SPECIAL ISSUE proposal for Konuralp Medical Journal

SPECIAL ISSUE proposal for
Konuralp Medical Journal
(1) Will the special issue be based on selected extended conference papers? Yes
Please provide the name, acronym, dates, and URL of the conference below.
name, acronym, dates, and URL:
International Congress of Management, Economy, and Policy
25-26 September (2021)

(2) All other special issues should be made up of papers invited directly from experts by the Guest Editors.

Do you require a headed call for papers PDF to be provided for you and your Co-Guest Editors to use when sending invitations for submissions?

The guest-editors prefer special issues based on invited papers and high-quality papers presented at the ICOMEP conference. In this way, as guest-editors, we are not only able to attain sufficient high-quality papers, but also good publicity for the special issue.

Special Issue Title: National and Global Health Policies during the post-Pandemic Period

Important dates
Manuscripts due by: 20.12.2021
Notification to authors: 30.01.2022
Final versions due by: 30.03.2022

We recommend that you allow 3-4 months for authors to submit the first drafts of their papers; 2 months for the refereeing process and for informing authors of the outcome of the refereeing process and any changes requested by the referees; and 2 months for authors to resubmit their revised manuscripts papers.

Description [aims/objectives/content/readership/etc]
This special issue aims to collect studies investigating the local and global health policies during and after the COVID-19 period on several sectors such as health management, medicine, pharmacy industry, etc. Contextually, it is targeted to promote policy recommendations to the benefit of the researchers and policymakers.
Therefore, the manuscripts will be written by both academic authors and practitioners of the above-mentioned thematic fields.
Subject Coverage
Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
• The effects of Covid-19 on health sector (National/Regional and Global level)
• The effects of Covid-19 on global and regional imbalances (National/Regional and Global level)
• Vaccination (National/Regional and Global level)
• Pharmacy industry
• Empirical analysis & theoretical analysis of sectoral indicators and policies • Health management strategies during and after the pandemic
• The effects of global imbalances on different sectors related to health
• Policy recommendations for the post-pandemic period
• Environmental quality and its effect on fighting with pandemic

Please continue to the next page

Guest Editor(s) details (maximum of four)
(*to be completed in full for each Guest Editor)
*Title [Prof.Dr.]: Prof.Dr.
*Name: Ayfer Gedikli
*Institution: Düzce University
*Country: Turkey
*Email: ayfergedikli@yahoo.com
*ORCID ID 0000-0002-7128-1976

*Title [Dr/Prof/etc]: Prof. Dr.
*Name: Seyfettin Erdoğan
*Institution: Istanbul Medeniyet University
*Country: Turkey
*Email: erserdagm@hotmail.com
*ORCID ID 0000-0003-2790-4221

*Title [Dr/Prof/etc]: Prof. Dr.
*Name: Bülent Güloğlu
*Institution: Istanbul Technical University
*Country: Turkey
*Email: guloglub@itu.edu.tr
*ORCID ID 0000-0001-2345-6789

Last Update Time: 9/13/22, 1:29:41 PM