Current Issue

Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 12/30/24

Year: 2024

Research Articles

Prof. Dr. Kılıçhan BAYAR Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi 0000-0002-8090-5859
Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif DÖNMEZ Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi 0000-0001-5030-3411
Oncology and Carcinogenesis, Health Sciences, Public Health, Public Health Nursing
Prof. Dr. Banu BAYAR Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi 0000-0001-6369-8416
Physiotherapy, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Rehabilitation
Nursing, Nurse Education, Fundamentals of Nursing
Prof. Dr. Eralp DOĞU MUĞLA SITKI KOÇMAN ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-8256-7304
Machine Learning, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Statistics, Biostatistics, Statistical Quality Control

Karya Journal of Health Science aims to share current, high-quality, evidence-based research in accordance with ethical principles, contribute to the field, and inspire new studies across all areas of health sciences.

Karya Journal of Health Science covers a wide range of health sciences, including nutrition and dietetics, child development, speech and language therapy, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, midwifery, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, gerontology, audiology, health management, social services, sports sciences, as well as basic and clinical medical sciences. The journal publishes research articles, case reports, reviews, and letters to the editor within these fields.

Karya Journal of Health Science assumes that submitted articles have not been previously published, all authors agree to the submission, and the relevant institution, organization, or laboratory where the study was conducted has approved the final version of the manuscript, either tacitly or explicitly.
Karya Journal of Health Science follows the guidelines established by the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as a reference for authors, reviewers, and editors.
Authors must read and adhere to the journal's "Ethical Policy and Publication Policy." The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that the final version of the manuscript is approved by all authors. The scientific, ethical, and legal responsibility for the content of the article rests solely with the authors. Additional information is available at the following links:
• Conflict of Interest Disclosure Forms
• Declaration of Helsinki Principles
• Guidelines for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.
Authors must confirm that their studies comply with institutional, ethical, and legal guidelines. The journal does not accept responsibility for ethical breaches by authors.
• The article must be uploaded under the name of the corresponding author.
• All authors must have an individual ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) number, which should be included on the title page.
• The corresponding author must add all co-authors to the DergiPark system when submitting the article.
• Article should be prepared in Microsoft Word format, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (12 pt), with no extra line spacing, and with continuous line numbering on each page. Margins should be 2.5 cm on all sides. A sample article template is available on the journal's website.
• Article must adhere to the "System International" (SI) unit system.
• Figures, tables, photographs, and graphics must be referenced in the text at the end of the relevant sentence.
• Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.
• Decimals should be written using a dot (e.g., 55.78).
• Author contribution, copyright transfer, and conflict of interest forms must be submitted.
• A similarity report not exceeding 20% (e.g., as verified by Turnitin or iThenticate reports) must be submitted.
• Ethical committee approval documents must be submitted.
Research Articles
These manuscripts report on experimental and descriptive studies. They should include the following sections: Abstract (maximum 350 words, structured with Objective, Method, Results, and Conclusion in both Turkish and English), Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.
• Word limit: 6,000 (excluding abstract, references, and tables)
• Figures/Tables: Maximum of 4 tables, 2 figures, and 3 photographs in total
• References: Maximum of 40
Submitted by invitation, reviews include an Abstract (maximum 300 words in Turkish and English, unstructured), an Introduction, subheadings, and References.
• Word limit: 7,000
• References: Maximum of 60
Case Reports
These manuscripts highlight rare or unique cases and include images (photographs, figures, etc.). Sections should include Abstract (maximum 200 words in Turkish and English, unstructured), Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.
• Word limit: 4,000
• Figures/Tables: Maximum of 2 tables, 2 figures, and 4 photographs in total
• References: Maximum of 20
Letters to the Editor
These contain opinions, experiences, or questions about articles published in the journal within the last year. They should specify the article's details (issue, date) and include the author’s name, institution, and address. No title or abstract is required. Responses will be published by the editor or the original authors.
• Word limit: 500
• References: Maximum of 5
Title Page
• The title page must be submitted as a separate document.
• The type of article (e.g., research, review, case report) should be clearly indicated.
• The article title should be written in capital letters, concise, and descriptive of the study. Abbreviations should not be used in the title.
• Author information must include the full name and surname, numbered superscript affiliations, academic title, institution, department, city, country, ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) number, and email address.
