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An ordered logit analysis of inpatient and outpatient satisfaction in a Turkish state hospital

Year 2014, Volume: 43 Issue: 2, 237 - 250, 14.11.2014


This study is an attempt to identify and better understand the key drivers of inpatient and outpatient satisfaction through an empirical analysis. A cross-sectional survey was administered among five hundred and eleven adult patients who had received care at various units of a Turkish state hospital. An ordered logit approach was used to analyze the underlying data due to the natural ordering responses of patients’ satisfaction levels. The estimation results revealed that revisit intention, general cleanliness of the hospital, trust to physician and other caregivers’ courtesy had significant impact on patient satisfaction. Moreover, level of education, gender, current residence and type of patient were other influential drivers of patient satisfaction. This paper aims to contribute to the existing literature by modelling the inpatient and outpatient satisfaction predictors in a relatively least-developed region of Turkey, where little work was done. The results of this study may propose a road map for both the current region and the relevant least developed territories as a means of providing improved health care services.  


  • R.A. Carr-Hill, The Measurement of Patient Satisfaction. Journal of Public Health, 14, 3, 236-249 (1992).
  • M. Avis, M. Bond, A. Arthur, Questioning Patient Satisfaction: An Empirical İnvestigation in Two Outpatient Clinics. Social Science & Medicine, 44, 1, 85-92 (1997).
  • J. Sitzia, Patient Satisfaction: A Review of Issues and Concepts. Social Science & Medicine, 45, 12, 1829-1843 (1997).
  • B. Williams, J. Coyle, D. Healy, The Meaning of Patient Satisfaction: An Explanation of High Reported Levels. Social Science & Medicine, 47, 9, 1351-1359 (1998).
  • A. Merkouris, E.D. Papathanassoglou, C. Lemonidou, Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care: Quantitative or Qualitative Approach?. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 41, 4, 355-367 (2004).
  • L. Gil, L. White, A Critical Review of Patient Satisfaction. Leadership in Health Services, 21, 1, 8-19 (2009).
  • B.C. Sun, J.G. Adams, H.R. Burstin, Validating a Model of Patient Satisfaction with Emergency Care. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 38, 5, 527-532 (2001).
  • P.L. Nguyen Thi, S. Briançon, F. Empereur, F. Guillemin, Factors Determining İnpatient Satisfaction with Care. Social Science & Medicine, 54, 4, 493-504 (2002).
  • P. Carlin, G. Gudjonsson, M. Yates, Patient Satisfaction with Services in Medium Secure Units. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 16, 4, 714-728 (2005).
  • W.J. Chang, Y.H. Chang, Patient Satisfaction Analysis: Identifying Key Drivers and Enhancing Service Quality of Dental Care. Journal of Dental Sciences, 8, 3, 239-247 (2013).
  • M.P. Leiter, P. Harvie, C. Frizzell, The Correspondence of Patient Satisfaction and Nurse Burnout. Social Science & Medicine, 47, 10, 1611-1617 (1998).
  • B.C. Sun, J.G. Adams, E.J. Orav, D.W. Rucker, T.A. Brennan, H.R. Burstin, Determinants of Patient Satisfaction and Willingness to Return with Emergency Care. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 35, 5, 426-434 (2000).
  • J.L. Jackson, J. Chamberlin, K. Kroenke, Predictors of Patient Satisfaction. Social Science & Medicine, 52, 4, 609-620 (2001).
  • C. Demir, Y. Celik, Determinants of Patient Satisfaction in a Military Teaching Hospital. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 24, 2, 30-34 (2002).
  • C. Jenkinson, A. Coulter, S. Bruster, N. Richards, T. Chandola, Patients’ Experiences and Satisfaction with Health Care: Results of a Questionnaire Study of Specific Aspects of Care. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 11, 4, 335-339 (2002).
  • F. Pakdil, T.N. Harwood, Patient Satisfaction an a Preoperative Assessment Clinic: An Analysis Using SERVQUAL Dimensions. Total Quality Management, 16, 1, 15-30 (2005).
