Volume: 36 Issue: 2, 12/30/23

Year: 2023

Turkish Journal of Nuclear Sciences is published to meet the needs of the public and researchers in this field by publishing scientific studies conducted in Türkiye to ensure the use of atomic energy for the benefit of the country.

The Turkish Journal of Nuclear Sciences includes scientific articles on nuclear and radiation technologies.



A. The Publication Rules:

1. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Sciences is a peer-reviewed journal, published in English twice a year (in June and December).


2. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Sciences Journal includes scientific articles related to nuclear and radiation issues.


3. The articles sent to the journal shall not have been published elsewhere before or not be in the evaluation phase in another scientific publication. The papers, presented at meetings, such as in a congress or conference cannot be published in the journal.


4. The articles submitted to the journal , shall have the property of an original research paper reflecting findings and results, and a research paper contributing necessarily to the science.


5. The authors shall submit their articles online through the DergiPark system. The articles shall be sent by using related to Turkish Journal of Nuclear Sciences (http://dergipark.org.tr/tjns) located in the upper right hand side on the main page " Submit Article " are submitted using the connection. The Guidelines are given at the bottom of this document. For the layout of the article, you can use the enclosed Draft Articles Form.


6. The articles submitted to be published through the system are firstly evaluated by the editor and assistant editor. At this stage, the works that do not comply with the purpose and scope of the journal ; are weak in terms of language and expression; contain scientifically critical errors or having no original value, are rejected and returned. The authors of the rejected works are informed at the latest within one month from the date of the submission. And the eligible works are forwarded to a field editor for preliminary evaluation.


7. During the preliminary evaluation process, the field editors analyze introduction and literature, methods, findings, results, and discussion sections of the work in details in line with the editorial policies and coverage of the journal in terms of originality.


8. If the article has the scientific criteria, it is elaborated by the field editor and subjected to similarity test through the plagiarism software. If the similarity rate is below 20%, the work is forwarded to the reviewer. If the rate is higher, than the work is returned to the author for revision. Scientifically ineligible articles will be returned to the author with the evaluation report of the field editor within one month.


9. The eligible articles after the review of the field editors are offered for the evaluation of two reviewers, who are specialist in the field through the system. Upon the acceptance of the reviewers, the dulled written text is submitted to them. The reviewers are granted a deadline for a period of 15 days for responding. Instead of any reviewer, who rejects the evaluation by pleading, the offer is sent to another reviewer by the Advisory Board. The article must be assessed as eligible by both reviewers. If it is assessed eligible by only one reviewer, then the article is submitted to a third reviewer.


10. In case both reviewer report “eligible for publishing after editing”, the article is returned to the author for the revisions. After the revision, it is evaluated Advisory Board whether the notices are taken into consideration or not.


11. The authors of the articles, which are not published are informed through the reports of the reviewers.


12. The candidates applying to be a referee in the magazine are expected to have at least a Ph.D., and also to work as a professional in the field of nuclear and radiation.

13. The author(s) of the eligible articles after the evaluation are requested to sign the enclosed Copyright Transfer Form. The copyrights of the articles published in the magazine belong to Turkish Energy, Nuclear and Mineral Research Agency.

14. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Sciences adopts an open access approach. The open access increases the global exchange of the information and creates useful consequences for the humanity. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Sciences, adopting the principle that offering the scientific researches to the public free of charge will increase the global sharing of knowledge, provides instant-on access to the content. TENMAK (Turkish Energy, Nuclear and Mineral Research Agency) has the right to publish the articles published in the journal also in the Institutional Research Archive of TAEK (http://kurumsalarsiv.taek.gov.tr) within the scope of the policy of open access at the same time. If the authors wish, they can publish their own articles published in the Turkish Journal of Nuclear Sciences in their own personal web sites or institutional archives by reference within the scope of open access policy as of the it was published. All authors posting an article shall be deemed to have accepted these terms.


15. All articles published in the Turkish Journal of Nuclear Sciences are licensed through “Creative Commons[1] Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)[2]. This license allows others to create a different version of your work by mixing it, to improve through fine tuning, or create one’s own works by building on your work. Although their new works must be non-commercial, they have to refer to your work, they do not need to license their derived works with the same conditions.



