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Updated Quaternary Chronostratigraphy

Year 2009, Issue: 53, 85 - 90, 30.11.2015


With new developing, the span of Quaternary was defined as 1.8 Ma at the 27nd International Geological Congress held on 1984 in Moscow. In spite of discussion on Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary and span of Quaternary, this defining has been accepted in general. One of the hot topics discussed at the 32nd International Geological Congress held in Florence (Italy) was the span of the Quaternary. This subject comprising both recognition of the Quaternary as a formal chronostratigraphic/geochronological unit and lower boundary of the Quaternary coincide with the base of the Gelasian Stage (2.588 Ma) was discussed in general session of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS). Finally, the request of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) on 02 June 2009 has been ratificated by Executive Committee of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) on 29 June 2009 as The Pleistocene is a Series/Epoch with its base coinciding with the base of the Gelasian Stage/Age and the Pleistocene and Quaternary is that their base would be moved from 1.8 Ma to 2.588 Ma.

Keywords: Quaternary, Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary, 2.588 milyon year


  • AGUIRRE, E. ve PASINI, G. (1985). “The Pliocene Pleistocene boundary”. Episodes 8(2): 116-120.
  • AZZAROLI, A. (1970). “Villafranchian correlations based on large mamals”. Giorn Geology 35(2): 111-131.
  • AZZAROLI, A. (1977). “The Villafranchian Stage in Italy and the Plio-Pleistocene boundary”. Giorn Geology 41: 61-79.
  • BENN, D. I. ve EVANS D. J. A. (2007). Glaciers & Glaciation, UK: Hodder Arnold, Hodder Education.
  • CLAGUE, J. J. (2005). “INQUA, IUGS, and the 32nd International Perspectives 129: 87–102 Congress”. Quaternary
  • magnetic variation of the Jiaodao Chinese loess/paleosol
  • sequence and its bearing on long-term climatic
  • variability”. Journal of geophysical research, Volume 110
  • (3): B03103.1-B03103.17 (2 p.1/4).
  • DING, Z. L., SUN, J. M., YANG, S. L. ve LIU, T. S. (1998). “Preliminary magnetostratigraphy of a thick eolian red clay-loess sequence at Lingtai, the Chinese Loess Plateau”. Geophysical Research Letters 25(8): 1225-1228.
  • DING, Z. L., DERBYSHIRE, E., YANG, S. L., YU, Z.W., XIONG, S. F. ve LIU, T.S. (2001). “Stacked 2.6-Ma grain size record from the Chinese loess based on five sections and correlation Paleoceanography 17(3): 1-5. deep-sea δ18O record”, ENZMANN, R. D. (2005).>. Son erişim 04 Aralık 2009. “Timeline”,
  • GIBBARD, P. ve van KOLFSCHOTEN, T. (2005). ”The Pleistocene and Holocene Epochs”. A Geologic Time Scale 2004 (Ed. F.M. Grandstein, J.G. Ogg, ve A.S. Gilbert): 441-452, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • GIBBARD, P. L., BOREHAM, S., COHEN, K. M. ve MOSCARIELLO, A. (2005). “Global Chronostratigraphical correlation table for the last 2.7 million years v. 2005c.”, Cambridge, England: Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, < /correlation/POSTERSTRAT_BOREAS_v2005c.pdf>. erişim 04 Aralık 2009. Son
  • GIBBARD, P. L., BOREHAM, S. COHEN, K. M. ve MOSCARIELLO, A. (2007). “Global Chronostratigraphical correlation table for the last 2.7 million years v. 2007b.”, Cambridge, England: Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, < /correlation/POSTERSTRAT_v2007b_small.jpg>. Son eri- şim 04 Aralık 2009.
