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Primer akciğer tümörlerinde prebronkoskopik ve postbronkoskopik balgam sitolojileri

Year 2008, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 12 - 16, 11.05.2009


Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi
TIP FAKÜLTESİ DERGİSİ: 2008 Mart; 15 (1)

Primer akciğer tümörlerinde prebronkoskopik ve postbronkoskopik balgam sitolojileri

Kemal K. Bozkurt*, Korkut Bozkurt*, Şirin Başpınar**, I. Metin Çiriş*, Sema Bircan*, Nermin Karahan*, F. Nilgün Kapucuoğlu*

* Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Patoloji AD.

**Eğirdir Kemik Eklem Hastalıkları Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Hastanesi.


Amaç: Primer akciğer tümörü ön tanısıyla bronkoskopi yapılarak biyopsi alınan olguların prebronkoskopik ve postbronkoskopik balgam sitolojisi sonuçlarını histopatoloji sonuçlarıyla karşılaştırarak fakültemizde balgam sitolojilerinin etkinliğinin araştırılması. Materyal ve Metod: SDÜ Tıp Fakültesinde 2002-2005 yılları arasında bronkoskopi yapılarak biyopsi alınan 64 hastaya ait prebronkoskopik ve/veya postbronkoskopik balgam sitolojisi sonuçları histopatoloji sonuçlarıyla karşılaştırıldı. Sitoloji sonuçları benign, malignite kuşkulu, malign ve yetersiz olarak sınıflandırıldı. Bulgular: Incelenen 48 adet prebronkoskopik balgam örneğinin (%77.1) benign, (%4.2) yetersiz, 5.i (%10.4) malignite kuşkulu, 4.ü (%8.3) malign olarak rapor edilmiştir. Prebronkoskopik balgam sitolojisinin duyarlılığı %28.6, özgüllüğü %84.4, tanı değeri %67.4.dür. Incelenen 42 adet postbronkoskopik balgam örneğinden (%76.2) benign, 3.ü (%7.2) yetersiz, 6.sı malignite kuşkulu (%14.2), 1.i (%2.4) malign olarak rapor edilmiştir. Postbronkoskopik balgam sitolojisinin duyarlılığı %29.2, özgüllüğü %100, tanı değeri %56.4.dür. Sonuç: Balgam sitolojisi primer akciğer tümörlerinde ucuz ve noninvaziv bir tanı yöntemidir.

Anahtar kelimeler: Akciğer kanseri, bronkoskopik biyopsi, prebronkoskopik balgam, postbronkoskopik balgam, duyarlılık


Prebronchoscopic and postbronchoscopic sputum cytologies in primary lung tumors

Purpose: To determine the utility of the sputum cytology in the evaluation of the primary lung tumors in our faculty by comparing the cytology results and histopathology results of patients who underwent bronchoscopy. Material and Method: We compared the prebronchoscopic and postbronchoscopic sputum cytology results and histopathology results of 64 patients who underwent bronchoscopy between 2002 and 2005 in Süleyman Demirel University School of Medicine. Cytology results were categorized as benign, suspicious for malignancy, malignant and insufficient. Results: The diagnosis of prebronchoscopic sputum cytology were benign, insufficient, suspicious for malignancy and malignant in 37(77.1%), 2(4.2%), 5(10.4%), 4(8.3%) cases respectively. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy of the prebronchoscopic sputum cytology were 28.6%, 84.4%, 67.4% respectively. The diagnosis of postbronchoscopic sputum cytology were benign, insufficient, suspicious for malignancy and malignant in 32(76.2%), 3(7.2%), 6(14.2%), 1(2.4%) cases respectively. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy of the prebronchoscopic sputum cytology were 29.2%, 100%, 56.4% respectively. Conclusion: Sputum cytology is a cheap and noninvazive diagnostic method for primary lung tumors.

Keywords: Lung cancer, bronchoscopic biopsy, prebronchoscopic sputum, postbronchoscopic sputum, Sensitivity