16. The scientific and legal responsibility of the articles belong to the authors. The author are not paid any royalty.


17. Since the evaluation/acceptance/revision processes for an article submitted for publication in the journal can be time consuming, it should be submitted at least 4 months before the issue of the publications requested to contain the article.


18. The title and name of the author of the article which is decided to be published cannot be altered in any way, no new author name can be added, no author name can be removed, the author cannot withdraw the article and cannot publish in another magazine.


19. A DOI[3] number is assigned by the Advisory Board for any article decided to be published.


B. Guidelines:


1. Title:

It must be context-compliant, describing the content in the best possible way, written in bold capital letters, centered.


2. Name(s) and address(es) of the author(s) :

The title of the author along with the institution where he/she serves and correspondence address must be specified with the order here.


3. Title of the Article in Turkish

For the applications form Turkey, the article shall also have the title in Turkish.


4. Abstract:

There should be an abstract of the article, consisting of 150-250 words and describing the subject by highlighting the purpose, method, results briefly and concisely in English and Turkish (if applied from Turkey) languages. The abstract shall not contain any references and numbers of the figures and charts. In this section, information about the aim, method, findings and evaluation of such findings of the study must be available.


5. Keywords

The article shall contain minimum 5 and maximum 10 keywords in English and Turkish (if applied from Turkey) languages for each language. The keywords should be separated with a comma (,) from each other. Except the first letter of the first keyword, all the keywords shall be in small letters and there shall be a full stop sign at the very end of the keywords. Keywords must be in accordance with international standards.


6. Introduction

The purpose of the article should be clearly explained. It should define the problem and, if possible, identify the existing information framework. The length of the introduction must be around 150 to 300 words.


7. Material and Method

The materials and methods shall be specified clearly to enable repeat the experiments.


8. Charts and Figures:

The charts shall have a short descriptive title. The unit of measurement used in a chart must be given.

The charts, graphs, photos , illustrations, maps and so on, used in an article must be necessarily in high resolution (300 dpi or higher) and in JPEG or GIF format. If necessary, they should be submitted in electronic form in a separate file.

The charts and figures should be numbered sequentially. Example: Chart 1, Chart 2, Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2.

The wordings in the drawings, charts, pictures, tables must be in a formal integrity.

The titles of the tables/charts shall be above and the sources, if any, under the table/chart. The titles of the figures and the sources, if any shall be under the respective figure.


9. Findings/Results

The results must be clear and short (concise) and should indicate the importance of the study. All findings must be explained with the figures and/or charts, but the data should not be repeated in the figures and charts, unnecessary repetition should be avoided.


10. Evaluations

In this section, the findings as a result of the study shall be evaluated in terms of the contribution to science/application and expressed in the form of recommendations. The similarities and/or differences in findings with those in the literature shall be indicated and the reasons should be discussed.


11. Thanks

The text indicating any possible financial support, advice or any other type of assistance received, should be given at the end of the text under the heading “Thanks”. The names of the funding agencies must be written exactly. It should be written as short as possible, without declaring any amounts and by specifying the contribution granted.


12. Referencing

Turkish Journal of Nuclear Sciences uses APA citation format, version 6. The articles submitted to Turkish Journal of Nuclear Sciences shall be prepared in the format of American Psychological Association (APA)[4] in the layout of reference system, format of footnotes, sources system. Mandalay's (https://www.mendeley.com) free version may be used as a Reference Management Software.

You can select the APA Style under the References tab in Microsoft Office Word. It will add the sources that you added in the Insert References tab, as a quote within the article and as a source in the Bibliography at the end of the article.

The bibliography is given in APA in the alphabetical order by the last name of the first authors of the sources.

Footnotes should be given at the bottom of the page. The footnote numbers in the text should be placed after punctuation marks. The footnotes should be written in one-line range, Times New Roman font and 10 points.


12.1 References in the Text

The surname(s) of the author/authors, year of publication, and page number are given in parenthesis at the end of the sentence.


