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Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 71 - 86, 30.10.2014


The most important output of Wealth Tax Law implemented to point the excessive profits gained via black market and monopoly as target in eliminating the shortages caused by the money supply shortages and high inflation rates in Turkey during World War II was that this law generated an economical transformation. The classification of the taxpayers as G (Non-muslims), M (Muslims), D (Proselyte) and E (Foreigners), the inclination towards real estates owners and merchants in tax assessment, tax collection made mostly in İstanbul caused a problematic table in terms of taxation principles. 87 per cent of all taxpayers in Turkey was non-muslims and 54 per cent was in İstanbul. 68 per cent of the taxes accrued in Turkey was accrued in Istanbul and 70 per cent of the taxes collected in the country was paid in İstanbul. It can be clearly seen in this table that this tax could not realise the principle of universality and equality and that the hidden goal was to realize the economical transformation. In this study, the outputs of the economical transformation generated by the Wealth Tax Law will be analyzed in terms of Turkification of the economy. Although the target of reducing the money supply and decreasing the inflation rates were not accomplished via Wealth Tax Law, the economical transformation, which was the primary goal of the law, was realized. In this study it will be focused in the role of SEE’s and public organizations in the sales and seizures made due to Wealth Tax. The seizure of Bahtiyar Han’s possessions by the Soil Products Office will be analyzed. This case deserves to be discussed and analyzed in terms of showing the mentality of the economical transformation and of the role of the public organizations in this period.


  • AHMAD, F., 2008, From Empire to Republic, Volume.1, Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İ stanbul, 9786053990567
  • AKAN, A.,2011, A Critical Analysis of the Turkish Press Discourse against Non-Muslims: A Case Analysis of the Newspaper Coverage of the 1942 Wealth Tax, Middle Eastern Studies, 47(4), 605-621.
  • AKAR, R., 2009, Aşkale Yolcuları: Varlık Vergisi ve Çalışma Kampları, Doğan Kitap, İ stanbul, 9786051113944
  • AKTAR, A., 1999, Varlık Vergisi Işığında Gayrımenkul Satışları: İstanbul Tapu Kayıtlarının Analizi (26 Aralık 1942-30 Haziran 1943), Toplumsal Tarih Dergisi, 69(3), 10-22.
  • AKTAR, A., 2010, Varlık Vergisi ve Türkleştirme Politikaları, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, 9754707790.
  • AKTAR, A. ,2013, “Tax To Me To The End Of My Life!: Anatomy of An Anti-Mİnority Tax Legislation (1942-3)”, in State, Nationalisms in The Ottoman Empire, Greece and Turkey, ed. Benjamin C. Fortna, Stefanos Katsinas, vd., USA: Routledge P., 1882
  • AKTÜRK, Ş.,2007, Continuity and Change in the Regimes of Ethnicity in Austria, Germany, the USSR/Russia, and Turkey: Varieties of Ethnic Regimes and Hypotheses for Change, Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, 35(1), 23-49. ASILISKENDER, B., 2006, Kayseri Eski Kent Merkezi'nde Cumhuriyet'in İlanından Günümüze Mekân ve Kimlik Deneyimi, Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 22(1-2) 203-212.
  • BALI, R.,1997, Varlık Vergisi Üzerine Tartışmalar, Tarih ve Toplum Dergisi, 165(4), 47-60.
  • BALI, R., 2001, “Toplumsal Bellek ve Varlık Vergisi”, der: Esra Özyürek, in Hatırladıklarıyla ve Unuttuklarıyla Türkiye'nin Toplumsal Hafızası, 87-126.
  • BALI, R., 2005a, Cumhuriyet Yıllarında Türkiye Yahudileri: Bir Türkleştirme Serüveni, İ letişim Yayınları, İstanbul, 9754707634.
  • BALI, R, 2005b, The “Varlık Vergisi” Affair: A Study on Its Legacy, Selected Documents, The Issis Press, İstanbul, 9786054326556.
  • BALI, R., 2010, Devletin Yahudileri ve Öteki Yahudi, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, 9789750502040.
  • BALI, R. 2011, The Slow Disapperance of Turkey’s Jewish Community(online), [erişim tarihi: 16 Aralık 2013],>
  • BALI, R., 2012, 1952 Yılı Hizmet Gazetesi’nin Varlık Vergisi İle İlgili Yayını(online), [erişim tarihi: 5 Ocak 2014]>
  • BIHAR, R., 2011, İstanbul Türk Yahudi Cemaati Tiyatrosu: Geçmişten Günümüze Gelişimi (1860-2008), Mediterraneo, 4(3),47-69.