  • S.H. Chang, M.C. Yang, T.L. Chiang, Patient Satisfaction with Recommendation of a Hospital: Effects of İnterpersonal and Technical Aspects of Hospital Care. International Journal of Quality in Health Care, 15, 4, 345-355 (2003).
  • A.P. Bikker, A.G.H. Thompson, Predicting and Comparing Patient Satisfaction in Four Different Modes of Health Care Across a Nation. Social Science & Medicine, 63, 6, 1671-1683 (2006).
  • T.A. Campbell, S.M. Auerbach, D.J. Kiesler, D.J, Relationship of İnterpersonal Behaviors and Health-Related Control Appraisals to Patient Satisfaction and Compliance in a University Health Center. Journal of American College Health, 55, 6, 333-340 (2007).
  • A.D. Brown, G.A. Sandoval, C. Levinton, P. Blackstein-Hirsch, Developing an Efficient Model to Select Emergency Department Patient Satisfaction Improvement Strategies. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 46, 1, 3-10 (2005).
  • S.S. Andaleeb, N. Siddiqui, S. Khandakar, Patient Satisfaction with Health Services in Bangladesh. Health and Planning, 22, 4, 263-273 (2007).
  • C.D. Koermer, M. Kilbane, Physician Sociality Communication and its Effect on Patient Satisfaction. Communication Quarterly, 56, 1, 69-86 (2008).
  • M.W. O’Brien, S.J. Stewart, Measuring Satisfaction with Social Work Services. Social Work in Health Care, 48, 2, 105-118 (2009).
  • E. Torres, A.Z. Vasquez-Parraga, C. Barra, The Path of Patient Loyalty and The Role of Doctor Reputation. Health Marketing Quarterly, 26, 3, 183-197 (2009).
  • K. Oluwadiya, S.A. Olatoke, A.J. Ariba, O.A. Omotosho, O.A. Olakulehin, Patients Satisfaction with Emergency Care and Priorities for Change in a University Teaching Hospital in Nigeria. International Emergency Nursing, 18, 4, 203-209 (2010).
  • G. Johannessen, A. Eikeland, D.G. Stubberud, L. Fagerstöm, A Descriptive Study of Patient Satisfaction and the Structural Factors of Norwegian İntensive Care Nursing. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 27, 5, 281-289 (2011).
  • K. Otani, B.J. Kim, B. Waterman, S. Boslaugh, W.D. Klinkenberg, W.C. Dunagan, Patient Satisfaction and Organizational Impact: A Hierarchical Linear Modelling Approach. Health Marketing Quarterly, 29, 3, 256-269 (2012).
  • T. Tateke, M. Woldie, S. Ololo, Determinants of Patient Satisfaction with Outpatient Health Services at Public and Private Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, 4, 1, 1-11 (2012).
  • C. Campos Andrade, M. Luísa Lima, C. Roberto Pereira, F. Fornara, M. Bonaiuto, Inpatients’ and Outpatients’ Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Perceived Quality of Physical and Social Environment. Health & Place, 21, 122-132 (2013).
  • H. Chahal, S. Mehta, Modelling Patient Satisfaction Construct in the Indian Health Care Context. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 7, 1, 75-92 (2013).
  • K. Quaschning, M. Körner, M. Wirtz, Analyzing the Effects of Shared Decision- Making, Empathy and Team Interaction on Patient Satisfaction and Treatment Acceptance in Medical Rehabilitation Using a Structural Equation Modelling Approach. Patient Education and Counselling, 91, 2, 167-175 (2013).
  • A. Sargeant, J. Kaehler, Factors of Patient Satisfaction with Medical Services: The Case of G.P. Practices in the UK. Health Marketing Quarterly, 16, 1, 55-77 (1999).
