Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 3/31/23

Year: 2023

YDÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi (YDÜ-MFD), Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi’nin uluslararası,hakemli ve bilimsel bir yayınıdır. Dergiye Mimarlık Fakültesi kurum olarak ev sahipliği
yapmaktadır. Mimarlık, iç mimarlık, kent planlama ve tasarım, peyzaj planlama ve tasarım alanlarının yanı sıra kent kavramının analizi bağlamında tarih, sosyoloji, sanat tarihi, ekoloji,
coğrafya ve arkeoloji ile semiyotik konularında orijinal bilimsel makaleleri yayımlamaktadır. Dergi, senede iki defa Eylül ve Mart aylarında, e-dergi olarak yayınlanmaktadır. Derginin
yazım dili Türkçe veya İngilizce’dir. Türkçe makalelerde İngilizce özet, İngilizce makalelerde Türkçe özet bulunmalıdır. Dergiye yazı teslimi çalışmanın daha önce yayımlanmadığı anlamına

NEU Journal of Architecture Faculty (NEUJAF) is an international refereed biannual scientific publication released by Near East University (NEU). Faculty of Architecture is the hosting institution of the journal. NEU-JAF publishes original scientific articles in the context of architecture, interior architecture, urban planning and design, landscape planning and design, as well as history, sociology, art history, ecology, geography, archeology and semiotics for the analysis of the concept of city.

Preparation of Manuscript
Manuscripts should be prepared according to the manuscript formatting requirements. Therefore, the study that will be submitted to the journal should firstly be arranged according to the article template.

You can access to the NEU JFA Template by the following link

The length of the manuscript should be up to 8000 words including title, abstract, keywords and references and should not exceed 20 pages in After the title not exceeding 15 words, the names of the author (s) and the institutions they are attached should be written. Then, 300 words abstract and 3-5 key words should be written. After the abstract, the main text with introduction, literature review, methodology and conclusion should be written respectively. Finally, the references should be added. Articles should be written with APA 6.0 Style writing rules.
The text should be written as 12-point, Times New Roman and single The article title must be 14-point, bold, Times New Roman. The main headings in the article are written in 12-point, bold and Times New Roman. Subtitles are written in 12 -point and italic. Headings and subheadings are numbered. The paper layout is A4 with a space of 2,5cm at the top, bottom, left and right.
Originality and plagiarism
A similarity report accompanied by a Turnitin or iThenticate program for unethical cases and plagiarism should also be submitted with the manuscript. The similarity rate must be below 20% in total.

Figures, illustrations, tables and photos
All tables, figures and graphics should be sent both in the same text file and separately. All charts, graphs and diagrams in the text should be called figures and consecutive numbers should be given. Each figure and table should be given a number with Arabic numerals. The figure titles should be written before the figure and the table titles should be written after the table and all figures and tables must be cited in the text.

Visual materials such as pictures, photographs, plans, maps, drawings, graphics should be submitted as separate files as ‘tiff’ or ‘jpeg’. The horizontal edge of the pictures should be atleast 10 cm and their resolution should be at least ‘300 dpi’, in other words the short side should be at least 1200 pixel.

Evaluation of the Manuscripts
Firstly, the compliance of the manuscript with the formating requirements will be checked. Manuscripts which do not obey the formatting requirements of the journal, are not sent to the referee; it is sent back for the necessary corrections. Finally, after the review process, a positive or negative desicion is given for publication.

APA 6.0 Style rules must be used for formatting, references and citations.

Abisel, N. (2006). Sessiz Sinema. Ankara: Deki.

Abisel, N., Arslan, U.T., Behçetoğulları, P., Karadoğan, A., Öztürk, S.R. & Ulusay, N. (2005).

Çok Tuhaf Çok Tanıdık. İstanbul: Metis.

Özbek, M. (Ed.) (2005). Kamusal Alan. İstanbul: Hil.

Kejanlıoğlu, B. (2005). Medya Çalışmalarında Kamusal Alan Kavramı. Meral Özbek (Ed.),

Kamusal Alan içinde (s. 689-713). İstanbul: Hil.

Barr, S., & Gilg, A. W. (2006). Sustainable lifestyles: Framing environmental action in and around the home. Geoforum, 37 (6), 906–920

Song, Y., & Knaap, G. J. (2003). New urbanism and housing values: A disaggregate assessment. Journal of Urban Economics, 54, 218–238.

Author’s Responsibility
The authors derive full responsibility for the information contained in their printed articles. The journal does not assume responsibility for these articles.

Right to Publish
Any part of an article published in the journal cannot be printed in another journal conference or event.

Originality and plagiarism
A similarity report accompanied by a Turnitin or iThenticate program for unethical cases and plagiarism should also be submitted with the manuscript. The similarity rate must be below 20% in total. Please use the link for the NEU-JAF Copyright Form

Article submission/process management of the journal is free of charge.

All Rights Reserved - Near East University JOURNAL OF FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE (JFA) is an Open Access journal, under Licensed CC-BY-NC.