Research Article
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The Effects of Fire on Surface-Dwelling Arthropod Communities in Pinus brutia Forests of Southwestern Anatolia

Year 2016, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 33 - 39, 30.06.2016


This study aimed at exploring the response of surface-active arthropod communities to fre and
fre-induced habitat alteration in a
Pinus brutia Ten. forests in southwestern Turkey. Samplings were carried on in
twelve study sites by using 36 pitfall traps in burned and unburned sites during two months immediately after fre
occurred in August 2004. According to results obtained in two sampling terms, the abundances of all arthropods,
insects and ants were higher on the burned site than on the unburned site. The other community parameters such as
species richness, diversity and evenness were found higher in the burned site for insects and ants. Diptera that was
represented mostly by one species, the syrphid fly
Eumerus strigatus (Fallen, 1817) was caught in great abundance
in the burned site. Colonizing of
Orthotomicus erosus (Wollaston, 1857) at burned site in two months after fre
increased abundance of bark beetles in the burned site rapidly. Consequently, it was not determined destructive
effects of fre on abundance of arthropods in spite there were changes in community structures depending on rapid
habitat alterations.


  • Andersen AN, 1991. Responses of ground-foraging ant communities to three experimental fre regimes in a savanna forest of tropical Australia. Biotropica, 23: 575-585.
  • Andersen AN, Müller WJ, 2000. Arthropod responses to experimental fre regimes in an Australian tropical savannah: ordinal-level analysis. Austral Ecology, 25: 199-209.
  • Andersen AN, Yen AL, 1985. Immediate effects of fre on ants in the semi-arid mallee region of north-western Victoria. Australian Journal of Ecology, 10: 25-30.
  • Andersen AN, Hertog T, Woinarski JCZ, 2006. Long-term fre exclusion and ant community structure in an Australian tropical savanna: congruence with vegetation succession. Journal of Biogeography, 33: 823-832.
  • Arnan X, Rodrigo A, Retana J, 2006. Post-fre recovery of Mediterranean ground ant communities follows vegetation and dryness gradients. Journal of Biogeography, 33: 1246- 1258.
  • Ausden M, Drake M, 2006. Invertebrates. In: Sutherland WJ (eds) Ecological Census Techniques a handbook, 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, p 214-249.
  • Azeria ET, Ibarzabal J, Hébert C, 2012. Effects of habitat characteristics and interspecifc interactions on co-occurrence patterns of saproxylic beetles breeding in tree boles after forest fre: null model analyses. Community Ecology 168, 1123-1135.
  • Boulanger Y, Sirois L. 2007, Postfre succession of saproxylic arthropods, with emphasis on Coleoptera, in the north boreal forest of Quebec. Environmental Entomology, 36: 128-141.
  • Boulanger Y, Sirois L, Hébert C, 2010. Distribution of saproxylic beetles in a recently burned landscape of the northern boreal forest of Québec. Forest Ecology and Management, 260: 1114-1123.
  • Broza M, Izhaki I. 1997, Post-fre arthropod assemblages in Mediterranean forest soils in Israel. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 7: 317-325.
  • Doane JF, 1983. Attraction of the lesser bulb fly Eumerus strigatus (Diptera: Syrphidae) to decomposing outmeal. New Zeland Entomologist, 7(4): 419.
  • Fernández Fernández MM, 2006. Colonization of fre-damaged trees by Ips sexdentatus (Boerner) as related to the percentage of burned crown. Entomologica Fennica, 17: 381-386.
  • Fox BJ, Fox MD. 1987, The role of fre in the scleromorphic forests and shrublands of eastern Australia. In: Trabaud L (ed) The role of fre in ecological systems. S.P.B. Academic Publishers, The Hague, p. 23-48.
  • Frizzo TLM, Campos RI, Vasconcelos HL, 2012. Contrasting effects of fre on arboreal and ground-dwelling ant communities of a Neotropical savanna. Biotropica, 44(2): 254-261.
  • Gongalsky KB, Persson T, 2013. Recovery of soil macrofauna after wildfres in boreal forests. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 57: 182-191.
  • Hanula JL, Meeker JR, Miller DR, Barnard EL, 2002. Association of wildfre with tree health and numbers of pine bark beetles, reproduction weevils and their associates in Florida. Forest Ecology and Management, 170: 233-247.
  • Jackson GP, Fox BJ, 1996. Comparison of regeneration following burning, clearing or mineral sand mining at Tomago, NSW: II. Succession of ant assemblages in a coastal forest. Australian Journal of Ecology, 21: 200-216.
  • Kaynaş BY, Gürkan B, 2008. Species richness and abundance of insects during post-fre succession of a Pinus brutia forest in Mediterranean region. Polish Journal of Ecology, 56: 165-172.
  • Kaynaş BY, Gürkan B, 2007. Species diversity of butterflies in Turkish Pinus brutia forest ecosystems after fre. Entomological News, 118 (1): 31-39.
  • Keeley JE, 1986. Resilience of Mediterranean shrub communities to fres. In: Dell B, Hopkins AJM, Lamont BB (eds) Resilience in Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Dr W Junk Publishers, Dordrecht, p. 95-111.
  • Kim TN, Holt RD, 2012. The direct and indirect effects of fre on the assembly of insect herbivore communities: examples from the Florida scrub habitat. Oecologia, 168: 997-1012.
  • Marcos Gerding P, Ernesto Cisternas A, Alfonso Aguilera P, Jaime Apablaza H, 1999. Eumerus strigatus (Fallen) (Diptera: Syrphidae) infestando Alliaceae en Chile. Agricultura Técnica, 59(2): 133-135.
  • McHugh CW, Kolb TE, Wilson JL, 2003. Bark beetle attacks on Panderosa pine following fre in Northern Arizona. Environmental Entomology, 32(3): 510-522.
  • Mendel Z, Halperin J, 1982. The biology and behavior of Orthotomicus erosus in Israel. Phytoparasitica, 10(3): 169- 181.
  • Moretti M, Obrist MK, Duelli P, 2004. Arthropod biodiversity after rests fres: Winners and losers in the winter fre regime of the Southern Alps. Ecography, 27: 173-186.
  • Paquin P, Coderre D, 1997. Deforestation and fre impact on edaphic insect larvae and other macroarthropods. Environmental Entomology, 26: 21–30.
  • Parr CL, Robertson HG, Biggs HC, Chown SL, 2004. Response of African savanna ants to long-term fre regimes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 41: 630-642.
  • Prodon R, Fons R, Athias-Binche F, 1987. The impact of fre on animal communities in Mediterranean Area. In: Trabaud L (ed) The Role of Fire in Ecological Systems. SPA Academic Publishing, The Hague, p. 121-157.
  • Radea C, Arianoutsou M, 2000. Cellulose decomposition rates and soil arthropod community in a Pinus halepensis Mill. forest of Greece after wildfre. European Journal of Soil Biology, 36(1): 57-64.
  • Rodrigo A, Retana J, Liebhold A, 2006. Post-fre recovery of ant communities in submediterranean Pinus nigra forests. Ecography, 29(2): 231-239.
  • Saint-Germain M, Drapeau P, Buddle CM, 2008. Persistence of pyrophilous insects in fre-driven boreal forests: population dynamics in burned and unburned habitats. Diversity and Distributions, 14: 713-720.
  • Saint-Germain M, Drapeau P, Hébert C, 2004. Comparison of Coleoptera assemblages from a recently burned and unburned black spruce forests of northeastern North America. Biological Conservation, 118: 583-592.
  • Santolamazza-Carbone S, Pestaña M, Antonio Vega J, 2011. Postfre attractiveness of maritime pines (Pinus pinaster Ait.) to xylophagous insects. . Journal of Pest Science, 84: 343-353.
  • Santoro AE, Lombardero MJ, Ayres MP, Ruel JJ, 2001. Interactions between fre and bark beetles in an old growth pine forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 144: 245-254.
  • Sgardelis SP, Pantis JD, Argyropoulou MD, Stamou GP, 1995. Effects of fre on soil macroinvertebrates in a Mediterranean phryganic ecosystem.