  • GIBBARD, P. L. ve COHEN, K. M. (2009). “Global chronostratigraphical correlation table for the last 2.7 million t2009a.pdf>. Son erişim 04 Aralık 2009.
  • GIBBARD, P. L. ve HEAD, M. J. (2009a). “The Definition of the Quaternary System/Period and the Pleistocene Se- ries/Epoch”. Quaternaire 20 (2): 125-133.
  • GIBBARD, P. L. ve HEAD, M. J. (2009b). “IUGS ratification of the Quaternary System/Period and the Pleistocene Se- ries/Epoch with a base at 2.58 MA”. Quaternaire 20 (4): 411-412.
  • GIBBARD, P.L., HEAD, M.J. ve WALKER, M.J.C. (2010). “Formal ratification of the Quaternary System/Period and the Pleistocene Series/Epoch with a base a 2.58 Ma”. Journal of Quaternary Science 25 (2): 96-102.
  • GRADSTEİN, F., FINNEY, S. ve OGG, J. (2007). “Current IUGS-IGC decisions on Quaternary and on Pleistocene”. Quaternary Perspective 16 (2): 129-131.
  • GUERREIRO, C., ROSA, F., OLIVEIR, A.A., CACHÃO, M., FATELA, F. ve RODRIGUES, A. (2009). “Calcareous nannoplankton and benthic foraminiferal assemblages from the Nazaré Canyon (Portuguese continental margin): preliminary results”. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 5: doi:10.1088/1755- 1307/5/1/012004.
  • GYLESJO, S. ve ARNOLD, E. (2006). “Clay mineralogy of a red clay–loess sequence from Lingtai, the Chinese Loess Plateau”. Global and Planetary Change 51(3-4): 181-194.
  • HIROKUNI, O., HIDETOSHI, S. ve VINDELL, H. (2000). “Palaeomagnetic records of the Brunhes/Matuyama polarity transition from ODP Leg 124 (Celebes and Sulu seas)”. Geophysical Journal International 142(2): 319- 338.
  • HUAYU, L., STEVENS, T., SHUANGWEN, Y. ve XUEFENG, S. (2006). “An erosional hiatus in Chinese loess sequences revealed by closely spaced optical dating”. Chinese Science Bulletin 51(18): 2253-2259.
  • ICS (2004). 32nd IGC Congress Informs: 1-4, Floransa, Italy. ICS (2008). 33nd IGC erişim 04 Aralık 2009 Congress, Oslo, Norveç, Son
  • INQUA (2005-2). “Status of the Quaternary—Your opinion sought”. INQUA Newsletter 15(2): 116-127.
  • INQUA (2006). “Open letter by INQUA Executive Committee”. INQUA Newsletter 16(1): 158-169.
  • INQUA (2007). “Current IUGS-IGC decisions on Quaternary and on Pleistocene”. INQUA Newsletter 16(2): 129-140.
  • INQUA (2009). “Quaternary in Geologic Time Scale”. Quaternary Perspectives 17(1): 1-19.
  • IUGS (2009a). International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS). Son erişim 04 Aralık 2009. IUGS (2009-b). International Stratigraphic Chart. International Son erişim 04 Aralık 2009. on Stratigraphy(ICS),
  • LISIECKI, L. E. ve RAYMO, M. E. (2005). “A Pliocene- Pleistocene stack of 57 globally distributed benthic D18O records”. Paleoceanography 20:1-17.
  • LYELL, C. (1833), Principles of Geology. Volume 3, London: Murray.
  • MANISCALCO, R. ve BRUNNER, C. A.1(998). “Neogene And Quaternary Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the Canary Island Region”. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results (Ed. P.P.E. Weaver, H.U. Schmincke, J.V. Firth ve W. Duffield): 157: 115-124.
  • MILANOVSKY, E. E. (2008), “Origin and development of ideas on Pliocene and Quaternary glaciations in northern and eastern Europe, Iceland, Caucasus and Siberia”. History of Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology, (Ed. R. H. Grapes, D. R. Oldroyd ve A. Grigelis), Geology Soiety Special Publication, UK: Cromvell Press.
