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Çanakkale Bölgesinde Ayçiçeği Tarımında Azaltılmış ve Klasik Toprak İşlemenin Toprak Özellikleri ve Ürün Verimi Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2015, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 129 - 137, 25.08.2015


Ayçiçeği (Helіanthus annuus L.) dünyada ve ülkemizde en önemli yağ bitkilerinden olup,

bitkisel yağ üretiminin önemli bir miktarını karşılamaktadır. Ülkemizde başta Marmara ve İç Anadolu

bölgesi başta olmak üzere genellikle tahıllarla ekim nöbetine alınarak yetiştirilmektedir. Ancak, birim

alandaki üretim miktarı yüksek verimli ve hastalıklara dayanıklı tohumluk kullanmasının yanı sıra

toprak işleme gibi diğer kültürel uygulamaların da etkisindedir. Kulaklı pulluğun kullanıldığı klasik

toprak işleme yöntemi olarak bilinen uygulama şekli halen yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Ancak

bu yöntem toprak özelliklerini bozduğu gibi girdi maliyetini de artırmaktadır. Bu amaçla klasik

toprak işleme yöntemine alternatif olarak toprağı devirmeden işleyen çizel ve yüzeysel işleyen

rototiller toprak işleme yöntemleri olarak ele alınmış ve bunların 0-10, 10-20 ve 20-30 cm’deki

toprak özellikleri ve ürün verimi üzerine olan etkileri incelenmiştir. Çalışma on yıl aşkındır çakılı

deneme özelliğindeki bir alanda yürütülmüş ve ayçiçeği ürününe ait ilk yıllın verileri burada ele


Sonuçta her üç yönteminde toprak işleme öncesi ve hasat sonrası alınan toprak örneklerinde hacim

ağırlığını azaldığı belirlenmiştir. Ancak, yöntemler arasında en yüksek hacim ağırlığı pulluk parselinin

20-30 cm’de saptanmıştır. Diğer taraftan ilk tabla oluşum döneminde 0-40 cm’de ölçülen

penetrasyon direnci değerleri, rototillerde 1 MPa’ın altında kalırken, çizelde ise 15 cm’nin altındaki

derinliklerde 1 MPa’ın üzerinde saptanmıştır. Pulluk parselinde ise üst toprak katmanında

penetrasyon direnci rototiller ile benzerlik sağlamış, ancak çizel değerlerinin altında kalmıştır. Ancak

20 cm’den itibaren pullukta ölçülmüş değerler 2 MPa’ın üzerine çıkmıştır. Pulluktaki yüksek

penetrasyon değerlerine rağmen, tohum verimi çizel ve rototillere göre sırasıyla %45 ve %13

oranında daha yüksek çıkmıştır.