  • E.D. Boudreaux, R.D. Ary, C.V. Mandry, B. McCabe, Determinants of Patient Satisfaction in a Large, Municipal ED: The Role of Demographic Variables, Visit Characteristics, and Patient Perceptions. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 18, 4, 394-400 (2000).
  • M. Rahmqvist, Patient Satisfaction in Relation to Age, Health Status and Other Background Factors: A Model for Comparisons of Care Units. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 13, 5, 385-390 (2001).
  • D.J. Scotti, R.N. Stinerock, Cognitive Predictors of Satisfaction with Hospital Inpatient Service Encounters among the Elderly. Journal of Hospital Marketing & Public Relations, 14, 2, 3-22 (2002).
  • K.S. Choi, H. Lee, C. Kim, S. Lee, The Service Quality Dimensions and Patient Satisfaction Relationships in South Korea: Comparisons across Gender, Age and Types of Service. Journal of Services Marketing, 19, 3, 140-149 (2005).
  • D.O. Kaldenberg, Patient Satisfaction and Health Status. Health Marketing Quarterly, 18, 3-4, 81-101 (2001).
  • H. Xiao, J.P. Barber, The Effect of Perceived Health Status on Patient Satisfaction. Value in Health, 11, 4, 719-725 (2008).
  • B. Frank, S. Sudo, T. Enkawa, Interpreting Time Series of Patient Satisfaction: Macro vs. Micro Components. Journal of Hospital Marketing & Public Relations, 19, 1, 15-39 (2009).
  • K.D. Hekkert, S. Cihangir, S.M. Kleefstra, B. van den Berg, R.B. Kool, Patient Satisfaction Revisited: A Multilevel Approach. Social Science & Medicine, 69, 1, 68- 75 (2009).
  • M. Rahmqvist, A.C. Bara, Patient Characteristics and Quality Dimensions Related to Patient Satisfaction. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 22, 2, 86-92 (2010).
  • L. Ashrafun, M.J. Uddin, Factors Determining Inpatient Satisfaction with Hospital Care in Bangladesh. Asian Social Science, 7, 6, 15-24 (2011).
  • H. Qu, E.A. Platonova, K.N. Kennedy, R.M. Shewchuk, Primary Care Patient Satisfaction Segmentation. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 24, 7, 564-576 (2011).
  • H.M. Al-Borie, A.M. Sheikh Damanhouri, Patients’ satisfaction of service quality in Saudi hospitals: a SERVQUAL analysis. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 26, 1, 20-30 (2013).
  • M. Laal, Inpatient’s Perspective on Nursing Care; Affecting Factors. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 84, 243-247 (2013).
  • T. Taner, J. Antony, Comparing Public and Private Hospital Care Service Quality in Turkey. Leadership in Health Services, 19, 2, 1-10 (2006).
  • I. Baalbaki, Z.U. Ahmed, V.H. Pashtenko, S. Makarem, Patient Satisfaction with Healthcare Delivery Systems. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 2, 1, 47-62 (2008).
  • A. Elleuch, Patient Satisfaction in Japan. International Journal of Healthcare Quality Insurance, 21, 7, 692-705 (2008).
  • Y.K. Kim, C.H. Cho, S.K. Ahn, I.H. Goh, H.J. Kim, A Study on Medical Services Quality and its Influence upon Value of Care and Patient Satisfaction – Focusing upon Outpatients in a Large-Sized Hospital. Total Quality Management, 19, 1, 1155-1171 (2008).
  • F.J. Miranda, A. Chamorro, L.R. Murillo, J. Vega, Assessing Primary Healthcare Services Quality in Spain: Managers vs. Patients Perceptions. The Service Industries Journal, 30, 13, 2137-2149 (2010).
  • D. Botje, N.S. Klazinga, C. Wagner, To What Degree is the Governance of Dutch Hospitals Orientated towards Quality in Care? Does This Really Affect Performance?. Health Policy, 113, 1-2, 134-141 (2013).
  • M. Cavalieri, L. Gitto, C. Guccio, Reimbursement Systems and Quality of Hospital Care: An Empirical Analysis for Italy. Health Policy, 111, 3, 273-289 (2013).
