Current Issue

Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 7/31/24

Year: 2024

Molesto: Journal of Literature Researches, are accepted articles written in Turkish, Western, Eastern and Slavic languages according to related fields and author guidelines. In case the research article is written in Turkish language the appropriateness according to the current TDK (Turkish Language Association) rules should be applied, in case of  foreign languages the appropriateness  according to the related language rules should be applied.

Molesto: Journal of Literature Researches, are accepted articles written in Turkish, Western, Eastern and Slavic languages according to related fields and author guidelines. In case the research article is written in Turkish language the appropriateness according to the current TDK (Turkish Language Association) rules should be applied, in case of foreign languages the appropriateness according to the related language rules should be applied.

All material to be considered for publication in the MOLESTO: Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, before submission and blind review, should be prepared in accordance with the instructions below:
• Manuscripts sent to the journal should not have been previously published elsewhere and should not have been sent to another journal for publication.
• Manuscripts not prepared in accordance with the journal’s style guide are not considered for publication.
Manuscripts sent to the journal should comply with the following:
• All manuscripts should be typed on a standard A4 vertical size word document in single space format with margins of 2.5 cm on all sides.
• Manuscripts should be no less than 2750 and no more than 12000 words in length, excluding the abstract and references pages. The text should be written in Garamond 12 point font with 1.5 line spacing on Microsoft Word.
Manuscripts should include the following parts in the order as stated below, and should be structured according to the following instructions:
• Title in Turkish: The title in Turkish should be aligned with the left margin (flush left) and written in UPPERCASE with 12 point font, bold type.
• Title in foreign language: The tittle in foreign language, placed after the English title, should be aligned with the left margin (flush left) and written in UPPERCASE with 12 point font, bold type.
• Author / Authors: The title should be followed by the author’s name (in lowercase with the first letter capitalized) and last name (in UPPERCASE LETTERS) which should be left-aligned and written in 12 point font, bold type. This should be followed by information about the author (academic position, institution and author's email address) should be given in the footnote.
• Öz (Abstract in Turkish): The abstract in Turkish should be single-spaced and written in 10 point font. The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
• Anahtar Sözcükler (Keywords in Turkish): A minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 keywords in Turkish which identify the content of the work should be presented. in Turkish and should be written in italic type.
• Abstract (in foreign language): The text given in the Turkish abstract should be written in foreign language.
• Keywords in foreign language: Manuscripts should also present a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 keywords (identifying the content of the work) in foreign language. Each keyword should be written in italic type and should be given in the same order and should mean the same as the words given in the Turkish keywords.
• Extended Summary: An Extended Summary in English examines the study problem, objective, methodology and results in greater detail than a conventional abstract. Thus, extended abstract would promote international readership. It should contain 500 to 600 words.

MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th edition) should be followed in references, in-manuscript citations and bibliography.
• The subheadings should be written in 11 point font, bold type, the initial of each word should be capitalized.
• All citations and sources used in manuscripts should be indicated. Short quotations should be italicized in quotation marks (“…”). Long quotations (more than 40 words) should be written on a new line without quotation marks in 11 point font, non-italicized and indented 1 cm from each margin (left and right). Then, a full stop should follow.
• If visual materials such as photo and diagram are used, sources should be indicated. Author(s) are held legally responsible for permission or copyright