  • NIE, J., KING, J. W. ve FANG, X. (2008). “Link between benthic oxygen isotopes and magnetic susceptibility in the red-clay sequence on the Chinese Loess Plateau”. Geophysics 2007GL032817. Letter 35, doi:10.1029/
  • OZANER, S. ve SARAÇ, G. (1985), “Kuvaterner kronostratigrafisi ve Türkiye’den örnekler”, Yeryuvarı ve İnsan: 20-26.
  • QIANG, X., AN, Z., LI, H., CHANG, H. ve SONG, Y. (2005). “Magnetic properties of Jiaxian red clay sequences from northern Chinese Loess Plateau and its paleoclimatic significance”. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 48(8): 1234-1245.
  • PILLANS, B. ve NAISH, T. (2004). “Defining The Quaternary”. Quaternary Science Reviews 23(23-24): 2271-2281.
  • RIO, D., SPROVIERI, R. CASTRADORI, D. ve Di STEFANO, E. (1998). "The Gelasian Stage (Upper Pliocene): A new unit of the global standard chronostratigraphic scale", Episodes 21: 82-87.
  • ROBERTS, N. ve REED, J.M. (2009). “Lakes, Wetlands, and Holocene Geography of the Mediterranean (Ed. J.C. Woodward): 255-286, Oxford: Oxford University Press. The Physical
  • ROY, M., CLARK, P. U., BARENDREGT, R. W., GLASMANN, J. R. ve ENKİN, R. J. (2004). “Glacial stratigraphy and paleomagnetism of late Cenezoic deposits of the North- central United States”. Geological Society of America Bulletin 116(1-2):30-41.
  • SCOTT, G. H. ve HALL, I. R. (2004). “Planktonic foraminiferal evidence on late Pliocene–Quaternary near surface water masses at ODP Site 1123B, northern Chatham Rise, east of New Zealand”. Marine Geology 2005 (1-4): 127- 145.
  • SILVA, P.G. C., ZAZO, T., BARDAJI, J., BAENA, J., LARIO, Y. ve ROSAS, A. (2007), “Tabla Cronoestratigrafica del Cuaternario aegua”. PDF version 1.4 MB. Asociación Española para el estudio del cuaternario (aequa), Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Alcalá Mad- rid, Spain. (Corelation chart of European Quaternary and cultural stages and fossils).
  • SUN, D., LIU, D., CHEN, M. ve AN, Z. (1997). “Magnetostratigraphy and palaeoclimate of red clay sequences from Chinese Loess Plateau”. Science in China 40(4): 337-343.
  • STEVENS, T., ARMITAGE, S. J., HUAYU, L. ve THOMAS, D. S. G. (2006). “Sedimentation and diagenesis of Chinese loess: Implications for the preservation of continuous, high-resolution climate records”. Geology 34(10): 849- 852.
  • WALKER, J. D. ve GEISSMAN, J. W. (2009), Geologic Time Society Scale. 10.1130/2009.CTSO04R2C. of America. DOI
  • WANG, Y., PAN, B. T., GAO, H. S., GUAN, G. Y., CHEN, Y. Y. ve WANG, J. P. (2007), “Magnetic Fabric-Based Reconstruction Of The Paleowind Directıon From A Loess Sequence in The Northeastern Flank of The Qilian Mountains”, Chinese Journal Of Geophysics 50(4): 1005- 1010.
  • Yazar hakkında Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Turoğlu
  • İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Coğrafya Bölümü
  • Laleli/İstanbul
  • Uygulamalı jeomorfoloji, afetler ve afet yönetimi,
  • Kuaterner coğrafyası, arkeo-coğrafya, planlama ve arazi
  • sürdürmektedir. Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri ve Uzaktan
  • Algılama Teknolojileri araştırmacının özel ilgi alanı
  • olup, çalışmalarında bu konunun uygulamalarına yer vermektedir. çalışmalarını

