Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 11 Issue: 4, 36 - 46, 16.10.2022



  • Akgul, B. M.; Ertuzun, E. & Karakucuk, S. (2018). Leisure Benefit Scale: A Study of Validity And Reliability. Gazi Journal of Physical Education And Sport Sciences, 23 (1), 25-34.
  • Albayrak Kuruoglu, Y. & Uzuncayır, Y.D. (2020). How Do Physical Activity Services of Local Governments Effect The Daily Lives of Unemployed Women? A Qualitative Research Example in Istanbul Province. Gazi Journal of Physical Education And Sport Sciences, 25(3), 199-212
  • Asci, F.H. (2003). The Effects of Physical Education on Trait Anxiety And Physical Self-Concepts of University Students. Sport And Exercise Psychology, 4(3), 255-264.
  • Aydin, A., Aktug, C., Kocan, S., Erkaya, R., Yasak, K., & et. al. (2020). Determination of Coronavirus Awarenesses And Anxiety Stress Levels of Turkish People. In M. Ozer Keskin & G. Gafurova (Eds). The Book of Abstracts (P. 354-355). 21-23 June 2020. Ankara, Turkiye: International Conference On Covid-19 Studies.
  • Basaran, Z. (2015). The Effect of 12-Week Recreational Activities on Trait Anxiety Level of Female Convicts. International Journal of Science Culture And Sport (Intjscs). 3, 561-574.
  • Birturk, A. (2014). The Effect of 12-Week Recreational Activities on The Statehood And Trait Anxiety Level of Primary School Students Who Will Take The Placement Test. Unpublished Master Thesis, Kocaeli, Turkey: Kocaeli University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Education And Sports.
  • Braham, B.J. (1998). Stress Management. Staying Calm Under Fire. (Translate. V.G. Diker). İstanbul: Life Publications. Buyukozturk, S., Kılıc Cakmak, E., Akgun, O.E., Karadenız, Ş. & Demirel, F. (2020). Scientific Research Methods in Education. (28th Ed.). Ankara: Pegem Academy.
  • Çakır, Z., Gönen, M., & Ceyhan, M. A. (2021). Lise öğrencilerinin fiziksel aktivitelere katılımını engelleyen faktörlerin incelenmesi. . In Doğan,Y.İ.(Ed.), Spor Bilimlerinde Güncel Konular ve Yaklaşımlar-2 (pp. 145-163): Çizgi Yayınevi.
  • Çakır, Z. (2020). The effects of the covid-19 pandemic on sports, athletes and trainers during the normalization phase. The Online Journal of Recreation and Sports-(TOJRAS), 9(3), 45-58.
  • Cetin, S. (2018). Investigation of Women's Quality of Life And Stress Levels According to The Steps of Exercise Behavior Change. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Corum, Turkey: Hitit University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Education And Sports.
  • Colak, S.; Malkoc, N. & Cakmak, G. (2019). The Effect of Regular Physical Activity Program on Housewives on Quality of Life Perceptions. In Proceeding Book. (P.2256-2263). 13-16 November, 2019. Antalya, Turkiye: 17th International Sport Sciences Congress.
  • Doganay, A., Ataizi, M., Simsek, A., Balaban Salı, J. & Akbulut, Y. (2018). Research Methods in Social Sciences. (Ed. A. Şimşek). Eskişehir: Anadolu University, Open Education Faculty Publication, Publication Number, 1619.
  • Edwards, S.D., Palavar, K., Ngcobo, S.B. & Edwards, J. (2005). Exploring The Relationship Between Physical Activity, Psychological Well-Being And Physical Self-Perception in Different Exercise Groups. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education And Recreation, 27(1), 59-74.
  • Ertuzun, E., Hadi G. & Fidan, E. (2020). Investigation of Recreational Benefit Levels of Individuals Who Are Members of Sports Centers According to Some Variables. Journal of Sports And Performance Researches, 11(3), 221-230.
  • Eskin, M., Harlak, H., Demırkıran, F. & Dereboy, C. (2013). Adaptation of The Perceived Stress Scale to Turkish: Reliability And Validity Analysis. New Symposium Journal, 51(3), 132-140.
  • Goksu, Ö. & Kumcagız, H. (2020). Perceived Stress Level And Anxiety Levels in Individuals in The Covid-19 Outbreak. Turkish Studies, 15(4), 463-479.
