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Mimarlığın 'Asil Felsefesi': 'Tasarım' ve 'Düşünce' Arasındaki 'Evrensel Dans'

Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 94 - 116, 31.12.2023


İnsan anlayışını ve yaratıcı ifadesini şekillendiren iki 'asil' disiplin olan mimarlık ve felsefe, tasarım dili ile düşünce yapısı arasında 'evrensel bir dans' gerçekleştirmektedir. İnsan yaratıcılığının canlı dokusunda mimari ve felsefe, derin ve sonsuz ifadenin sütunları olarak durmakta ve her biri karmaşık anlam ve amaç iplikleri örmektedir. Mimarlık ve felsefe, mimarinin felsefi fikirleri tasarım yoluyla ortaya koyması ve felsefenin temel soruları araştırmak için mimariden ilham almasıyla karşılıklı bir ilişkiyi paylaşmaktadır. Mimarlık ve felsefe arasındaki ilişki, iki disiplinin kesiştiği ve birbirini önemli şekillerde etkilediği derin ve karmaşık bir ilişkidir. Mimarlık, mekan tasarlama ve inşa etme pratiği olarak, felsefi kavram ve ilkelere derinlemesine kök salmıştır. Estetik seçimleri, mekansal kompozisyonları ve anlamlı mekanların yaratılmasıyla felsefi fikirleri somutlaştırmaktadır. Mimarlık ve felsefe arasındaki etkileşim, yapılı çevre, insan varlığı ve çevreyi şekillendirdiğimiz ve çevre tarafından şekillendirildiğimiz derin yollara dair anlayışımızı zenginleştirmektedir. Bu bağlamda bu çalışma, mimarlık ve felsefe arasındaki karmaşık etkileşimi derinlemesine inceleyen entelektüel bir yolculuğa çıkmaktadır. Derin bir araştırmayı yönlendiren kapsayıcı bir sorgulamayla bu çalışma, bu iki disiplin arasındaki derin bağlantıları ve karşılıklı etkiyi ortaya çıkarmayı amaçlamaktadır. Disiplinlerarası bütünsel bir bakış açısı ve mimari ifadenin başyapıtları üzerine analitik bir inceleme aracılığıyla bu araştırma, felsefi fikirlerin aracı olarak tasarımın gizli derinliklerini açığa çıkarırken, aynı zamanda felsefi kavramların yapılı çevrelerin özünü nasıl şekillendirdiğini de araştırmaktadır.


