Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 8 Issue: 15, 19 - 34, 08.07.2017


The main aim of this
study is to explore the relationship between university practices and
reputation perceptions in a public university sample. A quantitative study was
conducted by using Structural Equation Modeling. The research sample consists
of 1021 graduate and undergraduate students. According to the results of the
study, the main hypothesis stating that corporate practices are positively
related with corporate reputation perceptions is supported. Managerial
implications for universities may also be derived from survey results.
Universities should be competitive if they want to be selected by students,
draw support, and keep qualified academicians. The main contribution of this study is to provide significant
comprehension about the importance of developing competent strategies to
enhance university reputation. 


  • Alessandri, S. W., Yang, S. U., & Kinsey, D. F. (2006), An integrative approach to university visual identity and reputation, Corporate Reputation Review, 9(4), 258-270.
  • Alsop, R. (2004), The 18 immutable laws of corporate reputation: creating, protecting and repairing your most valuable assets, Wall Street Journal Books, Free Press, New York.
  • Aras, G. Karaman Akgül, A., Özsözgün Çalişkan, A., & Esen, E. (2014), İşletmelerin ve kar amacı olmayan örgütlerin itibar ölçümünde farklılıklar, Samast, O. & Baybars Hawks, B. (Ed.), Kurumsal itibar: Kavramlar ve uygulamalar içinde (ss. 106-117). Ankara: İtibar Yönetimi Enstitüsü.
  • Argüden, Y. (2003), İtibar yönetimi, Ankara: ARGE Danışmanlık Yayınları.
  • Arpan, L. M., Raney, A. A., & Zivnuska, S. (2003), A cognitive approach to understanding university image, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 8(2), 97-113.
  • Barnett, M. L., Jermier, J. M., & Lafferty, B. A. (2006), Corporate reputation: The definitional landscape, Corporate Reputation Review, 9(1), 26-38.
  • Brewer, A. & Zhao, J. (2010), The impact of a pathway college on reputation and brand awareness for its affiliated university in Sydney, International Journal of Educational Management, 24(1), 34-47.
  • Casalo, L. V., Flavián, C., & Guinalíu, M. (2007), The influence of satisfaction, perceived reputation and trust on a consumer's commitment to a website, Journal of Marketing Communications, 13(1), 1-17.
  • Castro, G., Lopez, J. N., & Saez, P. L. (2006), Business and social reputation: exploring the concept and main dimensions of corporate reputation, Journal of Business Ethics, 63(4), 361-370.
  • Chun, R. (2005), Corporate reputation: Meaning and measurement, International Journal of Management Review, 7(2), 91-109.
  • Dortok, A. (2006), A managerial look at the interaction between internal communication and corporate reputation, Corporate Reputation Review, 8(4), 322-338.
  • Epstein, M. J. (2008), Making sustainability work, Berrett-Koehler Publisher, USA.
  • Esen, E. (2011), The role of trust on the relationship between organizational engagement and corporate reputation, Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, İstanbul.
  • Esen, E. (2012), The role of trust on the relationship between organizational engagement and corporate reputation, Journal of Management and Economics, 19(1), 47-58.
  • Fombrun, C. J., (1996), Reputation. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
  • Fombrun, C. J. (2012), The building blocks of corporate reputation: Definitions, antecedents, consequences, Barnett, Michael L. & Pollock, T. G. (Ed.), in The Oxford handbook of corporate reputation (pp. 94-113). Oxford University Press, UK: Oxford.
  • Fombrun, C. J., & Van Riel, C. B. M. (2003). Fame & Fortune: How the World's Top Companies Develop Winning Reputations. Pearson Education.
  • Ghauri, P., Gronhaug, K. & Kristianslund, I. (1995). Research methods in business studies: A practical guide. Hemel Hempstead, Prentice Hall.
