Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 9/1/24

Year: 2024

The aim of the Journal of Health Care and Rehabilitation is to review and evaluate original studies, reviews and case reports in accordance with scientific principles and publication ethics on issues related to the fields of medicine, nursing, rehabilitation and health sciences, to enable them to be discussed on a scientific platform, and to contribute to science, first on national and then on international platforms.

Journal of Health Care and Rehabilitation includes scientific studies in the fields of medicine, nursing, rehabilitation and health sciences. The writing language of the journal is Turkish or English. The journal is published 3 issues a year (April-August-December). This journal is a peer-reviewed and periodical electronic journal.

Journal of Health Care and Rehabilitation is the publication organ of Rehabilitation Nursing and is published every 4 months. The journal publishes research and review articles and news related to all health fields (The journal publishes qualified original research, review articles and case reports invited by the editor, and original research conducted by all disciplines under medicine, dentistry and health sciences (nutrition and dietetics, nursing, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, child development, gerontology, audiology, social work, health management, sports sciences). Manuscripts to be published in the journal are reviewed by the Editorial Board and Advisors before publication. The editorial board of the journal has the authority not to publish manuscripts that do not comply with the publication rules, to return them to the authors for correction or to have them reviewed by consultants. All manuscripts are sent to reviewers without specifying the names of the authors and their opinions are taken. Manuscripts are examined by the reviewers especially in terms of scientific accuracy, content, organization and language. The editorial board decides whether a manuscript should be published or not, the priority of publication and can make corrections regarding the form without touching the essence of the manuscript. Manuscripts submitted to the journal are not returned whether published or not. The scientific and legal responsibility of the articles belongs to the author(s).

Rules for Preparation of Manuscripts:
1- Manuscripts submitted for publication must be original and must not have been previously published or submitted to another journal for publication.
2- The author(s) should attach the following letter of application (in computerized format) to the manuscripts, which should be signed by all authors. "If it is decided to be published, we hereby declare that we grant all publication rights of the article titled (name of the article) to the Journal of Health, Care and Rehabilitation, that we fully agree with all the opinions contained in the article, that the work mentioned in the article has not been published anywhere before (except congress proceedings), that it is original, and that it has not been sent to another journal for evaluation at the same time".
After acceptance for publication, authors cannot make changes and additions to their articles.
3- Articles are published in the journal in Turkish or English. The articles should be written in pure Turkish, the integrity of the Turkish language should be preserved, and the articles should comply with the rules of the Turkish Language Association. Foreign words in the text should be written either entirely in the Turkish spelling or entirely in the Latin or foreign language spelling and in quotation marks, depending on the content and structure of the text. English writing must be clear and error-free.
4- Manuscripts should be written with double line spacing; 3cm space from top, bottom and sides; 4cm space from the left side and 2cm space from the right side. The current Windows compatible Word program should be used in the manuscripts. Font format should be Times New Roman and character size should be 12 pt. An article should not exceed 12 pages excluding the title page.
5- Manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal must comply with the following rules:
a) The manuscript should be prepared in the following order: title page, abstracts and keywords, main text of the article, references, tables and figure captions, with each section starting on a separate page. All pages should be numbered sequentially from the beginning of the article.
b) The title of the article should be short and capitalized.
c) The name and surname of the author(s) should be written below the title of the article, without using the professional title and the surname should be capitalized. ORCID numbers of the authors should be added. If the article is written by more than one author, the same number of stars are placed at the end of the surnames of the authors working in the same unit. These stars are explained by writing the unit name at the bottom of the first page.
d) In the correspondence address section at the bottom of the first page, the name and full address of the author to whom the correspondence will be made should be written.
e) In research publications, if the study is supported by a scientific organization or fund, this should be clearly stated on a separate line under the correspondence address. Acknowledgments to those who contributed to the article should be placed before the references section.
f) Sections in research articles should be in the following order:
Turkish abstract, English abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and References. These sections should be written in capital letters on the left side of the page.
Turkish Abstract: The purpose of the study, type of study, findings and discussion should be brief and clearly stated, and headings should not be used. Abstracts should consist of 150 to 250 words.
English Abstract: The English title should be written at the beginning of this abstract. The English abstract should be the same as the Turkish abstract and should not exceed 300 words.
If the entire article is to be submitted in English, the Turkish abstract should also be included.
Keywords: Keywords should be placed below the Turkish and English abstracts. These words should be compatible with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). They should be listed alphabetically with commas between them and should be maximum five in number.
Abbreviations: All abbreviations should be in acceptable standards, unnecessary abbreviations should be avoided, and all abbreviations should be explained in parentheses in the first place they appear in the text. Units of measurement used to indicate length, weight, temperature, etc. should be abbreviated in accordance with the international unit system, and all units should be given in the metric system.
Introduction: It should be directly to the subject without writing a title as an introduction. The organization and date of the research should be stated. The purpose of the research, similar research and studies conducted by other researchers on this subject should be briefly stated and should not exceed two pages.
Materials and Methods: The tools, materials and methods used in the research should be explained in detail.
Findings: The findings obtained in the study should be clearly stated.
Discussion: The findings obtained in the study should be compared with the findings obtained by other researchers and the conclusions reached should be determined.
Conclusion and Recommendations: Conclusions should be drawn according to the research findings and necessary recommendations should be made.
References: The references used in the article should be listed at the end of the sentence, before the period and in parentheses according to the order of occurrence in the text. In writing the references in the references section, first of all, attention should be paid to the accuracy of these references and they should be written according to the latest version of the American Psychological Association (APA) Rules 6. If the number of authors is 6 or less than 6, the names of all of them should be written; if the number of authors is more than 6, the abbreviation "ve et al." should be used in Turkish articles and "et al." in English articles after the names of the first three authors.
g) The terms in the articles should be written in Turkish as much as possible, in Latin when necessary, words that have been incorporated into our language should be written and the latest dictionary and spelling guide published by the Turkish Language Association should be taken as basis. Importance should be given to original Turkish and local sources.
h) In review articles, the opinions or research results of the author's personal or affiliated science or department are especially sought.
6- Letters written for criticism and contribution to the articles published in our journal and the responses to them are published in the "letter to the editor" section after the review and evaluation of the editorial board. These letters should not exceed one page and should be supported by a maximum of five references. Correspondence regarding the letter to the editor section is made through the Presidency of the Editorial Board.
7- Authors must comply with publication and research ethics (Declaration of Helsinki, 1975). In biomedical research to be conducted on the subject, a general ethics committee decision must be taken in order to protect the rights of the patient and the subject. Ethics committee certificate will be requested after acceptance of the article.
8- Right to publish: Journal of Health Care and Rehabilitation is the official publication organ of Rehabilitation Nursing Association. All publication rights of the journal belong to Rehabilitation Nursing Association. It cannot be partially or completely copied, photocopied, duplicated, printed or reproduced by other means without written permission from the editor and without reference.
9- Address, telephone, fax and e-mail addresses should be clearly written on the submitted manuscripts in order to ensure fast communication.
Articles prepared for publication in this context should be sent to rehabhemder@gmail.com