  • Arckitektuel. (n.d.). Guangzhou Opera House.
  • Arckitektuul. (n.d.). Sydney Opera House.
  • Bachelard G. (1994). The Poetics of Space (Trans. M. Jolas). Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Baudrillard, J. & Nouvel, J. (2011). Tekil Nesneler: Mimarlık ve Felsefe. (Trans. A. U. Kılıç). İstanbul: Yem Yayın.
  • Becheru, R. (2016). The Philosophy of Architecture in Analytic Tradition: An Enquiry on the Possibility of the Field and Its Themes. SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal, 8 (2), 309-321. doi:10.5937/saj1602309b
  • Britannica. (n.d.). Louvre Pyramid.
  • Britannica. (n.d.). Sydney Opera House.
  • Cartwright, M. (2020). Leon Battista Alberti. World History Encyclopedia.
  • CGTN, 2023. Taj Mahal - the masterpiece of Indian art
  • Cündioğlu, D. (2016). Mimarlık ve Felsefe. İstanbul: Kapı Yayınları.
  • Dickinson, E. E. (2017). Louvre Pyramid: The Folly that Became a Triumph, ARCHITECT The Journal of American Institute of Architects,
  • Drewniak, T. (2009). Philosophy of Architecture and Architectonics of Philosophy. Filosofía UIS, 8 (2), 11-31.
  • Emre Arolat Architects, (n.d.). Sancaklar Mosque.
  • Fundacio Mies van der Rohe, (n.d.). The Barcelona Pavillion.
  • Guyer, P. (2023). Architecture and Philosophy. Khōrein: Journal for Architecture and Philosophy, 1 (1), 17-37.
  • Guyer, P. (2011). Kant and the Philosophy of Architecture. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 69 (1), 7-19. Special Issue. The Aesthetics of Architecture: Philosophical Investigations into the Art of Building (Winter 2011).
  • Heidegger, M. (1993). Basic Writings: Ten Key Essays, plus the Introduction to Being and Time. Revised and Expanded Edition. Krell, D. F. (Eds). UK: Harper Collins Publishers.
  • Heidegger, M. (2001). The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics: World, Finitude, Solitude. USA: Indiana University Press.
  • Hendrix, J. S. (2011). Leon Battista Alberti and the Concept of Lineament. School of Architecture, Art, and Historic Preservation Faculty Publications. Paper 30.
  • Hojnicki, C. (2016). I.M. Pei’s Famous Louvre Pyramid Named Timeless Architecture by AIA, Architectural Digest,
  • Horiuchi, K. (2016).
  • Holst, J. (2014). Rethinking Dwelling and Building: On Martin Heideggers Conception of Being as Dwelling and Jorn Utzon's Architecture of Well-being. ZARCH, 2, 52-61.
  • Husserl, E. (2017). Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology. USA: Martino Fine Books.
  • Jencks, C. (1987). Postmodern and Late Modern: The Essential Definitions. Chicago Review, 35 (4), 31-58.
  • Kartal, H. B. & Kartal, A. N. (2020). The Architectural Theory Before and After Kant in the Intersection of the Philosophy and Architecture. USBAD Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Akademi Dergisi 2 (4), 691-714.
  • Kearney, R. (2003). The Wake of Imagination. NY: Taylor & Francis.
  • Koçyiğit, R. G. (2022). Bir Disiplin Olarak Mimarlık Felsefesinin Epistemolojik Temelleri. Önal, F. (Eds.). Kamusal Alan Üzerine. 168-185. TMMOB Mimarlar Odası İstanbul Büyükkent Şubesi Trakya Büyükkent Bölge Temsilciliği.
  • Luchte, J. (2009). The Body of Sublime Knowledge: The Aesthetic Phenomenology of Arthur Schopenhauer. The Heythrop Journal, 50 (2), 228-242.
  • Nietzsche, F. (2015). İyinin ve Kötünün Ötesinde: Bir Gelecek Felsefesini Açış. (Trans. A. İnam). İstanbul: Say Yayınları.
  • Nussbaum, M. C. (1999). Sex and Social Justice. NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Patrao, A. (2023). What Architects Do with Philosophy: Three Case Studies of the Late Twentieth Century. Arena Journal of Architectural Research. 8 (1): 1. DOI:
  • Patrao, A. (2022). Foucault’s Relation with Architecture: The Interest of His Disinterest. Architecture and Culture, 10 (2), 207-225.
  • Pierre. (2022). Where to find the inverted pyramid of the Louvre, French Moments,
  • Ranciere, J. (2016). Tekil Nesneler: Mimarlık ve Felsefe. (Trans. A. U. Kılıç). İstanbul: Yem Yayın.
  • Sharr A. (2007). Heidegger for Architects, New York: Routledge.
  • Spencer, D. (2011). Architectural Deleuzism: Neoliberal Space, Control and The ‘Univer-City’'. Radical Philosophy, 168 (Jul/Aug), 9–21.
  • Tafahomi, R. (2023). Tracing Hegel’s Philosophy and Thoughts in Educational Styles of Architecture Design Studios. Journal of Design Studio, 5 (1), 119-144.
  • Tanyeli, U. (2017). Yıkarak Yapmak: Anarşist Bir Mimarlık için Altlık. İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • The National Shrine. 2023.
  • Threebestrated. 2023.
  • Venturi, R. (2005). Mimarlıkta Karmaşıklık ve Çelişki. (Trans. S. Merzi). İstanbul: Yem Yayın.
  • Vitruvius (2009). On Architecture. (Trans. R. Schofield). London: Penguin.
  • Wölfflin, H. (2016). Mimarlık Psikolojisine Öndeyişler. (Trans. A. Tümertekin & N. Ülner). İstanbul: Janus Yayıncılık.
  • Wonders of the World, 2023.

