Research Article
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Evaluation of Yield and Quality Performance of Groundnut Varieties under the Eastern Mediterranean Condition

Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 4, 488 - 496, 15.12.2021


High yielding superior groundnut cultivar development is the main objective of groundnut breeding programs. A four-year study was conducted in the Eastern Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 growing seasons to evaluate for yield and quality characteristics of 80 groundnut varieties. The field experiments were laid out in a 3 replicated randomized complete block design. In the research, row spacing was 70 x 25 cm and 80 kg/ha nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers were applied. The investigated plant parameters were plant growth form, seed husk color, flower color, number of seeds in capsule, shelling percentage, 100 seed weight, number of pod per plant, pod weight per plant, pod yield and seed oil content. The groundnut varieties GK-3 and VAC-92R could be cultivated as main crop in the Eastern Mediterranean Region due to their higher yield performance then the standard varieties Com and NC-7. The groundnut genotypes PI 361753, PI 288153, AT-108, AT120 and March 1 could be used to develop large seeded confectionery type groundnut varieties in the breeding programs.

Supporting Institution

Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlüğü

Project Number



Acknowledgement I would like to give my thanks to Directorate General of Agricultural Researches and Policies and also employees of East Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute for their contribution to provide sources for the implementation of this project. I am also thankful to Prof. Dr. Halis ARİOGLU who is faculty member in Çukurova University Agricultural Faculty department of Field Crops, for his helps in the assessment of the project stage and for providing material supply in the project. I am also grateful to Agricultural Engineer Mustafa CANSARAN who helped me all the time during the implementation of the project.