Yenilenen Kuaterner Kronostratigrafisi

Year 2009, Issue: 53, 85 - 90, 30.11.2015


1984 yılında Moskova’da yapılan Uluslararası jeoloji kongresinde Kuaterner devri son düzenlemeler ile birlikte 1,8 milyon yıl olarak belirlenmiştir. Pliosen- Pleistosen sınırı ve Kuaterner devrini tanımlayan bu karar tartışılmasına rağmen genel olarak kabul görmüştür. Floransa’da (Italya) yapılan 32. Uluslararası Jeoloji Kongresinde en fazla tartışmaların yapıldığı konulardan biri Kuaterner’in süresi konusu olmuştur. Uluslararası Stratigrafi Komisyonunun (ICS) genel oturumunda hem Kuaterner’in kronostratigrafik/jeokronolojik birim olarak tanınması ve hem de Kuaterner’in Gelasian katından (2,588 Milyon yıl) başlatılmasını kapsayan bu konu tartışılmıştır. Sonuç olarak; Uluslararası Stratigrafi Komisyonunun (ICS), Pleistosen’in Gelasian katını da kapsayan bir devir olduğu, Pleistosen ve Kuaterner’in başlangıcının 1,8 milyon yıldan 2,588 milyon yıla çekilmesi kararına ait 02 Haziran 2009 tarihli talebi, Uluslararası Jeolojik Bilimler Birliği (IUGS) Yönetim Kurulu tarafından 29 Haziran 2009 tarihinde onaylanmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Kuaterner, Pliosen-Pleistosen sınırı, 2,588 milyon yıl