All parties involved in the publishing process (authors, Editorial Board and reviewers) are supposed to contribute to the improvement of science appropriately. In accordance with this aim, in scientific studies, convenience to ethical standards of behaviour is essential. These ethical standards, based on the instructions of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), are accepted by our Journal. Molesto: The Journal of Literature Studies expects all parties to voluntarily comply with these international standards [the ethical principles determined by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)
Some of them are listed here:
International Standards for Authors
• The authors have to certify the submitted manuscripts to be their original studies. Plagiarism, fabrication, forgery, duplication, data falsification etc. are prohibited.
• Authors should neither give any physical/legal harm to the participants of a research nor psychologically abuse them. Additionally, authors have to give guarantee to the participants of their studies on the right of privacy and anonymity.
• Authors should define the persons or institutions sponsoring their research.
• Authors should assure that the manuscripts they submit have not been published before and they are not under evaluation in any other journal.
• Authors should be aware that all the references used in the manuscript are exactly given in the bibliography of the manuscript.
• On realising an important mistake or incorrectness in the article published, the author has to immediately inform the editor/the publisher of the Journal and either withdraw the article from the Journal or cooperate with the editor for correction.
• Authors have to make the studies including human and animal subjects appropriate to the national and international laws and instructions, confirm that required consent has gained and have to respect privacy of the subject. Moreover, authors should indicate the ethics committee approval to the study and the details of the study in the section “Material and Method.”
• Authors have to inform the Journal about any situation regarding conflict of interest or collaborative interest.
The studies that require the approval of the Ethics Committee are listed below. Within this context, for the studies, the information on the permission obtained from the Ethics Committee should be stated in the article and a copy of the permission should be uploaded to the system of the Journal.
• All kinds of research carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment and interview techniques,
• Use of humans (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
• Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data,
• Indicating that an “informed consent form” has been received in case reports,
• For the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others, obtaining and indicating the permission gained from the owners,
• Indication of compliance with copyright regulations for the intellectual and artistic works used in the article.
Author(s) must comply with ethical and legal standards and provide information on the following issues to those participating in research to produce an article:
Participants in the research;
• should be informed that research will be conducted on them.
• should be informed that participation is on a voluntary basis, there is no sanction for refusing to participate, and participants can withdraw at any time without penalty.
• should be informed about the purpose of the research and the procedure to be followed in the research.
• should be informed about the means of communication that they would apply for answers to questions about the research.
• should be informed about a possible risk and inconvenience that may affect them in case they agree to cooperate.
• should be informed about how privacy will be protected.
Click for the "Tr-index Ethical Principles Flow Chart" prepared by TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM regarding the ethical principles that researchers must comply with.
Some of the actions considered to be against scientific research and publication ethics:
• Plagiarism: Showing others' original ideas, methods, data or works as their own work, partially or completely, without reference to scientific rules,
• Fraud: Using data that does not actually exist or has been falsified in scientific research,
• Distortion: Falsifying the research records or the data obtained, showing the devices or materials not used in the research as being used, distorting or shaping the research results in line with the interests of the people and organizations from which the support was obtained
• Republishing: To present repetitive publications as separate publications in academic appointments and promotions,
• Slicing: Dividing the results of a research into pieces in a way that disrupts the integrity of the research and inappropriately and publishing in more than one issue and presenting these publications as separate publications in academic appointments and promotions,
• Unfair authorship: Including non-active contributors among the authors or not including those who are, changing the author's order in an unjustified and inappropriate manner, removing the names of those with active contributors from the work in subsequent editions, using their influence to include their names among the authors, even though they have no active contribution,
• Not specifying the persons, institutions or organizations and their contributions in the publications made as a result of researches conducted with the support,
• Using theses or studies that have not yet been submitted or accepted as a source without the permission of the owner,
• Failing to comply with ethical rules in research conducted on humans and animals, not respecting patient rights in their publications, harming animal health and ecological balance, not obtaining necessary permissions,
• Misusing resources, spaces, facilities and devices provided or allocated for scientific research,
• To make false or misleading statements regarding scientific research and publications in academic appointments and promotions.
International Standards for Editors and Editorial Board
• Editors and members of Editorial Board should adhere to the international standards for editorial boards. The editor and the members of the Editorial Board of the Journal are expected to voluntarily comply with the international standards set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (see
• The Editorial Board should act in a balanced, objective and fair manner while performing their duties without discrimination on the grounds of gender, religious or political beliefs, ethnic or geographical differences of the authors. The studies submitted to the Journal should be evaluated according to their content and the Editorial Board should not give any privilege to any author.
• The Editorial Board has to make efforts to enhance and improve the quality of the Journal.
• The Editorial Board has to put emphasis on scientific quality and originality to the utmost.
• The Editorial Board thoroughly checks the submitted manuscripts to determine its publication and to prevent misconducts. When the manuscript is not suitable for purpose and scope of the Journal, the study is rejected. If a misconduct is determined in a manuscript, the relevant author is responsible for withdrawal or correction of the manuscript according to the editor's and reviewer's feedback.
• The Editorial Board must keep confidential information regarding all articles submitted.
• The Editorial Board is in charge of taking publication decisions about the manuscripts submitted to the Journal.
• The Editorial Board has to make efforts to meet the needs of the authors and readers.
• The Editorial Board has to be always ready for announcing corrections, explanations, withdrawals and apologies when required.
• The Editorial Board should apply the necessary procedures, adhering to the Journal's policies and procedures, in case of a complaint that constitutes an ethical violation. It should give the authors an opportunity to respond to the complaint, and should not hesitate to apply the necessary sanctions, regardless of whom the work belongs to.
International Standards for Reviewers
• On accepting the call from the Journal for blind review, reviewers have to comply with the international blind review standards. All the reviewers of the Journal are expected to voluntarily comply with the international standards set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (see
• To help editors make a decision, reviewers have to accept to review the manuscripts related to their speciality and review objectively on time.
• Reviewers have to keep confidential information regarding the manuscripts.
• Reviewers have to review manuscripts objectively by criteria as originality, importance, appropriateness to the fields of the Journal.
• Reviewers should provide guidance that will help improve the quality of the manuscript to be published, and make their comments in a constructive and non-offensive language.
• Reviewers have to present to the attention of the Editorial Board any information that may cause the manuscript to be rejected.
• In any case of dispute or conflict of interest, reviewers have to inform the Journal about it.
Ethical Standards for Publishers
• Publisher, as one of the stakeholders in the production of a scientific study, is responsible for using its publishing power without any individual interest and for guiding its target audience correctly.
• Publisher protects the proprietary right and copyright of every published article and undertakes the task of archiving every published product.
The publication policy, article evaluation and publication process of Molesto: The Journal of Literature Studies are given below.
Statement of Open Access
Molesto: The Journal of Literature Studies is an Open Access journal and provides open access to all its articles including the archive without any charge.
Open access is a publishing model that facilitates interdisciplinary communication and encourages different disciplines to work with each other. In this context, Molesto: the Journal of Literature Studies provides value added to its field by offering more access to its articles and a more transparent evaluation process.
Molesto: The Journal of Literature Studies undertakes that it will not charge any subscription or fee for access to online published articles.
Confidentiality Statement
All of the data (personal information such as names and last names of authors, email addresses, etc.) collected and entered into the Management System of Molesto: the Journal of Literature Studies are solely to be used by the scholarly studies of the Journal. This data is not to be used for other purposes or shared with third parties on any account.
Charges, Sponsorship and Advertisement
Molesto: the Journal of Literature Studies does not charge any fees for article submission or article processing. Sponsorship and advertisements are not allowed in line with the publication policies of the journal.

