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Constructivism: A Force Shaping the Contemporary Understanding and Practices of Counseling

Year 2007, Volume: 3 Issue: 27, 91 - 108, 21.04.2007


This article discusses the ingredients of constructivist approach within a globalization framework, including the changing life standards, family structures, social values, and attitudes that resulted in the inreasing interest in human rights, multiculturalism, diversity of groups of people,- cultural-diversity, spirituality and the reflections of them to the fields of counseling and psychotherapy in the postmodern era. The changing needs of people and communities as well as the conceptual changes and developments in the field of counseling, were summarized. Further, instead of individualist therapies, quantitative measures, conscious behavior, and objective reality, tacit experiences, therapies concerned with social and cultural context and subjectivism were acknowledged in the 21st century context. The inadequacy of existing theories and methodologies in meeting the changing needs of the people and communities which resulted in a need of a metatheory for meeting the differentiated needs of people in the postmodern era were explicated and constructivism in which new forms of counseling and psychotherapy were involved was claimed to be the metatheory to meet such a need.


  • Andrews, J. ve Clark, D. J. (1998). Postmodern ideas and relational conversations in clinical practice. Family Journal, 6, 4, 316-322.
  • Aydın, G. (2000). Western models of counseling and psychotherapy within Turkey : Crossing cultural boundaries. The Counseling Psychologist, 28, 281-298.
  • Brennan, C. (1995). Beyond theory and practice: A postmodern perspective. Counseling ve Values, 39, 2, 299-307.
  • D’Andrea, M. (2000). Postmodernism, constructivism and multiculturalism: three forces reshaping and expanding our thoughts about counseling. Jour- nal of Mental Health Counseling, 22, 1, 1-17.
  • Dawn, C. H. (1992). Feminist encounters with post- modernism: exploring the impasse of debates on patriarchy and law. Canadian Journal of Women ve the Law, 5, 63-86.
  • Ellis, A. (2000). A continuation of the dialogue on is- sues in counseling in the postmodern era. Jour- nal of Mental Health Counseling, 22, 2, 97-106.
  • Fong, M. L. ve Lease, S. H. (1994). Constructivist al- ternatives: The case for diversity and integration in mental health counseling. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 16, 1, 122-126.
  • Freud, S. (1965). Interpretation of dreams (J. Strachey, Trans.) New York: Avon. (Original work published 1900).
  • Gergen, K. J. (1985). The social constructionist move- ment in modem psychology. American Psy- chologist, 40, 266-275.
  • Gergen, K.J. (1992). Toward a postmodern psychology. In S. Kvale (Ed.), Psychology and postmodern- ism (sayfa 17-30). London: Sage.
  • Gergen, K. J. (1994). Exploring the postmodern perils or potentials. American Psychologist, 49, 5, 412- 416.
  • Gergen, K. J. (2001). Psychological science in a post- modern context. American Psychologist, 56, 10, 803-813.
  • Gonçalves, O. F. (1995).Cognitive narrative psycho- therapy: The hermeneutic construction of alter- native meanings. In M. Mahoney (Ed.), Cogni- tive and Constructive Psychotherapies (sayfa 139-162). New York: Springer Publishing Com- pany.
  • Gonçalves, O. F. (1999). Hermeneutics, constructivism and cognitive behavioral therapies: From the ob- ject to project. In R. A. Neimeyer ve M. Ma- honey (Ed.), Constructivism in Psychotherapy (sayfa 195-230). Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Guidano, V. F. (1995). A constructivist outline of hu- man knowing process. In M. Mahoney (Ed.), Cognitive and Constructive Psychotherapies (sayfa 89-102). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Guterman, J. T (1994). A social constructionist position for mental health counseling. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 16,226-244.
  • Guterman, J. T (1996). Doing mental health counseling. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 18, 228- 252.
  • Ivey, A. E. (1986). Developmental Therapy. San Fran- sisco: Jossey- Bass.
  • Ivey, A. E. (1989). Mental health counseling: A devel- opmental process and profession. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 11, 26-35.
  • Ivey, A. E., Ivey, M., Myers, J., and Sweeney, T. (2005). Developmental counseling and psycho- therapy: Promoting wellness over the life span. New York: Lahaska Press, Houghton Mifflin Company.
  • Karaırmak, Ö. (2004). Tinsel anlayışın psikolojik dan- ışmadaki rolü. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Re- hberlik Dergisi, 3, 22, 45-53.
  • Kegan,R. (1982). The evolving self. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Kelly, G. (1955). The psychology of personal con- structs. New York: Norton.
  • Kelly, G. A. (1970). A briefintroduction to personal construct theory. In D. Bannister (8Ed.), In New Perspectives in Personal Construct Theory (1- 19). London: Academic Press.
  • Lowenthal, D. (1996). The postmodern counselor: Some implications for practice, theory, research and professionalism. Counseling Psychology Quarterly, 9,4, 373-381.