  • Aboudrare, A., P. Debaeke, A. Bouaziz, H. Chekli, 2006. Effects of soil tillage and fallow management on soil water storage and sunflower production in a semi-arid Mediterranean climate. Agric. Water Manag. 83:183-196.
  • Allen, R., L.D. Swaeth, J.D. Thouas, 1983. Sunflower planting and emergence with coated seed. Trans. of ASAE. 26(2):665-668.
  • Attila, M.M., A.M. Osman, M.A. Sayed, A.A. El Kafory, 1994. Effect of irrigation interval and plant density on sunflower Sci. Mansoura Univ. 19 (10):3163-3168.
  • Bayhan, Y., B. Kayisoglu, E. Gonulol, 2002. Effect of soil compaction on sunflower growth. Soil Till Res. 68:31-38. Bilbro, J.D., D.F. Wanjura, 1982. Soil crusts and cotton emergence relationships. Trans. ASAE. 25 (6):1484-1487. Bonciarelli F., 1991. Soil preparation and sunflower yields. Informative-Agrarian. 47 (8):47-54.
  • Bond, J.J., W.O. Willis, 1969. Soil water evaporation: surface residue rate and placement effects. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 33:445-448.
  • Botta, G.F., D. Jorajuria, R. Balbuena, M. Ressia, C. Ferrero, H. Rosatto, M. Tourn, 2006. Deep tillage and traffic effects on subsoil compaction and sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) yields. Soil Till Res. 91:164-172.
  • Çelik, Y.M., İ. Ünver, 1999. Orta Anadolu koşullarında ekim nöbetinde yetiştirilebilecek ayçiçeği için en uygun sürüm derinliğinin araştırılması. Turkish J. of Agriculture and Forestry. 23(5):1087-1094.
  • Canarache, A., I. Colibas, M. Colibas, I. Horobeanu, V. Patru, H. Simota, T. Trandafirescu, 1984. Effect of induced compaction by wheel traffic on soil physical properties and yield of maize in Romania. Soil Till. Res. 4:199-213. Connor, D.J., A.J. Hall, 1997. Sunflower physiology. In:Schneiter, A.A. (Ed.), Sunflower Technology and Production. Agronomy Monography 35, ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI, pp.113-182.
  • Corbeels, M., G. Hofman, O. Van Cleemput, 1998. Residual effect of nitrogen fertilization in a wheat-sunflower cropping sequence on a Vertisol under semi-arid Mediterranean conditions. Eur. J. Agron. 9:109-116.
  • Coşge, B., 2007. Ayçiçeği (Helianthus annuus L.)’nin bazı morfolojik karakterleri ve tohum verimi üzerine metanolün etkisi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 13(3):246-252.
  • de la Vega, A.J., A.J. Hall, 2002. Effects of planting date, genotype, and their interactions on sunflower yield: I. Determinants of oil-corrected grain yield. Crop Sci. 42:1191-1201.
  • Eker, B., P. Ülger, 1988. Ayçiçeği tarımında kullanılan toprak işleme aletlerinin toprak ve bitki karakteristiklerine etkilerinin araştırılması. Tarımsal Meka. 11. Ulusal Kong. 10-12.Ekim, Erzurum, Türkiye.
  • Fabrizzi, K.P., F.O. Garcia, J.L. Costa, L.I. Picone, 2005. Soil water dynamics, physical properties and corn and wheat responses to minimum and no-tillage systems in southeastern pampas of Argentina. Soil Till Res. 81:57-69.
  • Gajri, P., K.S. Gill, M.R. Chaudhary, R. Singh, 1997. Irrigation of sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) in relation to tillage and mulching. Agricultural Water Manag. 34:149-160.
  • Greb, B.W., D.E. Smika, A.L. Black, 1967. Effect of straw mulch rates on soil water storage during summer fallow in the Great Plains. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 31:556-559.
  • Guirguis, A.E., W.M. Aboukarima, M.S. Marazky, M.I. Egela, 2008. Sunflower crop response to furrow irrigation inflow rate and tillage system. Misr J. Ag. Eng. 25:38-57.
  • Halvorson, A.D., A.L. Black, J.M. Krupinsky, S.D. Merrill, D.L. Tanaka, 1999. Sunflower response to tillage and nitrogen fertilization under intensive cropping in a wheat rotation. Agron. J. 91:637-642.
  • Honsson, I., R.C. Reeder, 1994. Subsoil compaction by vehicles with high axle load-extent, persistence and crop response. Soil Till Res. 29(2-3):277-304.
  • Helmy, M.A., S.M. Gomaa, E.M. Khalifa, A.M. Helal, 2000. Production of corn and sunflower under conditions of drip and furrow irrigation with reuse of agricultural drainage water. Misr J. Ag. Eng. 17(1):125-147.