The ‘Noble Philosophy’ of Architecture: The ‘Universal Dance’ Between 'Design' and 'Thought'

Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 94 - 116, 31.12.2023


Architecture and philosophy, two ‘noble’ disciplines that shape human understanding and creative expression, engage in a ‘universal dance’ between the language of design and the structure of thought. In the vibrant tapestry of human creativity, architecture and philosophy stand as pillars of deep and eternal expression, each weaving intricate threads of meaning and purpose. Architecture and philosophy share a reciprocal relationship, with architecture manifesting philosophical ideas through design and philosophy drawing inspiration from architecture to explore fundamental questions. The relationship between architecture and philosophy is a profound and intricate one, where the two disciplines intersect and influence each other in significant ways. Architecture, as the practice of designing and constructing spaces, is deeply rooted in philosophical concepts and principles. It embodies philosophical ideas through its aesthetic choices, spatial compositions and the creation of meaningful places. The interplay between architecture and philosophy enriches the understanding of the built environment, human existence and the profound ways in which we shape and are shaped by the surroundings. In this context, this study embarks on an intellectual expedition, delving into the intricate interplay between architecture and philosophy. With an overarching questioning driving a deep exploration, this study seeks to unravel the profound connections and mutual influence between these two disciplines. Through an interdisciplinary holistic lens and analytical exploration on masterpieces of architectural expression, this research uncovers the hidden depths of design as a medium for philosophical ideas, while also investigating how philosophical concepts shape the very essence of built environments.


