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Yeni Açılan Enürezis Polikliniğinden Ön Çalışma Sonuçları

Year 2014, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 0 - 0, 01.12.2014


Amaç: Enürezis (EN) polikliniğinde son bir yılda izleme alınan ve Türkiye Enürezis Kılavuzu (TEK) rehberliğinde tedavisi yapılan hastaların sonuçlarını değerlendirmek amacıyla ileriye dönük bir çalışma planlanmıştır.Gereç ve Yöntemler: EN polikliniğimize başvuran hastaların demografik özellikleri, şikayetleri, fizik inceleme-laboratuvar tetkik sonuçları, uygulanan tedaviler ve takip sonuçları ileri dönük olarak kaydedilmiştir.Bulgular: Olguların yaş ortalaması 8.59±2.53’dır (N=59). Erkek/kız oranı 2,9/1’dir. Tüm olgular primer EN’dir. 38 olguda yalnız gece altını ıslatma şikayeti varken, 21 olguda (%35.6) gündüz semptomu da vardır. Haftada ortalama altını ıslatma sıklığı 5.54±1.7 gün’dür. Olguların 21’i (%35.6) günde 8’den fazla, 7’si (%11.9) 3’den az idrar yapıyorlardı. Olguların %57.6’sında (n=34) yetişememe, %49.2’sinde (n=29) idrar tutma manevrası, %6.8’sinde (n=4) zorlanma, %18.6’sında (n=11) idrar yolu enfeksiyonu (İYE) öyküsü, %32.2’inde (n=19) kabızlık vardı. Fizik inceleme bir olgu dışında normaldi. Tümünde idrar tetkiki normaldi. USG istenen 20 olgunun hiçbirinde patolojik bulgu saptanmadı. Ürodinami yapılan 9 olgunun 4’inde aşırı aktif detrusör, 5’inde düşük kapasite, 2’inde artmış kapasite, 4’ünde artmış detrüsör aktivitesi vardı. Üroflovmetre yapılan 12 olgunun birinde kesintili işeme, birinde Crede manevrası ile işeyebilme vardı. Tüm olgularda davranış düzenlenmesi yapılmış; olguların 20’ine desmopressin, 4’üne oksibutinin, 1’ine alarm, 1’ine temiz aralıklı kateterizasyon, 14’üne kombine tedavi başlanmıştır. Tedavinin 15. gününde yapılan ilk kontrolde 18 olgu görülmüş, tedavi cevabı %66±25.3 bulunmuştur. Bunların yarısında tedaviye devam edilirken, yarısında desmopressin dozu arttırılmıştır. Birinci ayda kontrolüne gelen 16 olgunun 12’sinde tedaviye devam edilmiş, 2’inde desmopressin dozu arttırılmış, 2’inde tedaviye oksibutinin eklenmiştir. Üç ay tedavisi tamamlanan 7 olgunun 1’inde nüks nedeniyle kombine tedaviye yeniden başlanmıştır.Sonuç: Enürezis tedavisi, aile uyumunun önemli rol oynadığı zahmetli bir süreç gerektirmektedir. Çalışmamızdaki olguların yalnız %30.5’i takiplere gelebilmiştir. Tedavi etkinliğini değerlendirmek için randomize-kontrollü çalışmalar gerekmektedir.


