Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 4/26/22

Year: 2022

Research Article



3. COVID-19 Sürecindeki Yapay Zeka, Dijital Sağlık Tanı ve Tedavisindeki Gelişmeler


4. Yapay Zekâ ve Hemşirelik

Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Health Sciences is an national, refereed, scientific journal published three times a year (April, August and December) in Turkish and English. It publishes original research, reviews and case reports on the use of artificial intelligence applications in health sciences.

The aim of our journal is to convey the current developments in the fields of artificial intelligence in health in our country and in the world, to ensure that original studies are shared in the scientific world, and at the same time to create a scientific platform where these developments are discussed with their positive and negative aspects.

The journal aims to contribute to the literature and all disciplines in the field of health by publishing experimental and clinical studies, original research, reviews, case reports and letters to the editor prepared in accordance with ethical rules. The articles to be accepted to the journal will be in the fields of informatics and data analytics, especially artificial intelligence studies and multidisciplinary studies with various health-related science fields such as pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, nutrition, health education, health management, sports health, health economics, etc.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Author's Guideline).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format.
  • Ethics committee approval form for Original Research Articles is included in the application file.
  • Title page has been prepared in accordance with the attached example. Click to download.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Copyright Transfer Form has been filled. Click to download.
  • ICMJE Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest Form has been filled. Download from this website: Click to download.
  • The journal reviewer suggestion form has been filled. Click to download.


For article submission to the Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Health Sciences, authors should carefully read the following information, prepare the files in accordance with the format and upload them to the system. Manuscripts that are not prepared in accordance with the format will not be evaluated.

ORCID information of all authors in the article should be specified on the title page.

Articles that do not meet this requirement will not be reviewed. ORCID knowledge acquisition is detailed in the author's responsibilities section.

ORCID ID must be written as a full web address. (e.g. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6824-4990).

The Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Health Sciences publishes open access and free of charge in line with the Budapest open access policy. No subscription, publication fee or similar payment is required for access to the resources. Articles in this journal can be used as long as the author and original source are cited. No permission is required from the authors or publishers. For detailed information, see: About the Journal.

At the submission process, authors should take the resources such as “Artificial Intelligence: Checklist for Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging (CLAIM): A Guide for Authors and Reviewers, 2020” and “NPJ Dijital Medicine: Best practices for authors of healthcare-related artificial intelligence manuscripts, 2020” into consideration.

As of 01.08.2021, journal reviewer suggestions are required for submitted articles. The reviewer suggestion form in the submission preparation checklist must be filled out and uploaded to the system along with the submission files.

Articles submitted to the Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Health Sciences are evaluated for their use of GPT.


Articles can only be submitted through the journal's online article submission and evaluation system.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal will first go through a technical evaluation process, where the editorial office staff will make sure that the article is prepared and submitted in accordance with the journal's guidelines. Manuscripts that do not comply with the journal's guidelines will be edited.

Articles should be written in Word Times New Roman format, 9 pt for abstract, 10 pt for tables, 12 pt for article text, single spacing (2.5 cm on each side). Abbreviations should be written as SI (standard index). Authors are required to upload the article files in four sections to the system. Details about these are presented below.

1- Ethics Committee Approval/Ethical Statement

If animals are used in the research, the research must be approved by the ethics committee and the relevant document must be uploaded to the system. For researches conducted with information and documents without using animals but by collecting data within the framework of academic and ethical rules, permission or ethical declaration form received from the relevant institutions and organizations must be filled in and uploaded to the system.

To Avoid Potential Conflict of Interest, the International Form of "ICMJE Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest Form" must be filled.

ICMJE Disclosure Form

2-Copyright Transfer Form

When submitting a manuscript, authors must send the copyright transfer form in PDF format with original signature to the system.
Plase click here to download the copyright transfer form.

3- Title Page

*At the end of the title page, each author's contribution to the study should be stated separately and in detail.

* The statement of the author responsible for conflict of interest should be stated at the end of the title page.

* If the study is being funded, this information should be shared on the title page.

* If the article has been presented in a congress / symposium before, this detail should be specified as shown on the title page.

The title of the article (Turkish and English), the full name of the authors, addresses, titles and the e-mail address of the corresponding author are written. Authors with different addresses are written with superscript numbers (1, 2, 3 etc.) and the corresponding author is written with an asterisk (*) as below.

Demir Katip*a, Ioannis Nikolakakis b, Amgad Rabie c, Geisa Sorezina Dolci d, Erwin Martinez Faller e
İzmir Katip Çelebi University, Faculty of Medicine Department of Microbiology, İzmir, Turkey
* usucan@gmail.com

4- Main Text
In this section, Turkish and English titles, abstract, keywords and other parts of the article should be prepared in the following order. Tables, figures and graphics should be in the same file. Author name, institution, e-mail information, etc. details should not be included in the main text file. The name and surname of the author, the name of the institution etc. information will not be included. The name of the file will be the same as the article title. Manuscripts that do not meet this requirement will not be reviewed.