  • BUĞRA, A., 1996, Devlet ve İşadamları, İletişim, İstanbul.
  • BUNIS, D. M., 2012, The Anti-Castilianist Credo of Judezmo Journalist Hizkia M. Franco (1875-1953), e-Humanista, 20(1),63-97.
  • CLARK, E.,1985, Türk Varlık Vergisi’ne Yeniden Bakış, Yapıt Dergisi, 8(4),29-43.
  • ÇALIŞ, Ş., 1997, Pan‐Turkism and Europeanism: A note on Turkey's ‘pro‐German neutrality’ during the Second World War, Central Asian Survey, 16(1), 103-114.
  • ÇETINOĞLU, S., 2009, Varlık Vergisi 1942-1944, Belge Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • DINLER, D., 2003, Türkiye’de Güçlü Devlet Geleneği Tezinin Eleştirisi, Praksis Dergisi, sayı:9(1), s.17-55.
  • ELDEM, E., 2000, Bankalar Caddesi: Osmanlı’dan Günümüze Voyvoda Caddesi, Osmanlı Bankası Araştırmaları Yayınları, İstanbul, ERGÜDER, B., 2011, Galata Hanları: Paranın Serüveni (1868-1945), SAV Yayınları, İ stanbul,9786056157967.
  • HARVEY, D., 2004, Yeni Emperyalizm, Everest Yayınları, İstanbul,978752891890.
  • İ NSEL, A., 2001, Türkiye Toplumunun Bunalımı, Birikim, İstanbul.
  • JESSOP, B., 2008, State Power, Polity Press, London.
  • KARAKOYUNLU, Y.,1990, Salkım Hanımın Taneleri, Doğan Kitap, İstanbul.
  • KARABACAK, Y., 2005, Kapitalist Sistemlerde Devletin Görevleri ve Vergileme Gücünün Sınırları: Türkiye Örneği, İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Maliye Araştırma Merkezi Konferansları, 48(3), 108-136.
  • KAYRA, C., 2011, Savaş Türkiye Varlık Vergisi, Tarihçi Kitabevi, İstanbul, 9786056153341. KEYDER, Ç., 1982, Türkiye’de Devlet ve Sınıflar,Yurt, Ankara, KOBAL, E., 2009, Role Of The Wealth Tax Law in The Turkish National Bourgeoisie Formation Process, Eng. D. Thesis, Ankara: TED Ankara College Foundation High School.
  • KOÇAK, C., 2004, Varlık Vergisi Üzerine Birkaç Belge: Varlık Vergisi’ne Tepkiler, Toplumsal Tarih Dergisi, 122(2), 22-25.
  • LEFEBVRE, H. (2003), “Space and State”, der: Brenner, N., in State/Space A Reader, Blackwell Publishing, London, 84-101,9780631230342.
  • MANN, M., 2003, “ The Autonomous Power of The State:Its Orgins, Mechanisms and Results”, der: Brenner, N., in State/Space A Reader Blackwell Publishing, London, 53-65, 9780631230342.
  • OWEN, R. ve PAMUK, Ş., 2008, 20. Yüzyılda Ortadoğu Ekonomileri Tarihi, çev: Ayşe Edirne, Sabancı Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • ÖKTE, F.,1954, Varlık Vergisi Faciası, Nebioğlu Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • Ş IMŞEK, H., 2009, “Çanakkale Bağlamında 1934 Trakya Yahudi Olayları”, CTAD Yıl 5, 9 (3), 137-150.
  • YALMAN, G., 2002, Tarihsel Perspektiften Türkiye’de Devlet ve Burjuvazi”, Praksis Dergisi, 5(1), 7-23. Notes 1
  • The tax imposed on Gad Franko was stated as 377 thousand liras in all scientific studies examined in relation to the Wealth Tax and referred to in the article and the approximate amount of the tax to be paid by Gad Franko, one of the characters in "Salkım Hanım'ın Taneleri" written by Yılmaz Karakoyunlu, was given as 350 thousand TL. 2 Gad Franko played an important role in 1934 Thrace pogroms. Upon the spread of events to the other provinces of Thrace, Gad Franko went to Ankara together with Mişon Ventura and got an appointment from Atatürk and requested help (Şimşek, 2009: 145).


Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 71 - 86, 30.10.2014


The most important output of Wealth Tax Law implemented to point the excessive profits gained via black market and monopoly as target in eliminating the shortages caused by the money supply shortages and high inflation rates in Turkey during World War II was that this law generated an economical transformation. The classification of the taxpayers as G (Non-muslims), M (Muslims), D (Proselyte) and E (Foreigners), the inclination towards real estates owners and merchants in tax assessment, tax collection made mostly in İstanbul caused a problematic table in terms of taxation principles. 87 per cent of all taxpayers in Turkey was non-muslims and 54 per cent was in İstanbul. 68 per cent of the taxes accrued in Turkey was accrued in Istanbul and 70 per cent of the taxes collected in the country was paid in İstanbul. It can be clearly seen in this table that this tax could not realise the principle of universality and equality and that the hidden goal was to realize the economical transformation. In this study, the outputs of the economical transformation generated by the Wealth Tax Law will be analyzed in terms of Turkification of the economy. Although the target of reducing the money supply and decreasing the inflation rates were not accomplished via Wealth Tax Law, the economical transformation, which was the primary goal of the law, was realized. In this study it will be focused in the role of SEE’s and public organizations in the sales and seizures made due to Wealth Tax. The seizure of Bahtiyar Han’s possessions by the Soil Products Office will be analyzed. This case deserves to be discussed and analyzed in terms of showing the mentality of the economical transformation and of the role of the public organizations in this period.


  • AHMAD, F., 2008, From Empire to Republic, Volume.1, Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İ stanbul, 9786053990567
  • AKAN, A.,2011, A Critical Analysis of the Turkish Press Discourse against Non-Muslims: A Case Analysis of the Newspaper Coverage of the 1942 Wealth Tax, Middle Eastern Studies, 47(4), 605-621.
  • AKAR, R., 2009, Aşkale Yolcuları: Varlık Vergisi ve Çalışma Kampları, Doğan Kitap, İ stanbul, 9786051113944
  • AKTAR, A., 1999, Varlık Vergisi Işığında Gayrımenkul Satışları: İstanbul Tapu Kayıtlarının Analizi (26 Aralık 1942-30 Haziran 1943), Toplumsal Tarih Dergisi, 69(3), 10-22.
  • AKTAR, A., 2010, Varlık Vergisi ve Türkleştirme Politikaları, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, 9754707790.
  • AKTAR, A. ,2013, “Tax To Me To The End Of My Life!: Anatomy of An Anti-Mİnority Tax Legislation (1942-3)”, in State, Nationalisms in The Ottoman Empire, Greece and Turkey, ed. Benjamin C. Fortna, Stefanos Katsinas, vd., USA: Routledge P., 1882
  • AKTÜRK, Ş.,2007, Continuity and Change in the Regimes of Ethnicity in Austria, Germany, the USSR/Russia, and Turkey: Varieties of Ethnic Regimes and Hypotheses for Change, Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, 35(1), 23-49. ASILISKENDER, B., 2006, Kayseri Eski Kent Merkezi'nde Cumhuriyet'in İlanından Günümüze Mekân ve Kimlik Deneyimi, Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 22(1-2) 203-212.
  • BALI, R.,1997, Varlık Vergisi Üzerine Tartışmalar, Tarih ve Toplum Dergisi, 165(4), 47-60.
  • BALI, R., 2001, “Toplumsal Bellek ve Varlık Vergisi”, der: Esra Özyürek, in Hatırladıklarıyla ve Unuttuklarıyla Türkiye'nin Toplumsal Hafızası, 87-126.
  • BALI, R., 2005a, Cumhuriyet Yıllarında Türkiye Yahudileri: Bir Türkleştirme Serüveni, İ letişim Yayınları, İstanbul, 9754707634.
  • BALI, R, 2005b, The “Varlık Vergisi” Affair: A Study on Its Legacy, Selected Documents, The Issis Press, İstanbul, 9786054326556.
  • BALI, R., 2010, Devletin Yahudileri ve Öteki Yahudi, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, 9789750502040.
  • BALI, R. 2011, The Slow Disapperance of Turkey’s Jewish Community(online), [erişim tarihi: 16 Aralık 2013],>
  • BALI, R., 2012, 1952 Yılı Hizmet Gazetesi’nin Varlık Vergisi İle İlgili Yayını(online), [erişim tarihi: 5 Ocak 2014]>
  • BIHAR, R., 2011, İstanbul Türk Yahudi Cemaati Tiyatrosu: Geçmişten Günümüze Gelişimi (1860-2008), Mediterraneo, 4(3),47-69.