  • Gumustekin, G. & Oztemiz, B. (2005). The Interaction of Stress with Productivity And Performance in Organizations. Çukurova University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 14(1), 271-288.
  • Hammami, A., Harrabi, B., Mohr, M. & Krustrup, P. (2020). Physical Activity And Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covıd-19): Specific Recommendations for Home-Based Physical Training. Managing Sport And Leisure, 25(6),1-6
  • Joos, A. (2020). Psychosomatic Medicine And Covid-19 Pandemic. Psychotherapy And Psychosomatics, 89, 263–264.
  • Karagun, E. (2020). Preservation of Mental Health And Exercise Support in Traumatic Experience Covid-19 Process. In E. Karagün & O. Yılmaz (Eds), Current Issues And Research in Sports Sciences-2 (Pp. 6-34). Konya: Line Publishing House.
  • Karakucuk, S. & Basaran, Z. (1996). Recreation Factor in Coping with Stress. Journal of Physical Education Sport Sciences . 1 (4), 55-64.
  • Karakucuk, S., Ayyıldiz-Durhan, T., Akgul, B.M., Aksin, K. & Ozdemir, A.S. (2019). Relationship of Ecocentric, Anthropocentric, Antipathic Approaches with Recreational Benefit in Orienteering Athletes. Gazi University Journal of Education Faculty, 39(3), 1263-1288.
  • Koknel, Ö. (2004). Personality from Anxiety to Happiness. Gold Books.
  • Lazarus, R. S. & Folkman, S. (1984). Stress, Appraisal And Coping. New York: Springer Publishing.
  • Lee, J., Kim, J., Jeong, S., Choı, H., Jin, M. & Kim, S. (2014). A Health Recreation Program for U-Healthcare Clients: Effects on Mental Health. Telemedicine And E-Health. 20(10), 930-935.
  • Li, C. & Wang, C. (2012). The Factors Affecting Life Satisfaction: Recreation Benefits And Quality of Life Perspectives. Sports & Exercise Research. 14(4), 407-418.
  • Moor, M., Beem, A.L., Stubbe, J.H., Boomsma, D.I. & Geus, E.J. (2006). Regular Exercise, Anxiety, Depression And Personality: A Population-Based Study. Preventive Medicine, 42(4), 273-279.
  • Mumcu, N. (2019). Determination of Stress And Happiness Levels of Physical Education Students with And without Active Sports. Unpublished Master Thesis, Corum, Turkey: Hitit University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Education And Sports.
  • Oz, F. (2010). Basic Concepts in The Field of Health. Image Publications.
  • Ozdenk, S. & Kaya, K. (2019). Examination of The Relationship Between Perceived Stress And Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Formation Students And İnfluencing Factors. Journal of Sport And Recreation Researches. 1(2),1-8.
  • Pehlivan, I. (1995). Stress Sources in Management . Ankara: Pegem Publications.
  • Rafique, H., Tabassum, F. & Moazzam, M. (2020). Covid 19 And Changing Facets of Stress: A Psychological Study of Stress-Oriented People. In M. Ozer Keskin & G. Gafurova (Eds). The Book of Abstracts (P. 287). Ankara, Turkiye: 21-23 June 2020. International Conference on Covid-19 Studies.
  • Riddick, C. & Stewart, D. (1994). An Examination of The Life Satisfaction And Importance of Leisure in The Lives of Older Female Retirees: A Comparison of Blacks to Whites. Journal of Leisure Research, 26(1), 75-80.
  • Rogowska, A.M.; Kusnierz, C. & Bokszczanin, A. (2020). Examining Anxiety, Life Satisfaction, General Health, Stress And Coping Styles During Covid-19 Pandemic in Polish Sample of University Students. Psychol Res Behav Manag.,13, 797–811.
  • Schlebusch, L. (2000). Mind Shift: Stress Management And Your Health. Pietermaritzburg, South Africa: University of Kwazulu- Natal Press.
  • Stonerock, G.L., Hoffman, B.M.; Smith, P.J. & Blumenthal, J.A. (2015). Exercise As Treatment for Anxiety: Systematic Review And Analysis. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 49(4), 542-556
  • Stumbo, N. J. & Peterson, C. A. (2004). Therapeutic Recreation Program Desing, (4th Ed..) San Francisco: Darly Fox.
