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The Effects of Different Level Boron Contents in the Irrigation Waters on Mineral Substance Contents and Developments of Olive Samplings

Year 2013, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 112 - 117, 02.12.2013


Boron is the significant mineral substance for plant development. Although a little amount of boron is sufficient for olive plants, deficient or toxic level of boron causes the negative effect on olive plant development. Boron deficiency should be prevented by applying boron fertilizers. In the case of excessive boron content in the plant tissues, the reasons of excessive boron should be searched. Generally, the most boron toxicity arises from boron contents of irrigation waters. Boron is solution the geothermal hot spring waters easily. Dispersing of the boron contaminated waters to nature without control results in negative effects on plant development. The aim of this research is to determine the toxic level of the boron on olive samplings. Two years old samplings of Gemlik cv. of olive were exposed to irrigation waters contained different boron levels during one year period in greenhouse of Soil Science and Mineral Uptake Department in Adnan Menderes University. 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 ppm boron doses were applied with three replications. Seedlings were planted in 12 kg pots included soil; sand; farm manure in 1;1;1 ratios respectively. Sampling height was measured, leaf and soil samples were collected and samples were analyses for boron. As the result it was observed that leaf boron concentration was increased significantly with increasing boron doses. In the advanced term of sampling development, 4-6 and 8 ppm doses caused the chlorosis in old leaves and burnings on the top sides of plants. Furthermore, it was found that 2 ppm was found to be as the most suitable dose in irrigation water for Gemlik variety.


