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Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 32 Issue: 1, 1 - 14, 08.04.2023



  • Alcalá F. & Jiménez F. (2018) Los costes económicos del déficit de calidad institucional y la corrupción en España. Bilbao: BBVA Foundation.
  • CoE (2003) Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member states on common rules against corruption in the funding of political parties and electoral campaigns. Rec(2003)4. (Online) http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/cooperation/economiccrime/cybercrime/cy%20activity%20interface2006/rec%202003%20%284%29%20pol%20parties%20EN.pdf
  • García-Quesada M., Jiménez F., & Villoria M. (2013). Building Local Integrity Systems in Southern Europe: The case of urban local corruption in Spain. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 79(4), 618-637.
  • García-Quesada M. Jiménez F., & Villoria M. (2015). Can't control/won't control: opportunities and deterrents for local urban corruption in Lanzarote. Crime, Law and Social Change, 63(1-2), 1-20.
  • García Viñuela E., & Artés J. (2008). Reforming Electoral Finance in the Nineties: A Case Study of Spain. European Journal of Law and Economics, 25, 177-190.
  • García Viñuela E., & González de Aguilar C. (2014). "Party financing and rent-seeking: an analysis of the 2007 and 2012 Spanish political financing reforms. Revista Española de Ciencia Política, 34, 145-165.
  • GRECO (2009). Evaluation Report on Spain: Transparency of Party Funding. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. (Online) http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/monitoring/greco/evaluations/round3/GrecoEval3(2008)3_Spain_Two_EN.pdf
  • GRECO (2011). Compliance Report on Spain. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. (Online) http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/monitoring/greco/evaluations/round3/GrecoRC3(2011)5_Spain_EN.pdf
  • GRECO (2013). Second Compliance Report on Spain. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Online: http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/monitoring/greco/evaluations/round3/GrecoRC3(2013)20_Second_Spain_EN.pdf Jiménez F. (2007b). Escándalos de corrupción y defectos de la financiación de los partidos políticos en España: situación actual y propuestas. Studia Politicae, 12, 67-90.
  • Jiménez F. (2009). Building Boom and Political Corruption in Spain. South European Society and Politics, 14(3), 255-272.
  • Jiménez F. (2014). "La corrupción en un país sin corrupción sistémica: un análisis de los casos Bárcenas, Palau y ERE" (Corruption in a country without systemic corruption: an analysis of the Bárcenas, Palau and ERE cases). In J. Estefanía (ed.), Informe sobre la democracia en España/2014. Madrid: Fundación Alternativas. Pp. 165-187.
  • Jiménez F. (2018). "Política, dinero y corrupción". In: V. Lapuente (ed.), La corrupción en España. Madrid: Alianza.
  • Jiménez F. (2020). El déficit de calidad institucional y la mala regulación: la importancia de mejorar la normativa, Anuario del Buen Gobierno y la Calidad de la Regulación, 2019, 61-85.
  • Jiménez F. García-Quesada M., & Villoria M. (2014). Integrity systems, values and expectations. Explaining differences in the extent of corruption in three Spanish local governments. International Journal of Public Administration, 37(2), 67-82.
  • Jiménez F., & Villoria M. (2018) "Party Funding in Spain", in Mendilow J. & Phelippeau E. (eds), Handbook of Political Party Funding. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Lapuente V. (2016), La corrupción en España. Un paseo por el lado oscuro de la democracia y el gobierno, Madrid, Alianza.
  • Mungiu-Pippidi A. (2016). The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Controlling Corruption in the European Union. Hertie School of Government, available at: http://anticorrp.eu/publications/the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-controlling-corruption-in-the-european-union-3/.
  • North D. C., & Thomas R. P. (1973). The Rise of the Western World: A New Economic History. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  • North D. C. (1990), Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economic Performance, New York, Cambridge University Press.
  • Palau A. & Davesa F. (2013). El impacto de la cobertura mediática de la corrupción en la opinión pública española. REIS, 144, 97-126.
  • Pérez-Francesch J. L. (2009). La financiación de los partidos políticos en España: Consideraciones a partir de los informes del Tribunal de Cuentas y de la nueva ley orgánica 8/2007, de 4 de Julio. Papers, 92, 249-271.
  • Ramió C. (2016), La renovación de la función pública: estrategias para frenar la corrupción política en España, Madrid, Libros de la Catarata.
  • Romero J. Jiménez F., & Villoria M. (2012). (Un)sustainable territories: Causes of the speculative bubble in Spain (1996-2010) and its territorial, environmental and socio-political consequences. Environment and Planning C. Government & Policy, 30, 467-486.
  • Rusciano F. (2014) "The Meaning of Corruption in World Opinion". In Corruption in the Contemporary World, Mendilow J. & Peleg I. (eds). London: Lexington Books: 27-46.
  • “Sansón Carrasco” (2014). ¿Hay Derecho? La quiebra del Estado de derecho y de las instituciones en España, Barcelona, Península.
  • Sotiropoulos D. (2006). "Patronage in South European bureaucracies in the 1980s and the 1990s: The politicization of central public administrations in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain". Paper presented at the workshop "Political parties and patronage", ECPR joint sessions, Nicosia, 25-30 April 2006.
  • Tribunal de Cuentas (2006). “Moción sobre el control interno, llevanza de la contabilidad, gestión de personal y contratación en las entidades locales”, aprobada por el Pleno del Tribunal de Cuentas en su sesión del 20 de julio de 2006. (En línea) https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2007/04/05/pdfs/A14883-14889.pdf
  • Villoria M. (ed.) (2012). El marco de integridad institucional en España. Situación actual y recomendaciones. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch.