  • T.R. Ministry of Health (2021). “Covid-19”. Hyperlink: [Https://Covid19.Saglik.Gov.Tr/Tr-66113/Covid-19.Html]. Retrieved on 05 February, 2021. Turkcapar, H. (2012). Cognitive Therapy: Basic Principles And Practice. Hyb Publications.
  • Tunç, A. Ç., Zorba, E., & Çingöz, Y. E. (2020). Covid 19 salgını döneminde egzersizin yaşam kalitesine etkisi. Uluslararası Güncel Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(1), 127-135
  • Vurgun, N. (2015). Effects of Regular Aerobic Exercise on Physical Characteristics, Body Image Satisfaction And Self-Efficacy of Middle-Aged Women. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education And Recreation, 37(1), 151-163(13).
  • Yeo, T.J. (2020). Sport And Exercise During And Beyond The Covid-19 Pandemic. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 27(12), 1239–1241
  • Young, M. E. (2013). Stress Management Through Therapeutic Recreation in The Botswana Defence Force. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Hatfield, South Africa: Doctor Philosophiae Human Movement Science, Department of Biokinetics, Sport And Leisure Sciences, University of Pretoria Faculty of Humanities.
  • Zeelie, A., Moss, S.J. & Kruger, H.S. (2010). The Influence of Physical Activity on Components of The Metabolic Syndrome And Vascular Function in Adolescents: A Narrative Review. Submitted to: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation And Dance, 16(2), (Page Numbers Not Yet Available).
  • Zorba, E. (2014). Lifelong Sport for All. Ankara: Canset Publications.


Year 2022, Volume: 11 Issue: 4, 36 - 46, 16.10.2022


People have been adversely affected from the spread of the Corona virus and the unusual measures taken against it, and anxiety has started along with the stress. The purpose of this study is to research the benefits of online recreational activities on women and the effects on their stress and anxiety levels during the Covid-19 pandemic process. The research sample consisted of 35 women. As data collection tool, personal information form, recreation benefit scale developed by Ho (2008), the perceived stress scale developed by Cohen et al. (1983) and the trait anxiety inventory developed by Spielberger et al. (1970) were used. The data were analysed with the SPSS package program. F, %, and descriptive statistics were performed it. Cronbach Alpha coefficient was calculated for reliability. Independent Samples T-test was applied to normally distributed variables and Mann Whitney U test was applied to variables not conforming to normal distribution (p <0.05). In conclusion, it has been determined that recreational activities are more beneficial for women in the physical and social dimensions while the benefit in the psychological dimension has remained very low. It has also reduced the level of anxiety and had less effect on stress level.


  • Akgul, B. M.; Ertuzun, E. & Karakucuk, S. (2018). Leisure Benefit Scale: A Study of Validity And Reliability. Gazi Journal of Physical Education And Sport Sciences, 23 (1), 25-34.
  • Albayrak Kuruoglu, Y. & Uzuncayır, Y.D. (2020). How Do Physical Activity Services of Local Governments Effect The Daily Lives of Unemployed Women? A Qualitative Research Example in Istanbul Province. Gazi Journal of Physical Education And Sport Sciences, 25(3), 199-212
  • Asci, F.H. (2003). The Effects of Physical Education on Trait Anxiety And Physical Self-Concepts of University Students. Sport And Exercise Psychology, 4(3), 255-264.
  • Aydin, A., Aktug, C., Kocan, S., Erkaya, R., Yasak, K., & et. al. (2020). Determination of Coronavirus Awarenesses And Anxiety Stress Levels of Turkish People. In M. Ozer Keskin & G. Gafurova (Eds). The Book of Abstracts (P. 354-355). 21-23 June 2020. Ankara, Turkiye: International Conference On Covid-19 Studies.
  • Basaran, Z. (2015). The Effect of 12-Week Recreational Activities on Trait Anxiety Level of Female Convicts. International Journal of Science Culture And Sport (Intjscs). 3, 561-574.
  • Birturk, A. (2014). The Effect of 12-Week Recreational Activities on The Statehood And Trait Anxiety Level of Primary School Students Who Will Take The Placement Test. Unpublished Master Thesis, Kocaeli, Turkey: Kocaeli University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Education And Sports.