  • Gotsi, M. & Wilson, A. M. (2001), Corporate reputation: Seeking a definition, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 6(1), 24-30.
  • Günlü, E. (2007), İtibar yönetiminde kültürün önemi, Ramazan, E. & Çukur, C. Ş. (Ed.), Küresel bağlamda yönetsel-örgütsel davranış içinde Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları, No:31, 1. Basım, Ankara.
  • Hannington, T. (2004), How to measure and manage your corporate reputation, Gower Publishing, USA.
  • Herbig, P. & Milewicz, J. (1993), The relationship of reputation and credibility to brand success, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 10(3), 18-24.
  • Karaköse, T. (2007), Kurumların DNA’sı itibar ve yönetimi, Nobel Yayın, İstanbul.
  • Kraatz, M. S. & Love, E. G. (2006), Studying the dynamics of reputation: a framework for research on the reputational consequences of corporate actions, Ketchen, David J. & Bergh, Donald D. (Ed.), in Research methodology in strategy and management (pp. 343-383), Volume 3.
  • Landrum, R. E., Turrisi, R., & Harless, C. (1999), University image: The Benefits of assessment and modeling, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 9(1), 53-68.
  • Merchant, A., Rose, G. M., Moody, G., & Mathews, L. (2015), Effect of university heritage and reputation on attitudes of prospective student, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 20(1), 25-37.
  • Nakip, M. (2006), Pazarlama araştırmaları: Teknikler ve (SPSS destekli) uygulamalar, İstanbul: Seçkin Kitabevi.
  • Oktar, Ö. F. & Çarıkçı, İ. H. (2012), Farklı paydaşlar açısından itibar algılamaları: süleyman demirel üniversitesi’nde bir araştırma, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(15), 127-149.
  • O'Loughlin, D., Macphail, A., & Msetfi, R. (2015), The rhetoric and reality of research reputation: ‘Fur coat and no knickers’, Studies in Higher Education, 40(5), 806-820.
  • Özalp, İ., Tonus, H. Z. & Geylan, A. (2010), Paydaşları açısından akademik organizasyonlarda itibar, Organizasyon ve Yönetim Dergisi, 2(1), 99-106.
  • Page, G. & Fearn, H. (2005), Corporate reputation: What do consumers really care about?, Journal of Advertising Research, 45(3), 305-313.
  • Ressler, J. & Abratt, R. (2009), Assessing the impact of university reputation on stakeholder intentions, Journal of General Management, 35(1), 35-45.
  • Ressler, J. M. (2015), An analysis of customer-based university reputation and reputational consequences, in Proceedings of the 2008 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference (138-142), Springer International Publishing.
  • Roberts, P. W. & Dowling, G. R. (2002), Corporate reputation and sustained superior financial performance, Strategic Management Journal, 23(12), 1077-1093.
  • Safón, V. (2012), Can the reputation of an established business school change?, Management in Education, 26(4), 169-180.
  • Shapiro, C. (1982). Consumer information, product quality, and seller reputation. The Bell Journal of Economics, 13(1), 20-35.
  • Uzunoğlu, E. & Öksüz, B. (2008), Kurumsal itibar risk yönetimi: Halkla ilişkilerin rolü, Selçuk İletişim Dergisi, 5(3), 111-123.
  • Walker, K. (2010), A systematic review of the corporate reputation literature: definition, measurement and theory, Corporate Reputation Review, 12(4), 357-387.
  • Wartick, S. L. (2002), Measuring corporate reputation: definition and data, Business and Society, 41(4), 371-392.
  • Whetten, D. A. (1997), Part II: Where do reputations come from?: theory development and the study of corporate reputation, Corporate Reputation Review, 1(1), 26-34.
  • Yang, S. U., Alessandri, S. W., & Kinsey, D. F. (2008), An integrative analysis of reputation and relational quality: a study of university-student relationships, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 18(2), 145-170.


