Year 2017,
Volume: 5 Issue: 5, 267 - 282, 01.07.2017
Sena Aydoğan
Murat Şahin
İsmet Söylemez
The importance of energy use and environmental sensitivity in the globalizing world is increasing. In addition to the most efficient use of available resources, the need for environmental awareness is recognized by many countries. Countries aim to minimize the damage to the environment when making the maximum production with their labor and energy resources. In this study, the performance of the energy efficiency and environmental sensitivity of the 29 countries, which are either candidates or members of the European Union including Turkey, between 2010 and 2013 have been analyzed. The results show that Turkey is among the inactive countries, and it should mainly take Germany and Norway as references
- Cooper, W.W., Seıford, L.M., Zhu, J. (2011), “Handbook on Data Envelopment
- Analysis History, Models And Interpretations”, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science. 164, 1-39. Fei, R., & Lin, B. (2016). Energy efficiency and production technology heterogeneity in China's agricultural sector: A meta-frontier approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
- Hawdon, D. (2003). Efficiency, performance and regulation of the international gas industry – a bootstrap DEA approach. Energy Policy 31, 1167–1178.
- Honma, S., & Hu, J. L. (2014). Industry-level total-factor energy efficiency in developed countries: A Japan-centered analysis. Applied Energy, 119, 67-78.
- Hu, J.L., Kao, C.H. (2007). Efficient energy-saving targets for APEC economies. Energy Policy 35, 373–382.
- Kumar, S. (2006). Environmentally sensitive productivity growth: A global analysis using Malmquist-Luenberger index. Ecological Economics 56, 280–293.
- Külekçi, Ö. C. (2009). Yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları arasında jeotermal enerjinin yeri ve Türkiye açısından önemi. Ankara Üniversitesi Çevre Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2), 83-91.
- Lin, B., & Zheng, Q. (2017). Energy efficiency evolution of China's paper industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 140, 1105-1117.
- Okursoy, A., & Tezsürücü, D. (2014). Veri Zarflama Analizi ile Göreli Etkinliklerin
- Karşılaştırılması: Türkiye’deki İllerin Kültürel Göstergelerine İlişkin Bir Uygulama. Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 21(2), 1-18. Ramanathan, R. (2005). An analysis of energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions in countries of the Middle East and North Africa. Energy 30, 2831–
- Wang, K., Wei, Y. M., & Zhang, X. (2013). Energy and emissions efficiency patterns of Chinese regions: a multi-directional efficiency analysis. Applied Energy, 104, 105-116.
- Wei, C., Löschel, A., & Liu, B. (2015). Energy-saving and emission-abatement potential of Chinese coal-fired power enterprise: A non-parametric analysis. Energy Economics, 49, 33-43.
- Zaim, O., Taskin, F. (2000a). Environmental efficiency in carbon dioxide emissions in the OECD: A non-parametric approach. Journal of Environmental Management 58, 95–107.
- Zaim, O., Taskin, F. (2000b). A Kuznets curve in environmental efficiency: An application on OECD countries. Environmental and Resource Economics 17, 21–
- Zhou, P., Ang, B.W. (2008). Linear programming models for measuring economy-wide energy efficiency performance. Energy Policy 36, 2911– 2916.
- Zhou, P., Ang, B.W., Poh, K.L. (2006). Slacks-based efficiency measures for modeling environmental performance. Ecological Economics 60, 111–118.
- Zhou, P., Ang, B.W., Poh, K.L. (2008). Measuring environmental performance under different environmental DEA technologies. Energy Economics 30, 1–14.
- Zhou, P., Ang, B. W., & Zhou, D. Q. (2012). Measuring economy-wide energy efficiency performance: a parametric frontier approach. Applied Energy, 90(1), 200.