• The corresponding author’s full name, current address, email address, and accessible phone numbers (including GSM) must also be specified.
• If there is a commercial communication or financial support institution (directly or indirectly) involved in the study, the authors must disclose it on the title page. They should indicate whether there is no commercial relationship with any product, drug, or company mentioned, or describe the nature of the relationship (e.g., consultancy, other agreements).
• Refer to the title page template for guidance.
• Abstracts should be prepared on separate pages in both Turkish and English.
• Keywords must include a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 words, separated by commas.
• Turkish keywords should comply with "Turkish Science Terms" (, while English keywords should follow "Medical Subject Headings (MESH)" (
• The Turkish and English abstracts, along with their corresponding keywords, must be identical in content.
Main Text
• The text must be written in the past tense.
All terms to be abbreviated (including those in the Abstract) should first be presented in their full form, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.
• Main headings should be written in capital letters and bold. Subheadings should have the first letter of each word capitalized and be bold, while sub-subheadings should have the first letter of each word capitalized and be italicized.
• Introduction: This section should summarize fundamental information obtained from previous publications related to the study topic. The final paragraph should indicate the necessity and objective of the study.
• Method: The clinical, technical, or experimental methods used in the study should be presented with references. The subtitles “Ethical Approval” and “Statistical Analysis” must be included under this section.
• Ethical Approval: Authors must explicitly state that their studies involving human participants were conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. They are required to indicate that approval was obtained from the relevant ethics committee (providing the name of the committee, the date of approval, and the protocol number) and that informed consent was obtained from participants. If the study involves the use of animals, authors must confirm that animal rights were protected in compliance with the principles outlined in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals ( and that approval was obtained from the relevant ethics committee. Additionally, any statement regarding publication consent must be included in cases where photographs that could potentially reveal participants' identities are presented.
• Statistical Analysis: If a statistical software program was used for statistical analysis, the name of the software, version number, location, date, and company information must be provided. Information about the statistical analysis methods and the calculation of the sample size should be presented with their rationale and supported with references when necessary.
• Results: This section should present the study findings without interpretation. Data should be presented as clearly as possible, preferably in tables or figures.
• Discussion: This section should begin with the most important findings of the study. Conclusions derived from the results should be discussed and interpreted in light of current literature. Care should be taken to ensure that the referenced literature is up-to-date and directly related to the authors' findings. Statistical results presented in the Results section should not be repeated here. At the end of the Discussion, the limitations of the study should be presented under the subheading “Limitations.”
• Conclusion: This section must clearly state the study’s results and their contributions to the field.
The following sections should be provided after the Conclusion:
• Ethical Approval: The name of the ethics committee, the approval date, and the protocol number must be specified.
• Conflict of Interest: Any conflicts of interest must be disclosed.
• Funding: If the research was supported by any organizations, they should be acknowledged.
• Acknowledgements: A concise expression of gratitude may be included for individuals and/or institutions that provided support during the research.
• Author Contributions: The contributions of each author to the article should be specified in an abbreviated format.
• Disclosures: If the article was previously presented in summary or abstract form, the details of the scientific meeting, presentation location, date, and publication venue (if applicable) should be provided.
References should be numbered sequentially in the order they appear in the article. Citations should be placed at the end of the sentence, just before the period, using Arabic numerals enclosed in square brackets. When referring to authors in the text, only the surname of the first author should be mentioned, followed by "et al." for English articles. For multiple consecutive citations, the format [10-15] should be used. References should be separated by commas without spaces before or after the comma.
If an article has six or fewer authors, all authors should be listed. For articles with more than six authors, list the first three authors followed by the abbreviation "et al." Journal abbreviations should adhere to the style outlined in the Cumulated Index Medicus (
The reference list should include only works that are published, accepted for publication, or have a DOI number. Unpublished observations and personal communications should be avoided. If citing books is necessary, references should be limited to no more than 2-3 books. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references.
References should follow the "Vancouver" system, which includes the following details:
Author name(s)
Title of the article
Journal name (abbreviated according to the Cumulated Index Medicus)
Year of publication
Volume and issue number of the journal
Page range