• Title (Turkish and English)
• Short Title
• Abstract (Turkish and English)
• Keywords
• Introduction
• Materials and Methods
• Findings/Results
• Discussion
• Conclusion
• Acknowlegement
• References
• Tables
• Graphics
• Figures

If the article needs to include subheadings under main headings such as materials and methods, findings, the font should be in italics and only the first word should start with a capital letter. For example;

Statistical analysis

Materials and methods of the application

Short title: It should be written with 50 letters and placed as a running head.

In original research, each Turkish and English abstracts should not exceed 250 words and should be arranged in separate sections: Purpose, purpose of the study; Materials and Methods, how the study was conducted; Results, main findings which are statistically significant; Conclusion, possible implications. In case reports and reviews, abstracts should be prepared unstructured without subtitles.

Keywords: 5 keywords should be written in Turkish and English. Only the first letter of the first word of keywords should be capitalized.

Introduction: This section should be written with direct references to sufficient knowledge. The hypothesis and purpose should be clearly stated at the end of this section.

Material and Methods: A different section should be added for the description of materials and methods. If more than one method is used, this section should be subdivided. Unless a new and / or modified method is used, only the method should be referenced. The change in a method should be clearly defined.

Results: Findings should be presented as Tables, Figures or Graphics/ Diagrams. The text should mainly include important findings.

Discussion: The results of the study should be discussed with the relevant references directly. This section can also be subdivided.

Conclusion: This section should clearly state the main results of the study. Results should not be repeated.

Acknowledgement: This part of the article should be specified on the title page. Financial or other support can be written. If the study has been presented as an abstract at a conference before, it should be stated in this section.

References: References should be numbered according to the order of use in the text, the numbers should be indicated at the end of the sentence or, if the name of the author is mentioned, in parentheses right after the name. Journal names should be abbreviated as used in Index Medicus. If the number of authors is more than six, after the first three names “et al. (et al.) ”should be written. Manuscripts accepted for publication but still in print can be cited in references using the phrase "in press".

Journal article: Koc AM, Adıbelli ZH, Erkul Z, Sahin Y, Dilek I. Comparison of diagnostic accuracy of ACR-TIRADS, American Thyroid Association (ATA), and EU-TIRADS guidelines in detecting thyroid malignancy. Eur J Radiol. 2020 Dec;133:109390. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2020.109390.
Book: Sadler TW. Langman's Medical Embryology, 5th ed., William and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1985. p.224-226.
Book Chapter: Elmas M, 2009. Fluid Electrolyte treatment, In: Veterinary Drug, Ed; Yazar E, Third edition, Nobel Press, Istanbul, Turkey, pp; 175-197.
Web page: World Health Organization. Drinking water [Internet]. Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2015 Jun [cited 2018 Jul 20]. Available from: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs391/en/
Thesis: Ho SH. Preventative risk modelling and mapping of Murray Valley encephalitis virus and dengue virus in Western Australia [master’s thesis]. [Perth (AU)]: University of Western Australia; 2015.

Tables: Tables should be presented at the end of the manuscripts, on a different page after the references. Tables should not be transferred from another application (excel, power point, acrobat, etc.) by copying and pasting. Tables should be made with the Create table option in the Word file to be uploaded to the system. Otherwise, there will be shifts in the rows and columns of your tables during typesetting.
Pictures and Figures: Since all figures, photographs, graphics and diagrams are considered as figures, they must be uploaded to the system individually in their original size, 300 dpi resolution (visuals should have contrast and clarity to see color and details) and in JPEG/ TIFF format or in a single piece from PDF must be installed. Figure numbers should be indicated in the text with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3 ...). Figure texts should be placed in the main text file, right after the references, together with the figure numbers.


Original Research: Research Articles and reviews; They are prospective, retrospective and all kinds of experimental studies. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words and should be structured with the following subheadings: Purpose, Methods, Results and Conclusion. The main text should be structured with the following subheadings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion. Except for abstract, references, tables and figure legends, the main text should not exceed 3500 words.

Review Paper: Review articles are comprehensive analyzes written by the authors' extensive experience in review and publications. All review articles will also be subject to peer review before acceptance. The abstract should be written unstructured. The author has the privilege of defining the subsections in the article. Subtitles should be written in italics and only the first letter should be capitalized.

Letter to the Editor: This type of article discusses important parts, overlooked aspects, or missing parts of a previously published article. Articles on the subjects within the scope of the journal, which may attract the attention of the readers, and especially on educational cases, can also be presented in the form of "Letter to the Editor". Readers can also present their comments on the published article in the form of a "Letter to the Editor". Abstract, Keywords and Tables, Figures, Pictures and other media should not be included. The text should not be structured. The commented article should be properly quoted in this article.

Case Reports: Case reports are manuscripts that conduct clinical evaluations and scientific research, presenting and discussing characteristics of one or more cases. These are rare articles that differ in diagnosis and treatment. It should be supported by a sufficient number of photographs and diagrams.