  • C.W. Cheng, T.H. Tseng, A.G. Woodside, Configural Algorithms of Patient Satisfaction, Participation in Diagnostics, and Treatment Decisions’ Influences on Hospital Loyalty. Journal of Services Marketing, 27, 2, 91-103 (2013).
  • M.S. Gok, B. Sezen, Analyzing the Ambiguous Relationship between Efficiency, Quality and Patient Satisfaction in Healthcare Services: The Case of Public Hospitals in Turkey. Health Policy, 111, 3, 290-300 (2013).
  • V.K. Borooah, Logit and Probit: Ordered and Multinomial Models, Sage Publications Inc., London, 2002, 97.
  • D.W. Hosmer, S. Lemeshow, Applied Logistic Regression, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, 2000, 392.
  • P. McCullagh, Regression Models for Ordinal Data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Methodological), 42, 2, 109-142 (1980).
  • D.A. Powers, Y. Xie, Statistical Methods for Categorical Data Analysis, Academic Press, California, 2000, 305.
  • H. Özer, Nitel Değişkenli Ekonometrik Modeller: Teori ve Bir Uygulama, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, 2004, 236.
  • P. Johansson, M. Oléni, B. Fridlund, Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care in the Context of Health Care: A Literature Study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 16, 4, 337-344 (2002).


Year 2014, Volume: 43 Issue: 2, 237 - 250, 14.11.2014


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  • R.A. Carr-Hill, The Measurement of Patient Satisfaction. Journal of Public Health, 14, 3, 236-249 (1992).
  • M. Avis, M. Bond, A. Arthur, Questioning Patient Satisfaction: An Empirical İnvestigation in Two Outpatient Clinics. Social Science & Medicine, 44, 1, 85-92 (1997).
  • J. Sitzia, Patient Satisfaction: A Review of Issues and Concepts. Social Science & Medicine, 45, 12, 1829-1843 (1997).
  • B. Williams, J. Coyle, D. Healy, The Meaning of Patient Satisfaction: An Explanation of High Reported Levels. Social Science & Medicine, 47, 9, 1351-1359 (1998).
  • A. Merkouris, E.D. Papathanassoglou, C. Lemonidou, Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care: Quantitative or Qualitative Approach?. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 41, 4, 355-367 (2004).
  • L. Gil, L. White, A Critical Review of Patient Satisfaction. Leadership in Health Services, 21, 1, 8-19 (2009).
  • B.C. Sun, J.G. Adams, H.R. Burstin, Validating a Model of Patient Satisfaction with Emergency Care. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 38, 5, 527-532 (2001).
  • P.L. Nguyen Thi, S. Briançon, F. Empereur, F. Guillemin, Factors Determining İnpatient Satisfaction with Care. Social Science & Medicine, 54, 4, 493-504 (2002).
  • P. Carlin, G. Gudjonsson, M. Yates, Patient Satisfaction with Services in Medium Secure Units. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 16, 4, 714-728 (2005).
  • W.J. Chang, Y.H. Chang, Patient Satisfaction Analysis: Identifying Key Drivers and Enhancing Service Quality of Dental Care. Journal of Dental Sciences, 8, 3, 239-247 (2013).
  • M.P. Leiter, P. Harvie, C. Frizzell, The Correspondence of Patient Satisfaction and Nurse Burnout. Social Science & Medicine, 47, 10, 1611-1617 (1998).
  • B.C. Sun, J.G. Adams, E.J. Orav, D.W. Rucker, T.A. Brennan, H.R. Burstin, Determinants of Patient Satisfaction and Willingness to Return with Emergency Care. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 35, 5, 426-434 (2000).
  • J.L. Jackson, J. Chamberlin, K. Kroenke, Predictors of Patient Satisfaction. Social Science & Medicine, 52, 4, 609-620 (2001).
