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Year 2016, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 383 - 402, 02.05.2016


Herkes hayatında ailesine, çevresine, sahiplendiği fikirlere dahası ürünlere ve markalara tutunarak yaşamaktadır. Tutunulan ürün ve markalar aracılığıyla toplum içinde statü kazanıldığı ve tüketildiği oranda varlığın kabul ettirilebileceği düşüncesi önem kazanmaktadır. Şirketler de kişilerin ürün ve markaları her koşulda sahiplenmesini, en kolay ve en etkili tanıtım yollarından biri olan olumlu ağızdan ağza pazarlamanın yaygınlaşmasını istemekte ve bu anlamda sadakat programları geliştirmektedir. Günümüz tüketicisi ise, birçok ürün ve marka arasından seçim yapmaya zorlanmakta ve kendilerine sunulan işlevsel faydadan ziyade sembolik değer öne çıkartılmaktadır. Reklam stratejileri ile kişilerin ürün ve markaya yönelik bağlılık geliştirmesi için duygusal mesajlar hazırlanmakta ve tüketicinin benlik yapısına uygun söylemler geliştirerek tüketicinin güveni kazanılmaya çalışılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, tüketicilerin dayanıklı tüketim mallarından olan buzdolaplarına yönelik sadakatlerini öğrenmek amacıyla anket tekniğinden faydalanılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda tüketicilerin yaş dağılımları ile marka-benlik uyumu arasında, ürüne ve kuruma yönelik algıladıkları değer ile sadakat boyutları arasında ve kuruma yönelik itibar ile sadakat değişkeni arasında anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • AAKER, D.A. (1991). Managing Brand Equity: Capitalising On The Value Of A Brand Name, New York.
  • AMINE, A. (1998). “Consumers' True Brand Loyalty: The Central Role Of Commitmen t ”, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 6(4): 305-319.
  • ANISIMOVA, T. (2015). “Brand Communication Using Symbolic Brand Values: Implications For Consumer Satisfaction And Loyalty ”, The Academy of Marketing Conference, 7-10 July, University of Limerick.
  • ARMUTLU, C. Ve ÜNER, M.M. (2009). ‘’Benlik İmajı Uyumu, Tüketici Tatmini ve Marka Sadakati İlişkisi Üzerine Görgül Bir Araştırma, Gazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 11(3): 1-26.
  • AWAN, A.G. ve REHMAN, A. (2014). Impact of customer satisfaction on brand loyalty-an empirical analysis of home appliances in Pakistan. British Journal of Mark eting Studies, 2 (8): 18-32.
  • BELK, R. (1988). ‘’Possessions and the Extended Self’’, Journal of Consumer Research, 15(2): 139-168.
  • BENNET, D., GRAHAM, C. ve SCRIVEN, J. (2010). “Don’t Try To Manage Brand Loyalty”, International Marketing Trends: 1-28.
  • BIRDWELL, A. E. (1968), "A Study of Influence of Imag e Congruence on Consumer Choice", Journal of Business, 41 (January): 76-88.
  • BOCOCK, R. (1993). Tüketim, Ankara: Dost Yayınevi.
  • CARMAN, J.M. (1969). ‘’Some Insights Into Reasonable Grocery Shopping Strategies’’, Journal of Applied Psychology, 56: 54-59.
  • CUNNINGHAM, R.M. (1956). ‘’Brand Loyalty-What, Where, How Much?’’ Harward Business Review, 34, January-February: 116-128.
  • CUNNINGHAM, R.M. (1961). ‘’Customer Loyalty to Store and Brand’’, Harward Business Review, 39: 127-137.
  • CURTIS, T., ABRATT, R., RHOADES, D. ve DION, P. (2011). “Customer Loyalty, Repurchase And Satisfaction: A Meta Analytical Review”, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 24: 1-26.
  • DICK, A.S.; BASU, K. (1994). Customer Loyalty: Toward An İntegrated Conceptual Framework, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22(2): 99–113.
