. (2017). States versus Corporations: Rethinking the Power of Business in International Politics. The International Spectator, 52(4): 20-43.
  • Bar, S. (2007). Deterring Nonstate Terrorist Groups: The Case of Hizballah. Comparative Strategy, 26(5): 469-493.
  • Bar-Siman-Tov, Y. (1984). The Strategy of War by Proxy. Cooperation and Conflict, Vol: 19, 263-273.
  • Bellows, T. J. (2012). Proxy War in Indochina. Asian Affairs: An American Review, 7(1): 13-30.
  • Byman, D. (2005). Deadly Connections: States that Sponsor Terrorism, Cambridge University Press.
  • Byman, D. (2020). Understanding, and Misunderstanding, State Sponsorship of Terrorism, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism,
  • Charap, S. (2015). The Ghost of Hybrid War. Survival, 57(6): 51-58.
  • Clark, A. M. (1995). Non-Governmental Organizations and Their Influence on International Society. Journal of International Affairs, 48(2): 507-525.
  • Colgan, J D. (2014). The Emperor Has No Clothes: The Limits of OPEC in the Global Oil Market. International Organization, 68(3): 599-632.
  • Demir, C. K. (2008). The PKK in the Context of Terrorist Organizations and Learning Organizations. International Relations, 5(19): 57-88.
  • Demirel, E. (2005). PKK ve Ayaklanmalar, IQ Yayıncılık.
  • Doğru, A. (2017). Hybrid Warfare, DAESH and Turkey’s Stance. Journal of Crises and Political Research, 1(2), 130-161.
  • Elbahy, R. (2019). Deterring Violent Non-state Actors: Dilemmas and Implications. Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences, 1(1): 43-54.
  • Emiroğlu, H. (2006). Uluslararası Siyasal Örgütlenme Modeli Oluşumunun Tarihsel Süreci ve Birleşmiş Milletler Örgütü (1941-1990). Journal of Security Strategies, 2(4), 103-136.
  • Erdem, T. (2019). Cyber International Politics in Digital Age: Cyber Terrorism vs. Cyber Diplomacy, Eds. Sibel Turan, Latif Pınar. Security in Contemporary World: Theories and Issues. (185-202) Siyasal Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • Gökcan, Ö. (2018). A Breaking Point in Turkey-Syria Relations: October 1998 Crisis or in other Words “Undeclared War”. Journal of Academic Inquiries, 13(1): 169-198.
  • Groh, T. L. (2010). War on the Cheap? Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Proxy War, (Unpublished PhD Thesis). Georgetown University, Washington.
  • Gündoğdu, E. (2016). Deterrence Theory in International Relations. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies, 4(2): 1-22.
  • Kroenig, M. - Pavel, B. (2012). How to Deter Terrorism. The Washington Quarterly, 35(2): 21-36.
  • Hoffman, F. G. (2007). Conflict in the 21st Century: The Rise of Hybrid Wars, Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, Virginia.
  • Hoffman, F. G. (2009). Hybrid Warfare and Challenges. Joint Force Quarterly, 52(1): 34-39.
  • Jaggar, A. M. (2005). What Is Terrorism, Why Is It Wrong, and Could It Ever Be Morally Permissible?. Journal of Social Philosophy, 36(2): 202-217.
  • Kasımoğlu, H. (2010). Globalization of Terrorism and EU Transition on the Policy of Fighting Against Terrorism, (Unpublished Graduate Thesis). Bilecik University, Bilecik.
  • Küçükşahin, A. (2006). Güvenlik Bağlamında, Risk ve Tehdit Kavramları Arasındaki Farklar Nelerdir ve Nasıl Belirlenmelidir?. Journal of Security Strategies, 2(4): 7-40.
  • Mearsheimer, J. J. (2006). Structural Realism, Eds. Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki, Steve Smith. International Relations Theories: Discipline and Diversity. (71-88) Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Morgenthau, H. J. (2004). Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace, Peking University Press, Beijing.
  • Morgenthau, H. J. (2014). A Realist Theory of International Politics, Eds. Colin Elman – Michael A. Jensen. Realism Reader. (53-59) Routledge.
  • Mumford, A. (2013). Proxy Warfare and the Future of Conflict. The RUSI Journal, 158(2): 40-46.
  • Nowrot, K. (1999). Legal Consequences of Globalization: The Status of Non-Governmental Organizations under International Law. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 6(2), 579-645.
  • Saraçlı, M. (2007). Uluslararası Hukukta Terörizm. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Faculty of Law Review, 11(1): 1049-1078.
  • Stevens, M. J. (2005). What is Terrorism and Can Psychology Do Anythingto Prevent It?. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, Vol: 23, 507-526.
  • Şan Akça, B. (2009). Supporting Non-State Armed Groups: A Resort to Illegality?. Journal of Strategic Studies, 32(4): 589-613.
  • Şan, B. (2009). Non-state Violence, Supporters, and Targets: State Support of Non-state Armed Groups as a Selection Process, (Unpublished PhD Thesis). University of California Davis.
  • Viotti, P. R. – Kauppi, M. V. (2014). Uluslararası İlişkiler ve Dünya Siyaseti, Translated. Ayşe Özbay Erozan, Nobel, Ankara.
  • Vogler, J. (1999). The European Union as an Actor in International Environmental Politics. Environmental Politics, 8(3): 24-48.
  • Yüksel Çendek, S. (2017). Avrupa’da İslam’ın Güvenlikleştirilmesi, Eds. Sibel Turan, Nergiz Özkural Köroğlu. Uluslararası İlişkilerde Güvenlik Kuramları ve Sorunlarına Temel Yaklaşımlar. (254-269) Transnational Press London.
  • Zahra, N. (2011). Terrorism, Realism and the State. Pakistan Horizon, 64(1): 61-74.