Year 2017, Volume: 8 Issue: 15, 19 - 34, 08.07.2017


Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, üniversite uygulamaları ile itibar
algısı arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığını bir kamu üniversitesi örneklemine
dayanarak irdelemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda yapısal eşitlik modeli
kullanılarak kantitatif bir araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma örneklemi
1021 lisans ve yüksek lisans öğrencisinden oluşmaktadır. Araştırma sonuçları,
kurumsal uygulamalar ile kurum itibarı algısı arasında anlamlı bir ilişki
olduğu hipotezini desteklemektedir. 
Araştırma bulgularına dayanılarak üniversiteler için yönetsel
uygulamalarla ilgili sonuçlar çıkarılabilir. Üniversiteler, öğrenciler
tarafından tercih edilmek, destek almak ve donanımlı akademisyenlere sahip
olmak istiyorlarsa rekabetçi olmalıdırlar. Bu çalışmanın başlıca katkısı,  üniversite itibarının arttırılması için etkin
stratejilerin geliştirilmesinin önemli olduğuna işaret etmesidir.


  • Alessandri, S. W., Yang, S. U., & Kinsey, D. F. (2006), An integrative approach to university visual identity and reputation, Corporate Reputation Review, 9(4), 258-270.
  • Alsop, R. (2004), The 18 immutable laws of corporate reputation: creating, protecting and repairing your most valuable assets, Wall Street Journal Books, Free Press, New York.
  • Aras, G. Karaman Akgül, A., Özsözgün Çalişkan, A., & Esen, E. (2014), İşletmelerin ve kar amacı olmayan örgütlerin itibar ölçümünde farklılıklar, Samast, O. & Baybars Hawks, B. (Ed.), Kurumsal itibar: Kavramlar ve uygulamalar içinde (ss. 106-117). Ankara: İtibar Yönetimi Enstitüsü.
  • Argüden, Y. (2003), İtibar yönetimi, Ankara: ARGE Danışmanlık Yayınları.
  • Arpan, L. M., Raney, A. A., & Zivnuska, S. (2003), A cognitive approach to understanding university image, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 8(2), 97-113.
  • Barnett, M. L., Jermier, J. M., & Lafferty, B. A. (2006), Corporate reputation: The definitional landscape, Corporate Reputation Review, 9(1), 26-38.
  • Brewer, A. & Zhao, J. (2010), The impact of a pathway college on reputation and brand awareness for its affiliated university in Sydney, International Journal of Educational Management, 24(1), 34-47.
  • Casalo, L. V., Flavián, C., & Guinalíu, M. (2007), The influence of satisfaction, perceived reputation and trust on a consumer's commitment to a website, Journal of Marketing Communications, 13(1), 1-17.
  • Castro, G., Lopez, J. N., & Saez, P. L. (2006), Business and social reputation: exploring the concept and main dimensions of corporate reputation, Journal of Business Ethics, 63(4), 361-370.
  • Chun, R. (2005), Corporate reputation: Meaning and measurement, International Journal of Management Review, 7(2), 91-109.
  • Dortok, A. (2006), A managerial look at the interaction between internal communication and corporate reputation, Corporate Reputation Review, 8(4), 322-338.
  • Epstein, M. J. (2008), Making sustainability work, Berrett-Koehler Publisher, USA.
  • Esen, E. (2011), The role of trust on the relationship between organizational engagement and corporate reputation, Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, İstanbul.
  • Esen, E. (2012), The role of trust on the relationship between organizational engagement and corporate reputation, Journal of Management and Economics, 19(1), 47-58.
  • Fombrun, C. J., (1996), Reputation. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
  • Fombrun, C. J. (2012), The building blocks of corporate reputation: Definitions, antecedents, consequences, Barnett, Michael L. & Pollock, T. G. (Ed.), in The Oxford handbook of corporate reputation (pp. 94-113). Oxford University Press, UK: Oxford.
  • Fombrun, C. J., & Van Riel, C. B. M. (2003). Fame & Fortune: How the World's Top Companies Develop Winning Reputations. Pearson Education.
  • Ghauri, P., Gronhaug, K. & Kristianslund, I. (1995). Research methods in business studies: A practical guide. Hemel Hempstead, Prentice Hall.
  • Gotsi, M. & Wilson, A. M. (2001), Corporate reputation: Seeking a definition, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 6(1), 24-30.
