Research Article
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Online Education Skills of Teachers: Four Axes of Gaps

Year 2021, Volume: 9 Issue: 17, 1 - 15, 27.04.2021


There is a diversity in the teachers’ digital capabilities of online education skills and many research related this for decades. According to the literature review teachers were being discriminated based on numerous gaps. This paper seeks to assess the existence of gaps of teachers’ online education skills in the four axes: access, age, gender, and language. A research was carried out through an online questionnaire and the results of technology-based online education skills; web-based online education skills, and administrative online education skills were analysed statistically. There was a significant digital convergence among the teachers surveyed, which is important for their ability to deliver effective online courses. To bridge these gaps in the educational world of teachers, in-service training plans should be made, collaboratively with the online education experts and technology experts. This research study has some significant results compared to the studies delivered in the last decade.


  • Acar, (2020). An investigation of grade level and gender-based science achievement gaps in schools with different science achievement levels. Pegem Eğitim and Öğretim Dergisi, 10(1), 01-16.
  • Ahmed, A. (2007). Open access towards bridging the digital divide–policies and strategies for developing countries. Information Technology for Development, 13(4), 337-361. Anderson, S., Medrich, E., & Fowler, D. (2007). Which achievement gap? Phi Delta Kappan, 88 (7), 547-550.
  • Arslan, S., Kutluca, T., & Özpınar, İ. (2011). Investigating mathematics teacher candidates’ opinions about using information & communication technologies. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 6 (2), 75-82.
  • Bhanji, Z. (2008). Transnational corporations in education: filling the governance gap through new social norms and market multilateralism? Globalisation, Societies and Education, 6(1), 55–73.
  • Brown, J. D. (2016). Introducing needs analysis and English for specific purposes. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Çebi, A., & Reisoğlu, İ. (2019). A training activity for improving the digital competences of pre-service teachers: The views of pre-service teacher in CEIT and other disciplines. Educational Technology Theory and Practice, 9(2), 539-565.
  • Çoban, M. (2020). The experiences of the prospective information technology teachers taking the multimedia design and production course with project-based learning method: a case study. Journal of Computer and Education Research, 8 (16), 720-737.
  • Clarke, A., Milner, H., Killer, T. & Dixon, G. (2008). Bridging the digital divide. Adults Learning, 20 (3), 20-22.
  • Elsayed, A. (2019). Effectiveness of project-web learning approach in the development of action research skills among master’s students in oman. Arab World English Journal, 5, 51-64.
  • Gill, L., Dalgarno, B., & Carlson, L. (2015). How does pre-service teacher preparedness to use ICTs for learning and teaching develop through their degree program? Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(1), 36-60.
  • Goldhaber, D. Quince, V., Theobald & R. (2019). Teacher quality gaps in U.S. public schools: trends, sources, and implications, Phi Delta Kappan, 100 (8), 14-19.
  • Gudmundsdottir, G. B., & Hatlevik, O. E. (2018). Newly qualified teachers’ Professional digital competence: implications for teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education, 41(2), 214-231.
  • Gregory, A., Skiba, R. J., & Noguera, P. A. (2010). The achievement gap and the discipline gap: Two sides of the same coin? Educational Researcher, 39(1), 59- 68.
  • Gunga, S.O. & Ricketts, I.W. (2007). Facing the challenges of e-learning initiatives in African universities. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38(5), 896-906.
  • Durak, H., Saritepeci, M., & Çakır, H. (2016), An in-service training of teachers on the model proposal: web-based in-service professional development model. Journal of Computer and Education Research, 4(8), 222-248.
  • Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, N. E., & Hyun, H. H. (2012). How to design and evaluate research in education (8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, N. E., & Hyun, H. H. (2012). How to design and evaluate research in education (8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Hargittai, E. (2003). The digital divide and what to do about it. In: Jones D. Editor, New economy handbook, (pp. 821-839). San Diego and London: Elsevier, Academic Press.
  • Kayak, S., & Kır, E. (2015). Assessing candidate language teachers’ level of knowledge and ideas towards the use of interactive. Journal of Computer and Education Research, 3(5), 50-77.
  • Piskurich, G. M. (2003). Preparing learners for e-learn, ING. Danvers, CA: Pfeiffer.
  • Reardon, S. F. (2013). The widening income achievement gap. Educational Leadership, 70(8), 10-16.
  • Ramírez-Montoya, M. S., Mena, J., & Rodríguez-Arroyo, J. A. (2017). In-service teachers’ self-perceptions of digital competence and OER use as determined by a xMOOC training course. Computers in Human Behavior, 77, 356-364.
  • Tuncay, N. & Uzunboylu, H. (2008). A research study about "e-learning training needs" of vocational bilingual teachers in north Cyprus. Proceedings of 7th European Conference on e-Learning, 2, 590-598, Nov 06-07, 2008 Agia Napa, Cyprus.
  • Tuncay, N., Stanescu, IA. & Uzunboylu, H. (2009, October). Do teachers e-learning needs differentiate among countries? 8th European Conference on e-Learning, 29-30 October 2009, Monolingual of Bari, Italy.
  • Tuncay, N., & Uzunboylu, H. (2010). A research study about “e-learning training needs” of vocational bilingual teachers in north Cyprus, Proceedings of 7th European Conference on e-Learning, Nov 06-07, 2008 Agia Napa, Cyprus,13(1), 590-598.
  • Tuncay, N., & Uzunboylu, H. (2008). A research study about "e-learning training needs" of vocational bilingual teachers in north Cyprus. Proceedings of 7th European Conference on e-Learning, V.2 P.590-598, Nov 06-07, 2008 Agia Napa, Cyprus.
  • Uzunboylu, H. & Tuncay, N. (2009). E-learning divides in north Cyprus. Asia Pacific Education Review, 10, 281-290.
  • Uzunboylu, H. & Tuncay, N. (2010). Divergence of digital world of teachers. Educational Technology & Society, 13(1), 186-194.
  • Yalman, M. & Kutluca, T. (2013). Matematik öğretmeni adaylarının bölüm dersleri için kullanılan uzaktan eğitim sistemi hakkındaki yaklaşımları [Mathematics prospective teachers' approaches towards the distance education system used for the department courses]. D.Ü Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 21, 197-208.
  • Youssef, A.B. & Ragni, L. (2008). Uses of information and communication technologies in europe’s higher education institutions: from digital divides to digital trajectories, The Economics of E-learning, 5 (1), 72-85.