  • AGUIRRE, E. ve PASINI, G. (1985). “The Pliocene Pleistocene boundary”. Episodes 8(2): 116-120.
  • AZZAROLI, A. (1970). “Villafranchian correlations based on large mamals”. Giorn Geology 35(2): 111-131.
  • AZZAROLI, A. (1977). “The Villafranchian Stage in Italy and the Plio-Pleistocene boundary”. Giorn Geology 41: 61-79.
  • BENN, D. I. ve EVANS D. J. A. (2007). Glaciers & Glaciation, UK: Hodder Arnold, Hodder Education.
  • CLAGUE, J. J. (2005). “INQUA, IUGS, and the 32nd International Perspectives 129: 87–102 Congress”. Quaternary
  • magnetic variation of the Jiaodao Chinese loess/paleosol
  • sequence and its bearing on long-term climatic
  • variability”. Journal of geophysical research, Volume 110
  • (3): B03103.1-B03103.17 (2 p.1/4).
  • DING, Z. L., SUN, J. M., YANG, S. L. ve LIU, T. S. (1998). “Preliminary magnetostratigraphy of a thick eolian red clay-loess sequence at Lingtai, the Chinese Loess Plateau”. Geophysical Research Letters 25(8): 1225-1228.
  • DING, Z. L., DERBYSHIRE, E., YANG, S. L., YU, Z.W., XIONG, S. F. ve LIU, T.S. (2001). “Stacked 2.6-Ma grain size record from the Chinese loess based on five sections and correlation Paleoceanography 17(3): 1-5. deep-sea δ18O record”, ENZMANN, R. D. (2005).>. Son erişim 04 Aralık 2009. “Timeline”,
  • GIBBARD, P. ve van KOLFSCHOTEN, T. (2005). ”The Pleistocene and Holocene Epochs”. A Geologic Time Scale 2004 (Ed. F.M. Grandstein, J.G. Ogg, ve A.S. Gilbert): 441-452, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • GIBBARD, P. L., BOREHAM, S., COHEN, K. M. ve MOSCARIELLO, A. (2005). “Global Chronostratigraphical correlation table for the last 2.7 million years v. 2005c.”, Cambridge, England: Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, < /correlation/POSTERSTRAT_BOREAS_v2005c.pdf>. erişim 04 Aralık 2009. Son
  • GIBBARD, P. L., BOREHAM, S. COHEN, K. M. ve MOSCARIELLO, A. (2007). “Global Chronostratigraphical correlation table for the last 2.7 million years v. 2007b.”, Cambridge, England: Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, < /correlation/POSTERSTRAT_v2007b_small.jpg>. Son eri- şim 04 Aralık 2009.
  • GIBBARD, P. L. ve COHEN, K. M. (2009). “Global chronostratigraphical correlation table for the last 2.7 million t2009a.pdf>. Son erişim 04 Aralık 2009.
  • GIBBARD, P. L. ve HEAD, M. J. (2009a). “The Definition of the Quaternary System/Period and the Pleistocene Se- ries/Epoch”. Quaternaire 20 (2): 125-133.
  • GIBBARD, P. L. ve HEAD, M. J. (2009b). “IUGS ratification of the Quaternary System/Period and the Pleistocene Se- ries/Epoch with a base at 2.58 MA”. Quaternaire 20 (4): 411-412.
  • GIBBARD, P.L., HEAD, M.J. ve WALKER, M.J.C. (2010). “Formal ratification of the Quaternary System/Period and the Pleistocene Series/Epoch with a base a 2.58 Ma”. Journal of Quaternary Science 25 (2): 96-102.
  • GRADSTEİN, F., FINNEY, S. ve OGG, J. (2007). “Current IUGS-IGC decisions on Quaternary and on Pleistocene”. Quaternary Perspective 16 (2): 129-131.
  • GUERREIRO, C., ROSA, F., OLIVEIR, A.A., CACHÃO, M., FATELA, F. ve RODRIGUES, A. (2009). “Calcareous nannoplankton and benthic foraminiferal assemblages from the Nazaré Canyon (Portuguese continental margin): preliminary results”. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 5: doi:10.1088/1755- 1307/5/1/012004.
  • GYLESJO, S. ve ARNOLD, E. (2006). “Clay mineralogy of a red clay–loess sequence from Lingtai, the Chinese Loess Plateau”. Global and Planetary Change 51(3-4): 181-194.
  • HIROKUNI, O., HIDETOSHI, S. ve VINDELL, H. (2000). “Palaeomagnetic records of the Brunhes/Matuyama polarity transition from ODP Leg 124 (Celebes and Sulu seas)”. Geophysical Journal International 142(2): 319- 338.
  • HUAYU, L., STEVENS, T., SHUANGWEN, Y. ve XUEFENG, S. (2006). “An erosional hiatus in Chinese loess sequences revealed by closely spaced optical dating”. Chinese Science Bulletin 51(18): 2253-2259.
  • ICS (2004). 32nd IGC Congress Informs: 1-4, Floransa, Italy. ICS (2008). 33nd IGC erişim 04 Aralık 2009 Congress, Oslo, Norveç, Son
  • INQUA (2005-2). “Status of the Quaternary—Your opinion sought”. INQUA Newsletter 15(2): 116-127.
  • INQUA (2006). “Open letter by INQUA Executive Committee”. INQUA Newsletter 16(1): 158-169.
  • INQUA (2007). “Current IUGS-IGC decisions on Quaternary and on Pleistocene”. INQUA Newsletter 16(2): 129-140.
  • INQUA (2009). “Quaternary in Geologic Time Scale”. Quaternary Perspectives 17(1): 1-19.