  • Ateyyeh A F, Shatat F A (2006). Effect of foliar boron application on fruit set of olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivar ‘Rasie’. Olivbioteq 1: 223-229.
  • Aydın G, Seferoğlu S (2000). Investigation of Boron Concentration of some Irrgation Waters Used In Aydın Region for Plant Nutrient and Soil Pollution. Proceedings of International Symposium on Desertification .13-17 June 2000 Konya Turkey. p,109-115 ,Proceedings of International Symposium on Desertification .
  • Baron LC (1973). The value of boron spray on filberts. Nut Growers Society, Oregon-Washington 58: 22-28.
  • Bartleta R J, Picarelli C J (1973). Availability of boron and phosphorus as affected by liming on acid potato soil. Soil Sci. 116:77-83.
  • Bennett O L, Mathias E L (1973). Growth and chemical composition of crown vetch as affected by lime, boron, soil source and temperature regime. Agron. J. 65: 587-593.
  • Berger K C (1949). Has complied tables of the boron content and requirements of various Crops. Avdan. Argon., 1,321.
  • Boncukçuoğlu R, Kocakerim M M, Yılmaz E A, Yılmaz T M (2003). Bor Elementinin çevresel Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Kimya Mühendisliği Bölümü, 25240, Erzurum.
  • Çakmak İ, Kurz H, Marschner H (1995). Short-term effects of boron, germanium and highlight intensity on membrane permeability in boron deficient leaves of sunflower. Physiologia Plantamm 95: 11-18.
  • Chaplin M H, Stebbins R L, Westwood M N (1977). Effects of fall-applied boron sprays on fruit set and yield of “Italian” prune. Hort. Science 12: 500-501.
  • Chatıssavvıdıs C A, Therıos L N, Antonopoulou C (2004). Seasonal variation of nutrient Concentration in two olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars irrigated with high boron water. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 79, (5); 683-688.
  • Demirtaş A (2005). Bitkide Bor ve Etkileri. AÜ. Ziraat Fak. Dergisi 36(2) 217-225.
  • Eaton F M (1940). Interrelations in the effects o boron and indoleaceticacid in plant, growth. Botanical Gazete, 101. 700-705.
  • Fern´andez-Escobar R, Beltr´an G, S´anchez-Zamora M A, Garc´ıa-Novelo J, Aguilera M P, Uceda M (2006). Olive oil quality decrease with nitrogen over fertilization. Hort. Science 41: 215-219.
  • Goldberg S (1997). Reaction of Boron with soils. Plant and Soil 193s.35-48. Kluwer Academic Publisher. Printed in the Nedherlands.
  • Göncü N (1982). Dünya ve Türkiye'de Metal ve Mineral Kaynaklarının Potansiyeli, Ticareti, Beklenen Gelişmeler, 10. Bor Mineralleri, M.T.A. Enst. Yayınları, 187, Ankara.
  • Gupta U C, Jame Y W, Campbell C A, Leyshon A J, Nocholaıvhuk W (1985). Boron Toxicity and Deficiency : A Review. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 65(3), 381-409.
  • Güner H (1961). Gübreleme Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 40, İzmir.
  • Hanson E J (1991). Sour cherry trees respond to foliar boron applications. Hort, Science 26: 1142-1145
  • Kacar B, Katkat V (1998). Bitki Besleme Kitabı, Nobel Yayınları,Şubat 2007, Ankara.
  • Keren R, Bingham F T (1985). Boron in Water. Soils and Plants. In Adv. In Soil Sci. (Fd. By B.A. Stewart) Vol.l: 229-276. Springer-Verlag.
  • Larbi A, Gargouri K, Ayadi M, Dhiab AB, Msallem M (2011). Effect of Foliar Boron Application on Growth, Reproduction, and oil Quality of Olive Trees Conducted under a High Density Planting System. Journal of Plant Nutrition 34:2083-2094.
  • McInnes CB, Albert L S (1969). Effect of light intensity and plant size on rate of development of early boran deficiency symptoms in tomato roottips. Plant Physiol. 44:965-976.
  • McQuarrie I G (1983). Role of the axonal cytoskeleton in the regenerating nervous system. In Nerve, Organ, and Tissue Regeneration: Research Perspectives, F. J. Seil, ed., pp. 5 l-88, Academic, New York.
  • Nyomora A M S, Brown P H, Freeman M (1997). Fall foliar- applied boron increase tissue boron concentration and nut set almond. Journal of American society for Horticultural Science 122: 405-410.
  • Perica S, Brown P H, Connell J H, Nyomora A M S, Christos D, Hu H (2001). Foliar boron application improves flower fertility and fruit set of olive. Hort. Science 36: 714-716.
  • Reisenauer H M, Walsh L M, Hoeft R G (1973). Testing Soils for Sulphur, Boron, Molybdenum and Chlorine 173-200 In: Walsh, L.M., Beaton, J.D., Ed. Soil Testing and Plant Analysis. Soil Science Soc. Of Amer., Madison, Wisconsin.
  • Sakal R, Singb A P (1995). Boron re search and agricultural production. In micro nutrientres. Agric. Prod. (Ed. Tondon, Hıs) p: 1-31. Fert Dev. And Cons. argo New Delhi. India.
  • Seferoğlu S, Sarıfakıoğlu C, Çolakoğlu H (2000). Türkiye’de Yetiştirilen Altı Zeytin Çeşidinin Yaprak ve Meyvelerindeki Mikro Besin Maddelerinin Mevsimsel Değişimi. Türkiye I. Zeytincilik Sempozyumu, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Bahçe Bitkileri ve Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümleri, 302-309s.
  • Sezen Y (1988). Suların Genel Özellikleri ve Kalitesi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, Erzurum.
  • Sherrell C G, Toxopeus M R J (1978). Effect of boron application on yield and boron concentration of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) grown on yellow-brown pumice soils. New Zealand journal oj experimental agriculture 6: 145-150.
  • Staiger K, Machelet B (1984). Grenzwerte für Schwer metalle und Bor im Bewasserungswasser. Proc. Mengen. u. Spurenelemente Arbeitst., Karl-Marx Univ. Leipzig. 236-239,
  • Wolf B (1971). The Determination of Boron in Soil Extractes, Plant Materials, Composts, Manures, Waters and Nutrient Solutions. Soil Science and Plant Analyses. 2(5):363-374.
  • Yadav H D, Yadav O P, Dahankar O P, Oslaw M C (1989). Effect of Chloride Salinity and Boron on Germination, Growth and Mineral Composition of Chickpea (Cicerarientinum L.,)Annals of Arid Zone, 28(1-2):63-67.
  • Zabunoğlu S, Hatiboğlu F, Yenicesu D (1977). Bursa ilinde yetiştirilen sofralık Gemlik çeşidi zeytin ağaçlarının makro ve mikro besin maddeleri durumu. Tubitak VI. Bil. Kong. Ankara.