Crisis and Corruption in Spain: Improving the Quality of Governance to Fight Corruption

Year 2023, Volume: 32 Issue: 1, 1 - 14, 08.04.2023


This paper analyses data on the skyrocketing perception of corruption in Spain and links this perception not so much to an increase in bribery as to growing dissatisfaction with the functioning of the political system. For this reason, it argues that there is an urgent need to improve the quality of Spain's government institutions if citizens' trust in their public institutions is to be restored. Corruption scandals in Spain have mainly emerged from sources such as town planning, public procurement and, above all, illegal party funding. All these corruption sources have evidenced serious institutional problems in Spanish governments and public administrations in all levels (national, regional and local). The paper poses nine reforms to raise quality of government in Spain. The first four proposals (strengthening the oversight capability of legislatures, the judiciary independence, the role of independent authorities, and reducing governments interference in the work of the media) focus on making limitations on the executives actually effective. The final five ones (improving quality of regulation, increasing professionalization of higher levels of public administration and public companies, maximizing transparency and the right to access to public information, protecting effectively whistleblowers, and disincentiving political careers of civil servants) focus on reducing the opportunities for corruption.


  • Alcalá F. & Jiménez F. (2018) Los costes económicos del déficit de calidad institucional y la corrupción en España. Bilbao: BBVA Foundation.
  • CoE (2003) Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member states on common rules against corruption in the funding of political parties and electoral campaigns. Rec(2003)4. (Online) http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/cooperation/economiccrime/cybercrime/cy%20activity%20interface2006/rec%202003%20%284%29%20pol%20parties%20EN.pdf
  • García-Quesada M., Jiménez F., & Villoria M. (2013). Building Local Integrity Systems in Southern Europe: The case of urban local corruption in Spain. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 79(4), 618-637.
  • García-Quesada M. Jiménez F., & Villoria M. (2015). Can't control/won't control: opportunities and deterrents for local urban corruption in Lanzarote. Crime, Law and Social Change, 63(1-2), 1-20.
  • García Viñuela E., & Artés J. (2008). Reforming Electoral Finance in the Nineties: A Case Study of Spain. European Journal of Law and Economics, 25, 177-190.
  • García Viñuela E., & González de Aguilar C. (2014). "Party financing and rent-seeking: an analysis of the 2007 and 2012 Spanish political financing reforms. Revista Española de Ciencia Política, 34, 145-165.
  • GRECO (2009). Evaluation Report on Spain: Transparency of Party Funding. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. (Online) http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/monitoring/greco/evaluations/round3/GrecoEval3(2008)3_Spain_Two_EN.pdf
  • GRECO (2011). Compliance Report on Spain. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. (Online) http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/monitoring/greco/evaluations/round3/GrecoRC3(2011)5_Spain_EN.pdf
  • GRECO (2013). Second Compliance Report on Spain. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Online: http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/monitoring/greco/evaluations/round3/GrecoRC3(2013)20_Second_Spain_EN.pdf Jiménez F. (2007b). Escándalos de corrupción y defectos de la financiación de los partidos políticos en España: situación actual y propuestas. Studia Politicae, 12, 67-90.
  • Jiménez F. (2009). Building Boom and Political Corruption in Spain. South European Society and Politics, 14(3), 255-272.