- Zhou, P., Poh, K.L., Ang, B.W. (2007). A non-radial DEA approach to measuring environmental performance. European Journal of Operational Research 178, 1–
- Zofio, J.L., Prieto, A.M. (2001). Environmental efficiency and regulatory standards: The case of CO2 emissions from OECD industries. Resource and Energy Economics 23, 63
Year 2017,
Volume: 5 Issue: 5, 267 - 282, 01.07.2017
Sena Aydoğan
Murat Şahin
İsmet Söylemez
Globalleşen Dünya’da enerji kullanımının etkinliği ve çevre duyarlılığının önemi giderek artmaktadır. Eldeki kaynakların en etkin şekilde kullanımının yanı sıra çevre duyarlılığının gerekliliği birçok ülke tarafından kabul edilmektedir. Ülkeler ellerindeki işgücü ve enerji kaynakları ile maksimum düzeyde üretim yapmayı ve çevreye verilen zararları en aza indirgemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada aralarında Türkiye’nin de bulunduğu Avrupa Birliği’ne aday ya da üye olan 29 ülkenin 2010-2013 yılları arasındaki enerjiyi etkin kullanımının ve çevre duyarlılığının performansları analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar Türkiye’nin etkin olmayan ülkeler arasında yer aldığını göstermekle birlikte, ağırlıklı olarak Almaya ve Norveç’in referans alınması gerektiğini göstermektedir
- Cooper, W.W., Seıford, L.M., Zhu, J. (2011), “Handbook on Data Envelopment
- Analysis History, Models And Interpretations”, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science. 164, 1-39. Fei, R., & Lin, B. (2016). Energy efficiency and production technology heterogeneity in China's agricultural sector: A meta-frontier approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
- Hawdon, D. (2003). Efficiency, performance and regulation of the international gas industry – a bootstrap DEA approach. Energy Policy 31, 1167–1178.
- Honma, S., & Hu, J. L. (2014). Industry-level total-factor energy efficiency in developed countries: A Japan-centered analysis. Applied Energy, 119, 67-78.
- Hu, J.L., Kao, C.H. (2007). Efficient energy-saving targets for APEC economies. Energy Policy 35, 373–382.
- Kumar, S. (2006). Environmentally sensitive productivity growth: A global analysis using Malmquist-Luenberger index. Ecological Economics 56, 280–293.
- Külekçi, Ö. C. (2009). Yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları arasında jeotermal enerjinin yeri ve Türkiye açısından önemi. Ankara Üniversitesi Çevre Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2), 83-91.
- Lin, B., & Zheng, Q. (2017). Energy efficiency evolution of China's paper industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 140, 1105-1117.
- Okursoy, A., & Tezsürücü, D. (2014). Veri Zarflama Analizi ile Göreli Etkinliklerin
- Karşılaştırılması: Türkiye’deki İllerin Kültürel Göstergelerine İlişkin Bir Uygulama. Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 21(2), 1-18. Ramanathan, R. (2005). An analysis of energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions in countries of the Middle East and North Africa. Energy 30, 2831–
- Wang, K., Wei, Y. M., & Zhang, X. (2013). Energy and emissions efficiency patterns of Chinese regions: a multi-directional efficiency analysis. Applied Energy, 104, 105-116.
- Wei, C., Löschel, A., & Liu, B. (2015). Energy-saving and emission-abatement potential of Chinese coal-fired power enterprise: A non-parametric analysis. Energy Economics, 49, 33-43.
- Zaim, O., Taskin, F. (2000a). Environmental efficiency in carbon dioxide emissions in the OECD: A non-parametric approach. Journal of Environmental Management 58, 95–107.
- Zaim, O., Taskin, F. (2000b). A Kuznets curve in environmental efficiency: An application on OECD countries. Environmental and Resource Economics 17, 21–
- Zhou, P., Ang, B.W. (2008). Linear programming models for measuring economy-wide energy efficiency performance. Energy Policy 36, 2911– 2916.
- Zhou, P., Ang, B.W., Poh, K.L. (2006). Slacks-based efficiency measures for modeling environmental performance. Ecological Economics 60, 111–118.
- Zhou, P., Ang, B.W., Poh, K.L. (2008). Measuring environmental performance under different environmental DEA technologies. Energy Economics 30, 1–14.
- Zhou, P., Ang, B. W., & Zhou, D. Q. (2012). Measuring economy-wide energy efficiency performance: a parametric frontier approach. Applied Energy, 90(1), 200.
- Zhou, P., Poh, K.L., Ang, B.W. (2007). A non-radial DEA approach to measuring environmental performance. European Journal of Operational Research 178, 1–
- Zofio, J.L., Prieto, A.M. (2001). Environmental efficiency and regulatory standards: The case of CO2 emissions from OECD industries. Resource and Energy Economics 23, 63