Ethical principles
The Journal of Health Care and Rehabilitation is committed to ensuring that the articles published in the Journal of Health Care and Rehabilitation meet the highest ethical and scientific standards and do not have commercial concerns. In this context, Journal of Health, Care and Rehabilitation publications and publication processes are carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Authors are advised to read these guidelines.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Editor and Field Editors
The editor and the editorial board are responsible for the publication of the articles sent to the Journal of Health Care and Rehabilitation for publication and the processes that follow. The editor and editorial board should act impartially and with scientific benefits in mind when making decisions about the articles. The editor and editorial board should ensure that the accepted articles are evaluated by experts in the field. The editor and editorial board should follow the journal policies such as blind review, evaluation process, ethical principles, and publication process.
Responsibilities of Reviewers
Reviewers are obliged to keep information about the article confidential. Reviewers notify the Journal of Health Care and Rehabilitation about any conflict of interest. Reviewers should use academic and constructive language while evaluating the articles and avoid personal comments containing insults. Reviewers should convey their opinions about the articles they accept for evaluation to the editor and editorial board within the time given to them.
Author's Responsibilities
Articles submitted to the Journal of Health Care and Rehabilitation for publication must not have been published in another journal or submitted to another journal for publication at the same time. If there are quoted articles, tables, figures previously published in articles, books or journals, the authors must obtain written permission from the copyright holder and authors of the relevant articles, tables and figures, send the permission letter with the article and indicate this in the article. The scientific content of the articles and compliance with ethical rules are the responsibility of the authors. Only the names of the authors who contributed to the articles should be written. Authors should not be asked to change the order of authors, add or remove authors in the articles submitted for publication. Authors should cite the sources used during the writing of the article in accordance with ethical principles. The journal accepts manuscripts approved by the Ethics Committee and in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Ethics committee approval should be indicated in the method section of the article by writing the name of the ethics committee, date and number of the decision. In addition, similarity reports should be documented using the iThenticate (http://www.ithenticate.com/) program. Ethics committee approval document is not required for reviews. Authors should provide the editor and editorial board with information and raw data about the articles under review when requested.

The Journal of Health Care and Rehabilitation does not charge any fees at any stage of submission, evaluation and publication of articles. Authors do not pay article processing fees for the manuscripts they submit to the journal. All published articles can be accessed free of charge.