  • Işıldar, A.A., K. Bayhan, 2005. Kuruda ayçiçeği tarımında farklı toprak işleme yöntemlerinin tohum yatağı özellikleri ve çıkış üzerine etkileri. S.Ü. Zir. Fak. Der. 19(36):120-124. Jorajuria, D., L. Draghi, A. Aragon, 1997. The effect of vehicle weight on the distribution of compaction with depth and the yield of Lolium/Trifolium grassland. Soil Till Res. 41:1-12.
  • Kadayif, A., O. Yildirim, 2000. The response of sunflower grain yield to water. Turkish J. of Agric. and Forestry. 24:137-145.
  • Karunatilake, U.P., H.M. van Es, 2002. Rainfall and tillage effects on soil structure after alfalfa conversion to maize on a clay loam soil in New York. Soil Till Res. 67:135-146.
  • Klute A., 1986. Methods of soil analysis. Part 1, agronomy 9. 2nd ed. Madison (WI):American Society of Agronomy. López-Garrido, R., E. Madejón, M. León-Camacho, I. Girón, F. Moreno, J.M. Murillo, 2014. Reduced tillage as an alternative to no-tillage under Mediterranean conditions: A case study. Soil Till Res. 140:40-47.
  • Lipiec, J., J. Kus, A. Slowinska-Hurkiwich, A. Nosalewicz, 2006. Soil porosity and water infiltration as influenced by tillage methods. Soil Till Res. 89:210-220.
  • Logsdon, S.D., D.L. Karlen, 2004. Bulk density as a soil quality indicator during conversion to no-tillage. Soil Till Res. 78:143-149.
  • Mahmoodi, A., Y. Mohammadi-Nashali, 2007. Study the effect of primary tillage equipments on soil physical properties. The 3th Student conference on Agricultural Machinery Engineering and Mechanization. 18-19 April. Shiraz. Iran.
  • Melero, S., R.J. López-Bellido, L. López-Bellido, V. Muňoz- Romero, F. Moreno, J.M. Murillo, 2011. Long-term effect of tillage, rotation and nitrogen fertiliser on soil quality in a Mediterranean Vertisol. Soil Till Res. 114:97-107.
  • McGee, E.A., G.A. Peterson, D.G. Westfall, 1997. Water storage efficiency in no-till dryland cropping systems. J. Soil Water Conserv. 52:131-136.
  • Murillo, J.R., F. Moreno, F. Pelegrin, J.E. Fernandez, 1998. Responses of sunflower to traditional and conservation tillage under rainfed conditions in southern Spain. Soil Till Res. 49:233-241.
  • Munawar, A., R.L. Blevins, W.W. Frye, M.R. Saul, 1990. Tillage and cover crop management for soil and water conservation. Agron. J. 82:773-777.
  • Ngunjiri, G.M.N., J.C. Siemens, 1995. Wheel traffic effects on corn growth. Trans. of ASAE. 38(3):691-699.
  • Osunbitan, J. A., D.J. Oyedele, K.O. Adekalu, 2005.Tillage effects on bulk density hydraulic conductivity and strengthof a loam sand soil in southwestern Nigeria. Soil Till Res. 82:57-64.
  • Ozpinar, S., A. Ozpinar, 2015. Tillage effects on soil properties and maize productivity in western Turkey. Archives of Agron. and Soil Sci. 61(7):1029-1040.
  • Pannkuk, C.D., R.I. Papendick, K.E. Saxton, 1997. Fallow management effects on soil water storage and wheat yields in the Pacific Northwest. Agron. J. 89:386-391.
  • Sayed, M.A., S.M. Metwalli, V. Garawany, 2004. Response of sunflower yield to irrigation with saline water in yield in calcareous soils of West Nubaria. The 12th Conf. of Misr Society of Agr. Eng. 4-5 Oct., 312-319.
  • Sessiz, A., T. Sogut, A. Alp, R. Esgici, 2008. Tillage effects on sunflower (Helianthus Annuus, L.) emergence, yield, quality, and fuel consumption in double cropping system. J of Central European Agriculture. 9(4):697-710.
  • Shamabadi, Z., 2012. Evaluation the effect of conservation tillage on sunflower yield and energy productivity. International J. of Agric. and Crop Sci. 4(18):1358-1361.
  • Soza, E., G. Botta, M. Tourn, 2003. Direct sowing of wheat (Triticum aestvium L.): implantation efficiency with relation of soil compaction in the moment of sowing. J. Agrociencia Chile 2:121-128.
  • Tanaka, D.L., Anderson, R.L., 1997. Soil water storage and precipitation storage efficiency of conservation tillage systems. J. Soil Water Conserv. 52:363-367.
  • Yalcin, H., Cakir, E., 2006.Tillage effects and energy efficiencies of subsoiling and direct seeding in light soil on yield of second crop corn for silage in western Turkey. Soil Till Res. 90:250-255.
  • TUİK., 2014. Weiss, E.A., 2000. Oilseed Crops. Blackwell Science, Oxford.
Year 2015, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 129 - 137, 25.08.2015



