Conflict of interest Statement

The author (s) of the manuscript must declare that there are no conflicts of personal and financial interest within the scope of the study, which is submitted for publication in our journal. This notification must be declared by the author(s) under the title of the "Conflicts of Interest Statement" at the end of the article/study. (Thus, the author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest.)

The author(s) must also clearly declare that there is no conflict of interest when suggesting a referee for the submitted study. In this regard, this notification must be declared by the author(s) in the Referee Suggestion Form, which must be filled and uploaded in pdf format with wet signature. Please click to see the form.

Referees should inform the journal editor about the evaluation process if they suspect any conflict of interest in the article they are evaluating, and they must refuse the article evaluation if any conflict of interest is detected.

Editors should not have personal and financial conflicts of interest with the articles.

Last Update Time: 11/27/22, 2:01:26 PM