  • Arckitektuel. (n.d.). Guangzhou Opera House.
  • Arckitektuul. (n.d.). Sydney Opera House.
  • Bachelard G. (1994). The Poetics of Space (Trans. M. Jolas). Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Baudrillard, J. & Nouvel, J. (2011). Tekil Nesneler: Mimarlık ve Felsefe. (Trans. A. U. Kılıç). İstanbul: Yem Yayın.
  • Becheru, R. (2016). The Philosophy of Architecture in Analytic Tradition: An Enquiry on the Possibility of the Field and Its Themes. SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal, 8 (2), 309-321. doi:10.5937/saj1602309b
  • Britannica. (n.d.). Louvre Pyramid.
  • Britannica. (n.d.). Sydney Opera House.
  • Cartwright, M. (2020). Leon Battista Alberti. World History Encyclopedia.
  • CGTN, 2023. Taj Mahal - the masterpiece of Indian art
  • Cündioğlu, D. (2016). Mimarlık ve Felsefe. İstanbul: Kapı Yayınları.
  • Dickinson, E. E. (2017). Louvre Pyramid: The Folly that Became a Triumph, ARCHITECT The Journal of American Institute of Architects,
  • Drewniak, T. (2009). Philosophy of Architecture and Architectonics of Philosophy. Filosofía UIS, 8 (2), 11-31.
  • Emre Arolat Architects, (n.d.). Sancaklar Mosque.
  • Fundacio Mies van der Rohe, (n.d.). The Barcelona Pavillion.
  • Guyer, P. (2023). Architecture and Philosophy. Khōrein: Journal for Architecture and Philosophy, 1 (1), 17-37.
  • Guyer, P. (2011). Kant and the Philosophy of Architecture. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 69 (1), 7-19. Special Issue. The Aesthetics of Architecture: Philosophical Investigations into the Art of Building (Winter 2011).
  • Heidegger, M. (1993). Basic Writings: Ten Key Essays, plus the Introduction to Being and Time. Revised and Expanded Edition. Krell, D. F. (Eds). UK: Harper Collins Publishers.
  • Heidegger, M. (2001). The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics: World, Finitude, Solitude. USA: Indiana University Press.
  • Hendrix, J. S. (2011). Leon Battista Alberti and the Concept of Lineament. School of Architecture, Art, and Historic Preservation Faculty Publications. Paper 30.
  • Hojnicki, C. (2016). I.M. Pei’s Famous Louvre Pyramid Named Timeless Architecture by AIA, Architectural Digest,
  • Horiuchi, K. (2016).
  • Holst, J. (2014). Rethinking Dwelling and Building: On Martin Heideggers Conception of Being as Dwelling and Jorn Utzon's Architecture of Well-being. ZARCH, 2, 52-61.
  • Husserl, E. (2017). Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology. USA: Martino Fine Books.
  • Jencks, C. (1987). Postmodern and Late Modern: The Essential Definitions. Chicago Review, 35 (4), 31-58.
  • Kartal, H. B. & Kartal, A. N. (2020). The Architectural Theory Before and After Kant in the Intersection of the Philosophy and Architecture. USBAD Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Akademi Dergisi 2 (4), 691-714.
  • Kearney, R. (2003). The Wake of Imagination. NY: Taylor & Francis.
  • Koçyiğit, R. G. (2022). Bir Disiplin Olarak Mimarlık Felsefesinin Epistemolojik Temelleri. Önal, F. (Eds.). Kamusal Alan Üzerine. 168-185. TMMOB Mimarlar Odası İstanbul Büyükkent Şubesi Trakya Büyükkent Bölge Temsilciliği.
  • Luchte, J. (2009). The Body of Sublime Knowledge: The Aesthetic Phenomenology of Arthur Schopenhauer. The Heythrop Journal, 50 (2), 228-242.
  • Nietzsche, F. (2015). İyinin ve Kötünün Ötesinde: Bir Gelecek Felsefesini Açış. (Trans. A. İnam). İstanbul: Say Yayınları.
  • Nussbaum, M. C. (1999). Sex and Social Justice. NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Patrao, A. (2023). What Architects Do with Philosophy: Three Case Studies of the Late Twentieth Century. Arena Journal of Architectural Research. 8 (1): 1. DOI:
  • Patrao, A. (2022). Foucault’s Relation with Architecture: The Interest of His Disinterest. Architecture and Culture, 10 (2), 207-225.
  • Pierre. (2022). Where to find the inverted pyramid of the Louvre, French Moments,
  • Ranciere, J. (2016). Tekil Nesneler: Mimarlık ve Felsefe. (Trans. A. U. Kılıç). İstanbul: Yem Yayın.
  • Sharr A. (2007). Heidegger for Architects, New York: Routledge.
  • Spencer, D. (2011). Architectural Deleuzism: Neoliberal Space, Control and The ‘Univer-City’'. Radical Philosophy, 168 (Jul/Aug), 9–21.
  • Tafahomi, R. (2023). Tracing Hegel’s Philosophy and Thoughts in Educational Styles of Architecture Design Studios. Journal of Design Studio, 5 (1), 119-144.
  • Tanyeli, U. (2017). Yıkarak Yapmak: Anarşist Bir Mimarlık için Altlık. İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • The National Shrine. 2023.
  • Threebestrated. 2023.
  • Venturi, R. (2005). Mimarlıkta Karmaşıklık ve Çelişki. (Trans. S. Merzi). İstanbul: Yem Yayın.
  • Vitruvius (2009). On Architecture. (Trans. R. Schofield). London: Penguin.
  • Wölfflin, H. (2016). Mimarlık Psikolojisine Öndeyişler. (Trans. A. Tümertekin & N. Ülner). İstanbul: Janus Yayıncılık.
  • Wonders of the World, 2023.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Architectural History, Theory and Criticism, Architectural Design, Materials and Technology in Architecture, Architecture (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Serkan Yaşar Erdinç 0000-0002-0970-3453

Early Pub Date December 28, 2023
Publication Date December 31, 2023
Submission Date December 5, 2023
Acceptance Date December 20, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Erdinç, S. Y. (2023). The ‘Noble Philosophy’ of Architecture: The ‘Universal Dance’ Between ’Design’ and ’Thought’. KAPU Trakya Mimarlık Ve Tasarım Dergisi, 3(2), 94-116.