  • 1. Avanoğlu A, Baskın E, Söylemezoğlu O, Tekgül S, Ziylan O, Zorludemir Ü. Türkiye enürezis çalışma grubu. Türkiye Enürezis Tedavi Kılavuzu 2010; 1-16.
  • 2. Carman KB, Ceran O, Kaya C, Nuhoglu C, Karaman MI. Nocturnal enuresis in Turkey: Prevalence and accompanying factors in different socioeconomic environments. Urol Int 2008;80:362-6. 3. Glazener CMA, Evans JHC, Peto RE. Treating nocturnal enuresis in children. J WOCN 2004;31:223-34.
  • 4. Neveus T, Eggert P, Evans J, Macedo A, Rittig S, Tekgül S, et al. Evaluation of and treatment for monosymptomatic enuresis: A standardization document from the international children’s continence society. J Urol 2010;183:441-7.
  • 5. Ozkan KU, Garipardic M, Toktamis A, Karabiber H, Sahinkanat T. Enuresis prevalence and accompanying factors in school children: A questionnaire study from southeast Anatolia. Urol Int 2004;73:149-55.
  • 6. Özkan S, Durukan E, Iseri E, Gürocak S, Maral I, Ali Bumin M. Prevalence and risk factors of monosymtomatic nocturnal enuresis in Turkish children. Indian J Urol 2010;26:200-5.
  • 7. Ramakrishnan K. Evaluation and treatment of enuresis. Am Fam Physician 2008;78:489-96.
  • 8. Rawashdeh YF, Hvistendahl GM, Kamperis K, Hansen MN, Djurhuus JC. Demograhics of enuresis patients attending a referral centre. Scand J Urol Nephrol 2002;36:348-53.
  • 9. Safarinejad M. Prevalence of nocturnal enuresis, risk factors, associated familial factors and urinary pathology among school children in Iran. J Pediatr Urol 2007;3:443-52.
  • 10. Schultz-Lampel D, Steuber C, Hoyer PF, Bachmann CJ, MarschallKehrel D, Bachmann H. Urinary incontinence in children. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2011;108:613-20.
  • 11. Soyer T, Boybeyi Ö, Aslan MK, Durmus G, Cakmak ZA, Ensari C. Kırıkkale ili 6-10 yaş ilköğretim öğrencileri arasında enürezis nokturna sıklığı. Çocuk Cerrahisi Dergisi, 2011;25:51-5.

Priliminary Report from a Newly Opened Enuresis Outpatient Clinic

Year 2014, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 0 - 0, 01.12.2014


Objective: The aim of the study is to evaluate the results and prognosis of the patients admitted to our new enuresis clinic in the last year and managed according to the Turkish Enuresis Guide.Material and Methods: The demographic features, symptoms, physical examination and laboratory fi ndings, treatment modalities, and treatment results of the patients were recorded prospectively.Results: The mean age (N=59) of the patients was 8.59±2.53 years. The male/female ratio was 2,9/1. Twenty-one cases (35.6%) had daytime symptoms. Enuresis frequency per week was 5.54±1.7 days. Voiding frequency per day was more than 8 times in 21 cases (35.6%), and less than 3 times in 7 cases (11.9%). There was urgency in 34 (57.6%) patients, holding maneuvers were used in 29 (49.2%), straining was observed in 4 (6.8%) cases, urinary tract infection (UTI) was present in 11 (18.6%) cases, and there was constipation in 19 (32.2%) cases. Physical examination fi ndings were normal in all except one patient. Urinalysis and ultrasonography was normal in all patients. Urodynamic study was performed in 9 cases, revealing over-active detrusor in 4 cases, low capacity in 5 patients, increased capacity in 2 cases and hyperactive detrusor in 4 patients. Urofl owmeter measurements were performed in 12 cases showing 1 staccato voiding, and 1 voiding with Crede maneuver case. Behavioral modifi cations were used in all cases, and desmopressin therapy was initiated in 20 cases, oxybutynin therapy in 4 patients, alarm therapy in one case, clean intermittent catheterization in 1
patient, and combined therapy in 14 patients. Treatment effectiveness was 66±25.3% in 18 cases on the 15th day and desmopressin
dosage was increased in half of this group. Treatment was continued in 12 cases, the desmopressin dosage was increased in 2 patients,
and oxybutynin was added in 2 of 16 cases at the 1st month. Only 1 of 7 cases at the 3rd month had recurrence and was prescribed
combined therapy.
Conclusion: The management of enuresis is a diffi cult process in which compliance of the families plays a major role. Only 30.5% of cases
came for follow-up in the present study. Randomized controlled studies are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of enuresis treatment


