In this study, the most reliable calcified structure of Cyprinus carpio living in Çoğun Dam Lake was determined. Scales, vertebra, asteriscus, lapillus, operculum and subopercules were taken for age determination. Percentage of agreement (PA), average percentage of error (APE) and coefficient of variation (CV) were calculated in order to determine reliable calcified formation. As a result of repeated readings, 4-year class was obtained for all calcified structures and it was determined that the most dominant age group was 5 years. According to the results of the analysis, the highest PA was detected in the asteriscus (76.8%), while the lowest PA was found in the subopercule (31.0%). The lowest APE and CV values were determined in asteriscus (APE = 2.79, CV = 3.94). As a result, the reliable calcified structure for age determination of the species was determined as asteriscus.