  • Jiménez F. (2014). "La corrupción en un país sin corrupción sistémica: un análisis de los casos Bárcenas, Palau y ERE" (Corruption in a country without systemic corruption: an analysis of the Bárcenas, Palau and ERE cases). In J. Estefanía (ed.), Informe sobre la democracia en España/2014. Madrid: Fundación Alternativas. Pp. 165-187.
  • Jiménez F. (2018). "Política, dinero y corrupción". In: V. Lapuente (ed.), La corrupción en España. Madrid: Alianza.
  • Jiménez F. (2020). El déficit de calidad institucional y la mala regulación: la importancia de mejorar la normativa, Anuario del Buen Gobierno y la Calidad de la Regulación, 2019, 61-85.
  • Jiménez F. García-Quesada M., & Villoria M. (2014). Integrity systems, values and expectations. Explaining differences in the extent of corruption in three Spanish local governments. International Journal of Public Administration, 37(2), 67-82.
  • Jiménez F., & Villoria M. (2018) "Party Funding in Spain", in Mendilow J. & Phelippeau E. (eds), Handbook of Political Party Funding. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Lapuente V. (2016), La corrupción en España. Un paseo por el lado oscuro de la democracia y el gobierno, Madrid, Alianza.
  • Mungiu-Pippidi A. (2016). The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Controlling Corruption in the European Union. Hertie School of Government, available at: http://anticorrp.eu/publications/the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-controlling-corruption-in-the-european-union-3/.
  • North D. C., & Thomas R. P. (1973). The Rise of the Western World: A New Economic History. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  • North D. C. (1990), Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economic Performance, New York, Cambridge University Press.
  • Palau A. & Davesa F. (2013). El impacto de la cobertura mediática de la corrupción en la opinión pública española. REIS, 144, 97-126.
  • Pérez-Francesch J. L. (2009). La financiación de los partidos políticos en España: Consideraciones a partir de los informes del Tribunal de Cuentas y de la nueva ley orgánica 8/2007, de 4 de Julio. Papers, 92, 249-271.
  • Ramió C. (2016), La renovación de la función pública: estrategias para frenar la corrupción política en España, Madrid, Libros de la Catarata.
  • Romero J. Jiménez F., & Villoria M. (2012). (Un)sustainable territories: Causes of the speculative bubble in Spain (1996-2010) and its territorial, environmental and socio-political consequences. Environment and Planning C. Government & Policy, 30, 467-486.
  • Rusciano F. (2014) "The Meaning of Corruption in World Opinion". In Corruption in the Contemporary World, Mendilow J. & Peleg I. (eds). London: Lexington Books: 27-46.
  • “Sansón Carrasco” (2014). ¿Hay Derecho? La quiebra del Estado de derecho y de las instituciones en España, Barcelona, Península.
  • Sotiropoulos D. (2006). "Patronage in South European bureaucracies in the 1980s and the 1990s: The politicization of central public administrations in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain". Paper presented at the workshop "Political parties and patronage", ECPR joint sessions, Nicosia, 25-30 April 2006.
  • Tribunal de Cuentas (2006). “Moción sobre el control interno, llevanza de la contabilidad, gestión de personal y contratación en las entidades locales”, aprobada por el Pleno del Tribunal de Cuentas en su sesión del 20 de julio de 2006. (En línea) https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2007/04/05/pdfs/A14883-14889.pdf
  • Villoria M. (ed.) (2012). El marco de integridad institucional en España. Situación actual y recomendaciones. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Articles

Fernando Jimenez-sanchez 0000-0002-7273-4332

Publication Date April 8, 2023
Submission Date February 9, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 32 Issue: 1


APA Jimenez-sanchez, F. (2023). Crisis and Corruption in Spain: Improving the Quality of Governance to Fight Corruption. Siyasal: Journal of Political Sciences, 32(1), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.26650/siyasal.2023.32.1249638