International Actorness Status of Terrorist Organizations in Terms of Classical Realism: Their Usage as an Instrument

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 2641 - 2659, 30.09.2021


Terrorist organizations are one of the non-state armed actors that threaten national and international security. The approach towards the terrorist organizations has gained a new momentum especially after the terrorist attacks which were carried out on September 11, 2001 and have started to gain a seat more frequently in international relations and international security studies.
Classical realism is one of the most frequently cited traditional theories in case studies in international relations. According to classical realism, where the state is considered the only actor, the system in international relations is based on anarchy. States focus primarily on their own interests. States that do not hesitate to open war if necessary act in their own interests, and cooperation is impossible. Terrorist organizations are also a foreign policy tool according to classical realism. Terrorist organizations, which are used as a tool used in proxy wars, also have some advantages in terms of the state that uses them. According to classical realism, which argues that ethical and moral rules are not important in foreign policy, there is no point in acting in accordance with human values in achieving success.
In studies conducted regarding terrorist organizations, there are also subjects where consensus cannot be reached. One of those is that the question of whether or not they are an international actor like states. Terrorist organizations have the ability to deter individuals by frightening them as an armed element. They can even play a role in shaping domestic and foreign policies of states. In addition to this, it is also known that they get direct or indirect support.
The main focus of this work is whether or not the terrorist organizations, which have taken the form of an instrument in the foreign policies of states by receiving aid from them, can be accepted as an international actor in the real sense. In order to find the correct answer, the concepts of proxy war and hybrid war were addressed; the difference between state sponsored terror and state terrorism was examined and the approach of realists to legal entities that are accepted by some theories as non-state actors were studied. In the main chapter, a focus was placed on drawing a conclusion by searching for an answer to the question.