Güneybatı Anadolu Pinus brutia Ormanlarında Orman Yangınlarının Yüzey-Aktif Eklembacaklı Komüniteleri Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2016, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 33 - 39, 30.06.2016


Bu çalışma, Güneybatı Anadolu Pinus brutia Ten. ormanlarında yangının ve yangın kaynaklı habitat
değişiminin yüzey-aktif eklembacaklı komüniteleri üzerine etkilerinin araştırılmasını amaçlamıştır. Eklembacaklılara
yönelik örnekleme çalışmaları, 2004 yılının Ağustos ayında meydana gelen bir orman yangının hemen sonrasında
yanmış ve yanmamış alanlardan seçilen, 12 çalışma alanında 36 çukur tuzak kullanılarak, iki aylık dönem boyunca
gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucuna göre, eklembacaklıların (Şube: Arthropoda), böceklerin (Sınıf: Insecta) ve
karıncaların (Familya: Formicidae) bolluk değerlerinin her iki örnekleme döneminde de yanmış alanda yanmamış
alana gore daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Böcekler ve karıncalar için hesaplanan tür zenginliği, tür çeşitliliği
ve eşitlik değerleri yanmış alanda yanmamış alana gore daha yüksektir. Büyük oranda;
Eumerus strigatus (Fallen,
1817) türü ile temsil edilen Diptera Takımı, yanmış alanda yüksek bolluk değerine sahiptir. Yangın sonrası ikinci
Orthotomicus erosus (Wollaston, 1857)’un yanmış alanda gerçekleşen kolonizasyonu, kabuk böceklerinin bu
alandaki bolluğunun ani bir şekilde artmasına neden olmuştur. Sonuç olarak, yangın sonrası ani habitat değişimine
bağlı olarak eklembacaklı komünitelerinin yapısında önemli değişimler meydana gelmesine rağmen, yangının
arthropod komüniteleri üzerinde yıkıcı bir etkisi tespit edilmemiştir