The spectra obtained is then evaluated to obtain the approximate amounts of the radioactive elements in the area and to find their distribution.  (İpekoğlu, Erdine ve Üzmen, 1978, s. 3). 

12.2 Periodicals: Scientific journals, popular magazines, newspapers

Surname, N. of the Author, Surname, N. of the Author, Surname, N. of the Author, (Year). The title of the article. Title of the periodical, Volume, p-p. DOI: xx.xxxxxxxxxx


Aylangan, A., İç, E. ve Özyardımcı, B. (2017). Investigation of gamma irradiation and storage period effects on the nutritional and sensory quality of chickpeas, kidney beans and green lentils. Food Control, 80, 428-434. Doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2017.04.005 

If DOI number is not available but the content is accessed online, the URL address of the main page of the periodical must be given.


Pulat, M. ve Babayiğit, D. (2001). Surface modification of PU membranes by graft copolymerization with acrylamide and itaconic acid monomers. Polymer Testing, 20(2), 209-216. Access: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/polymer-testing     

12.3 Books

Surname, N. of the Author, (Year). Title of the Work (publication information). Place: Publisher.

Surname, N. of the Author, (Year). Title of the Work. Access website: http://www.xxxxxxxxxxx

Surname, N. of the Author, (Year). Title of the Work. DOI: xxxxxxxxxxxx

Surname, N. (Ed.) of the Editor, (Year). Title of the Work. Place: Publisher.


Gordon R. G.(2008).Practical gamma-ray spectrometry (2nd ed.). Chichester, England: John Wiley.


The electronic version of the printed book:

Petrangeli, g. (2006). Nuclear Safety. [Adobe Digital Editions version]. Access website:


12.4 Reports

Surname, N. of the Author, (1998). The Title of the Study (Report No. xxx). Place: Publisher.


Gökeri, G., Gülay, Y. ve Demirel, H. (2012). Identification of the emergency protective measures for the Dose Levels  after a potential accident in the Metsamor Nuclear Plant/Armenia (Technical report, TAEK TR-2012-05). Ankara: Turkish Atomic Energy Authority.


State Reports by Corporate Authors

Institution Name. (Year). Title of the Report. Access website: http://www. xxxxxxxxxxx


Turkish Atomic Energy Authority. (2016). Annual report of the year 2015. Access website:


Y% C4% C4% B1% B1l-Annual-Report


A report accessed in institutional archive:


Şenay, A., Şekerci, S. ve Yalçın, S. (2011) Mutation breeding for durum wheat (triticum durum desf.) through nuclear techniques (technical report). Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, Retrieved from the Institutional Research Archive web page:



12.5 Electronic sources

Electronic resources with a DOI number:


Yanıkömer, N., Asal, S., Hacıyakupoğlu, S., and Akyıl Erentürk, S. (2016). New Solidification Materials in Nuclear Waste Management. International Journal of Engineering Technologies, 2 (2), 76-82. DOI: 10.19072/ijet. 54627


Electronic resources without a DOI number:


Demir, A. (2015). The Future of Nuclear Energy. Ankara University SBF Journal, 44 (1). Access address:



12.6. Meetings and symposia

Following format is used for the presentations of papers/posters or the contributions to the symposia not published officially:


Surname, N. of the Presenter (Year, Month). Title of the Paper or Poster. The paper/poster presented in the Conference of the Organization Name, the location.


Ekinci, Ş. (2001, October) Testability of the nickel bases welding seams ultrasonically. Paper presented in III. National Welding Technology Congress. Istanbul, Yıldız Technical University.


12.7 PhD and master's theses

12.7.1 An unpublished master's or doctorate thesis

Surname, N. of the Author, (Year). The Title of the master's or doctorate thesis (unpublished master's or doctorate thesis). Name of the Institution: Location.


Dişbudak, H. (1998). Developing a new type of nuclear fuel by coating the uranium dioxide-gadolonium oxide fuel with boron carbide in gas phase through chemical precipitation method (unpublished doctorate thesis). Ankara University, Ankara.