Farklı Düzeyde Bor İçeren Sulama Sularının Zeytin Fidanlarının Gelişme ve Besin Maddesi İçeriklerine Etkisi

Year 2013, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 112 - 117, 02.12.2013


Bor, bitki besin maddesi olarak bitkilerin gelişiminde küçümsenmeyecek derecede önemlidir. Zeytin bitkisi için bor mikro besin elementi olmasına rağmen bitkide noksan ve toksik seviyede olduğunda zeytinin gelişmesini olumsuz yönde etkiler. Bu nedenle, noksanlığında mutlaka zeytin ağaçları borlu gübrelerle gübrelenmeli, fazlalığında ise kontrol edilmesi gerekmektedir. En fazla bor toksitesi genellikle sulama sularındaki bor içeriğinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Jeotermal kaynakların sıcak sularında bol miktarda borun çözünebilmesi ve bu suların doğaya bilinçsizce bırakılması sonucu bitki gelişiminde olumsuzluklar yaratmaktadır. Bu sebeple A.DÜ. Ziraat Fakültesi Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Bölümü serasındaki 2 yaşındaki Gemlik zeytin çeşidi fidanlarına 2 yıl boyunca farklı bor konsantrasyonlarındaki sulama suları uygulanmıştır. Dozlar 0-1-2-4-6-8 ppm'lik olup, 3 tekerrürlü olarak yürütülmüştür. Fidanlar içerisinde kum, toprak ve sığır gübresi 1:1:1 oranında bulunan 12 kg'lık saksılarda yetiştirilmiştir. Fidanların boy ölçümü yapılmış, toprak ve yaprak örnekleri alınıp, örneklerde bor analizleri yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, yaprakların bor konsantrasyonunun artan dozlara paralel olarak arttığı saptanmış ve istatistiki açıdan önemli bulunmuştur. Gelişmenin ilerleyen dönemlerinde 4-6-8 ppm bor uygulanan bitkilerde yaşlı yapraklarda klorozlar ve uç kısımlarında yanmalar belirlenmiştir. Gemlik çeşidi için sulama suyunda en uygun bor dozunun 2 ppm olduğu saptanmıştır.