  • DIXON, J.; KERRIE B;, EVANS, J.; ve MORRISON, M. (2005). “An Alternative Perspective on Relationships, Loyalty and Future Store Choice”, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research , 15(4): 351-374.
  • DOOM, J. V. ve LEMON, K.N; MITTAL, V; NASS, S; Pick, D; PIMER, P ve VERHO EF , P.C. (2010). “Customer Engagement Behavior: Theoritical Foundations And Research Directions ”, Journal of Service Research, 13(3): 253-266.
  • DURMUŞ, B.; YURTKORU, E.S. ve ÇİNKO, M. (2011). Sosyal Bilimle rde SPSS’le Veri Analizi. İstanbul: Beta Yayınları.
  • EHRENBERG, A.S.C. ve GROODHART, G.J. (1973). ‘’An Analysis of Simulated Brand Choice’’, Journal of Marketing, 7: 77-84. ELLIOT,
  • R.; WATTANASUWAN, K. 1998. ‘’Brands as symbolic resources for
  • Construction of Identity. International Journal of Advertising, 17(2): 131-144.
  • EVANS F. B. (1959), "Psychological and Objective Factors in the Prediction of Brand Choice: Ford vs. Chevrolet," Journal of Business, 32 (October): 340.
  • FARLEY, J.U. (1963). ‘’Testing a Theory of Brand Loyalty’’, Proceedings of the American Mark eting Association, December: 298-306.
  • FETSCHERIN, M. ve HEINREICH, D. (2015). “Consumer Brand Relationships Research: A Bibliometric Citation Meta Analysis ”, Journal of Business Research: 68: 380-390.
  • FORNELL, C. (1992). “A National Customer Satisfaction Barometer: The Swedish Experience”, Journal of Mark eting, 56(1): 6-21
  • FRANK, R.E., MASSY, W.F., ve LODAHL,T.M. (1969. ‘’Purchasing Behavior and Personal Attributes’’, Journal of Advertising Research: 9, 15-24.
  • GENZI, OTTAVIO, P. (2004). “The Impact of Interpersonal Relationships on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty to the Service Provider”, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 15(3/4): 365-384.
  • GOFFMAN, E. (1956). The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Doubled ay
  • GÜRBÜZ, A. ve DOĞAN, M. (2013). ‘’Tüketicilerin Markaya Duyduğu Güven ve Marka Bağlılığı İlişkisi’’,Uluslararası Yönetim ve İşletme Dergisi, 9 (19): 239-258.
  • JACOBY, J. (1971). ‘’A Model of Multi-Brand Loyalty’’, Journal of Advertising Research, 11(3): 25-31.
  • JOHNSON, M.D, HERMANN A. ve HUBER, F (2006). “The Evaluation Of Loyalty Intentions”, Journal of Mark eting, 70(2): 122-132.
  • JULANDER, C.R.; SODERLUND, M. ve SODERBERG, R. (2003). “Effects of Switching Barriers on Satisfaction, Repurchase Intentions and Attitudinal Loyalty,” Working Paper, Stockholm School of Economics.
  • KOPONEN, A. (1960). "Personality Characteristics of Purchasers ", Journal of Advertising Research, 1 (September): 6-12.
  • KILIÇ, E.Z. (2013). “Bir Güvenin Bağlanma Öyküsü: Kevin Hakkında Konuşmalıyız”, Psikeart Dergisi, 26, Mart-Nisan Sayısı.
  • KÖKLÜ, N. (1995). “Tutumların ölçülmesi ve likert tipi ölçeklerde kullanılan seçenekler”, Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 28 (2): 81-93.
  • KUEHN, A.A. (1962). ‘’Consumer Brand Choice as a Learning Process’’, Journal of Advertising Research, 2: 10-17.
  • LAU, G.T. ve LEE, S.H. (1999). “Consumer’s trust in a brand and the link to brand”, Journal of Market Management, (4): 341-370.
  • LEE, D.H. (1990). “Symbolic İnteractionism: Some Implications For Consumer Self- Concept And Product Symbolism”, Research Advances in Consumer Research, 17: 386-393.