  • Abdurrahmanli, E. (2019). Terrorisms Growth Along With The Globalization Case. Anadolu Akademi Social Sciences Journal, 1(1), 93-118.
  • Acar, M. (2019a). Uluslararası Bir Aktör Olarak İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı. Barış Araştırmaları ve Çatışma Çözümleri Dergisi, 7(1): 51-68.
  • Acar, Ü. (2019b). The Use of Terrorist Organizations in the Sharing War. Van Yüzüncü Yıl University The Journal of Social Sciences Institute, Issue: 46, 117-137.
  • Acar, Ü. (2019c). Subcontractor of the New World Order: Terrorist Organizations. Academic Journal of History and Idea, 6(3): 1450-1474.
  • Ateş, D. (2014). Uluslararası Politika: Dünyayı Anlamak ve Anlatmak, Dora, Bursa.
  • Ateş, D. (2017). Uluslararası Örgütler: Devletlerin Örgütlenme Mantığı, Dora, Bursa.
  • Avcı, H. E. (2012). As an Example of the Terrorist Organization Supported by the Foreign Countries: Dashnaksutiun (1890-1922). International Journal of Security and Terrorism, 3(1): 89-101.
  • Aydın, M. (2004). The Realist Theory of the International Relations: Origin, Scope, Critique. International Relations, 1(1): 33-60.
  • Ayhan, H. (2015). The Terror Concept and Approach of United Nations on Terrorism after 2001 in the Framework of Security Council and General Assembly. Journal of Security Strategies, 11(21): 117-147.
  • Babic, M. - Fichtner, J. - Heemskerk, E. M. (2017). States versus Corporations: Rethinking the Power of Business in International Politics. The International Spectator, 52(4): 20-43.
  • Bar, S. (2007). Deterring Nonstate Terrorist Groups: The Case of Hizballah. Comparative Strategy, 26(5): 469-493.
  • Bar-Siman-Tov, Y. (1984). The Strategy of War by Proxy. Cooperation and Conflict, Vol: 19, 263-273.
  • Bellows, T. J. (2012). Proxy War in Indochina. Asian Affairs: An American Review, 7(1): 13-30.
  • Byman, D. (2005). Deadly Connections: States that Sponsor Terrorism, Cambridge University Press.
  • Byman, D. (2020). Understanding, and Misunderstanding, State Sponsorship of Terrorism, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism,
  • Charap, S. (2015). The Ghost of Hybrid War. Survival, 57(6): 51-58.
  • Clark, A. M. (1995). Non-Governmental Organizations and Their Influence on International Society. Journal of International Affairs, 48(2): 507-525.
  • Colgan, J D. (2014). The Emperor Has No Clothes: The Limits of OPEC in the Global Oil Market. International Organization, 68(3): 599-632.
  • Demir, C. K. (2008). The PKK in the Context of Terrorist Organizations and Learning Organizations. International Relations, 5(19): 57-88.
  • Demirel, E. (2005). PKK ve Ayaklanmalar, IQ Yayıncılık.
  • Doğru, A. (2017). Hybrid Warfare, DAESH and Turkey’s Stance. Journal of Crises and Political Research, 1(2), 130-161.
  • Elbahy, R. (2019). Deterring Violent Non-state Actors: Dilemmas and Implications. Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences, 1(1): 43-54.
  • Emiroğlu, H. (2006). Uluslararası Siyasal Örgütlenme Modeli Oluşumunun Tarihsel Süreci ve Birleşmiş Milletler Örgütü (1941-1990). Journal of Security Strategies, 2(4), 103-136.
  • Erdem, T. (2019). Cyber International Politics in Digital Age: Cyber Terrorism vs. Cyber Diplomacy, Eds. Sibel Turan, Latif Pınar. Security in Contemporary World: Theories and Issues. (185-202) Siyasal Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • Gökcan, Ö. (2018). A Breaking Point in Turkey-Syria Relations: October 1998 Crisis or in other Words “Undeclared War”. Journal of Academic Inquiries, 13(1): 169-198.
  • Groh, T. L. (2010). War on the Cheap? Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Proxy War, (Unpublished PhD Thesis). Georgetown University, Washington.
  • Gündoğdu, E. (2016). Deterrence Theory in International Relations. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies, 4(2): 1-22.
  • Kroenig, M. - Pavel, B. (2012). How to Deter Terrorism. The Washington Quarterly, 35(2): 21-36.
  • Hoffman, F. G. (2007). Conflict in the 21st Century: The Rise of Hybrid Wars, Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, Virginia.
  • Hoffman, F. G. (2009). Hybrid Warfare and Challenges. Joint Force Quarterly, 52(1): 34-39.
  • Jaggar, A. M. (2005). What Is Terrorism, Why Is It Wrong, and Could It Ever Be Morally Permissible?. Journal of Social Philosophy, 36(2): 202-217.
  • Kasımoğlu, H. (2010). Globalization of Terrorism and EU Transition on the Policy of Fighting Against Terrorism, (Unpublished Graduate Thesis). Bilecik University, Bilecik.
  • Küçükşahin, A. (2006). Güvenlik Bağlamında, Risk ve Tehdit Kavramları Arasındaki Farklar Nelerdir ve Nasıl Belirlenmelidir?. Journal of Security Strategies, 2(4): 7-40.
  • Mearsheimer, J. J. (2006). Structural Realism, Eds. Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki, Steve Smith. International Relations Theories: Discipline and Diversity. (71-88) Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Morgenthau, H. J. (2004). Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace, Peking University Press, Beijing.
  • Morgenthau, H. J. (2014). A Realist Theory of International Politics, Eds. Colin Elman – Michael A. Jensen. Realism Reader. (53-59) Routledge.
  • Mumford, A. (2013). Proxy Warfare and the Future of Conflict. The RUSI Journal, 158(2): 40-46.
  • Nowrot, K. (1999). Legal Consequences of Globalization: The Status of Non-Governmental Organizations under International Law. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 6(2), 579-645.
  • Saraçlı, M. (2007). Uluslararası Hukukta Terörizm. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Faculty of Law Review, 11(1): 1049-1078.
  • Stevens, M. J. (2005). What is Terrorism and Can Psychology Do Anythingto Prevent It?. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, Vol: 23, 507-526.
  • Şan Akça, B. (2009). Supporting Non-State Armed Groups: A Resort to Illegality?. Journal of Strategic Studies, 32(4): 589-613.
  • Şan, B. (2009). Non-state Violence, Supporters, and Targets: State Support of Non-state Armed Groups as a Selection Process, (Unpublished PhD Thesis). University of California Davis.
  • Viotti, P. R. – Kauppi, M. V. (2014). Uluslararası İlişkiler ve Dünya Siyaseti, Translated. Ayşe Özbay Erozan, Nobel, Ankara.
  • Vogler, J. (1999). The European Union as an Actor in International Environmental Politics. Environmental Politics, 8(3): 24-48.
  • Yüksel Çendek, S. (2017). Avrupa’da İslam’ın Güvenlikleştirilmesi, Eds. Sibel Turan, Nergiz Özkural Köroğlu. Uluslararası İlişkilerde Güvenlik Kuramları ve Sorunlarına Temel Yaklaşımlar. (254-269) Transnational Press London.
  • Zahra, N. (2011). Terrorism, Realism and the State. Pakistan Horizon, 64(1): 61-74.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects International Relations
Journal Section Articles

Armağan Örki 0000-0002-6906-0031

Nurullah Arıkan 0000-0002-8912-1559

Mehmet Aydın Tol 0000-0001-6405-9771

Publication Date September 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 10 Issue: 3


APA Örki, A., Arıkan, N., & Tol, M. A. (2021). International Actorness Status of Terrorist Organizations in Terms of Classical Realism: Their Usage as an Instrument. İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(3), 2641-2659.

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