  • Ateyyeh A F, Shatat F A (2006). Effect of foliar boron application on fruit set of olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivar ‘Rasie’. Olivbioteq 1: 223-229.
  • Aydın G, Seferoğlu S (2000). Investigation of Boron Concentration of some Irrgation Waters Used In Aydın Region for Plant Nutrient and Soil Pollution. Proceedings of International Symposium on Desertification .13-17 June 2000 Konya Turkey. p,109-115 ,Proceedings of International Symposium on Desertification .
  • Baron LC (1973). The value of boron spray on filberts. Nut Growers Society, Oregon-Washington 58: 22-28.
  • Bartleta R J, Picarelli C J (1973). Availability of boron and phosphorus as affected by liming on acid potato soil. Soil Sci. 116:77-83.
  • Bennett O L, Mathias E L (1973). Growth and chemical composition of crown vetch as affected by lime, boron, soil source and temperature regime. Agron. J. 65: 587-593.
  • Berger K C (1949). Has complied tables of the boron content and requirements of various Crops. Avdan. Argon., 1,321.
  • Boncukçuoğlu R, Kocakerim M M, Yılmaz E A, Yılmaz T M (2003). Bor Elementinin çevresel Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Kimya Mühendisliği Bölümü, 25240, Erzurum.
  • Çakmak İ, Kurz H, Marschner H (1995). Short-term effects of boron, germanium and highlight intensity on membrane permeability in boron deficient leaves of sunflower. Physiologia Plantamm 95: 11-18.
  • Chaplin M H, Stebbins R L, Westwood M N (1977). Effects of fall-applied boron sprays on fruit set and yield of “Italian” prune. Hort. Science 12: 500-501.
  • Chatıssavvıdıs C A, Therıos L N, Antonopoulou C (2004). Seasonal variation of nutrient Concentration in two olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars irrigated with high boron water. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 79, (5); 683-688.
  • Demirtaş A (2005). Bitkide Bor ve Etkileri. AÜ. Ziraat Fak. Dergisi 36(2) 217-225.
  • Eaton F M (1940). Interrelations in the effects o boron and indoleaceticacid in plant, growth. Botanical Gazete, 101. 700-705.
  • Fern´andez-Escobar R, Beltr´an G, S´anchez-Zamora M A, Garc´ıa-Novelo J, Aguilera M P, Uceda M (2006). Olive oil quality decrease with nitrogen over fertilization. Hort. Science 41: 215-219.
  • Goldberg S (1997). Reaction of Boron with soils. Plant and Soil 193s.35-48. Kluwer Academic Publisher. Printed in the Nedherlands.
  • Göncü N (1982). Dünya ve Türkiye'de Metal ve Mineral Kaynaklarının Potansiyeli, Ticareti, Beklenen Gelişmeler, 10. Bor Mineralleri, M.T.A. Enst. Yayınları, 187, Ankara.
  • Gupta U C, Jame Y W, Campbell C A, Leyshon A J, Nocholaıvhuk W (1985). Boron Toxicity and Deficiency : A Review. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 65(3), 381-409.
  • Güner H (1961). Gübreleme Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 40, İzmir.
  • Hanson E J (1991). Sour cherry trees respond to foliar boron applications. Hort, Science 26: 1142-1145
  • Kacar B, Katkat V (1998). Bitki Besleme Kitabı, Nobel Yayınları,Şubat 2007, Ankara.
  • Keren R, Bingham F T (1985). Boron in Water. Soils and Plants. In Adv. In Soil Sci. (Fd. By B.A. Stewart) Vol.l: 229-276. Springer-Verlag.
  • Larbi A, Gargouri K, Ayadi M, Dhiab AB, Msallem M (2011). Effect of Foliar Boron Application on Growth, Reproduction, and oil Quality of Olive Trees Conducted under a High Density Planting System. Journal of Plant Nutrition 34:2083-2094.
  • McInnes CB, Albert L S (1969). Effect of light intensity and plant size on rate of development of early boran deficiency symptoms in tomato roottips. Plant Physiol. 44:965-976.
  • McQuarrie I G (1983). Role of the axonal cytoskeleton in the regenerating nervous system. In Nerve, Organ, and Tissue Regeneration: Research Perspectives, F. J. Seil, ed., pp. 5 l-88, Academic, New York.
  • Nyomora A M S, Brown P H, Freeman M (1997). Fall foliar- applied boron increase tissue boron concentration and nut set almond. Journal of American society for Horticultural Science 122: 405-410.
  • Perica S, Brown P H, Connell J H, Nyomora A M S, Christos D, Hu H (2001). Foliar boron application improves flower fertility and fruit set of olive. Hort. Science 36: 714-716.
  • Reisenauer H M, Walsh L M, Hoeft R G (1973). Testing Soils for Sulphur, Boron, Molybdenum and Chlorine 173-200 In: Walsh, L.M., Beaton, J.D., Ed. Soil Testing and Plant Analysis. Soil Science Soc. Of Amer., Madison, Wisconsin.
  • Sakal R, Singb A P (1995). Boron re search and agricultural production. In micro nutrientres. Agric. Prod. (Ed. Tondon, Hıs) p: 1-31. Fert Dev. And Cons. argo New Delhi. India.
  • Seferoğlu S, Sarıfakıoğlu C, Çolakoğlu H (2000). Türkiye’de Yetiştirilen Altı Zeytin Çeşidinin Yaprak ve Meyvelerindeki Mikro Besin Maddelerinin Mevsimsel Değişimi. Türkiye I. Zeytincilik Sempozyumu, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Bahçe Bitkileri ve Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümleri, 302-309s.
  • Sezen Y (1988). Suların Genel Özellikleri ve Kalitesi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, Erzurum.
  • Sherrell C G, Toxopeus M R J (1978). Effect of boron application on yield and boron concentration of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) grown on yellow-brown pumice soils. New Zealand journal oj experimental agriculture 6: 145-150.
  • Staiger K, Machelet B (1984). Grenzwerte für Schwer metalle und Bor im Bewasserungswasser. Proc. Mengen. u. Spurenelemente Arbeitst., Karl-Marx Univ. Leipzig. 236-239,
  • Wolf B (1971). The Determination of Boron in Soil Extractes, Plant Materials, Composts, Manures, Waters and Nutrient Solutions. Soil Science and Plant Analyses. 2(5):363-374.
  • Yadav H D, Yadav O P, Dahankar O P, Oslaw M C (1989). Effect of Chloride Salinity and Boron on Germination, Growth and Mineral Composition of Chickpea (Cicerarientinum L.,)Annals of Arid Zone, 28(1-2):63-67.
  • Zabunoğlu S, Hatiboğlu F, Yenicesu D (1977). Bursa ilinde yetiştirilen sofralık Gemlik çeşidi zeytin ağaçlarının makro ve mikro besin maddeleri durumu. Tubitak VI. Bil. Kong. Ankara.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Saime Seferoğlu

