Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 6/29/24

Year: 2024
Public Administration, Urbanization Policies, Urban Policy, Urban Planning and Health
International Marketing, Marketing, Service Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, Marketing Research Methodology, Consumer Behaviour
Political Ecology, Urban Sociology and Community Studies, Urbanization Policies, Urban Policy, Environmental Management, Environment Policy
Urban Sociology and Community Studies

Journal of Politics, Economy and Management (JOPEM) is an internationally recognized academic journal that aims to address the problems and solutions of work life in the context of academic approach, make scientific discussions of new or existing phenomena by resolving the relations among existing facts with new or preliminary research approaches.

The double-blind peer review system is going to be used during the publication acceptance period, and compilation, conceptual discussion, empirical and applied manuscripts are accepted. It will include many scientific studies on economics, business administration, political science, public administration, international relations, finance, industry relations, information systems and management, econometrics and other subjects related to these topics. The publication language of the journal is going to be continued as Turkish or English.

The submission of manuscripts, referee evaluations and publication acceptance are going to done through the web page of the journal in dergipark system (https://dergipark.org.tr/jopem). Please use the relevant web page and read the following rules carefully so that a quick evaluation can be done.
 In the main document of the manuscript to be submitted for publication in this journal should not contain any words (name, surname title of author(s), phone number, address and e-mail) to describe the author / authors
 The main document of the manuscript should have a title (maximum 15 words). In addition, the manuscripts should include an abstract, keywords up to five, headings, and JEL code(s).
 The title, authors' names and surnames, working addresses, telephone numbers, e-mails, the orders of the authors to be included in the manuscript, and the names of the authors to be contacted must also be specified via sending them in a separate document.
 Both documents must be written in Microsoft Word 2007 or later versions and sent in .doc or .docx format. The normal page structure should be in MS Word format (A4 format / 21-29.7 cm; 3 cm on the top and bottom of the page, 2.5 cm on the left and right side of the page) be single spaced, using 11 font size and Times New Roman text format. The text body should be regular and alignment justify. Further information please use the jopem_template_format.doc.
 In abstracts, the number of words should be between 150-250 words. The content, importance, methods used, and conclusion (contribution) of the study should be written in the summaries.
 Manuscript must include the parts as introduction, conclusion (and may be in the form of "discussion and conclusion") and references. The importance of the manuscript, its aim and the method used should be clearly stated in the introduction. The headings between the introduction and conclusion (or conclusion and discussion) can be based on the approaches of the discipline that the author/authors have adopted. It is expected that the literature, method (research questions or hypotheses in it) and the results would be included.
 The journal uses the American Psychological Association reference style (APA version 6) for in-text and references. Please see the document jopem_apa_english.pdf for further detail.
 The headings should contain consecutive incremental numbering (1, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc.) and Arabic number systems, valid for introduction and conclusion parts. Do not use any numbering system for references heading.
 Writing style for tables, images and graphics should be in Times New Roman format and 10 font size. If the related texts do not fit in the table and graph, it can be reduced by up to 8 font size. The table, picture and graphics should be placed in the manuscript, not at the end of the manuscript. If the table, picture and graphics are over a page, they can be put in the attachments section at the end of the manuscript. If the manuscript is difficult to read and prevents the flow, it can be placed in the attachments section at the end of the manuscript, again. The system should be used as consecutive incremental and Arabic numbering system (Table 1; Figure 1; Graph 1 etc.) in tables, images and graphics.
 It is necessary to comply with the rules of English language writing and grammar before the manuscripts are submitted. It is beneficial for non-native English speakers to get help from the native English speakers for the relevant manuscripts. Difficulties in understanding can be evaluated for rejection by the editors without being sent to the referees. Different forms of English can be used, but only one form of English should be preferred throughout the manuscript.
 This journal gives a special attention to the issue of plagiarism and the contest of interests. The manuscript which were sent for publication, the author/authors have to give references to the others’ thoughts and studies –even if they are his/her/their own studies- in the framework of academic quotation- rules. Giving reference to another person’s research via identical or semi similar words, again, should be in line with the academic quotation rules. Furthermore, even if the academic quotation rules were obeyed, in case of using the artistic and intellectual work that were protected by copyrights, bringing the obligation on paying fee for using, there would be needed the related permissions from the author/authors or institutions who or which have the copyrights or else the related fees would be paid as a necessity. This kind of a responsibility pertains to the author/authors completely. These intellectual or artistic works may be digital or printed writings, formulas, scales, questionnaires, data, mathematical method, algorithm, software, painting or sculpture. In addition, the sentences which might cause the contest of interest shouldn’t be used in the manuscripts. The statements or sentences which may humiliate some groups or institutions, contain defamation, contempt, offending messages have to be avoided. In situations like this, the submitted manuscripts can be rejected by the editors.