Sonmezdag AS, Kesen S, Amanpour A, et al. LC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS and GC-MS profiling of phenolic and aroma compounds of sunflower oil during deep-fat frying. J Food Process Press. 2019;43(2):1-9.
Journal Supplement
Braxton E, Wohlfeld BJ, Blumenthal S. Postoperative care pathways following lumbar total disc replacement. spin 2019;24(S):1-12.
Article in Electronic
If a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number is assigned for online published articles awaiting publication, the DOI number is appended to the end:
Sonmezdag AS, Kelebek H, Selli, S. Characterization of aroma‐active compounds, phenolics, and antioxidant properties in fresh and fermented capers (Capparis spinosa) by GC‐MS‐Olfactometry and LC‐DAD‐ESI‐MS/MS. J Food Sci. 2019;doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.14777.
Doherty RF, Purtilo RB. Ethical dimensions in the health professions. 6th ed. St. Louis, Misouri: Elsevier; 2016.
Book Section
Marrero DG. Diabetes Mellitus. In: Flanagan SN, Zaretsky H, Moroz A, eds. Medical aspects of disability: A Handbook for the rehabilitation professional. 4th ed. New York: Springer Publishing Company; 2011:159-176.
Web Page
Word Health Organization. Ethics [Internet]. WHO Code of Ethics; 13 September 2023. Available from:
All tables, figures, graphics, and pictures should be prepared on separate pages and appended after the references section. Figures, graphics, and pictures referenced in the text should collectively be labelled as “Figure,” while tables should be labelled as “Table.” Table titles must be clearly written above the table, whereas figure titles should appear below the figure. Any abbreviations used in the tables must be explained beneath the table. Important elements such as underlines, overlines, and subheadings in the tables should be clearly emphasized.
If an image is reproduced or quoted from another publication, written permission for reproduction must be submitted alongside the manuscript. Figures should be saved as a separate file using the “JPEG” compression format. They must have a minimum size of 9×13 cm and a resolution of 300 dpi.
The author(s) must ensure that all figures, images, photographs, charts, and other supplementary materials included in the article are original. If previously published content, such as text, tables, images, scales, or similar materials, is used, the author(s) are responsible for obtaining written permission from the copyright holders. Evidence of this permission must be provided at the time of manuscript submission and properly cited within the article. The authors bear full legal responsibility for ensuring compliance with copyright regulations.
All copyrights for the articles published in Karya Journal of Health Science belong to the journal.
Statements or opinions expressed in articles published in Karya Journal of Health Science reflect the views of the authors and not those of the editors, editorial board, or publisher. The editors, editorial board, and publisher assume no responsibility or liability for the material presented. The final responsibility (ethical, scientific, legal, etc.) for the published content lies with the authors.

Karya Journal of Health Science adheres to the ethical guidelines established by the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). These guidelines serve as a reference for authors, reviewers, and editors to ensure ethical publishing practices.