  • LEVY, S. R. (1999). Reducing Prejudice: Lessons from Social-Cognitive Factors Underlying Perceiver Differences in Prejudice. Journal of Social Issues, 55, 745-765.
  • McCONNELL, J.D. (1968). ‘’Repeat Purchasing Estimatition and the Lineer Learning Model’’, Journal of Marketing Research, 5: 304-308.
  • McCRACKEN, G. (1988). Culture and Consumption. Bloomington Indiana: Indiana University Press
  • MELLENS, M.; DEKIMPE, M.G ve STEENKAMP, B.E.M. (1996). “A Review Of Brand Loyalty Measures ın Marketing”, Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, XLI,4.
  • MITTAL, V. ve KAMAKURA, W.A. (2001). “Satisfaction, Repurchase Intent, and Repurchase Behavior: Investigating the Moderating Effect of Customer Characteristics”, Journal of Mark eting Research, 38(1): 131-142.
  • NAM, J.; EKİNCİ, Y. ve WHYATT, G. (2011). ‘Brand Equity, Brand Loyalty And Consumer Satisfaction”, Annals of Tourism Research, 38(3): 1009-1030.
  • NEUPANE, R. (2015). “The Effects Of Brand İmage On Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty İntention İn Retail Süper Market Chain UK”, Int. J. Soc. Sci. Manage, 2(1): 9-26.
  • ODABAŞI, Y. (2009). Tüketim Kültürü, İstanbul: Sistem Yayıncılık.
  • OLIVER, R.L. (1999). “Whence consumer loyalty?” Journal of Mark eting, 63: 33-44
  • ÖZDEMİR, M. ve KOÇAK, A. (2012). ‘’İlişkisel Pazarlama Çerçevesinde Marka Sadakatinin Oluşumu ve Bir Model Önerisi’’, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 67(2): 127-156.
  • RAO, T.R. (1969). ‘’Consumer Purchase Decision Processes: Stochastic Models’’, Journal of Mark eting Research, 6: 321-329.
  • REICHHELD, F. F.; MARKEY R. G. ve HOPTON, C. (2000), “The Loyalty Effect - the Relationship between Loyalty and Profits,” European Business Journal, 12(3): 134- 139.
  • SANKAR, S.A.; JOHNSON, C.B. ve BHATTACHARYA, J.W. (2015). “Brand Meaning Management”, Review Of Marketing Research, (12): 151-174.
  • SHAPIRO, B.P. (1970). ‘’The Effect of Price on Purchase Behavior in Sparks, D.L., (Ed.), AMA Fall Educators Conference, Chicago: American Marketing Association.
  • SZYBILLO, W.T. ve JACOBY, J. (1974). ‘’Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Cues as Determinants of Perceived Product Quality’’, Journal of Applied Psychology, 59(1): 74-78.
  • SZYMANSKİ, D. M. ve HENARD, D. H. (2001). “Customer Satisfaction: A Metaanalysis of the Empirical Evidence” , Journal of the Academy of Mark eting Science, 29 (1): 16-35.
  • ŞİMŞEK GÖLBAŞI, G. (2009). ‘’Türkiye’de Cep Telefonu Cihazı Pazarında Marka Sadakati için Bir Model Denemesi’’, ODTÜ Geliştirme Dergisi, 36: 121-159.
  • ŞİŞMAN, M. (1998). “Eğitim yönetiminde Kuram Ve Araştırmada Alternatif Paradigma Ve Yaklaşımlar”, Eğitim Yönetimi, 16: 395-422.
  • TSAI, S. (2011). “Fostering International Brand Loyalty Through Committed And Attached Relationship”, International Business Review, 20(5): 521-534.
  • TUCKER, W.T. (1964). ‘’The Development of Brand Loyalty’’, Journal of Marketing Research, 1: 32-35.
  • UZTUĞ, F. (2003). Markan Kadar Konuş , İstanbul: MediaCat Yayınları.