Emre Dalgıç This is me

Publication Date December 2, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Seferoğlu, S., & Dalgıç, E. (2013). The Effects of Different Level Boron Contents in the Irrigation Waters on Mineral Substance Contents and Developments of Olive Samplings. Toprak Su Dergisi, 2(2), 112-117.
AMA Seferoğlu S, Dalgıç E. The Effects of Different Level Boron Contents in the Irrigation Waters on Mineral Substance Contents and Developments of Olive Samplings. TSD. December 2013;2(2):112-117.
Chicago Seferoğlu, Saime, and Emre Dalgıç. “The Effects of Different Level Boron Contents in the Irrigation Waters on Mineral Substance Contents and Developments of Olive Samplings”. Toprak Su Dergisi 2, no. 2 (December 2013): 112-17.
EndNote Seferoğlu S, Dalgıç E (December 1, 2013) The Effects of Different Level Boron Contents in the Irrigation Waters on Mineral Substance Contents and Developments of Olive Samplings. Toprak Su Dergisi 2 2 112–117.
IEEE S. Seferoğlu and E. Dalgıç, “The Effects of Different Level Boron Contents in the Irrigation Waters on Mineral Substance Contents and Developments of Olive Samplings”, TSD, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 112–117, 2013.
ISNAD Seferoğlu, Saime - Dalgıç, Emre. “The Effects of Different Level Boron Contents in the Irrigation Waters on Mineral Substance Contents and Developments of Olive Samplings”. Toprak Su Dergisi 2/2 (December 2013), 112-117.
JAMA Seferoğlu S, Dalgıç E. The Effects of Different Level Boron Contents in the Irrigation Waters on Mineral Substance Contents and Developments of Olive Samplings. TSD. 2013;2:112–117.
MLA Seferoğlu, Saime and Emre Dalgıç. “The Effects of Different Level Boron Contents in the Irrigation Waters on Mineral Substance Contents and Developments of Olive Samplings”. Toprak Su Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 2, 2013, pp. 112-7.
Vancouver Seferoğlu S, Dalgıç E. The Effects of Different Level Boron Contents in the Irrigation Waters on Mineral Substance Contents and Developments of Olive Samplings. TSD. 2013;2(2):112-7.
Kapak Tasarım : Hüseyin Oğuzhan BEŞEN
Grafik Tasarım : Filiz ERYILMAZ
Basım Yeri : Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı - Eğitim Yayım ve Yayınlar Dairesi Başkanlığı
İvedik Caddesi Bankacılar Sokak No : 10 Yenimahalle, Ankara Türkiye