Karya Journal of Health Science expects all stakeholders, including authors, readers, researchers, publishers, reviewers, and editors, to uphold the following ethical responsibilities to promote the unbiased and accurate advancement of science.
The ethical responsibilities outlined below are based on the guides and policies developed by COPE.
Authors are expected to adhere to the following ethical responsibilities when submitting their work for publication:
• Ensure the originality of the article submitted for publication.
• Avoid submitting the same article to multiple journals simultaneously.
• Refrain from submitting a previously published full-text statement as a new article.
• Guarantee that the article submitted for publication has not been published elsewhere.
• Prevent unjust authorship by ensuring all listed authors have made significant contributions to the work.
• Disclose any potential conflicts of interest in the article submitted for publication.
• Confirm that the research described in the article was approved by the relevant ethics committee and that informed consent and institutional permissions were obtained from participants.
• Obtain signed informed consent for case reports and explain this in the Methods section of the article.
• For research involving animals, comply with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals ( to ensure animal rights are protected.
• Adhere to accurate citation and referencing practices, ensuring all sources are correctly cited in the references section.
• For any text, tables, figures, visuals, or scales included in the article, obtain written permission from the copyright owners and authors where necessary, and acknowledge this in the article.
• Be prepared to provide requested information and data to the editorial board upon request.
• Avoid requesting changes to the author order, adding authors, or removing authors after the article has been accepted or published.
• Notify the journal editors immediately if ethical violations or errors are detected in the submitted, early-view, or published article, and cooperate with the editors in making corrections or withdrawing the article if necessary.
The editor and field editors of Karya Journal of Health Science are expected to uphold the following ethical responsibilities, as outlined in the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, both of which are publicly available through the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
General Duties and Responsibilities
• Strive to address the scientific information needs of readers and authors.
• Ensure the continuous development and improvement of the journal.
• Work to enhance the scientific quality of the articles published in the journal.
• Uphold and support freedom of expression.
• Maintain academic integrity in all editorial processes.
• Adhere to intellectual property rights and ethical standards without compromise.
• Act transparently and openly regarding issues that require corrections or clarifications.
Relations with Readers
• Editors must make decisions by considering the knowledge, skills, and expectations of all readers, researchers, and practitioners.
• Aim to ensure that published studies contribute meaningfully to the existing literature and maintain originality.
• Consider feedback from researchers and practitioners and provide clear, informative, and constructive responses to their inquiries or suggestions.
Relations with Authors
• Editors should make decisions, whether positive or negative, based on the significance, originality, validity, clarity, and relevance of the submission to the journal’s scope.
• Editors should proceed with the preliminary evaluation stage unless the submission has serious deficiencies.
• Editors should not disregard positive recommendations from reviewers unless the study has significant structural flaws.
• New editors should not alter decisions made by their predecessors unless substantial concerns arise.
• Editors should strive to prevent deviations from the established "blind peer review and evaluation processes."
• Authors should receive clear, explanatory, and constructive feedback.
Relations with Reviewers
• Selecting reviewers with expertise relevant to the subject of the submission.
• Providing reviewers with necessary information and guidance during the evaluation process.
• Monitoring potential conflicts of interest between reviewers and authors.
• Ensuring reviewer anonymity in double-blind review processes.
• Encouraging reviewers to conduct evaluations impartially, scientifically, and objectively.
• Developing policies aimed at improving reviewer performance.
• Preventing unscientific or biased reviews.
• Relations with the Editorial Board
• Ensuring that Editorial Board members comply with established processes, publishing policies, and guidelines.
• Keeping Editorial Board members informed about publishing policies and developments.
• Ensuring that Editorial Board members maintain neutrality and independence when handling submissions.
• Selecting new Editorial Board members based on appropriate qualifications.
• Assigning submissions to Editorial Board members according to their expertise.
• Maintaining regular communication with the Editorial Board.
• Organizing meetings with the Editorial Board to enhance publishing policies and improve the journal.
Relations with the Editorial Board
Editors must ensure that the editorial board members adhere to the procedures outlined in the publication policies and guidelines. Editors are also responsible for keeping the board members informed about the publication policies and any developments related to the journal. Additionally, editors must:
• Ensure that editorial board members review manuscripts in an unbiased and independent manner.
• Select new editorial board members based on their qualifications and ability to contribute to the journal.
• Assign manuscripts for review according to the expertise of the editorial board members.
• Maintain regular communication with the editorial board.
• Organize regular meetings with the editorial board to discuss and develop publishing policies and enhance the journal.
Relations with the Journal Owner and Publisher
• The relationship between editors and the publisher should be grounded in the principle of editorial independence.
• In accordance with the agreement between editors and the publisher, editorial decisions must remain autonomous and free from influence by the publisher or journal owner.
Editorial and Double Blind Arbitration Processes: Editors are required to implement the "Blind Arbitration and Evaluation Process" policies outlined in the journal’s publication guidelines. Therefore, editors must ensure that each article is reviewed in a neutral, fair, and timely manner.