  • 1. Avanoğlu A, Baskın E, Söylemezoğlu O, Tekgül S, Ziylan O, Zorludemir Ü. Türkiye enürezis çalışma grubu. Türkiye Enürezis Tedavi Kılavuzu 2010; 1-16.
  • 2. Carman KB, Ceran O, Kaya C, Nuhoglu C, Karaman MI. Nocturnal enuresis in Turkey: Prevalence and accompanying factors in different socioeconomic environments. Urol Int 2008;80:362-6. 3. Glazener CMA, Evans JHC, Peto RE. Treating nocturnal enuresis in children. J WOCN 2004;31:223-34.
  • 4. Neveus T, Eggert P, Evans J, Macedo A, Rittig S, Tekgül S, et al. Evaluation of and treatment for monosymptomatic enuresis: A standardization document from the international children’s continence society. J Urol 2010;183:441-7.
  • 5. Ozkan KU, Garipardic M, Toktamis A, Karabiber H, Sahinkanat T. Enuresis prevalence and accompanying factors in school children: A questionnaire study from southeast Anatolia. Urol Int 2004;73:149-55.
  • 6. Özkan S, Durukan E, Iseri E, Gürocak S, Maral I, Ali Bumin M. Prevalence and risk factors of monosymtomatic nocturnal enuresis in Turkish children. Indian J Urol 2010;26:200-5.
  • 7. Ramakrishnan K. Evaluation and treatment of enuresis. Am Fam Physician 2008;78:489-96.
  • 8. Rawashdeh YF, Hvistendahl GM, Kamperis K, Hansen MN, Djurhuus JC. Demograhics of enuresis patients attending a referral centre. Scand J Urol Nephrol 2002;36:348-53.
  • 9. Safarinejad M. Prevalence of nocturnal enuresis, risk factors, associated familial factors and urinary pathology among school children in Iran. J Pediatr Urol 2007;3:443-52.
  • 10. Schultz-Lampel D, Steuber C, Hoyer PF, Bachmann CJ, MarschallKehrel D, Bachmann H. Urinary incontinence in children. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2011;108:613-20.
  • 11. Soyer T, Boybeyi Ö, Aslan MK, Durmus G, Cakmak ZA, Ensari C. Kırıkkale ili 6-10 yaş ilköğretim öğrencileri arasında enürezis nokturna sıklığı. Çocuk Cerrahisi Dergisi, 2011;25:51-5.
There are 10 citations in total.


Other ID JA95AP82PE
Journal Section Research Article

Özlem Boybeyi This is me

Tutku Soyer This is me

İsmail Özmen This is me

Yasemin Dere Günal This is me

Mustafa Kemal Aslan This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2014
Submission Date December 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Boybeyi, Ö., Soyer, T., Özmen, İ., Günal, Y. D., et al. (2014). Priliminary Report from a Newly Opened Enuresis Outpatient Clinic. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, 8(1).
AMA Boybeyi Ö, Soyer T, Özmen İ, Günal YD, Aslan MK. Priliminary Report from a Newly Opened Enuresis Outpatient Clinic. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. December 2014;8(1).
Chicago Boybeyi, Özlem, Tutku Soyer, İsmail Özmen, Yasemin Dere Günal, and Mustafa Kemal Aslan. “Priliminary Report from a Newly Opened Enuresis Outpatient Clinic”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 8, no. 1 (December 2014).
EndNote Boybeyi Ö, Soyer T, Özmen İ, Günal YD, Aslan MK (December 1, 2014) Priliminary Report from a Newly Opened Enuresis Outpatient Clinic. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 8 1
IEEE Ö. Boybeyi, T. Soyer, İ. Özmen, Y. D. Günal, and M. K. Aslan, “Priliminary Report from a Newly Opened Enuresis Outpatient Clinic”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 8, no. 1, 2014.
ISNAD Boybeyi, Özlem et al. “Priliminary Report from a Newly Opened Enuresis Outpatient Clinic”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 8/1 (December 2014).
JAMA Boybeyi Ö, Soyer T, Özmen İ, Günal YD, Aslan MK. Priliminary Report from a Newly Opened Enuresis Outpatient Clinic. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2014;8.
MLA Boybeyi, Özlem et al. “Priliminary Report from a Newly Opened Enuresis Outpatient Clinic”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, vol. 8, no. 1, 2014.
Vancouver Boybeyi Ö, Soyer T, Özmen İ, Günal YD, Aslan MK. Priliminary Report from a Newly Opened Enuresis Outpatient Clinic. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2014;8(1).

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