Issue: 61, 6/29/24

Year: 2024

A biannual international publication of the American Studies Association of Turkey, Journal of American Studies of Turkey operates with a double blind peer review system. It publishes transdisciplinary work in English by scholars of any nationality on American literature, history, art, music, film, popular culture, institutions, politics, economics, geography, and related subjects. Contributors need not be members of the American Studies Association of Turkey.

Articles which cross conventional borders between academic disciplines are particularly welcome, as are comparative studies of American and other cultures. The journal also publishes notes, comments, interviews, personal essays and book reviews. 

An international biannual print and on-line publication of the American Studies Association of Turkey, the Journal of American Studies of Turkey operates with a double-blind peer review system and publishes work in English by scholars of any nationality on American literature, history, art, music, film, popular culture, institutions, politics, economics, geography and related subjects. The Editorial Board welcomes articles which cross conventional borders between academic disciplines, as well as comparative studies of America and other cultures. The journal also publishes interviews and and book reviews.

Journal of American Studies of Turkey is indexed in the MLA International Bibliography, the American Humanities Index, and the ULAKBIM index. It appears in the Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory and the MLA Directory of Periodicals. It can be accessed online (see the sidebar), in print, and through the EBSCO database.  

All manuscripts should follow MLA Style and be double-spaced (including notes and Works Cited) in Calibri 11 point font. Articles should be approximately 6,000 to 8,000 words in length. Submissions should be sent as a Word attachment to the e-mail addresses below. No material will be considered for publication if it is currently under consideration by another journal or press or if it has been published, or is soon to be published, elsewhere.

The copyright of all material published will be vested in the Journal of American Studies of Turkeyunless otherwise specifically agreed. This copyright covers exclusive rights of publication of printed or electronic media, including the World Wide Web. Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material to which they do not own copyright.

Submission Guidelines:


The Editorial Board welcomes the submission of articles, interviews, and book reviews for publication in JAST. Articles should be approximately 6000-8000 words in length, and book reviews should not exceed 800 words. Articles should be consistent with the objectives and scope of the journal. All accepted submissions are subject to stylistic editing prior to publication.


Article manuscripts should be submitted as 2 separate documents: the first should be a title page with the submission’s title, subtitle (if any), the author’s name, affiliation, full postal address, telephone number, e-mail address, and acknowledgements (if any). The second, the anonymous manuscript, should be arranged in the following order of presentation: title, an abstract (of approximately 150 words), keywords (4 to 6 words), the main body of the text, endnotes (if any), works cited, and appendices (if any). The text should be organized under appropriate subheadings whenever possible.


The most recent MLA manual style should be strictly observed. 


Book reviews should include a brief description of the subjects covered in the book; an evaluation of the book’s strength and weaknesses; and the kind(s) of audience(s) to whom the book might appeal. The heading of the review should include: the book’s title, author(s) or editor(s), publication city, publisher, publication date, and number of pages. 


Manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word, in Calibri 11-point font, and be double-spaced (including any notes and the works cited).

They can be e-mailed directly to editors Nisa Harika Güzel Köşker ( and Tarik Tansu Yiğit (

In case of technical issues concerning submission, please send a message to the managing director Cem Kılıçarslan (



Ethical Conduct in Publication:


1. All submissions should be original and should contribute in a tangible way to their field(s) of study.


2. Authors who borrow from the works and ideas of others must document the source, in accordance with the latest MLA style, even when paraphrasing. All forms of plagiarism are unacceptable and any violation will result in the automatic rejection of the manuscript.


3. Authors are responsible for obtaining the copyrights for any copyrighted material included in their article.


4. No manuscript will be considered for publication if it is currently under consideration by another journal or press, or if it has been published, or is soon to be published, elsewhere. If the manuscript is accepted, the Editorial Board expects that its appearance in JAST will precede publication of the article, or any significant part thereof, in another work. 


5. Authors are required to comply with our double-blind peer review process and all referee/editor evaluations.


6. Referees are expected to judge the work of others fully, fairly, and in an unbiased and informed way. A referee who has a conflict of interest or personal/professional issue with the author, topic, or critical stance of a work so as to be unable to judge its merits without prejudice must decline to serve as a reviewer.


7. A referee should discharge his/her tasks in a timely manner and should decline an invitation to review if s/he cannot meet the deadline. Undue delay in submitting a review or a revised manuscript will prompt editorial action ranging from the reassignment of the manuscript to another reviewer to its outright rejection.


8. Referees are expected to maintain confidentiality throughout the entire peer review process.


For more information on ethical standards, please see:

1. All submissions should be original and should contribute in a tangible way to their field(s) of study.

2. Authors who borrow from the works and ideas of others must document the source, in accordance with the latest MLA style, even when paraphrasing. All forms of plagiarism are unacceptable and any violation will result in the automatic rejection of the manuscript.

3. Authors are responsible for obtaining the copyrights for any copyrighted material included in their article.


4. No manuscript will be considered for publication if it is currently under consideration by another journal or press, or if it has been published, or is soon to be published, elsewhere. If the manuscript is accepted, the Editorial Board expects that its appearance in JAST will precede publication of the article, or any significant part thereof, in another work.

5. Authors are required to comply with our double-blind peer review process and all referee/editor evaluations.

6. Referees are expected to judge the work of others fully, fairly, and in an unbiased and informed way. A referee who has a conflict of interest or personal/professional issue with the author, topic, or critical stance of a work so as to be unable to judge its merits without prejudice must decline to serve as a reviewer.

7. A referee should discharge his/her tasks in a timely manner and should decline an invitation to review if s/he cannot meet the deadline. Undue delay in submitting a review or a revised manuscript will prompt editorial action ranging from the reassignment of the manuscript to another reviewer to its outright rejection.

8. Referees are expected to maintain confidentiality throughout the entire peer review process.

For more information on ethical standards, please see:

JAST does not charge any publication, document handling or referee services fee from the authors for the papers to be published.

JAST - Journal of American Studies of Turkey