Research Article
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Year 2023, Issue: 32, 485 - 498, 19.12.2023



  • Alpay, Y. (2020). Hakikat askıda. (Y. Alpay, Ed.), in Post-Truth Çağı, Doğu Batı Yayınları, 14-16
  • Baç, M. (2020). Hakikatin savuşturulması, ötelenmesi ve geri dönüşü üzerine (Y.Alpay, Ed.), in Post-Truth Çağı. DoğuBatı Yayınları, 17-34.
  • Barlett, M. (2022). The 47th. Nick Hern Books: London.
  • Benedict, D. (2022). “The 47th’ review: Bertie Carvel’s Transformation Into Shakespearean Trump Is Hypnotic. The Variety., 13 April 2022, accessed: 16.04.2023.
  • Boles, C. W. (2022). Theater in a post-truth world: Texts, politics, and performance. Methuen Drama: London.
  • Crompton, S. (2022). The 47th at the old vic – review. WhatsOnStage, accessed: 28.02.2023.
  • D’ancona, M. (2017). Post the new war on truth and how to fight back. UK: Ebury Press.
  • Drakakis, J. (2020). Shakespeare, tragedy, post-truth: Hamlet, Othello and Antony and Cleopatra. In Chiara Battisti and Sidia Fiorato (Eds.), Law and the Humanities: Cultural Perspective, 5-27. De Gruyter.
  • Flood, A. (2016). Trump and Brexit herald a brave new word: post-truth, The Guardian, 15 November 2016, nov/15/post-truth-named-word-of-the-year-by-oxford-dictionaries/ccessed: 06.03.2023.
  • Freedland, J. (2016). Don’t call it post-truth. There’s a simpler word lies. The Guardian, 16 December 2016, commentisfree/2016/dec/16/not-post-truth-simpler-words-lies-aleppo-trump-mainstream/ accessed: 15.01.2023.
  • (2019). How President Trump is like Richard III. The Shakespearean Student. accessed: 04.03.2023.
  • Günenç, M. (2020). David Hare’in oyunlarında post-truth söylem. Çizgi Kitapevi.
  • Hermida, A. (2016). Tell everyone: Why we share and why it matters. Toronto: Doubleday.
  • Kinna, R. (2017). Post-truth politics and the defence of the status quo. Stimulus: Respond, Post-Truth, 4-6.
  • Lawless, J. (2022). Trump gets a bold Shakespearean twist in new play. ‘The 47th’, AP News, accessed: 18.03.2023.
  • Matheou, D. (2022). Donald Trump election play ‘The 47th’, Theater Review. The Hollywood Reporter.
  • Mead, R. (2022). The greatest, most beautiful play ever, with the possible exception of Shakespeare How the playwright Mike Bartlett melded Trumpisms with the language of the Bard for “The 47th.” magazine/2022/04/18/the-greatest-most-beautiful-play-ever-with-the-possible-exception-of-shakespeare/ accessed: 18.04.2023.
  • Musk, E. (@elonmusk) If this happens, Trump will be re-elected in a landslide victory, 2.21 PM, March 18 2023.
  • Nguyen, Q. N. & Sawalmeh, M. Hassan M. 2020. Trump's strategies in the first presidential debate: A critical discourse analysis. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation (IJLLT), 3(5), 68-77. doi:10.32996/ijllt.2020.3.5.8.
  • Philpott, M. (2022). The 47th –Old Vic. Cultural Capital. [Accessed: 15.02.2023].
  • Sherwood, H. (2022, 01 February). Shakespearean’ Donald Trump to be subject of play in blank Verse. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian. com/stage/2022/feb/01/shakespearean-donald-trump-to-be-subject-of-play-in-blank-verse/ accessed: 20.01.2023.
  • Şen, A.F. & Taşdelen, H. (2020). Post-truth siyaset bağlamında yeni medya: 2019 yerel seçimi örneğinde bir inceleme. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, 11-34.
  • Talamantes, D. (2016). King Richard III and Donald Trump what Shakespeare reveals about the US Republican Candidate’s rise to presidency. Economy&Politics. 20.02.2023.
  • Tesich, S. (1992). A government of lies. The Nation, 6-13.
  • Trump, D. (@realDonaldTrump) “Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure, it’s not your fault”, May 8 2013.
  • Wagner, M. C., and Pablo J B. (2019). The reception of fake news: The interpretations and practices that shape the consumption of perceived misinformation. Digital Journalism 7 (7), 870–885. doi:10.1080/ 21670811.2019.1653208.
  • Wight, C. (2018). Post-truth, postmodernism and alternative facts. New Perspectives, 17-30.
  • Wells, S and Taylor G. (1988). The Oxford Shakespeare the complete works (Eds. Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor). Glarendon Press: Oxford.
  • World of The Year. (2017). the-year/ word-of-the year-2016.


Year 2023, Issue: 32, 485 - 498, 19.12.2023


Lee McIntyre Post-Truth (hakikati değersizleştiren) çağı, hakikati nasıl bilebileceğimizi belirlemekten ziyade -gerçekliğin varlığının sorgulanır hale geldiği- bir dönem olarak tanımladı. McIntyre, Post-Truth (2018) adlı kitabında, bu bağlamda duyguların gerçeklerden daha önemli olarak algılandığına dikkat çekmiştir. Avrupa ve dünya siyasetini, Irak Savaşı'nı, Donald Trump'ın seçilmesini ve Brexit'i ("Kontrolü Geri Al") karakterize ettiği düşünülen post-truth söylem, hakikatin önemsizliğini ön plana çıkararak başkanların ve ulusların kaderini etkiler. Tiyatro, hakikati göstermeye çalışarak insanların işitsel ve görsel duyularının zehirlendiği bir dünyaya panzehir sunar. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışmanın arkasındaki itici güç, Mike Bartlett'in ikinci gelecek-tarih oyunu olan The 47th'in (2022)- Shakespeare'in trajik karakterlerini, özellikle Richard III'ün retoriğini ve Kral Lear'ın kararlarını yansıtarak, Trump'ın propaganda yoluyla gücü yeniden kazanma ve destekçilerini medya yardımıyla manipüle etme mücadelesini nasıl örneklediğini göstermektir. Bu makale, Mike Bartlett'in hakikat sonrası retorikle ilgili Shakespeare motiflerini nasıl kullandığını göstermek için oyununa odaklanmaktadır.