Online Education Skills of Teachers: Four Axes of Gaps

Year 2021, Volume: 9 Issue: 17, 1 - 15, 27.04.2021


There is a diversity in the teachers’ digital capabilities of online education skills and many research related this for decades. According to the literature review teachers were being discriminated based on numerous gaps. This paper seeks to assess the existence of gaps of teachers’ online education skills in the four axes: access, age, gender, and language. A research was carried out through an online questionnaire and the results of technology-based online education skills; web-based online education skills, and administrative online education skills were analysed statistically. There was a significant digital convergence among the teachers surveyed, which is important for their ability to deliver effective online courses. To bridge these gaps in the educational world of teachers, in-service training plans should be made, collaboratively with the online education experts and technology experts. This research study has some significant results compared to the studies delivered in the last decade.


  • Acar, (2020). An investigation of grade level and gender-based science achievement gaps in schools with different science achievement levels. Pegem Eğitim and Öğretim Dergisi, 10(1), 01-16.
  • Ahmed, A. (2007). Open access towards bridging the digital divide–policies and strategies for developing countries. Information Technology for Development, 13(4), 337-361. Anderson, S., Medrich, E., & Fowler, D. (2007). Which achievement gap? Phi Delta Kappan, 88 (7), 547-550.
  • Arslan, S., Kutluca, T., & Özpınar, İ. (2011). Investigating mathematics teacher candidates’ opinions about using information & communication technologies. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 6 (2), 75-82.
  • Bhanji, Z. (2008). Transnational corporations in education: filling the governance gap through new social norms and market multilateralism? Globalisation, Societies and Education, 6(1), 55–73.
  • Brown, J. D. (2016). Introducing needs analysis and English for specific purposes. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Çebi, A., & Reisoğlu, İ. (2019). A training activity for improving the digital competences of pre-service teachers: The views of pre-service teacher in CEIT and other disciplines. Educational Technology Theory and Practice, 9(2), 539-565.
  • Çoban, M. (2020). The experiences of the prospective information technology teachers taking the multimedia design and production course with project-based learning method: a case study. Journal of Computer and Education Research, 8 (16), 720-737.
  • Clarke, A., Milner, H., Killer, T. & Dixon, G. (2008). Bridging the digital divide. Adults Learning, 20 (3), 20-22.
  • Elsayed, A. (2019). Effectiveness of project-web learning approach in the development of action research skills among master’s students in oman. Arab World English Journal, 5, 51-64.
  • Gill, L., Dalgarno, B., & Carlson, L. (2015). How does pre-service teacher preparedness to use ICTs for learning and teaching develop through their degree program? Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(1), 36-60.
  • Goldhaber, D. Quince, V., Theobald & R. (2019). Teacher quality gaps in U.S. public schools: trends, sources, and implications, Phi Delta Kappan, 100 (8), 14-19.
  • Gudmundsdottir, G. B., & Hatlevik, O. E. (2018). Newly qualified teachers’ Professional digital competence: implications for teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education, 41(2), 214-231.
  • Gregory, A., Skiba, R. J., & Noguera, P. A. (2010). The achievement gap and the discipline gap: Two sides of the same coin? Educational Researcher, 39(1), 59- 68.