  • Günlü, E. (2007), İtibar yönetiminde kültürün önemi, Ramazan, E. & Çukur, C. Ş. (Ed.), Küresel bağlamda yönetsel-örgütsel davranış içinde Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları, No:31, 1. Basım, Ankara.
  • Hannington, T. (2004), How to measure and manage your corporate reputation, Gower Publishing, USA.
  • Herbig, P. & Milewicz, J. (1993), The relationship of reputation and credibility to brand success, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 10(3), 18-24.
  • Karaköse, T. (2007), Kurumların DNA’sı itibar ve yönetimi, Nobel Yayın, İstanbul.
  • Kraatz, M. S. & Love, E. G. (2006), Studying the dynamics of reputation: a framework for research on the reputational consequences of corporate actions, Ketchen, David J. & Bergh, Donald D. (Ed.), in Research methodology in strategy and management (pp. 343-383), Volume 3.
  • Landrum, R. E., Turrisi, R., & Harless, C. (1999), University image: The Benefits of assessment and modeling, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 9(1), 53-68.
  • Merchant, A., Rose, G. M., Moody, G., & Mathews, L. (2015), Effect of university heritage and reputation on attitudes of prospective student, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 20(1), 25-37.
  • Nakip, M. (2006), Pazarlama araştırmaları: Teknikler ve (SPSS destekli) uygulamalar, İstanbul: Seçkin Kitabevi.
  • Oktar, Ö. F. & Çarıkçı, İ. H. (2012), Farklı paydaşlar açısından itibar algılamaları: süleyman demirel üniversitesi’nde bir araştırma, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(15), 127-149.
  • O'Loughlin, D., Macphail, A., & Msetfi, R. (2015), The rhetoric and reality of research reputation: ‘Fur coat and no knickers’, Studies in Higher Education, 40(5), 806-820.
  • Özalp, İ., Tonus, H. Z. & Geylan, A. (2010), Paydaşları açısından akademik organizasyonlarda itibar, Organizasyon ve Yönetim Dergisi, 2(1), 99-106.
  • Page, G. & Fearn, H. (2005), Corporate reputation: What do consumers really care about?, Journal of Advertising Research, 45(3), 305-313.
  • Ressler, J. & Abratt, R. (2009), Assessing the impact of university reputation on stakeholder intentions, Journal of General Management, 35(1), 35-45.
  • Ressler, J. M. (2015), An analysis of customer-based university reputation and reputational consequences, in Proceedings of the 2008 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference (138-142), Springer International Publishing.
  • Roberts, P. W. & Dowling, G. R. (2002), Corporate reputation and sustained superior financial performance, Strategic Management Journal, 23(12), 1077-1093.
  • Safón, V. (2012), Can the reputation of an established business school change?, Management in Education, 26(4), 169-180.
  • Shapiro, C. (1982). Consumer information, product quality, and seller reputation. The Bell Journal of Economics, 13(1), 20-35.
  • Uzunoğlu, E. & Öksüz, B. (2008), Kurumsal itibar risk yönetimi: Halkla ilişkilerin rolü, Selçuk İletişim Dergisi, 5(3), 111-123.
  • Walker, K. (2010), A systematic review of the corporate reputation literature: definition, measurement and theory, Corporate Reputation Review, 12(4), 357-387.
  • Wartick, S. L. (2002), Measuring corporate reputation: definition and data, Business and Society, 41(4), 371-392.
  • Whetten, D. A. (1997), Part II: Where do reputations come from?: theory development and the study of corporate reputation, Corporate Reputation Review, 1(1), 26-34.
  • Yang, S. U., Alessandri, S. W., & Kinsey, D. F. (2008), An integrative analysis of reputation and relational quality: a study of university-student relationships, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 18(2), 145-170.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Güler Aras

Emel Esen This is me

Arzu Özsözgün Çalışkan

Publication Date July 8, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 8 Issue: 15


APA Aras, G., Esen, E., & Özsözgün Çalışkan, A. (2017). HOW ARE UNIVERSITY REPUTATION PRACTICES AND REPUTATION PERCEPTIONS RELATED?. Kafkas Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(15), 19-34.

KAUJEASF is the corporate journal of Kafkas University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal Publishing.

2025 June issue article acceptance and evaluations are ongoing.