  • Aboudrare, A., P. Debaeke, A. Bouaziz, H. Chekli, 2006. Effects of soil tillage and fallow management on soil water storage and sunflower production in a semi-arid Mediterranean climate. Agric. Water Manag. 83:183-196.
  • Allen, R., L.D. Swaeth, J.D. Thouas, 1983. Sunflower planting and emergence with coated seed. Trans. of ASAE. 26(2):665-668.
  • Attila, M.M., A.M. Osman, M.A. Sayed, A.A. El Kafory, 1994. Effect of irrigation interval and plant density on sunflower Sci. Mansoura Univ. 19 (10):3163-3168.
  • Bayhan, Y., B. Kayisoglu, E. Gonulol, 2002. Effect of soil compaction on sunflower growth. Soil Till Res. 68:31-38. Bilbro, J.D., D.F. Wanjura, 1982. Soil crusts and cotton emergence relationships. Trans. ASAE. 25 (6):1484-1487. Bonciarelli F., 1991. Soil preparation and sunflower yields. Informative-Agrarian. 47 (8):47-54.
  • Bond, J.J., W.O. Willis, 1969. Soil water evaporation: surface residue rate and placement effects. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 33:445-448.
  • Botta, G.F., D. Jorajuria, R. Balbuena, M. Ressia, C. Ferrero, H. Rosatto, M. Tourn, 2006. Deep tillage and traffic effects on subsoil compaction and sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) yields. Soil Till Res. 91:164-172.
  • Çelik, Y.M., İ. Ünver, 1999. Orta Anadolu koşullarında ekim nöbetinde yetiştirilebilecek ayçiçeği için en uygun sürüm derinliğinin araştırılması. Turkish J. of Agriculture and Forestry. 23(5):1087-1094.
  • Canarache, A., I. Colibas, M. Colibas, I. Horobeanu, V. Patru, H. Simota, T. Trandafirescu, 1984. Effect of induced compaction by wheel traffic on soil physical properties and yield of maize in Romania. Soil Till. Res. 4:199-213. Connor, D.J., A.J. Hall, 1997. Sunflower physiology. In:Schneiter, A.A. (Ed.), Sunflower Technology and Production. Agronomy Monography 35, ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI, pp.113-182.
  • Corbeels, M., G. Hofman, O. Van Cleemput, 1998. Residual effect of nitrogen fertilization in a wheat-sunflower cropping sequence on a Vertisol under semi-arid Mediterranean conditions. Eur. J. Agron. 9:109-116.
  • Coşge, B., 2007. Ayçiçeği (Helianthus annuus L.)’nin bazı morfolojik karakterleri ve tohum verimi üzerine metanolün etkisi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 13(3):246-252.
  • de la Vega, A.J., A.J. Hall, 2002. Effects of planting date, genotype, and their interactions on sunflower yield: I. Determinants of oil-corrected grain yield. Crop Sci. 42:1191-1201.
  • Eker, B., P. Ülger, 1988. Ayçiçeği tarımında kullanılan toprak işleme aletlerinin toprak ve bitki karakteristiklerine etkilerinin araştırılması. Tarımsal Meka. 11. Ulusal Kong. 10-12.Ekim, Erzurum, Türkiye.
  • Fabrizzi, K.P., F.O. Garcia, J.L. Costa, L.I. Picone, 2005. Soil water dynamics, physical properties and corn and wheat responses to minimum and no-tillage systems in southeastern pampas of Argentina. Soil Till Res. 81:57-69.
  • Gajri, P., K.S. Gill, M.R. Chaudhary, R. Singh, 1997. Irrigation of sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) in relation to tillage and mulching. Agricultural Water Manag. 34:149-160.
  • Greb, B.W., D.E. Smika, A.L. Black, 1967. Effect of straw mulch rates on soil water storage during summer fallow in the Great Plains. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 31:556-559.
  • Guirguis, A.E., W.M. Aboukarima, M.S. Marazky, M.I. Egela, 2008. Sunflower crop response to furrow irrigation inflow rate and tillage system. Misr J. Ag. Eng. 25:38-57.
  • Halvorson, A.D., A.L. Black, J.M. Krupinsky, S.D. Merrill, D.L. Tanaka, 1999. Sunflower response to tillage and nitrogen fertilization under intensive cropping in a wheat rotation. Agron. J. 91:637-642.
  • Honsson, I., R.C. Reeder, 1994. Subsoil compaction by vehicles with high axle load-extent, persistence and crop response. Soil Till Res. 29(2-3):277-304.
  • Helmy, M.A., S.M. Gomaa, E.M. Khalifa, A.M. Helal, 2000. Production of corn and sunflower under conditions of drip and furrow irrigation with reuse of agricultural drainage water. Misr J. Ag. Eng. 17(1):125-147.
  • Işıldar, A.A., K. Bayhan, 2005. Kuruda ayçiçeği tarımında farklı toprak işleme yöntemlerinin tohum yatağı özellikleri ve çıkış üzerine etkileri. S.Ü. Zir. Fak. Der. 19(36):120-124. Jorajuria, D., L. Draghi, A. Aragon, 1997. The effect of vehicle weight on the distribution of compaction with depth and the yield of Lolium/Trifolium grassland. Soil Till Res. 41:1-12.