  • WATSON IV, G.F.; BECK, J.T.; HENDERSON, C.M. ve PALMATIER, R.W. (2015). “Building, Measuring And Profiting From Customer Loyalty”, Journal Of the Academic Mark eting Science, 43(6): 790-825.
  • WESTFALL, R. (1962). "Psychological factors in Predicting Product Choice", Journal of Mark eting, 26 (April): 34.
  • WIND, Y. ve FRANK, R.E. (1969). ‘’Interproduct Household Loyalty to Brands’’, Journal of Mark eting Research, 6: 434-435.
  • WOODS, W. A. (1960). "Psychological Dimensions of Consumer Decision," Journal of Business, 24: 15-19.
Year 2016, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 383 - 402, 02.05.2016



  • AAKER, D.A. (1991). Managing Brand Equity: Capitalising On The Value Of A Brand Name, New York.
  • AMINE, A. (1998). “Consumers' True Brand Loyalty: The Central Role Of Commitmen t ”, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 6(4): 305-319.
  • ANISIMOVA, T. (2015). “Brand Communication Using Symbolic Brand Values: Implications For Consumer Satisfaction And Loyalty ”, The Academy of Marketing Conference, 7-10 July, University of Limerick.
  • ARMUTLU, C. Ve ÜNER, M.M. (2009). ‘’Benlik İmajı Uyumu, Tüketici Tatmini ve Marka Sadakati İlişkisi Üzerine Görgül Bir Araştırma, Gazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 11(3): 1-26.
  • AWAN, A.G. ve REHMAN, A. (2014). Impact of customer satisfaction on brand loyalty-an empirical analysis of home appliances in Pakistan. British Journal of Mark eting Studies, 2 (8): 18-32.
  • BELK, R. (1988). ‘’Possessions and the Extended Self’’, Journal of Consumer Research, 15(2): 139-168.
  • BENNET, D., GRAHAM, C. ve SCRIVEN, J. (2010). “Don’t Try To Manage Brand Loyalty”, International Marketing Trends: 1-28.
  • BIRDWELL, A. E. (1968), "A Study of Influence of Imag e Congruence on Consumer Choice", Journal of Business, 41 (January): 76-88.
  • BOCOCK, R. (1993). Tüketim, Ankara: Dost Yayınevi.
  • CARMAN, J.M. (1969). ‘’Some Insights Into Reasonable Grocery Shopping Strategies’’, Journal of Applied Psychology, 56: 54-59.
  • CUNNINGHAM, R.M. (1956). ‘’Brand Loyalty-What, Where, How Much?’’ Harward Business Review, 34, January-February: 116-128.
  • CUNNINGHAM, R.M. (1961). ‘’Customer Loyalty to Store and Brand’’, Harward Business Review, 39: 127-137.
  • CURTIS, T., ABRATT, R., RHOADES, D. ve DION, P. (2011). “Customer Loyalty, Repurchase And Satisfaction: A Meta Analytical Review”, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 24: 1-26.
  • DICK, A.S.; BASU, K. (1994). Customer Loyalty: Toward An İntegrated Conceptual Framework, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22(2): 99–113.
  • DIXON, J.; KERRIE B;, EVANS, J.; ve MORRISON, M. (2005). “An Alternative Perspective on Relationships, Loyalty and Future Store Choice”, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research , 15(4): 351-374.
  • DOOM, J. V. ve LEMON, K.N; MITTAL, V; NASS, S; Pick, D; PIMER, P ve VERHO EF , P.C. (2010). “Customer Engagement Behavior: Theoritical Foundations And Research Directions ”, Journal of Service Research, 13(3): 253-266.
  • DURMUŞ, B.; YURTKORU, E.S. ve ÇİNKO, M. (2011). Sosyal Bilimle rde SPSS’le Veri Analizi. İstanbul: Beta Yayınları.
  • EHRENBERG, A.S.C. ve GROODHART, G.J. (1973). ‘’An Analysis of Simulated Brand Choice’’, Journal of Marketing, 7: 77-84. ELLIOT,
  • R.; WATTANASUWAN, K. 1998. ‘’Brands as symbolic resources for
  • Construction of Identity. International Journal of Advertising, 17(2): 131-144.