12.7.2 MSc or PhD thesis in a commercial database

Following format is used for referencing a PhD or master's thesis available in a database service:

Surname, N. of the Author, (Year). The Title of the master's or doctorate thesis (master's or doctorate thesis). Accessed through database of ……..: (Access or order Nr.).


Song, A. J. (2009). Study on our country's nuclear energy (master's thesis). Acessed via ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 10522297)


12.7.3 MSc or PhD thesis in a institutional data base


Tepe Çam, S. (2005). Analyzing the interim products occurring as a result of irradiation in some antibiotics of the beta-lactam group through ESR method. Hacettepe University. (Master's thesis) Access  address: http://kurumsalarsiv.taek.gov.tr/handle/1/290


12.7.4 MSc or PhD thesis available in Web


Ünver, O. (2003). A modelling study for the health risk posed by nuclear power plant in Bulgaria at different parts of Turkey (Ph.D. thesis, The Middle East Technical University, Ankara). Access website: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=


13. Annexes

The Annexes should be categorized like Annex 1., Annex 2., and titled individually. If there is an annex, it should be referred in the text necessarily.


14. General Features

1.       Page layout must be in A4 size. The margins shall be 2.5 cm on the left; 2.5 cm on the right, 2.5 cm at the top and 2.5 cm at the bottom.

2.       Pages should be numbered consecutively.

3.       The articles shall be written a Windows based word processor program (Microsoft Office Word) (doc or docx file type).

4.       The text shall be written in Times New Roman font and 12-point of size.

5.       All paragraphs within the text shall be “justified” by using the “Alignment” property of the Word program; the “spacing” shall be 0 pt before, 3 pt after and “minimum” should be written by 1.15 pt line spacing value. Every paragraph shall begin with an indent of 1.25 cm.

6.       The italic typeface in the text shall be used only when referring to works. Quotation marks (“”) shall be used for any emphasis in the text; bold or italic emphases are not used.


15. Ethical Rules

In the scientific papers to be submitted to the journals, the recommendations of ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors http://www.icmje.org) and the "International Standards for Authors and Editors" of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics https://publicationethics.org) should be taken into account.

[1] The legal rights granted for the products created through intellectual efforts (copyrights) are protected by the laws of the country concerned. Whereas Creative Commons (CC) licenses are used for determining the conditions for the use, publish, re-use of such products. Thus, it functions in conjunction with intellectual property laws. CC is a nonprofit organization. It is a collection of open licenses enabling the authors to define the terms of use of their works in the internet environment. CC helps you to share your knowledge and creativity legally for a more just, accessible and innovative world. It is a collection of open licenses. It enables the owner of the work to define the terms of use of a work in the internet environment. It makes the sharing of scientific, cultural or artistic creative works possible on the internet. http://creativecommons.org.tr https://dergipark.org.tr/page/creative-commons-cc-rehberi

[2] Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/deed.tr

[3] Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique access number that enables to identify and access every work published in electronic form.

[4] For further information:


The APA style. (2018). Access website: http://www.apastyle.org

APA style blog. (2018). Access website: http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/

APA Mini Guide 6 on Referencing, Quoting, Offering. (APA referencing) (2018)

Access website: http://library.manukau.ac.nz/apareferencing

Cite Fast-Free citation generator APA 6th ed. (2018). Access website: https://www.citefast.com/styleguide.php?style=APA&sec=Journal#h1

Guide for Referencing, Creating Tables and Figures in Scientific Publications: APA 6th Edition. (2015) Ankara: TKD. http://www.tk.org.tr/APA/apa_2.pdf


Concise rules of APA style (6th bs.). (2010). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th bs.). (2010). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.


1. Access to the articles published in the journal is free of charge and no fee is charged from the authors for the article submission and printing processes.
2. Articles are published after being accepted by at least two referees.
3. The studies to be published in the journal must not have been previously published in another journal or sent for publication.
4. Authors must have given references for all citations used in their articles.
5. Studies that require Ethics Committee approval should include information on where and when the permission was obtained.
6. All authors have equal responsibility for ethical principles.
7. Our journal adheres to the international publication ethics principles determined and recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Free of charge