  • Braham, B.J. (1998). Stress Management. Staying Calm Under Fire. (Translate. V.G. Diker). İstanbul: Life Publications. Buyukozturk, S., Kılıc Cakmak, E., Akgun, O.E., Karadenız, Ş. & Demirel, F. (2020). Scientific Research Methods in Education. (28th Ed.). Ankara: Pegem Academy.
  • Çakır, Z., Gönen, M., & Ceyhan, M. A. (2021). Lise öğrencilerinin fiziksel aktivitelere katılımını engelleyen faktörlerin incelenmesi. . In Doğan,Y.İ.(Ed.), Spor Bilimlerinde Güncel Konular ve Yaklaşımlar-2 (pp. 145-163): Çizgi Yayınevi.
  • Çakır, Z. (2020). The effects of the covid-19 pandemic on sports, athletes and trainers during the normalization phase. The Online Journal of Recreation and Sports-(TOJRAS), 9(3), 45-58.
  • Cetin, S. (2018). Investigation of Women's Quality of Life And Stress Levels According to The Steps of Exercise Behavior Change. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Corum, Turkey: Hitit University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Education And Sports.
  • Colak, S.; Malkoc, N. & Cakmak, G. (2019). The Effect of Regular Physical Activity Program on Housewives on Quality of Life Perceptions. In Proceeding Book. (P.2256-2263). 13-16 November, 2019. Antalya, Turkiye: 17th International Sport Sciences Congress.
  • Doganay, A., Ataizi, M., Simsek, A., Balaban Salı, J. & Akbulut, Y. (2018). Research Methods in Social Sciences. (Ed. A. Şimşek). Eskişehir: Anadolu University, Open Education Faculty Publication, Publication Number, 1619.
  • Edwards, S.D., Palavar, K., Ngcobo, S.B. & Edwards, J. (2005). Exploring The Relationship Between Physical Activity, Psychological Well-Being And Physical Self-Perception in Different Exercise Groups. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education And Recreation, 27(1), 59-74.
  • Ertuzun, E., Hadi G. & Fidan, E. (2020). Investigation of Recreational Benefit Levels of Individuals Who Are Members of Sports Centers According to Some Variables. Journal of Sports And Performance Researches, 11(3), 221-230.
  • Eskin, M., Harlak, H., Demırkıran, F. & Dereboy, C. (2013). Adaptation of The Perceived Stress Scale to Turkish: Reliability And Validity Analysis. New Symposium Journal, 51(3), 132-140.
  • Goksu, Ö. & Kumcagız, H. (2020). Perceived Stress Level And Anxiety Levels in Individuals in The Covid-19 Outbreak. Turkish Studies, 15(4), 463-479.
  • Gumustekin, G. & Oztemiz, B. (2005). The Interaction of Stress with Productivity And Performance in Organizations. Çukurova University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 14(1), 271-288.
  • Hammami, A., Harrabi, B., Mohr, M. & Krustrup, P. (2020). Physical Activity And Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covıd-19): Specific Recommendations for Home-Based Physical Training. Managing Sport And Leisure, 25(6),1-6
  • Joos, A. (2020). Psychosomatic Medicine And Covid-19 Pandemic. Psychotherapy And Psychosomatics, 89, 263–264.
  • Karagun, E. (2020). Preservation of Mental Health And Exercise Support in Traumatic Experience Covid-19 Process. In E. Karagün & O. Yılmaz (Eds), Current Issues And Research in Sports Sciences-2 (Pp. 6-34). Konya: Line Publishing House.
  • Karakucuk, S. & Basaran, Z. (1996). Recreation Factor in Coping with Stress. Journal of Physical Education Sport Sciences . 1 (4), 55-64.
  • Karakucuk, S., Ayyıldiz-Durhan, T., Akgul, B.M., Aksin, K. & Ozdemir, A.S. (2019). Relationship of Ecocentric, Anthropocentric, Antipathic Approaches with Recreational Benefit in Orienteering Athletes. Gazi University Journal of Education Faculty, 39(3), 1263-1288.
  • Koknel, Ö. (2004). Personality from Anxiety to Happiness. Gold Books.
  • Lazarus, R. S. & Folkman, S. (1984). Stress, Appraisal And Coping. New York: Springer Publishing.
  • Lee, J., Kim, J., Jeong, S., Choı, H., Jin, M. & Kim, S. (2014). A Health Recreation Program for U-Healthcare Clients: Effects on Mental Health. Telemedicine And E-Health. 20(10), 930-935.