Table 1. Limitations for each article type

Article Type
Word Limit 
Abstract Word Limit 
Table Limit
Figure Limit
Original Research

Review Paper 

Letter to the Editor 

Case Reports
No Table

When submitting a revised version of an article, the author should send how each question raised by the critics can be addressed and where to find it (each reviewer's comment followed by the author's response and changes), also an annotated copy of the main document. Revised manuscripts must be submitted within 20 days from the date of the decision letter. If the revised version of the article is not delivered within the given time, the revision option may be canceled. If the sending author(s) believe that additional time is required, they must request this extension before the first 20 days expire.

Accepted manuscripts are edited in terms of grammar, punctuation and format by copying. When the publication process of an article is complete, it is published online on the journal's web page as a prepress publication before being included in its planned issue. A PDF proof of accepted manuscript is sent to the relevant author and publication approval is requested within 3 days of receipt of the proof.

Copyright Notice
When submitting the article, the responsible author must send the Copyright Transfer Form to the system in PDF format.

Click to download.

Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Open Access Policy

The Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Health Sciences publishes open access and free of charge in line with the Budapest open access policy. Open access is an approach that reinforces interdisciplinary development and encourages cooperation between different disciplines. Therefore, Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Health Sciences contributes to its field by offering more access to its articles and a more transparent review process. Accordingly, the articles published in the journal are available online; It can be freely accessed, read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed, scanned, linked to full texts, indexed, transferred to the software as data and used for any legal purpose without financial, legal and technical obstacles. Authors are not paid royalty fees. No fee is charged to the authors for article evaluation and publication.

The Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Health Sciences approves the "Creative Commons Attribution License (Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International CC BY)" license for all published articles. Under this license, the parties have the right to reproduce, share and disseminate all published articles, data sets, graphics and annexes in data mining applications, search engines, websites, blogs and all other platforms, provided that they provide the source.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

A unique DOI number is assigned to every article published in our journal. A total of three issues published in a year constitute one volume of the journal. As of our first issue, the ORCID ID numbers of the authors are given on the cover page of the article. There is no submission schedule for articles based on a specific volume and issue. Authors can submit their article at any time. Articles whose evaluation process is completed are published by considering the date of acceptance. Articles with a DOI in early view are printed in the following issues, respectively, according to the date of acceptance.

Publication Ethics and Plagiarism Policy

Submission of articles to the journal, correspondence, sending of the articles to the referees and requesting corrections (if any) from the author, then revising by the editor and notifying the authors that they are accepted or rejected for publication are carried out electronically (See Submissions). All articles are checked by editorial offices for similarity or plagiarism.

Our journal complies with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), World Association Medical Editors (WAME) criteria. Another main principle of the journal is that article evaluation is done quickly and the journal is published in a timely manner.

Editors can act in accordance with COPE rules against allegations and suspicions of plagiarism, citation manipulation and data fraud related to articles submitted to the journal. All Referee Reports are kept for 5 years, allowing them to be audited by the editorial board.


Copyright and publication rights of the author(s) on the article(s) are restricted. The author and the reader must obtain permission from the journal for the use of the work that will be subject to financial gain. Corresponding author is requested to sign the Copyright Transfer Form on behalf of all authors and send it in PDF format. Special rights (first publication right and financial rights) of the work belong to the journal. No copyright is paid to the authors for the articles.

In addition to this situation, the author(s);

Patent rights,
All unregistered rights, including copyright,
The right to reproduce and disseminate the work for their own purposes, provided that they do not sell the work,
The right of the author (s) to use all or part of the work in their own books and other academic studies in the future without paying a fee, provided that the source is indicated,
The right to keep the manuscript on personal websites or in the university's open archive, provided that it specifies (including the link to the work published in the journal). Authors reserve their intellectual property rights, such as the ability to publish their work in online environments and / or social networks (personal web pages, course content websites, Researchgate, etc.) by linking to the journal in accordance with the library's rules.
The author (s) of the article has the right to reproduce the article and distribute it by mail or electronic means. The use of any part of the article in another publication is permitted only when a citation is made to the Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Health Sciences. While citing, the Name of the Journal, the Name of the Article, the Name, Surname of the Author (s), Volume Number, Issue Number and Year should be given.

All responsibilities for the articles published in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Health Sciences belong to the author.

License Terms

Artificial Intelligence Journal in Health Sciences is licensed with "Creative Commons Attribution License (Attribution-Non-Commercial-Non-Derivative 4.0 International CC BY)".

Creative Commons license, copyrighted work or a variety of public copyright license that can be distributed free of charge. CC license is used when an author asks for the right to use or to share his work.

Under this license, the parties have the right to reproduce, share and disseminate all articles, data sets, graphics and annexes in data mining applications, search engines, websites, blogs and all other platforms, provided that they provide the source.

Open access is an approach that reinforces interdisciplinary development and encourages collaboration between different disciplines. The journal, Artificial Intelligence in Health Sciences, contributes to literature by offering more access to articles and a more transparent review process.

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