  • Andersen AN, 1991. Responses of ground-foraging ant communities to three experimental fre regimes in a savanna forest of tropical Australia. Biotropica, 23: 575-585.
  • Andersen AN, Müller WJ, 2000. Arthropod responses to experimental fre regimes in an Australian tropical savannah: ordinal-level analysis. Austral Ecology, 25: 199-209.
  • Andersen AN, Yen AL, 1985. Immediate effects of fre on ants in the semi-arid mallee region of north-western Victoria. Australian Journal of Ecology, 10: 25-30.
  • Andersen AN, Hertog T, Woinarski JCZ, 2006. Long-term fre exclusion and ant community structure in an Australian tropical savanna: congruence with vegetation succession. Journal of Biogeography, 33: 823-832.
  • Arnan X, Rodrigo A, Retana J, 2006. Post-fre recovery of Mediterranean ground ant communities follows vegetation and dryness gradients. Journal of Biogeography, 33: 1246- 1258.
  • Ausden M, Drake M, 2006. Invertebrates. In: Sutherland WJ (eds) Ecological Census Techniques a handbook, 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, p 214-249.
  • Azeria ET, Ibarzabal J, Hébert C, 2012. Effects of habitat characteristics and interspecifc interactions on co-occurrence patterns of saproxylic beetles breeding in tree boles after forest fre: null model analyses. Community Ecology 168, 1123-1135.
  • Boulanger Y, Sirois L. 2007, Postfre succession of saproxylic arthropods, with emphasis on Coleoptera, in the north boreal forest of Quebec. Environmental Entomology, 36: 128-141.
  • Boulanger Y, Sirois L, Hébert C, 2010. Distribution of saproxylic beetles in a recently burned landscape of the northern boreal forest of Québec. Forest Ecology and Management, 260: 1114-1123.
  • Broza M, Izhaki I. 1997, Post-fre arthropod assemblages in Mediterranean forest soils in Israel. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 7: 317-325.
  • Doane JF, 1983. Attraction of the lesser bulb fly Eumerus strigatus (Diptera: Syrphidae) to decomposing outmeal. New Zeland Entomologist, 7(4): 419.
  • Fernández Fernández MM, 2006. Colonization of fre-damaged trees by Ips sexdentatus (Boerner) as related to the percentage of burned crown. Entomologica Fennica, 17: 381-386.
  • Fox BJ, Fox MD. 1987, The role of fre in the scleromorphic forests and shrublands of eastern Australia. In: Trabaud L (ed) The role of fre in ecological systems. S.P.B. Academic Publishers, The Hague, p. 23-48.
  • Frizzo TLM, Campos RI, Vasconcelos HL, 2012. Contrasting effects of fre on arboreal and ground-dwelling ant communities of a Neotropical savanna. Biotropica, 44(2): 254-261.
  • Gongalsky KB, Persson T, 2013. Recovery of soil macrofauna after wildfres in boreal forests. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 57: 182-191.
  • Hanula JL, Meeker JR, Miller DR, Barnard EL, 2002. Association of wildfre with tree health and numbers of pine bark beetles, reproduction weevils and their associates in Florida. Forest Ecology and Management, 170: 233-247.
  • Jackson GP, Fox BJ, 1996. Comparison of regeneration following burning, clearing or mineral sand mining at Tomago, NSW: II. Succession of ant assemblages in a coastal forest. Australian Journal of Ecology, 21: 200-216.
  • Kaynaş BY, Gürkan B, 2008. Species richness and abundance of insects during post-fre succession of a Pinus brutia forest in Mediterranean region. Polish Journal of Ecology, 56: 165-172.
  • Kaynaş BY, Gürkan B, 2007. Species diversity of butterflies in Turkish Pinus brutia forest ecosystems after fre. Entomological News, 118 (1): 31-39.
  • Keeley JE, 1986. Resilience of Mediterranean shrub communities to fres. In: Dell B, Hopkins AJM, Lamont BB (eds) Resilience in Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Dr W Junk Publishers, Dordrecht, p. 95-111.
  • Kim TN, Holt RD, 2012. The direct and indirect effects of fre on the assembly of insect herbivore communities: examples from the Florida scrub habitat. Oecologia, 168: 997-1012.
  • Marcos Gerding P, Ernesto Cisternas A, Alfonso Aguilera P, Jaime Apablaza H, 1999. Eumerus strigatus (Fallen) (Diptera: Syrphidae) infestando Alliaceae en Chile. Agricultura Técnica, 59(2): 133-135.
  • McHugh CW, Kolb TE, Wilson JL, 2003. Bark beetle attacks on Panderosa pine following fre in Northern Arizona. Environmental Entomology, 32(3): 510-522.
  • Mendel Z, Halperin J, 1982. The biology and behavior of Orthotomicus erosus in Israel. Phytoparasitica, 10(3): 169- 181.
  • Moretti M, Obrist MK, Duelli P, 2004. Arthropod biodiversity after rests fres: Winners and losers in the winter fre regime of the Southern Alps. Ecography, 27: 173-186.
  • Paquin P, Coderre D, 1997. Deforestation and fre impact on edaphic insect larvae and other macroarthropods. Environmental Entomology, 26: 21–30.
  • Parr CL, Robertson HG, Biggs HC, Chown SL, 2004. Response of African savanna ants to long-term fre regimes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 41: 630-642.
  • Prodon R, Fons R, Athias-Binche F, 1987. The impact of fre on animal communities in Mediterranean Area. In: Trabaud L (ed) The Role of Fire in Ecological Systems. SPA Academic Publishing, The Hague, p. 121-157.
  • Radea C, Arianoutsou M, 2000. Cellulose decomposition rates and soil arthropod community in a Pinus halepensis Mill. forest of Greece after wildfre. European Journal of Soil Biology, 36(1): 57-64.
  • Rodrigo A, Retana J, Liebhold A, 2006. Post-fre recovery of ant communities in submediterranean Pinus nigra forests. Ecography, 29(2): 231-239.
  • Saint-Germain M, Drapeau P, Buddle CM, 2008. Persistence of pyrophilous insects in fre-driven boreal forests: population dynamics in burned and unburned habitats. Diversity and Distributions, 14: 713-720.
  • Saint-Germain M, Drapeau P, Hébert C, 2004. Comparison of Coleoptera assemblages from a recently burned and unburned black spruce forests of northeastern North America. Biological Conservation, 118: 583-592.
  • Santolamazza-Carbone S, Pestaña M, Antonio Vega J, 2011. Postfre attractiveness of maritime pines (Pinus pinaster Ait.) to xylophagous insects. . Journal of Pest Science, 84: 343-353.
  • Santoro AE, Lombardero MJ, Ayres MP, Ruel JJ, 2001. Interactions between fre and bark beetles in an old growth pine forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 144: 245-254.
  • Sgardelis SP, Pantis JD, Argyropoulou MD, Stamou GP, 1995. Effects of fre on soil macroinvertebrates in a Mediterranean phryganic ecosystem.
There are 35 citations in total.