  • C. Demir, Y. Celik, Determinants of Patient Satisfaction in a Military Teaching Hospital. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 24, 2, 30-34 (2002).
  • C. Jenkinson, A. Coulter, S. Bruster, N. Richards, T. Chandola, Patients’ Experiences and Satisfaction with Health Care: Results of a Questionnaire Study of Specific Aspects of Care. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 11, 4, 335-339 (2002).
  • F. Pakdil, T.N. Harwood, Patient Satisfaction an a Preoperative Assessment Clinic: An Analysis Using SERVQUAL Dimensions. Total Quality Management, 16, 1, 15-30 (2005).
  • S.H. Chang, M.C. Yang, T.L. Chiang, Patient Satisfaction with Recommendation of a Hospital: Effects of İnterpersonal and Technical Aspects of Hospital Care. International Journal of Quality in Health Care, 15, 4, 345-355 (2003).
  • A.P. Bikker, A.G.H. Thompson, Predicting and Comparing Patient Satisfaction in Four Different Modes of Health Care Across a Nation. Social Science & Medicine, 63, 6, 1671-1683 (2006).
  • T.A. Campbell, S.M. Auerbach, D.J. Kiesler, D.J, Relationship of İnterpersonal Behaviors and Health-Related Control Appraisals to Patient Satisfaction and Compliance in a University Health Center. Journal of American College Health, 55, 6, 333-340 (2007).
  • A.D. Brown, G.A. Sandoval, C. Levinton, P. Blackstein-Hirsch, Developing an Efficient Model to Select Emergency Department Patient Satisfaction Improvement Strategies. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 46, 1, 3-10 (2005).
  • S.S. Andaleeb, N. Siddiqui, S. Khandakar, Patient Satisfaction with Health Services in Bangladesh. Health and Planning, 22, 4, 263-273 (2007).
  • C.D. Koermer, M. Kilbane, Physician Sociality Communication and its Effect on Patient Satisfaction. Communication Quarterly, 56, 1, 69-86 (2008).
  • M.W. O’Brien, S.J. Stewart, Measuring Satisfaction with Social Work Services. Social Work in Health Care, 48, 2, 105-118 (2009).
  • E. Torres, A.Z. Vasquez-Parraga, C. Barra, The Path of Patient Loyalty and The Role of Doctor Reputation. Health Marketing Quarterly, 26, 3, 183-197 (2009).
  • K. Oluwadiya, S.A. Olatoke, A.J. Ariba, O.A. Omotosho, O.A. Olakulehin, Patients Satisfaction with Emergency Care and Priorities for Change in a University Teaching Hospital in Nigeria. International Emergency Nursing, 18, 4, 203-209 (2010).
  • G. Johannessen, A. Eikeland, D.G. Stubberud, L. Fagerstöm, A Descriptive Study of Patient Satisfaction and the Structural Factors of Norwegian İntensive Care Nursing. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 27, 5, 281-289 (2011).
  • K. Otani, B.J. Kim, B. Waterman, S. Boslaugh, W.D. Klinkenberg, W.C. Dunagan, Patient Satisfaction and Organizational Impact: A Hierarchical Linear Modelling Approach. Health Marketing Quarterly, 29, 3, 256-269 (2012).
  • T. Tateke, M. Woldie, S. Ololo, Determinants of Patient Satisfaction with Outpatient Health Services at Public and Private Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, 4, 1, 1-11 (2012).
  • C. Campos Andrade, M. Luísa Lima, C. Roberto Pereira, F. Fornara, M. Bonaiuto, Inpatients’ and Outpatients’ Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Perceived Quality of Physical and Social Environment. Health & Place, 21, 122-132 (2013).
  • H. Chahal, S. Mehta, Modelling Patient Satisfaction Construct in the Indian Health Care Context. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 7, 1, 75-92 (2013).
  • K. Quaschning, M. Körner, M. Wirtz, Analyzing the Effects of Shared Decision- Making, Empathy and Team Interaction on Patient Satisfaction and Treatment Acceptance in Medical Rehabilitation Using a Structural Equation Modelling Approach. Patient Education and Counselling, 91, 2, 167-175 (2013).