  • Alpay, Y. (2020). Hakikat askıda. (Y. Alpay, Ed.), in Post-Truth Çağı, Doğu Batı Yayınları, 14-16
  • Baç, M. (2020). Hakikatin savuşturulması, ötelenmesi ve geri dönüşü üzerine (Y.Alpay, Ed.), in Post-Truth Çağı. DoğuBatı Yayınları, 17-34.
  • Barlett, M. (2022). The 47th. Nick Hern Books: London.
  • Benedict, D. (2022). “The 47th’ review: Bertie Carvel’s Transformation Into Shakespearean Trump Is Hypnotic. The Variety., 13 April 2022, accessed: 16.04.2023.
  • Boles, C. W. (2022). Theater in a post-truth world: Texts, politics, and performance. Methuen Drama: London.
  • Crompton, S. (2022). The 47th at the old vic – review. WhatsOnStage, accessed: 28.02.2023.
  • D’ancona, M. (2017). Post the new war on truth and how to fight back. UK: Ebury Press.
  • Drakakis, J. (2020). Shakespeare, tragedy, post-truth: Hamlet, Othello and Antony and Cleopatra. In Chiara Battisti and Sidia Fiorato (Eds.), Law and the Humanities: Cultural Perspective, 5-27. De Gruyter.
  • Flood, A. (2016). Trump and Brexit herald a brave new word: post-truth, The Guardian, 15 November 2016, nov/15/post-truth-named-word-of-the-year-by-oxford-dictionaries/ccessed: 06.03.2023.
  • Freedland, J. (2016). Don’t call it post-truth. There’s a simpler word lies. The Guardian, 16 December 2016, commentisfree/2016/dec/16/not-post-truth-simpler-words-lies-aleppo-trump-mainstream/ accessed: 15.01.2023.
  • (2019). How President Trump is like Richard III. The Shakespearean Student. accessed: 04.03.2023.
  • Günenç, M. (2020). David Hare’in oyunlarında post-truth söylem. Çizgi Kitapevi.
  • Hermida, A. (2016). Tell everyone: Why we share and why it matters. Toronto: Doubleday.
  • Kinna, R. (2017). Post-truth politics and the defence of the status quo. Stimulus: Respond, Post-Truth, 4-6.
  • Lawless, J. (2022). Trump gets a bold Shakespearean twist in new play. ‘The 47th’, AP News, accessed: 18.03.2023.
  • Matheou, D. (2022). Donald Trump election play ‘The 47th’, Theater Review. The Hollywood Reporter.
  • Mead, R. (2022). The greatest, most beautiful play ever, with the possible exception of Shakespeare How the playwright Mike Bartlett melded Trumpisms with the language of the Bard for “The 47th.” magazine/2022/04/18/the-greatest-most-beautiful-play-ever-with-the-possible-exception-of-shakespeare/ accessed: 18.04.2023.
  • Musk, E. (@elonmusk) If this happens, Trump will be re-elected in a landslide victory, 2.21 PM, March 18 2023.
  • Nguyen, Q. N. & Sawalmeh, M. Hassan M. 2020. Trump's strategies in the first presidential debate: A critical discourse analysis. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation (IJLLT), 3(5), 68-77. doi:10.32996/ijllt.2020.3.5.8.
  • Philpott, M. (2022). The 47th –Old Vic. Cultural Capital. [Accessed: 15.02.2023].
  • Sherwood, H. (2022, 01 February). Shakespearean’ Donald Trump to be subject of play in blank Verse. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian. com/stage/2022/feb/01/shakespearean-donald-trump-to-be-subject-of-play-in-blank-verse/ accessed: 20.01.2023.
  • Şen, A.F. & Taşdelen, H. (2020). Post-truth siyaset bağlamında yeni medya: 2019 yerel seçimi örneğinde bir inceleme. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, 11-34.
  • Talamantes, D. (2016). King Richard III and Donald Trump what Shakespeare reveals about the US Republican Candidate’s rise to presidency. Economy&Politics. 20.02.2023.
  • Tesich, S. (1992). A government of lies. The Nation, 6-13.
  • Trump, D. (@realDonaldTrump) “Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure, it’s not your fault”, May 8 2013.
  • Wagner, M. C., and Pablo J B. (2019). The reception of fake news: The interpretations and practices that shape the consumption of perceived misinformation. Digital Journalism 7 (7), 870–885. doi:10.1080/ 21670811.2019.1653208.
  • Wight, C. (2018). Post-truth, postmodernism and alternative facts. New Perspectives, 17-30.
  • Wells, S and Taylor G. (1988). The Oxford Shakespeare the complete works (Eds. Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor). Glarendon Press: Oxford.
  • World of The Year. (2017). the-year/ word-of-the year-2016.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects British and Irish Language, Literature and Culture
Journal Section Research Articles

Mesut Günenç 0000-0002-7077-1914

Publication Date December 19, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 32


APA Günenç, M. (2023). MİKE BARTLETT’İN THE 47TH OYUNUNDA POST-TRUTH BİR SHAKESPEARE OKUMASI: KAZANMAK YA DA KAZANMAMAK. Kafkas Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(32), 485-498.