  • Andrea, A. and Palafoxdla. B. (1986). Productive Behaviour of Eleven Erect Cultivars of Groundnuts (Arachis Hypogaea L.). Field Crop Abstracts, 39, 4.
  • Anonymous. (2015). Crop Production Statistics. Food And Agriculture Organization of The United Nations, Rome, Italy. Retrieved from
  • Anonymous. (2016). Bitkisel Yag Sanayicileri Dernegi. Turkiye Istatistikleri. Retrieved from (in Turkish)
  • Anonymous. (2017). Fao Production Year Book. Retrieved from
  • Anonymous. (2019a). Crop Production Statistics. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. Retrieved from
  • Anonymous, (2019b). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri. Retrieved from (in Turkish)
  • Arioglu,H.H. and Calıskan, M.E. (2006). Turkiye’de Endustri Bitkileri Uretiminin Onemi, Sorunları ve Cozum Onerileri, Ulusal Tarım Kurultayı, 15-17 Kasım 2006, Adana. (in Turkish)
  • Arioglu H.H. 2014. Yerfıstıgı Yetistirme ve Islahı, Yag Bitkileri Ders Kitabı, 1999, Ç.U. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, G.Y. No: 220, Y. No: A-70, 74, Adana. (in Turkish)
  • Arioglu, H.H., Bakal, H., Gulluoglu, L., Kurt, C., Onat, B. (2016). The Determination of Some Important Agronomical and Quality Properties of Peanut Varieties In Main Crop Conditions, Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Arastırma Enstitusu Dergisi, 2016, 25 (Ozel Sayı-2):24-29 Araştırma Makalesi (Research Article). (in Turkish).Doi:
  • Arioglu, H.H. Bakal, H. Gulluoglu, L., Onat, B., Kurt, C. (2018). The Effect of Harvestıng Dates On Some Agronomıc And Qualıty Characterıstıcs of Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Varieties Grown As A Main Crop In Medıterranean Regıon (Turkey) , Turk J Field Crops, 2018, 23,1, 27-37. (in Turkish) Doi:
  • Asik, F.F., Yıldız, R., Arioglu, H.H. (2018). The Determination of New Peanut Varieties For Osmaniye Region And Their İmportant Agronomic And Quality Characteristics, Ksu J. Agric Nat, 21,6, 825-836. (in Turkish). Doi:
  • Aytekin, R.I., Calıskan, S. (2016). Determination of Growing Possibilities of Some Groundnut (Arachis Hypogeae L.) Cultivars in Nigde Conditions, Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitusu Dergisi, 2016, 25 (Ozel Sayı-2),13-17 Araştırma Makalesi (Research Article). (in Turkish). Doi:
  • Canavar, O. (2011). The Effect of Dıfferent Harvest Tımes On Yıeld and Yıeld Components and Fatty Acıds Component and Aflatoxin Concentratıon Level On Peanut, Adnan Menderes Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu Tarla Bitkileri Ana Bilim Dalı, 1-293. (in Turkish)
  • Eskalen, A., Yılmaz, A. (1993). Kahramanmaraş Koşullarında Ana Ürün Olarak Yetiştirilen Yerfıstıgı Çeşitlerinin Verim Ve Kimi Ozelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Gaziosmanpasa Universitesi Ziraat Fakultesi Dergisi, 1, 210-220. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Gulluoglu, L., Bakal, H., Onat, B., Kurt, C., Arıoglu, H.H. (2017a). Comparıson of Agronomıc And Qualıty Characterıstıcs of Some Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Varıetıes Grown As Maın and Double Crop In Medıterranean Regıon, Turk J Field Crops, 2017, 22(2), 166-177. (in Turkish). Doi:
  • Gulluoglu, L., Bakal, H., Arioglu, H.H. (2017b). The Determınatıon of Some Agronomıc And Oıl Qualıty Characterıstıcs of Peanut Breedıng Lınes, 3rd Internatıonal Symposıum For Agrıculture and Food – Isaf 2017, 117-123. (in Turkish)
  • Gulluoglu, L., Arioglu, H.H., Bakal, H. (2018). The Determination of Some Important Agronomic and Quality Characteristics of Advanced Peanut Breeding Lines, International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food, Veterinary Sciences And Tecnologies, 2-5 April, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey, 667-679. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Jagannathan Nt,, Selvaraj, K., Ramakrishnan, M., Natarajon, C., Muhammed, S. (1974). Performance of New Varieties of Groundnut İn Bhavanisagar Tract. Madras Agricultural Journal, 61,9, 815-816.
  • Kadiroglu, A. (2012). Comparasıon of Sıngle And Twın Plantıng Patterns Wıth Dıfferent Varıetıes And In-Row Spacıngs In Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Cultıvatıon, Süleyman Demirel University, Graduate School of Applied and Natural Sciences Department of Field Crops, 1-102.
  • Kurt, C., Arioglu, H.H. (2008). The Effect of Single and Twin Planting Patterns On Yield And Important Agricultural Characteristics of Main Cropped Peanut, Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Ç.U Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu, Tarla Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı, Yıl:2008 Cilt:17-4, 1-125. (in Turkish)
  • Kurt, C., Zaimoglu, F.B., Gulluoglu, L., Arioglu, H.H. (2009). Determınatıon of Yıeld And Important Plant Characterıstıcs of Some Peanut Varıetıes and Genotypes Grown As A Maın Crop In The Çukurova Regıon, Turkiye VIII. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, 19-22 Ekim 2009, Hatay, Pp. 237-241. (in Turkish). Retrieved fromı_ana_urun_kosullarında_bazı_yerfıstıgı_cesıt_ve_hatlarının_verım_ve_bazı_tarımsal_ozellıklerının_belırlenmesı
  • Campos-Mondragón, M.G., Calderón De La Barca, A.M., Durán-Prado, A., Campos-Reyes, L.C., Oliart-Ros, R. M., Ortega-García, J., Medina-Juárez, L. A., Angulo, O. (2009). Nutritional Composition of New Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Cultivars. Grasas Y Aceıtes, 60 (2), Abrıl-Junıo, 161-167, 2009, Issn: 0017-3495. Doi:
  • Onat, B., Bakal, H., Gulluoglu, L., Arioglu, H.H. (2017). The Effects of Row Spacıng And Plant Densıty On Yıeld And Yıeld Components of Peanut Grown As A Double Crop In Medıterranean Envıronment In Turkey , Turk J Field Crops, 2017, 22(1), 71-80. (in Turkish). Doi:
  • Onceler, I.H. (2005). The Effects of Fertılızers Contaınıng Dıfferent Mıneral Nutrıtıons on Yıeld And Some Agrıcultural Characterıstıcs In Maın Cropped Peanut, Unıversıty of Cukurova Instıtute of Natural And Applıed Scıence Fıeld Crops Department, Pp.1-76. (in Turkish)
  • SAS Institute Inc., (1996). SAS/STAT Software: Chances and Enhancements ThroughRelease 6.11. SAS Inst. Inc., Carry, NC, USA
  • Sebei K, Gnouma A, Herchi W, Sakouhi F, Boukhchina S. (2013). Lipids, proteins, phenolic composition, antioxidant and antibac-terial activities of seeds of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) cultivated in Tunisia.Biol Res46(3): 257–263.
  • Yılmaz, H.A. (1999). Farklı Ekim Sıklıklarının Iki Yerfıstıgı (Arachis Hypogea L.) Genotipinde Verim, Verim Unsurları, Yag Ve Protein İçeriklerine Etkisi, Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 23 (1999) 299–308 © Tübitak. (in Turkish)
  • Yol, E., Ustun, R., Golukcu, M., Uzun, B. (2017). Oil Content, Oil Yield and Fatty Acid Profile of Groundnut Germplasm İn Mediterranean Climates, J Am Oil Chem Soc (2017) 94:787–804. (in Turkish) Doi:
Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 4, 488 - 496, 15.12.2021