  • A. Sargeant, J. Kaehler, Factors of Patient Satisfaction with Medical Services: The Case of G.P. Practices in the UK. Health Marketing Quarterly, 16, 1, 55-77 (1999).
  • E.D. Boudreaux, R.D. Ary, C.V. Mandry, B. McCabe, Determinants of Patient Satisfaction in a Large, Municipal ED: The Role of Demographic Variables, Visit Characteristics, and Patient Perceptions. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 18, 4, 394-400 (2000).
  • M. Rahmqvist, Patient Satisfaction in Relation to Age, Health Status and Other Background Factors: A Model for Comparisons of Care Units. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 13, 5, 385-390 (2001).
  • D.J. Scotti, R.N. Stinerock, Cognitive Predictors of Satisfaction with Hospital Inpatient Service Encounters among the Elderly. Journal of Hospital Marketing & Public Relations, 14, 2, 3-22 (2002).
  • K.S. Choi, H. Lee, C. Kim, S. Lee, The Service Quality Dimensions and Patient Satisfaction Relationships in South Korea: Comparisons across Gender, Age and Types of Service. Journal of Services Marketing, 19, 3, 140-149 (2005).
  • D.O. Kaldenberg, Patient Satisfaction and Health Status. Health Marketing Quarterly, 18, 3-4, 81-101 (2001).
  • H. Xiao, J.P. Barber, The Effect of Perceived Health Status on Patient Satisfaction. Value in Health, 11, 4, 719-725 (2008).
  • B. Frank, S. Sudo, T. Enkawa, Interpreting Time Series of Patient Satisfaction: Macro vs. Micro Components. Journal of Hospital Marketing & Public Relations, 19, 1, 15-39 (2009).
  • K.D. Hekkert, S. Cihangir, S.M. Kleefstra, B. van den Berg, R.B. Kool, Patient Satisfaction Revisited: A Multilevel Approach. Social Science & Medicine, 69, 1, 68- 75 (2009).
  • M. Rahmqvist, A.C. Bara, Patient Characteristics and Quality Dimensions Related to Patient Satisfaction. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 22, 2, 86-92 (2010).
  • L. Ashrafun, M.J. Uddin, Factors Determining Inpatient Satisfaction with Hospital Care in Bangladesh. Asian Social Science, 7, 6, 15-24 (2011).
  • H. Qu, E.A. Platonova, K.N. Kennedy, R.M. Shewchuk, Primary Care Patient Satisfaction Segmentation. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 24, 7, 564-576 (2011).
  • H.M. Al-Borie, A.M. Sheikh Damanhouri, Patients’ satisfaction of service quality in Saudi hospitals: a SERVQUAL analysis. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 26, 1, 20-30 (2013).
  • M. Laal, Inpatient’s Perspective on Nursing Care; Affecting Factors. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 84, 243-247 (2013).
  • T. Taner, J. Antony, Comparing Public and Private Hospital Care Service Quality in Turkey. Leadership in Health Services, 19, 2, 1-10 (2006).
  • I. Baalbaki, Z.U. Ahmed, V.H. Pashtenko, S. Makarem, Patient Satisfaction with Healthcare Delivery Systems. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 2, 1, 47-62 (2008).
  • A. Elleuch, Patient Satisfaction in Japan. International Journal of Healthcare Quality Insurance, 21, 7, 692-705 (2008).
  • Y.K. Kim, C.H. Cho, S.K. Ahn, I.H. Goh, H.J. Kim, A Study on Medical Services Quality and its Influence upon Value of Care and Patient Satisfaction – Focusing upon Outpatients in a Large-Sized Hospital. Total Quality Management, 19, 1, 1155-1171 (2008).