  • IUGS (2009a). International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS). Son erişim 04 Aralık 2009. IUGS (2009-b). International Stratigraphic Chart. International Son erişim 04 Aralık 2009. on Stratigraphy(ICS),
  • LISIECKI, L. E. ve RAYMO, M. E. (2005). “A Pliocene- Pleistocene stack of 57 globally distributed benthic D18O records”. Paleoceanography 20:1-17.
  • LYELL, C. (1833), Principles of Geology. Volume 3, London: Murray.
  • MANISCALCO, R. ve BRUNNER, C. A.1(998). “Neogene And Quaternary Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the Canary Island Region”. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results (Ed. P.P.E. Weaver, H.U. Schmincke, J.V. Firth ve W. Duffield): 157: 115-124.
  • MILANOVSKY, E. E. (2008), “Origin and development of ideas on Pliocene and Quaternary glaciations in northern and eastern Europe, Iceland, Caucasus and Siberia”. History of Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology, (Ed. R. H. Grapes, D. R. Oldroyd ve A. Grigelis), Geology Soiety Special Publication, UK: Cromvell Press.
  • NIE, J., KING, J. W. ve FANG, X. (2008). “Link between benthic oxygen isotopes and magnetic susceptibility in the red-clay sequence on the Chinese Loess Plateau”. Geophysics 2007GL032817. Letter 35, doi:10.1029/
  • OZANER, S. ve SARAÇ, G. (1985), “Kuvaterner kronostratigrafisi ve Türkiye’den örnekler”, Yeryuvarı ve İnsan: 20-26.
  • QIANG, X., AN, Z., LI, H., CHANG, H. ve SONG, Y. (2005). “Magnetic properties of Jiaxian red clay sequences from northern Chinese Loess Plateau and its paleoclimatic significance”. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 48(8): 1234-1245.
  • PILLANS, B. ve NAISH, T. (2004). “Defining The Quaternary”. Quaternary Science Reviews 23(23-24): 2271-2281.
  • RIO, D., SPROVIERI, R. CASTRADORI, D. ve Di STEFANO, E. (1998). "The Gelasian Stage (Upper Pliocene): A new unit of the global standard chronostratigraphic scale", Episodes 21: 82-87.
  • ROBERTS, N. ve REED, J.M. (2009). “Lakes, Wetlands, and Holocene Geography of the Mediterranean (Ed. J.C. Woodward): 255-286, Oxford: Oxford University Press. The Physical
  • ROY, M., CLARK, P. U., BARENDREGT, R. W., GLASMANN, J. R. ve ENKİN, R. J. (2004). “Glacial stratigraphy and paleomagnetism of late Cenezoic deposits of the North- central United States”. Geological Society of America Bulletin 116(1-2):30-41.
  • SCOTT, G. H. ve HALL, I. R. (2004). “Planktonic foraminiferal evidence on late Pliocene–Quaternary near surface water masses at ODP Site 1123B, northern Chatham Rise, east of New Zealand”. Marine Geology 2005 (1-4): 127- 145.
  • SILVA, P.G. C., ZAZO, T., BARDAJI, J., BAENA, J., LARIO, Y. ve ROSAS, A. (2007), “Tabla Cronoestratigrafica del Cuaternario aegua”. PDF version 1.4 MB. Asociación Española para el estudio del cuaternario (aequa), Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Alcalá Mad- rid, Spain. (Corelation chart of European Quaternary and cultural stages and fossils).
  • SUN, D., LIU, D., CHEN, M. ve AN, Z. (1997). “Magnetostratigraphy and palaeoclimate of red clay sequences from Chinese Loess Plateau”. Science in China 40(4): 337-343.
  • STEVENS, T., ARMITAGE, S. J., HUAYU, L. ve THOMAS, D. S. G. (2006). “Sedimentation and diagenesis of Chinese loess: Implications for the preservation of continuous, high-resolution climate records”. Geology 34(10): 849- 852.
  • WALKER, J. D. ve GEISSMAN, J. W. (2009), Geologic Time Society Scale. 10.1130/2009.CTSO04R2C. of America. DOI
  • WANG, Y., PAN, B. T., GAO, H. S., GUAN, G. Y., CHEN, Y. Y. ve WANG, J. P. (2007), “Magnetic Fabric-Based Reconstruction Of The Paleowind Directıon From A Loess Sequence in The Northeastern Flank of The Qilian Mountains”, Chinese Journal Of Geophysics 50(4): 1005- 1010.
  • Yazar hakkında Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Turoğlu
  • İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Coğrafya Bölümü
  • Laleli/İstanbul
  • Uygulamalı jeomorfoloji, afetler ve afet yönetimi,
  • Kuaterner coğrafyası, arkeo-coğrafya, planlama ve arazi
  • sürdürmektedir. Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri ve Uzaktan
  • Algılama Teknolojileri araştırmacının özel ilgi alanı
  • olup, çalışmalarında bu konunun uygulamalarına yer vermektedir. çalışmalarını
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Notes

Hüseyin Turoğlu

Publication Date November 30, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2009 Issue: 53


APA Turoğlu, H. (2015). Yenilenen Kuaterner Kronostratigrafisi. Türk Coğrafya Dergisi(53), 85-90.

Publisher: Turkish Geographical Society