  • EVANS F. B. (1959), "Psychological and Objective Factors in the Prediction of Brand Choice: Ford vs. Chevrolet," Journal of Business, 32 (October): 340.
  • FARLEY, J.U. (1963). ‘’Testing a Theory of Brand Loyalty’’, Proceedings of the American Mark eting Association, December: 298-306.
  • FETSCHERIN, M. ve HEINREICH, D. (2015). “Consumer Brand Relationships Research: A Bibliometric Citation Meta Analysis ”, Journal of Business Research: 68: 380-390.
  • FORNELL, C. (1992). “A National Customer Satisfaction Barometer: The Swedish Experience”, Journal of Mark eting, 56(1): 6-21
  • FRANK, R.E., MASSY, W.F., ve LODAHL,T.M. (1969. ‘’Purchasing Behavior and Personal Attributes’’, Journal of Advertising Research: 9, 15-24.
  • GENZI, OTTAVIO, P. (2004). “The Impact of Interpersonal Relationships on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty to the Service Provider”, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 15(3/4): 365-384.
  • GOFFMAN, E. (1956). The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Doubled ay
  • GÜRBÜZ, A. ve DOĞAN, M. (2013). ‘’Tüketicilerin Markaya Duyduğu Güven ve Marka Bağlılığı İlişkisi’’,Uluslararası Yönetim ve İşletme Dergisi, 9 (19): 239-258.
  • JACOBY, J. (1971). ‘’A Model of Multi-Brand Loyalty’’, Journal of Advertising Research, 11(3): 25-31.
  • JOHNSON, M.D, HERMANN A. ve HUBER, F (2006). “The Evaluation Of Loyalty Intentions”, Journal of Mark eting, 70(2): 122-132.
  • JULANDER, C.R.; SODERLUND, M. ve SODERBERG, R. (2003). “Effects of Switching Barriers on Satisfaction, Repurchase Intentions and Attitudinal Loyalty,” Working Paper, Stockholm School of Economics.
  • KOPONEN, A. (1960). "Personality Characteristics of Purchasers ", Journal of Advertising Research, 1 (September): 6-12.
  • KILIÇ, E.Z. (2013). “Bir Güvenin Bağlanma Öyküsü: Kevin Hakkında Konuşmalıyız”, Psikeart Dergisi, 26, Mart-Nisan Sayısı.
  • KÖKLÜ, N. (1995). “Tutumların ölçülmesi ve likert tipi ölçeklerde kullanılan seçenekler”, Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 28 (2): 81-93.
  • KUEHN, A.A. (1962). ‘’Consumer Brand Choice as a Learning Process’’, Journal of Advertising Research, 2: 10-17.
  • LAU, G.T. ve LEE, S.H. (1999). “Consumer’s trust in a brand and the link to brand”, Journal of Market Management, (4): 341-370.
  • LEE, D.H. (1990). “Symbolic İnteractionism: Some Implications For Consumer Self- Concept And Product Symbolism”, Research Advances in Consumer Research, 17: 386-393.
  • LEVY, S. R. (1999). Reducing Prejudice: Lessons from Social-Cognitive Factors Underlying Perceiver Differences in Prejudice. Journal of Social Issues, 55, 745-765.
  • McCONNELL, J.D. (1968). ‘’Repeat Purchasing Estimatition and the Lineer Learning Model’’, Journal of Marketing Research, 5: 304-308.
  • McCRACKEN, G. (1988). Culture and Consumption. Bloomington Indiana: Indiana University Press
  • MELLENS, M.; DEKIMPE, M.G ve STEENKAMP, B.E.M. (1996). “A Review Of Brand Loyalty Measures ın Marketing”, Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, XLI,4.
  • MITTAL, V. ve KAMAKURA, W.A. (2001). “Satisfaction, Repurchase Intent, and Repurchase Behavior: Investigating the Moderating Effect of Customer Characteristics”, Journal of Mark eting Research, 38(1): 131-142.