  • F.J. Miranda, A. Chamorro, L.R. Murillo, J. Vega, Assessing Primary Healthcare Services Quality in Spain: Managers vs. Patients Perceptions. The Service Industries Journal, 30, 13, 2137-2149 (2010).
  • D. Botje, N.S. Klazinga, C. Wagner, To What Degree is the Governance of Dutch Hospitals Orientated towards Quality in Care? Does This Really Affect Performance?. Health Policy, 113, 1-2, 134-141 (2013).
  • M. Cavalieri, L. Gitto, C. Guccio, Reimbursement Systems and Quality of Hospital Care: An Empirical Analysis for Italy. Health Policy, 111, 3, 273-289 (2013).
  • C.W. Cheng, T.H. Tseng, A.G. Woodside, Configural Algorithms of Patient Satisfaction, Participation in Diagnostics, and Treatment Decisions’ Influences on Hospital Loyalty. Journal of Services Marketing, 27, 2, 91-103 (2013).
  • M.S. Gok, B. Sezen, Analyzing the Ambiguous Relationship between Efficiency, Quality and Patient Satisfaction in Healthcare Services: The Case of Public Hospitals in Turkey. Health Policy, 111, 3, 290-300 (2013).
  • V.K. Borooah, Logit and Probit: Ordered and Multinomial Models, Sage Publications Inc., London, 2002, 97.
  • D.W. Hosmer, S. Lemeshow, Applied Logistic Regression, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, 2000, 392.
  • P. McCullagh, Regression Models for Ordinal Data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Methodological), 42, 2, 109-142 (1980).
  • D.A. Powers, Y. Xie, Statistical Methods for Categorical Data Analysis, Academic Press, California, 2000, 305.
  • H. Özer, Nitel Değişkenli Ekonometrik Modeller: Teori ve Bir Uygulama, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, 2004, 236.
  • P. Johansson, M. Oléni, B. Fridlund, Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care in the Context of Health Care: A Literature Study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 16, 4, 337-344 (2002).
There are 60 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Statistics

Ali Kemal Çelik

Erkan Oktay

Ahmet İlker Akbaba

Publication Date November 14, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 43 Issue: 2


APA Çelik, A. K., Oktay, E., & Akbaba, A. İ. (2014). An ordered logit analysis of inpatient and outpatient satisfaction in a Turkish state hospital. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 43(2), 237-250.
AMA Çelik AK, Oktay E, Akbaba Aİ. An ordered logit analysis of inpatient and outpatient satisfaction in a Turkish state hospital. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. November 2014;43(2):237-250.
Chicago Çelik, Ali Kemal, Erkan Oktay, and Ahmet İlker Akbaba. “An Ordered Logit Analysis of Inpatient and Outpatient Satisfaction in a Turkish State Hospital”. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 43, no. 2 (November 2014): 237-50.
EndNote Çelik AK, Oktay E, Akbaba Aİ (November 1, 2014) An ordered logit analysis of inpatient and outpatient satisfaction in a Turkish state hospital. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 43 2 237–250.
IEEE A. K. Çelik, E. Oktay, and A. İ. Akbaba, “An ordered logit analysis of inpatient and outpatient satisfaction in a Turkish state hospital”, İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 237–250, 2014.
ISNAD Çelik, Ali Kemal et al. “An Ordered Logit Analysis of Inpatient and Outpatient Satisfaction in a Turkish State Hospital”. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 43/2 (November 2014), 237-250.
JAMA Çelik AK, Oktay E, Akbaba Aİ. An ordered logit analysis of inpatient and outpatient satisfaction in a Turkish state hospital. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. 2014;43:237–250.
MLA Çelik, Ali Kemal et al. “An Ordered Logit Analysis of Inpatient and Outpatient Satisfaction in a Turkish State Hospital”. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 43, no. 2, 2014, pp. 237-50.
Vancouver Çelik AK, Oktay E, Akbaba Aİ. An ordered logit analysis of inpatient and outpatient satisfaction in a Turkish state hospital. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. 2014;43(2):237-50.