  • Gunga, S.O. & Ricketts, I.W. (2007). Facing the challenges of e-learning initiatives in African universities. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38(5), 896-906.
  • Durak, H., Saritepeci, M., & Çakır, H. (2016), An in-service training of teachers on the model proposal: web-based in-service professional development model. Journal of Computer and Education Research, 4(8), 222-248.
  • Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, N. E., & Hyun, H. H. (2012). How to design and evaluate research in education (8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, N. E., & Hyun, H. H. (2012). How to design and evaluate research in education (8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Hargittai, E. (2003). The digital divide and what to do about it. In: Jones D. Editor, New economy handbook, (pp. 821-839). San Diego and London: Elsevier, Academic Press.
  • Kayak, S., & Kır, E. (2015). Assessing candidate language teachers’ level of knowledge and ideas towards the use of interactive. Journal of Computer and Education Research, 3(5), 50-77.
  • Piskurich, G. M. (2003). Preparing learners for e-learn, ING. Danvers, CA: Pfeiffer.
  • Reardon, S. F. (2013). The widening income achievement gap. Educational Leadership, 70(8), 10-16.
  • Ramírez-Montoya, M. S., Mena, J., & Rodríguez-Arroyo, J. A. (2017). In-service teachers’ self-perceptions of digital competence and OER use as determined by a xMOOC training course. Computers in Human Behavior, 77, 356-364.
  • Tuncay, N. & Uzunboylu, H. (2008). A research study about "e-learning training needs" of vocational bilingual teachers in north Cyprus. Proceedings of 7th European Conference on e-Learning, 2, 590-598, Nov 06-07, 2008 Agia Napa, Cyprus.
  • Tuncay, N., Stanescu, IA. & Uzunboylu, H. (2009, October). Do teachers e-learning needs differentiate among countries? 8th European Conference on e-Learning, 29-30 October 2009, Monolingual of Bari, Italy.
  • Tuncay, N., & Uzunboylu, H. (2010). A research study about “e-learning training needs” of vocational bilingual teachers in north Cyprus, Proceedings of 7th European Conference on e-Learning, Nov 06-07, 2008 Agia Napa, Cyprus,13(1), 590-598.
  • Tuncay, N., & Uzunboylu, H. (2008). A research study about "e-learning training needs" of vocational bilingual teachers in north Cyprus. Proceedings of 7th European Conference on e-Learning, V.2 P.590-598, Nov 06-07, 2008 Agia Napa, Cyprus.
  • Uzunboylu, H. & Tuncay, N. (2009). E-learning divides in north Cyprus. Asia Pacific Education Review, 10, 281-290.
  • Uzunboylu, H. & Tuncay, N. (2010). Divergence of digital world of teachers. Educational Technology & Society, 13(1), 186-194.
  • Yalman, M. & Kutluca, T. (2013). Matematik öğretmeni adaylarının bölüm dersleri için kullanılan uzaktan eğitim sistemi hakkındaki yaklaşımları [Mathematics prospective teachers' approaches towards the distance education system used for the department courses]. D.Ü Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 21, 197-208.
  • Youssef, A.B. & Ragni, L. (2008). Uses of information and communication technologies in europe’s higher education institutions: from digital divides to digital trajectories, The Economics of E-learning, 5 (1), 72-85.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Research Article

Nazime Tuncay 0000-0001-5791-3562

Publication Date April 27, 2021
Submission Date July 24, 2020
Acceptance Date December 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 9 Issue: 17


APA Tuncay, N. (2021). Online Education Skills of Teachers: Four Axes of Gaps. Journal of Computer and Education Research, 9(17), 1-15.

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