Quality Assurance: Editors must ensure that every article published in the journal complies with the publication policies and international standards.
Protection of Personal Information: Editors are responsible for safeguarding personal data related to the subjects or visuals in the reviewed articles. They must reject submissions if no consent documentation is provided by the subjects. Furthermore, editors must ensure that authors protect the personal information of reviewers and readers.
Ethics Committee, Human and Animal Rights: Editors must ensure the protection of human and animal rights in the studies under evaluation. If there is no ethics committee approval for studies involving experimental research, the editors are responsible for rejecting the study.
Measures Against Possible Abuse and Misuse: Editors are obligated to take precautions against potential abuse or misuse of authority. In addition to conducting a thorough and objective investigation into complaints, editors must share the findings regarding such issues.
Ensuring Academic Honesty: Editors should ensure that errors, inconsistencies, or discrepancies in the studies are promptly corrected.
Protection of Intellectual Property Rights: Editors are responsible for protecting the intellectual property rights of all published articles and defending both the journal’s and authors’ rights against potential violations. Additionally, editors should take the necessary steps to prevent the content of published articles from infringing on the intellectual property rights of other publications.
Clarity in Discussion: Editors should consider well-founded critiques of the studies published in the journal and adopt a constructive attitude toward such criticism. The criticized study should be given the opportunity for a response. Studies presenting negative results should not be disregarded or excluded.
Complaints: Editors should address complaints from reviewers or readers and respond in a detailed and informative manner.
Political and Commercial Concerns: The editors’ independent decision-making should not be influenced by the journal owner, publisher, or any political or commercial factors.
Conflict of Interest: Editors are responsible for ensuring the impartiality and independence of the publication process by considering any conflicts of interest between reviewers and other editors.
• Reviewers should accept only articles within their field of expertise.
• Reviewers must conduct evaluations impartially and confidentially.
• If a reviewer perceives a conflict of interest during the evaluation process, they must inform the journal editor and decline to review the article.
• Reviewers must destroy the article they have reviewed in accordance with confidentiality principles after completing the review (reviewers may only use the final published version of the article after its release).
• Reviewers must evaluate the content objectively, ensuring that national, gender, religious, political, or economic concerns do not influence their review.
• Reviewers should examine the article in a constructive and respectful manner, avoiding personal comments that could be seen as hostile, defamatory, or insulting.
• Reviewers must complete their reviews on time and in accordance with the ethical standards provided.
The publisher is responsible for all processes related to articles submitted to Karya Journal of Health Science. Within this framework, decision-making is entrusted to the editors, free from economic or political interests.
The publisher respects and accepts the editorial independence of the journal.
If you encounter any unethical behavior or content outside the ethical responsibilities mentioned above in Karya Journal of Health Science, please contact us via email at
Publication Evaluation and Acceptance Process
Every article submitted to Karya Journal of Health Science is first evaluated by the editors in terms of writing quality, scientific value, originality, plagiarism, and ethics. Articles that do not meet these criteria are rejected and not considered further. Articles that comply with these criteria are initially reviewed by the Secretariat for adherence to article formatting guidelines. The text is then sent to statistical and language editors as needed.
Field editors are assigned to articles that pass this stage. These editors send the articles to two independent referees who are experts in the respective fields. The identities of the referees and authors are kept confidential. Referees are given 5 days to confirm their willingness to evaluate the article. The evaluation period for referees who agree to review the article is 15 days. This process is managed and monitored by the field editors. If a referee declines, a new referee is appointed.
For articles with two positive referee reports, the editorial board, along with the field editor, moves forward with the publication process. In cases of conflicting referee reports (positive and negative), a third referee is consulted to determine whether the article will be published. Authors are given 15 days to submit the required corrections. The corrected manuscript must be uploaded to the Dergipark system.
The publication review process is completed within an average of 3 months. All procedures are conducted electronically. The editorial board decides in which issue of the journal the accepted article will be published. During the final layout checks of the accepted articles, the editorial board may correct spelling and grammar errors, but the content will remain unchanged.
The responsible author may withdraw the article during the preliminary evaluation stage.
Articles cannot be withdrawn during the evaluation or publication stages.
Once an article is published, authors must cooperate with the journal editor in the withdrawal process. If an author wishes to withdraw a published article, they must submit the article title, reasons for withdrawal, and a signed statement from each author via email to The editorial board will provide a response within 15 days upon receiving the withdrawal notification.
Charge Policy
No fees are charged for the evaluation and publication of articles. Authors are not paid for the articles published in the journal.
By signing the Copyright License Agreement, authors agree that if their article is accepted for publication in Karya Journal of Health Science, it will be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND) license, and the copyright will be transferred to Karya Journal of Health Science upon publication.

No fee is charged for the evaluation and publication of the articles.