  • NAM, J.; EKİNCİ, Y. ve WHYATT, G. (2011). ‘Brand Equity, Brand Loyalty And Consumer Satisfaction”, Annals of Tourism Research, 38(3): 1009-1030.
  • NEUPANE, R. (2015). “The Effects Of Brand İmage On Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty İntention İn Retail Süper Market Chain UK”, Int. J. Soc. Sci. Manage, 2(1): 9-26.
  • ODABAŞI, Y. (2009). Tüketim Kültürü, İstanbul: Sistem Yayıncılık.
  • OLIVER, R.L. (1999). “Whence consumer loyalty?” Journal of Mark eting, 63: 33-44
  • ÖZDEMİR, M. ve KOÇAK, A. (2012). ‘’İlişkisel Pazarlama Çerçevesinde Marka Sadakatinin Oluşumu ve Bir Model Önerisi’’, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 67(2): 127-156.
  • RAO, T.R. (1969). ‘’Consumer Purchase Decision Processes: Stochastic Models’’, Journal of Mark eting Research, 6: 321-329.
  • REICHHELD, F. F.; MARKEY R. G. ve HOPTON, C. (2000), “The Loyalty Effect - the Relationship between Loyalty and Profits,” European Business Journal, 12(3): 134- 139.
  • SANKAR, S.A.; JOHNSON, C.B. ve BHATTACHARYA, J.W. (2015). “Brand Meaning Management”, Review Of Marketing Research, (12): 151-174.
  • SHAPIRO, B.P. (1970). ‘’The Effect of Price on Purchase Behavior in Sparks, D.L., (Ed.), AMA Fall Educators Conference, Chicago: American Marketing Association.
  • SZYBILLO, W.T. ve JACOBY, J. (1974). ‘’Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Cues as Determinants of Perceived Product Quality’’, Journal of Applied Psychology, 59(1): 74-78.
  • SZYMANSKİ, D. M. ve HENARD, D. H. (2001). “Customer Satisfaction: A Metaanalysis of the Empirical Evidence” , Journal of the Academy of Mark eting Science, 29 (1): 16-35.
  • ŞİMŞEK GÖLBAŞI, G. (2009). ‘’Türkiye’de Cep Telefonu Cihazı Pazarında Marka Sadakati için Bir Model Denemesi’’, ODTÜ Geliştirme Dergisi, 36: 121-159.
  • ŞİŞMAN, M. (1998). “Eğitim yönetiminde Kuram Ve Araştırmada Alternatif Paradigma Ve Yaklaşımlar”, Eğitim Yönetimi, 16: 395-422.
  • TSAI, S. (2011). “Fostering International Brand Loyalty Through Committed And Attached Relationship”, International Business Review, 20(5): 521-534.
  • TUCKER, W.T. (1964). ‘’The Development of Brand Loyalty’’, Journal of Marketing Research, 1: 32-35.
  • UZTUĞ, F. (2003). Markan Kadar Konuş , İstanbul: MediaCat Yayınları.
  • WATSON IV, G.F.; BECK, J.T.; HENDERSON, C.M. ve PALMATIER, R.W. (2015). “Building, Measuring And Profiting From Customer Loyalty”, Journal Of the Academic Mark eting Science, 43(6): 790-825.
  • WESTFALL, R. (1962). "Psychological factors in Predicting Product Choice", Journal of Mark eting, 26 (April): 34.
  • WIND, Y. ve FRANK, R.E. (1969). ‘’Interproduct Household Loyalty to Brands’’, Journal of Mark eting Research, 6: 434-435.
  • WOODS, W. A. (1960). "Psychological Dimensions of Consumer Decision," Journal of Business, 24: 15-19.
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Sefa Erbaş

Publication Date May 2, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 21 Issue: 2


APA Erbaş, S. (2016). TÜKETİCİ İLGİNLİĞİ BAĞLAMINDA MARKA SADAKATİ: DAYANIKLI TÜKETİM MALLARINA YÖNELİK ÖRNEK BİR ÇALIŞMA. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(2), 383-402.