Project Number



  • Andrea, A. and Palafoxdla. B. (1986). Productive Behaviour of Eleven Erect Cultivars of Groundnuts (Arachis Hypogaea L.). Field Crop Abstracts, 39, 4.
  • Anonymous. (2015). Crop Production Statistics. Food And Agriculture Organization of The United Nations, Rome, Italy. Retrieved from
  • Anonymous. (2016). Bitkisel Yag Sanayicileri Dernegi. Turkiye Istatistikleri. Retrieved from (in Turkish)
  • Anonymous. (2017). Fao Production Year Book. Retrieved from
  • Anonymous. (2019a). Crop Production Statistics. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. Retrieved from
  • Anonymous, (2019b). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri. Retrieved from (in Turkish)
  • Arioglu,H.H. and Calıskan, M.E. (2006). Turkiye’de Endustri Bitkileri Uretiminin Onemi, Sorunları ve Cozum Onerileri, Ulusal Tarım Kurultayı, 15-17 Kasım 2006, Adana. (in Turkish)
  • Arioglu H.H. 2014. Yerfıstıgı Yetistirme ve Islahı, Yag Bitkileri Ders Kitabı, 1999, Ç.U. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, G.Y. No: 220, Y. No: A-70, 74, Adana. (in Turkish)
  • Arioglu, H.H., Bakal, H., Gulluoglu, L., Kurt, C., Onat, B. (2016). The Determination of Some Important Agronomical and Quality Properties of Peanut Varieties In Main Crop Conditions, Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Arastırma Enstitusu Dergisi, 2016, 25 (Ozel Sayı-2):24-29 Araştırma Makalesi (Research Article). (in Turkish).Doi:
  • Arioglu, H.H. Bakal, H. Gulluoglu, L., Onat, B., Kurt, C. (2018). The Effect of Harvestıng Dates On Some Agronomıc And Qualıty Characterıstıcs of Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Varieties Grown As A Main Crop In Medıterranean Regıon (Turkey) , Turk J Field Crops, 2018, 23,1, 27-37. (in Turkish) Doi:
  • Asik, F.F., Yıldız, R., Arioglu, H.H. (2018). The Determination of New Peanut Varieties For Osmaniye Region And Their İmportant Agronomic And Quality Characteristics, Ksu J. Agric Nat, 21,6, 825-836. (in Turkish). Doi:
  • Aytekin, R.I., Calıskan, S. (2016). Determination of Growing Possibilities of Some Groundnut (Arachis Hypogeae L.) Cultivars in Nigde Conditions, Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitusu Dergisi, 2016, 25 (Ozel Sayı-2),13-17 Araştırma Makalesi (Research Article). (in Turkish). Doi:
  • Canavar, O. (2011). The Effect of Dıfferent Harvest Tımes On Yıeld and Yıeld Components and Fatty Acıds Component and Aflatoxin Concentratıon Level On Peanut, Adnan Menderes Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu Tarla Bitkileri Ana Bilim Dalı, 1-293. (in Turkish)
  • Eskalen, A., Yılmaz, A. (1993). Kahramanmaraş Koşullarında Ana Ürün Olarak Yetiştirilen Yerfıstıgı Çeşitlerinin Verim Ve Kimi Ozelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Gaziosmanpasa Universitesi Ziraat Fakultesi Dergisi, 1, 210-220. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Gulluoglu, L., Bakal, H., Onat, B., Kurt, C., Arıoglu, H.H. (2017a). Comparıson of Agronomıc And Qualıty Characterıstıcs of Some Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Varıetıes Grown As Maın and Double Crop In Medıterranean Regıon, Turk J Field Crops, 2017, 22(2), 166-177. (in Turkish). Doi:
  • Gulluoglu, L., Bakal, H., Arioglu, H.H. (2017b). The Determınatıon of Some Agronomıc And Oıl Qualıty Characterıstıcs of Peanut Breedıng Lınes, 3rd Internatıonal Symposıum For Agrıculture and Food – Isaf 2017, 117-123. (in Turkish)
  • Gulluoglu, L., Arioglu, H.H., Bakal, H. (2018). The Determination of Some Important Agronomic and Quality Characteristics of Advanced Peanut Breeding Lines, International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food, Veterinary Sciences And Tecnologies, 2-5 April, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey, 667-679. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Jagannathan Nt,, Selvaraj, K., Ramakrishnan, M., Natarajon, C., Muhammed, S. (1974). Performance of New Varieties of Groundnut İn Bhavanisagar Tract. Madras Agricultural Journal, 61,9, 815-816.