  • Kadayif, A., O. Yildirim, 2000. The response of sunflower grain yield to water. Turkish J. of Agric. and Forestry. 24:137-145.
  • Karunatilake, U.P., H.M. van Es, 2002. Rainfall and tillage effects on soil structure after alfalfa conversion to maize on a clay loam soil in New York. Soil Till Res. 67:135-146.
  • Klute A., 1986. Methods of soil analysis. Part 1, agronomy 9. 2nd ed. Madison (WI):American Society of Agronomy. López-Garrido, R., E. Madejón, M. León-Camacho, I. Girón, F. Moreno, J.M. Murillo, 2014. Reduced tillage as an alternative to no-tillage under Mediterranean conditions: A case study. Soil Till Res. 140:40-47.
  • Lipiec, J., J. Kus, A. Slowinska-Hurkiwich, A. Nosalewicz, 2006. Soil porosity and water infiltration as influenced by tillage methods. Soil Till Res. 89:210-220.
  • Logsdon, S.D., D.L. Karlen, 2004. Bulk density as a soil quality indicator during conversion to no-tillage. Soil Till Res. 78:143-149.
  • Mahmoodi, A., Y. Mohammadi-Nashali, 2007. Study the effect of primary tillage equipments on soil physical properties. The 3th Student conference on Agricultural Machinery Engineering and Mechanization. 18-19 April. Shiraz. Iran.
  • Melero, S., R.J. López-Bellido, L. López-Bellido, V. Muňoz- Romero, F. Moreno, J.M. Murillo, 2011. Long-term effect of tillage, rotation and nitrogen fertiliser on soil quality in a Mediterranean Vertisol. Soil Till Res. 114:97-107.
  • McGee, E.A., G.A. Peterson, D.G. Westfall, 1997. Water storage efficiency in no-till dryland cropping systems. J. Soil Water Conserv. 52:131-136.
  • Murillo, J.R., F. Moreno, F. Pelegrin, J.E. Fernandez, 1998. Responses of sunflower to traditional and conservation tillage under rainfed conditions in southern Spain. Soil Till Res. 49:233-241.
  • Munawar, A., R.L. Blevins, W.W. Frye, M.R. Saul, 1990. Tillage and cover crop management for soil and water conservation. Agron. J. 82:773-777.
  • Ngunjiri, G.M.N., J.C. Siemens, 1995. Wheel traffic effects on corn growth. Trans. of ASAE. 38(3):691-699.
  • Osunbitan, J. A., D.J. Oyedele, K.O. Adekalu, 2005.Tillage effects on bulk density hydraulic conductivity and strengthof a loam sand soil in southwestern Nigeria. Soil Till Res. 82:57-64.
  • Ozpinar, S., A. Ozpinar, 2015. Tillage effects on soil properties and maize productivity in western Turkey. Archives of Agron. and Soil Sci. 61(7):1029-1040.
  • Pannkuk, C.D., R.I. Papendick, K.E. Saxton, 1997. Fallow management effects on soil water storage and wheat yields in the Pacific Northwest. Agron. J. 89:386-391.
  • Sayed, M.A., S.M. Metwalli, V. Garawany, 2004. Response of sunflower yield to irrigation with saline water in yield in calcareous soils of West Nubaria. The 12th Conf. of Misr Society of Agr. Eng. 4-5 Oct., 312-319.
  • Sessiz, A., T. Sogut, A. Alp, R. Esgici, 2008. Tillage effects on sunflower (Helianthus Annuus, L.) emergence, yield, quality, and fuel consumption in double cropping system. J of Central European Agriculture. 9(4):697-710.
  • Shamabadi, Z., 2012. Evaluation the effect of conservation tillage on sunflower yield and energy productivity. International J. of Agric. and Crop Sci. 4(18):1358-1361.
  • Soza, E., G. Botta, M. Tourn, 2003. Direct sowing of wheat (Triticum aestvium L.): implantation efficiency with relation of soil compaction in the moment of sowing. J. Agrociencia Chile 2:121-128.
  • Tanaka, D.L., Anderson, R.L., 1997. Soil water storage and precipitation storage efficiency of conservation tillage systems. J. Soil Water Conserv. 52:363-367.
  • Yalcin, H., Cakir, E., 2006.Tillage effects and energy efficiencies of subsoiling and direct seeding in light soil on yield of second crop corn for silage in western Turkey. Soil Till Res. 90:250-255.
  • TUİK., 2014. Weiss, E.A., 2000. Oilseed Crops. Blackwell Science, Oxford.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Mert Korkmaz This is me

Sakine Özpınar

Publication Date August 25, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


APA Korkmaz, M., & Özpınar, S. (2015). Çanakkale Bölgesinde Ayçiçeği Tarımında Azaltılmış ve Klasik Toprak İşlemenin Toprak Özellikleri ve Ürün Verimi Üzerine Etkisi. Tarım Makinaları Bilimi Dergisi, 11(2), 129-137.

Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science is a refereed scientific journal published by the Agricultural Machinery Association as 3 issues a year.