  • Li, C. & Wang, C. (2012). The Factors Affecting Life Satisfaction: Recreation Benefits And Quality of Life Perspectives. Sports & Exercise Research. 14(4), 407-418.
  • Moor, M., Beem, A.L., Stubbe, J.H., Boomsma, D.I. & Geus, E.J. (2006). Regular Exercise, Anxiety, Depression And Personality: A Population-Based Study. Preventive Medicine, 42(4), 273-279.
  • Mumcu, N. (2019). Determination of Stress And Happiness Levels of Physical Education Students with And without Active Sports. Unpublished Master Thesis, Corum, Turkey: Hitit University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Education And Sports.
  • Oz, F. (2010). Basic Concepts in The Field of Health. Image Publications.
  • Ozdenk, S. & Kaya, K. (2019). Examination of The Relationship Between Perceived Stress And Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Formation Students And İnfluencing Factors. Journal of Sport And Recreation Researches. 1(2),1-8.
  • Pehlivan, I. (1995). Stress Sources in Management . Ankara: Pegem Publications.
  • Rafique, H., Tabassum, F. & Moazzam, M. (2020). Covid 19 And Changing Facets of Stress: A Psychological Study of Stress-Oriented People. In M. Ozer Keskin & G. Gafurova (Eds). The Book of Abstracts (P. 287). Ankara, Turkiye: 21-23 June 2020. International Conference on Covid-19 Studies.
  • Riddick, C. & Stewart, D. (1994). An Examination of The Life Satisfaction And Importance of Leisure in The Lives of Older Female Retirees: A Comparison of Blacks to Whites. Journal of Leisure Research, 26(1), 75-80.
  • Rogowska, A.M.; Kusnierz, C. & Bokszczanin, A. (2020). Examining Anxiety, Life Satisfaction, General Health, Stress And Coping Styles During Covid-19 Pandemic in Polish Sample of University Students. Psychol Res Behav Manag.,13, 797–811.
  • Schlebusch, L. (2000). Mind Shift: Stress Management And Your Health. Pietermaritzburg, South Africa: University of Kwazulu- Natal Press.
  • Stonerock, G.L., Hoffman, B.M.; Smith, P.J. & Blumenthal, J.A. (2015). Exercise As Treatment for Anxiety: Systematic Review And Analysis. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 49(4), 542-556
  • Stumbo, N. J. & Peterson, C. A. (2004). Therapeutic Recreation Program Desing, (4th Ed..) San Francisco: Darly Fox.
  • T.R. Ministry of Health (2021). “Covid-19”. Hyperlink: [Https://Covid19.Saglik.Gov.Tr/Tr-66113/Covid-19.Html]. Retrieved on 05 February, 2021. Turkcapar, H. (2012). Cognitive Therapy: Basic Principles And Practice. Hyb Publications.
  • Tunç, A. Ç., Zorba, E., & Çingöz, Y. E. (2020). Covid 19 salgını döneminde egzersizin yaşam kalitesine etkisi. Uluslararası Güncel Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(1), 127-135
  • Vurgun, N. (2015). Effects of Regular Aerobic Exercise on Physical Characteristics, Body Image Satisfaction And Self-Efficacy of Middle-Aged Women. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education And Recreation, 37(1), 151-163(13).
  • Yeo, T.J. (2020). Sport And Exercise During And Beyond The Covid-19 Pandemic. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 27(12), 1239–1241
  • Young, M. E. (2013). Stress Management Through Therapeutic Recreation in The Botswana Defence Force. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Hatfield, South Africa: Doctor Philosophiae Human Movement Science, Department of Biokinetics, Sport And Leisure Sciences, University of Pretoria Faculty of Humanities.
  • Zeelie, A., Moss, S.J. & Kruger, H.S. (2010). The Influence of Physical Activity on Components of The Metabolic Syndrome And Vascular Function in Adolescents: A Narrative Review. Submitted to: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation And Dance, 16(2), (Page Numbers Not Yet Available).
  • Zorba, E. (2014). Lifelong Sport for All. Ankara: Canset Publications.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Research Articles

Zekiye Başaran 0000-0001-7331-9774

Serap Çolak 0000-0003-3093-0607

Seher Büşra Altuntaş 0000-0003-2910-0227

Early Pub Date September 25, 2022
Publication Date October 16, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 11 Issue: 4
