It is known that there are a lot of pests and diseases that caused economic losses in the greenhouse growing. Among these pests, thrips, whiteflies, red mites, and aphids are potential pests that caused important losses.
In recent years, tomato leaf miner extensively observed in the tomato growing areas is one of these pests too. Again, this pest in the tomatoes greenhouses chemical control methods are intensively used and this pest developed resistance to these chemicals. For this reason, many control methods are used against these pests and biotechnical methods are used for population monitoring of pests.
In this study, the populations of tomato moth (Tuta absoluta Meyrick), greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurades vaporariorum, Westwood), and the western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) were observed by using black, yellow, and blue sticky traps in an 80-acre geothermal greenhouse in Sandıklı district of Afyonkarahisar province and their population densities were determined.
As a result, especially pheromone-supported black traps were found to be quite successful in attracting tomato moth. Also, greenhouse white fly attracted more of the yellow sticky traps while the western flower thrips attracted more of the blue traps.