  • Lopez A. The lung cancer epidemic in developed countries. In: Lopez AD, Caselli G, Valkonen T. Adult mortality in developed countries: from description to explanation. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1995; 111–134.
  • Ries LAG. Influence of extent of disease, histology and demographic factors on lung cancer survival in the SEER population-based data. Semin Surg Oncol 1994;10:21–30.
  • Wilde J. A 10 year follow-up of semi-annual screening for early detection of lung cancer in the Erfurt County, GDR. Eur Respir J 1989;2:656–662.
  • Fontana RS, Sanderson DR, Woolner LB, et al. Screening for lung cancer. A critique of the Mayo Lung project. Cancer 1991;67:1155–1164.
  • Rivera MP, Detterbeck F, Mehta AC. Diagnosis of Lung Cancer The Guidelines.Chest 2003; 123:129S–136S.
  • Jack CIA, Sheard JDH, Lippitt B, et al. Lung cancer in elderly patients: the role of induced sputum production to obtain a cytological diagnosis. Age and Aging 1993;22:227-229.
  • Khajotia RR, Mohn A, Schalleschak J, et al. Induced sputum and cytological diagnosis of lung cancer. Lancet 1991;338:976-977.
  • Yüksekol Ý, Balkan A, Özkan M, Þevketbeyoðlu H, Bilgiç H, Ekiz K, Demirci N, Seber O. Periferik akciðer kanserlerinin tanýsýnda bronkoskopik lavaj, bronþ biyopsisi ve postbronkoskopik balgam sitolojisinin taný deðeri. Tüberküloz ve Toraks Dergisi 2003;51:258- 264.
  • Tockman MS, Mulshine JL. Sputum screening by quantitative microscopy: a new dawn for detection of lung cancer? Mayo Clin Proc 1997;72:788-90.
  • Midthun DF, Jett JR. Lung tumors. In: Albert RK, Spiro SG. Comprehensive Respiratory Medicine. London, Harcourt Brace and Company Limited, 1999; 843-927.
  • Bach PB, Kelley MJ, Tate RC, McCrory DC. Screening for Lung Cancer A Review of the Current Literature. Chest 2003;123:72S–82S.
  • Mehta AC, Marty JJ, Lee FYW. Sputum cytology in lung cancer. Clin Chest Med 1993;14:69-85.
  • Gilbert S, Douglas CM. Performance characteristics of different modalities for diagnosis of suspected lung cancer : Summary of published evidence. Chest 2003; 123: 115-128.
  • Koss LG. Tumors of the Lung: Conventional Cytology and Aspiration Biopsy. In: Koss LG. Diagnostic Cytology Vol:1, (4th Ed) Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Comp, 1992;849-855.
Year 2008, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 12 - 16, 11.05.2009



  • Lopez A. The lung cancer epidemic in developed countries. In: Lopez AD, Caselli G, Valkonen T. Adult mortality in developed countries: from description to explanation. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1995; 111–134.
  • Ries LAG. Influence of extent of disease, histology and demographic factors on lung cancer survival in the SEER population-based data. Semin Surg Oncol 1994;10:21–30.
  • Wilde J. A 10 year follow-up of semi-annual screening for early detection of lung cancer in the Erfurt County, GDR. Eur Respir J 1989;2:656–662.
  • Fontana RS, Sanderson DR, Woolner LB, et al. Screening for lung cancer. A critique of the Mayo Lung project. Cancer 1991;67:1155–1164.
  • Rivera MP, Detterbeck F, Mehta AC. Diagnosis of Lung Cancer The Guidelines.Chest 2003; 123:129S–136S.
  • Jack CIA, Sheard JDH, Lippitt B, et al. Lung cancer in elderly patients: the role of induced sputum production to obtain a cytological diagnosis. Age and Aging 1993;22:227-229.
  • Khajotia RR, Mohn A, Schalleschak J, et al. Induced sputum and cytological diagnosis of lung cancer. Lancet 1991;338:976-977.
  • Yüksekol Ý, Balkan A, Özkan M, Þevketbeyoðlu H, Bilgiç H, Ekiz K, Demirci N, Seber O. Periferik akciðer kanserlerinin tanýsýnda bronkoskopik lavaj, bronþ biyopsisi ve postbronkoskopik balgam sitolojisinin taný deðeri. Tüberküloz ve Toraks Dergisi 2003;51:258- 264.
  • Tockman MS, Mulshine JL. Sputum screening by quantitative microscopy: a new dawn for detection of lung cancer? Mayo Clin Proc 1997;72:788-90.
  • Midthun DF, Jett JR. Lung tumors. In: Albert RK, Spiro SG. Comprehensive Respiratory Medicine. London, Harcourt Brace and Company Limited, 1999; 843-927.
  • Bach PB, Kelley MJ, Tate RC, McCrory DC. Screening for Lung Cancer A Review of the Current Literature. Chest 2003;123:72S–82S.
  • Mehta AC, Marty JJ, Lee FYW. Sputum cytology in lung cancer. Clin Chest Med 1993;14:69-85.
  • Gilbert S, Douglas CM. Performance characteristics of different modalities for diagnosis of suspected lung cancer : Summary of published evidence. Chest 2003; 123: 115-128.
  • Koss LG. Tumors of the Lung: Conventional Cytology and Aspiration Biopsy. In: Koss LG. Diagnostic Cytology Vol:1, (4th Ed) Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Comp, 1992;849-855.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Kemal K. Bozkurt This is me

Korkut Bozkurt This is me

Şirin Başpınar This is me

İ.Metin Ciriş This is me

Sema Bircan This is me

Nermin Karahan This is me

F.Nilgün Kapucuoğlu This is me

Publication Date May 11, 2009
Submission Date May 11, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 15 Issue: 1


Vancouver Bozkurt KK, Bozkurt K, Başpınar Ş, Ciriş İ, Bircan S, Karahan N, Kapucuoğlu F. Primer akciğer tümörlerinde prebronkoskopik ve postbronkoskopik balgam sitolojileri. Med J SDU. 2009;15(1):12-6.


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