  • Kadiroglu, A. (2012). Comparasıon of Sıngle And Twın Plantıng Patterns Wıth Dıfferent Varıetıes And In-Row Spacıngs In Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Cultıvatıon, Süleyman Demirel University, Graduate School of Applied and Natural Sciences Department of Field Crops, 1-102.
  • Kurt, C., Arioglu, H.H. (2008). The Effect of Single and Twin Planting Patterns On Yield And Important Agricultural Characteristics of Main Cropped Peanut, Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Ç.U Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu, Tarla Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı, Yıl:2008 Cilt:17-4, 1-125. (in Turkish)
  • Kurt, C., Zaimoglu, F.B., Gulluoglu, L., Arioglu, H.H. (2009). Determınatıon of Yıeld And Important Plant Characterıstıcs of Some Peanut Varıetıes and Genotypes Grown As A Maın Crop In The Çukurova Regıon, Turkiye VIII. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, 19-22 Ekim 2009, Hatay, Pp. 237-241. (in Turkish). Retrieved fromı_ana_urun_kosullarında_bazı_yerfıstıgı_cesıt_ve_hatlarının_verım_ve_bazı_tarımsal_ozellıklerının_belırlenmesı
  • Campos-Mondragón, M.G., Calderón De La Barca, A.M., Durán-Prado, A., Campos-Reyes, L.C., Oliart-Ros, R. M., Ortega-García, J., Medina-Juárez, L. A., Angulo, O. (2009). Nutritional Composition of New Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Cultivars. Grasas Y Aceıtes, 60 (2), Abrıl-Junıo, 161-167, 2009, Issn: 0017-3495. Doi:
  • Onat, B., Bakal, H., Gulluoglu, L., Arioglu, H.H. (2017). The Effects of Row Spacıng And Plant Densıty On Yıeld And Yıeld Components of Peanut Grown As A Double Crop In Medıterranean Envıronment In Turkey , Turk J Field Crops, 2017, 22(1), 71-80. (in Turkish). Doi:
  • Onceler, I.H. (2005). The Effects of Fertılızers Contaınıng Dıfferent Mıneral Nutrıtıons on Yıeld And Some Agrıcultural Characterıstıcs In Maın Cropped Peanut, Unıversıty of Cukurova Instıtute of Natural And Applıed Scıence Fıeld Crops Department, Pp.1-76. (in Turkish)
  • SAS Institute Inc., (1996). SAS/STAT Software: Chances and Enhancements ThroughRelease 6.11. SAS Inst. Inc., Carry, NC, USA
  • Sebei K, Gnouma A, Herchi W, Sakouhi F, Boukhchina S. (2013). Lipids, proteins, phenolic composition, antioxidant and antibac-terial activities of seeds of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) cultivated in Tunisia.Biol Res46(3): 257–263.
  • Yılmaz, H.A. (1999). Farklı Ekim Sıklıklarının Iki Yerfıstıgı (Arachis Hypogea L.) Genotipinde Verim, Verim Unsurları, Yag Ve Protein İçeriklerine Etkisi, Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 23 (1999) 299–308 © Tübitak. (in Turkish)
  • Yol, E., Ustun, R., Golukcu, M., Uzun, B. (2017). Oil Content, Oil Yield and Fatty Acid Profile of Groundnut Germplasm İn Mediterranean Climates, J Am Oil Chem Soc (2017) 94:787–804. (in Turkish) Doi:
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Botany
Journal Section Research Articles

Ahmet Yenikalaycı 0000-0002-4955-5723

Project Number TAGEM/TA/01/02/01/006
Publication Date December 15, 2021
Submission Date February 9, 2021
Acceptance Date September 7, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 5 Issue: 4


APA Yenikalaycı, A. (2021). Evaluation of Yield and Quality Performance of Groundnut Varieties under the Eastern Mediterranean Condition. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 5(4), 488-496.

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