  • BUĞRA, A., 1996, Devlet ve İşadamları, İletişim, İstanbul.
  • BUNIS, D. M., 2012, The Anti-Castilianist Credo of Judezmo Journalist Hizkia M. Franco (1875-1953), e-Humanista, 20(1),63-97.
  • CLARK, E.,1985, Türk Varlık Vergisi’ne Yeniden Bakış, Yapıt Dergisi, 8(4),29-43.
  • ÇALIŞ, Ş., 1997, Pan‐Turkism and Europeanism: A note on Turkey's ‘pro‐German neutrality’ during the Second World War, Central Asian Survey, 16(1), 103-114.
  • ÇETINOĞLU, S., 2009, Varlık Vergisi 1942-1944, Belge Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • DINLER, D., 2003, Türkiye’de Güçlü Devlet Geleneği Tezinin Eleştirisi, Praksis Dergisi, sayı:9(1), s.17-55.
  • ELDEM, E., 2000, Bankalar Caddesi: Osmanlı’dan Günümüze Voyvoda Caddesi, Osmanlı Bankası Araştırmaları Yayınları, İstanbul, ERGÜDER, B., 2011, Galata Hanları: Paranın Serüveni (1868-1945), SAV Yayınları, İ stanbul,9786056157967.
  • HARVEY, D., 2004, Yeni Emperyalizm, Everest Yayınları, İstanbul,978752891890.
  • İ NSEL, A., 2001, Türkiye Toplumunun Bunalımı, Birikim, İstanbul.
  • JESSOP, B., 2008, State Power, Polity Press, London.
  • KARAKOYUNLU, Y.,1990, Salkım Hanımın Taneleri, Doğan Kitap, İstanbul.
  • KARABACAK, Y., 2005, Kapitalist Sistemlerde Devletin Görevleri ve Vergileme Gücünün Sınırları: Türkiye Örneği, İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Maliye Araştırma Merkezi Konferansları, 48(3), 108-136.
  • KAYRA, C., 2011, Savaş Türkiye Varlık Vergisi, Tarihçi Kitabevi, İstanbul, 9786056153341. KEYDER, Ç., 1982, Türkiye’de Devlet ve Sınıflar,Yurt, Ankara, KOBAL, E., 2009, Role Of The Wealth Tax Law in The Turkish National Bourgeoisie Formation Process, Eng. D. Thesis, Ankara: TED Ankara College Foundation High School.
  • KOÇAK, C., 2004, Varlık Vergisi Üzerine Birkaç Belge: Varlık Vergisi’ne Tepkiler, Toplumsal Tarih Dergisi, 122(2), 22-25.
  • LEFEBVRE, H. (2003), “Space and State”, der: Brenner, N., in State/Space A Reader, Blackwell Publishing, London, 84-101,9780631230342.
  • MANN, M., 2003, “ The Autonomous Power of The State:Its Orgins, Mechanisms and Results”, der: Brenner, N., in State/Space A Reader Blackwell Publishing, London, 53-65, 9780631230342.
  • OWEN, R. ve PAMUK, Ş., 2008, 20. Yüzyılda Ortadoğu Ekonomileri Tarihi, çev: Ayşe Edirne, Sabancı Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • ÖKTE, F.,1954, Varlık Vergisi Faciası, Nebioğlu Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • Ş IMŞEK, H., 2009, “Çanakkale Bağlamında 1934 Trakya Yahudi Olayları”, CTAD Yıl 5, 9 (3), 137-150.
  • YALMAN, G., 2002, Tarihsel Perspektiften Türkiye’de Devlet ve Burjuvazi”, Praksis Dergisi, 5(1), 7-23. Notes 1
  • The tax imposed on Gad Franko was stated as 377 thousand liras in all scientific studies examined in relation to the Wealth Tax and referred to in the article and the approximate amount of the tax to be paid by Gad Franko, one of the characters in "Salkım Hanım'ın Taneleri" written by Yılmaz Karakoyunlu, was given as 350 thousand TL. 2 Gad Franko played an important role in 1934 Thrace pogroms. Upon the spread of events to the other provinces of Thrace, Gad Franko went to Ankara together with Mişon Ventura and got an appointment from Atatürk and requested help (Şimşek, 2009: 145).
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Başak Ergüder This is me

Publication Date October 30, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 1 Issue: 2