In accordance with the purposes, this journal is going to adopt the following ethical principles and policies:

The name of the journal will be used as “Journal of Politics, Economy and Management” under a single name without translation of Turkish or any other language. The abbreviation JOPEM is preferred here for journal. It should be noted here that references to the articles in this journal should be taken into consideration, via using the only name as “Journal of Politics, Economy and Management” for any written article in whichever language.
This journal is published twice a year, in June and  December. The administrative board may decide to issue a "special issue" for a selected topic and / or presented proceedings submitted in a congress. It is noted that the number of articles accepted in each issue is have to be in a count between 5 and 7.
This journal only accepts compilation, conceptual discussion, empirical research method presentation, and applied research articles. The research methodology/approach (theoretical-quantitative or empirical qualitative) adopted in the articles should be of the scientifically accepted type. In addition, this journal may include case studies, book presentation, article criticism, and/or other criticisms, but they all should be limited in number and in number of pages.
Topics in economics, business administration, political science, public administration, international relations, finance, industrial relations, information systems and management, econometrics will take place in the journal. Indeed, scientific studies on other topics related to these topics are also included in the journal.
The above-mentioned topics and manuscript written in the types of manuscripts are accepted. Manuscript between 5,000-10,000 words are only preferred. In addition, normal page structure in MS Word format (A4 format / 21-29.7 cm; 3 cm on the top and bottom of the page, 2.5 cm on the left and right side of the page) can be accepted as the page limit, which does not exceed 20 pages (must be single spaced, using 11 font size and Times New Roman text format), is determined. Other procedures and rules that should be complied with are mentioned at jopem_template_format.doc.
The manuscript sent to the journal must primarily comply with the field, content, suitability of the format, as well as academic plagiarism rules. In this case, the relevant field editors accept the manuscripts. Editors will send them to at least two referee members as soon as possible. They send through the blind review system. The manuscripts is evaluated in four ways within the framework of the suggestions from the referees within one month. These can be given as "acceptance / minor correction (enough for the field editor to see) / comprehensive correction (review of the referees) / rejection". The field editors may send a third referee if there is a difference in the evaluations from the referees. Editors may reject the manuscripts and refuse to write to the referees in case they are not satisfied with the content, formality and plagiarism of the sentences. The rejected writings are not taken into consideration again. Journal of Politics, Economy and Management (JOPEM), ISSN 2630-5933 Page 2 of 4.
The articles in this journal will have international accessibility and do not require any fees from the readers. No fees are charged for the evaluation and printing of the sentences. The authors have accepted in advance that they wouldn’t charge for the manuscripts they had submitted. Before the publication of the manuscripts, the journal administrative board requests authors / authors to sign the copyright agreement form. Furthermore, the views about the writings belonging to the journal will pertain to the authors and they won’t be related to the journal.
Manuscripts sent for publication must not have been published anywhere before. In addition, these manuscripts should not have been sent to another journal or publication compilation for further evaluation. Conference proceedings must be rewritten / edited. For them, there should not be any copyright problems. In addition, information should be given under this type of manuscripts, i.e., information on which conference is presented. This also applies to master and doctoral theses.
The sending of the manuscripts to be reviewed, the evaluations of the referees and the editorial decision are made on the related journal web page of the dergipark system (https://dergipark.org.tr/jopem).
The author (s) for the manuscripts they submit for publication are deemed to have accepted the stated principles.
Ms word document

Journal of Politics, Economy and Management (JOPEM) does not charge authors for submission, evaluation and publication fees for their articles. JOPEM is published online free of charge.

The author(s) is (are) the sole responsible for the opinion and views stated in the articles.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.