Article Evaluation Process
Manuscripts submitted to Molesto: the Journal of Literature Studies go through the following processes.

Appraisal Process
The manuscripts are initially evaluated by the Editors and the Editorial Board. Manuscripts that do not comply with the aims and scope of the Journal, that are not written in accordance with the Turkish and English grammatical structures, that are not original, or that are outside of the publishing policies are declined. The manuscripts that are not uploaded with the Copyright Transfer Form and similarity report to the system are not evaluated. Moreover, the Editors and Editorial Board can return the manuscripts by applying a quota according to the density of the number of applications. In the case of a declined manuscript during the appraisal process, the author is informed by the Editor within a fortnight at the latest following the submission date. For the manuscripts that are found acceptable the review process begins.
For manuscripts submitted to Molesto: the Journal of Literature Studies and requiring an ethics committee decision, ethics committee approvals must be obtained and these approvals must be specified and documented.
Authors can obtain the ORCID number required for the application from The ORCID number must be given in the registration form in accordance with the standards. (For example:
Blind-Peer-Review Method
All manuscripts submitted to Molesto: the Journal of Literature Studies are evaluated with a double-blind peer-review process without revealing the identities of the authors and reviewers.
Review Process
According to their subjects, manuscripts are sent to reviewers from the relevant fields. The member of the Editorial Board that examines the work may suggest at least two reviewers according to their areas of expertise from the DergiPark reviewer pool, or may suggest new reviewer(s) in line with the research area of the manuscript. The reviewer suggestions forwarded by the member of the Editorial Board in charge are evaluated by the Editor, and the manuscript is sent to reviewers. The reviewers are deemed to have accepted in advance that they will not share any information and document regarding the review process with third parties or organizations.
Reviewer’s Evaluation Process
The reviewers are given 20 days to send their reports. Authors must respond to the reviewer’s suggestions and revise their works within 20 days at the latest. Reviewers may suggest not more than two rounds of revision for the same manuscript. Reviewers are required to evaluate the revised work (submitted after at most two rounds of revision) and arrive at a decision, “accept” or “reject” on the manuscript.
Result of the Review
The reviewer reports are evaluated by the member of the Editorial Board in charge within a fortnight at the latest. Based on the reviewers’ reports, the member of the Editorial Board forwards the decision on the manuscript to the Editor.
Decision of the Editorial Board
A manuscript being accepted for publication by the reviewers is presented to the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board has the right not to publish the manuscript and in the manuscripts, decided to be published, the Editorial Board can make minor corrections, when necessary, that will not change the meaning and integrity of the study. The opinions and legal responsibility in the published articles belong to the authors.
Instructions for Revision and Guidelines for Uploading the Manuscript
The Editor, the members of the Editorial Board and/or reviewers may suggest at most two rounds of revision for the manuscripts that are under evaluation by the Molesto Journal. Authors are to submit their revisions thoroughly, clearly and in time.
Manuscript Withdrawal Process
In accordance with the publishing policies of the Molesto: the Journal of Literature Studies, authors who would like to withdraw their submission during the process of evaluation need to inform the Editor of their withdrawal request by email. The Editor will examine the withdrawal request, and reply to the author within a week at the latest following the receipt of the request. Since authors transfer the copyright of their manuscripts to the Molesto: the Journal of Literature Studies during the submission process, they are not permitted to send their study elsewhere for a possible publication before their withdrawal request is accepted.
Objecting to the Result of the Evaluation
Authors retain the right to object to the reviewers’ reports about their submission to Molesto: the Journal of Literature Studies. Authors should submit their objections to the result of the evaluation of their manuscript and/or reviewers’ suggestions and comments in an academic manner outlining their reasons for objecting to the result of the evaluation by email. Objections will be examined by the Editorial Board, and authors will receive a positive or a negative notification within 30 days at the latest regarding the status of their objection. In the event that the author’s objection is found acceptable, the Editorial Board will re-start the evaluation process by assigning different reviewers from relevant area of research.

Please e-mail and notify us through once you come across unethical situations.

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