Journal Section Biyoloji / Biology

Burçin Yenisey Kaynaş

Publication Date June 30, 2016
Submission Date February 13, 2016
Acceptance Date March 18, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Kaynaş, B. Y. (2016). The Effects of Fire on Surface-Dwelling Arthropod Communities in Pinus brutia Forests of Southwestern Anatolia. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 6(2), 33-39.
AMA Kaynaş BY. The Effects of Fire on Surface-Dwelling Arthropod Communities in Pinus brutia Forests of Southwestern Anatolia. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. June 2016;6(2):33-39.
Chicago Kaynaş, Burçin Yenisey. “The Effects of Fire on Surface-Dwelling Arthropod Communities in Pinus Brutia Forests of Southwestern Anatolia”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 6, no. 2 (June 2016): 33-39.
EndNote Kaynaş BY (June 1, 2016) The Effects of Fire on Surface-Dwelling Arthropod Communities in Pinus brutia Forests of Southwestern Anatolia. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 6 2 33–39.
IEEE B. Y. Kaynaş, “The Effects of Fire on Surface-Dwelling Arthropod Communities in Pinus brutia Forests of Southwestern Anatolia”, J. Inst. Sci. and Tech., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 33–39, 2016.
ISNAD Kaynaş, Burçin Yenisey. “The Effects of Fire on Surface-Dwelling Arthropod Communities in Pinus Brutia Forests of Southwestern Anatolia”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 6/2 (June 2016), 33-39.
JAMA Kaynaş BY. The Effects of Fire on Surface-Dwelling Arthropod Communities in Pinus brutia Forests of Southwestern Anatolia. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2016;6:33–39.
MLA Kaynaş, Burçin Yenisey. “The Effects of Fire on Surface-Dwelling Arthropod Communities in Pinus Brutia Forests of Southwestern Anatolia”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, vol. 6, no. 2, 2016, pp. 33-39.
Vancouver Kaynaş BY. The Effects of Fire on Surface-Dwelling Arthropod Communities in Pinus brutia Forests of Southwestern Anatolia. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2016;6(2):33-9.