  • Lyddon, W. J. (1995). Cognitive Therapy and theories of knowing: A social constructionist view. Jour- nal of Counseling and Development, 73, 6, 579- 585.
  • Lyddon, W. J., Clay, A. L., ve Sparks, C. L. (2001). Metaphor and changes in counseling. Journal of Counseling and Development, 79,3, 269-274.
  • Lynch, G. (1997). Therapeutic theory and social con- text: A social constructionist perspective. British Journal of Guidance ve Counseling, 25, 1, 5-15.
  • Mahoney, M. (1995). The oretical developments in the cognitive and constructive psychotherapies. In M. Mahoney (Ed.), Cognitive and Constructive Psychotherapies (sayfa 3-19). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Mahoney, M. J. (1995). The cognitive and constructive psychotherapies: Contexts and challenges. In M. Mahoney (Ed.), Cognitive and Constructive Psy- chotherapies
  • (sayfa195-208). New York:
  • Springer Publishing Company.
  • Mahoney, M. J., ve Lyddon, W. J. (1988). Recent de- velopments in cognitive approaches to counsel- ing and psychotherapy. The Counseling Psy- chologist, 16, 190-234.
  • Mahoney, M., Miller, H. M. ve Arciero, G. (1995). Constructive metatheory and the nature of mental representation. In M. Mahoney (Ed.), Cognitive and Constructive Psychotherapies (sayfa 103- 120). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Martin, J. ve Sugarman, J. (1997). The social-cognitive construction of psychotherapeutic change bridg- ing social constructionism and cognitive con- structivism. Review of General Psychology, 1, 4, 375-388.
  • McAuliffe, G. J. ve Eriksen, K. P. (1999). Toward con- structivist and developmental identity for the counseling profession: The context phase stage style model. Journal of Counseling and Devel- opment, 77, 3, 267-290.
  • Mitchell, D. P. (1996). Postmodernism, health and ill- ness. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 23, 1, 201- 204.
  • Neimeyer, R. A. (1993). An appraisal of constructivist psychotherapies. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61, 2, 221-234.
  • O'Hara, M., ve Anderson, W.T. (1991, Septem- ber/October). Welcome to the postmodern world. Family Therapy Networker, 19-25.
  • Pavlov, I. P. (1927). Conditional Reflexes. Oxford: Ox- ford University Press.
  • Polkinghorne, D.E. (1992). Postmodern epistemology of practice. In S. Kvale (Ed.), Psychology and Postmodernism (sayfa 146-165). London: Sage.
  • Prochaska, J. O. ve Norcross, J. C. (2003). Systems of psychotherapy: A Transtheoretical analysis. (5th Edition). Pacific Grove, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole
  • Rigazio DiGillio, S., Ivey, E. A., ve Locke, D. C. (1997). Continuing the postmodern dialogue: Enhancing and contextualizing multiple voices. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 19, 3, 233- 255.
  • Segal. R. A. (1997). Postmodernism and the social sci- entific study of religion. Religion, 27, 2, 139- 149.
  • Sewell,K. W. (1995). Personal construct therapy and the relation between cognition and affect. In M. Mahoney (Ed.), Cognitive and Constructive Psy- chotherapies (sayfa 121-138). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Siviş, R. (2002). Yapılandırmacı yaklaşım ve Türki- ye’de psikolojik danışma alanındaki uygulanabi- lirliği. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 2, 17, 43-48.
  • Skinner, B. F. (1953). Science and human Behavior. New York: Mc Millan.
  • Sonia, M, ve Ninnes, P. (2003). Postmodernism debates and comparative education: A critical discourse analysis. Comparative Education Review, 47, 2, 238-255.
  • The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Daniel W. Graham. Heraclitus. Internet’ten 25 Agustos 2005’te elde edilmiştir. h/heraclit.htm.
  • The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Richter, Duncan J. Ludwig Wittgenstein. Internet’ten 25 Agustos 2005’te elde edilmiştir.
  • The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (27 Ocak 2003). William James Russel Goodman. (Spring 2003 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), Inter- net’ten 30 Agustos 2005 tarihinde elde edilmiştir. /jame/
  • Vinson, M. L. & Griffin, B. (1999). Using a construc- tivist approach to counseling in the university counseling center. Journal of College Counsel- ing, 2, 66-76.
  • Voss, D. ve Schutze J. C. (1989). Postmodernism in context: Perspectives of a structural change in society, literature, and literary criticism. New German Critique, 47, 119-142.
  • Westhpal, M. (1995). Postmodernism and religious re- flection. International Journal of Philosophy of Religion, 38, 127- 143.
  • Wheeler, W. (1991). Postmodernism, politics, and art. Contemporary Sociology, 20, 4, 611.
  • William J. (1904) What is Pragmatism, from series of eight lectures dedicated to the memory of John Stuart Mill, A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking, in December 1904, from William James, Writings 1902-1920, The Library of America; Lecture II. Internetten 12 Ekim 2005’de elde edilmiştir. refeence/subject/philosophy/works/us/james.htm.
  • Winter, D.A. (1992). Personal construct psychology in clinical practice. London: Routledge. Vol: III No: 27
  • Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal

Yapılandırmacı Yaklaşım: Çağdaş Psikolojik Danışma Anlayışını ve Uygulamalarını Biçimlendiren Bir Güç

Year 2007, Volume: 3 Issue: 27, 91 - 108, 21.04.2007


Bu çalışmada, küreselleşme ve bilgi çağının etkisiyle yaşam standartlarının, aile yapısının ve sosyal değer ve tutumların değişmesine bağlı olarak insan hakları, çokkültürlülük, çeşitlilik (dil, din, yaş, cinsel tercihler, etnik köken), kültürel çeşitlilik ve tinsellik gibi kavramları içine alan ve postmodernizmin bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan yapılandırmacılık yaklaşımının psikolojik danışma alanındaki yansımaları tartışılmıştır. Bireylerin ve toplumların değişen ihtiyaçlarıyla birlikte psikoloji ve psikolojik danışma alanında yaşanan önemli kavramsal değişmeler ve gelişmeler tarihsel olarak özetlenmiştir. Yirmibirinci yüzyılda, psikolojik danışma alanında, birey odaklı terapi yaklaşımlarının, nicel ölçme yöntemlerinin, yordanabilir bilinçli insan davranışlarının, nesnel gerçeklik kavramlarının yerlerini sosyal ve kültürel değişmeyi hedefleyen terapi yaklaşımlarına, nitel yöntemlere, insan deneyimlerindeki gizli kalmış
yönlerin keşfedilmesini amaçlayan yaklaşımlara ve öznel gerçekliğe bıraktığı üzerinde durulmuştur. Postmodern çağda varolan kuramların ve yöntemlerin, birey ve toplumların değişen gereksinimlerini karşılamada yetersiz kaldıklarının farkedilmesi sonucunda, yeni gereksinimlere cevap verebilecek bir üst kuram (meta – kuram) boşluğunu psikolojik danışma’nın çağdaş formlarının tanımlandığı yapılandırmacı yaklaşımın karşıladığı öne sürülmüştür.


  • Andrews, J. ve Clark, D. J. (1998). Postmodern ideas and relational conversations in clinical practice. Family Journal, 6, 4, 316-322.
  • Aydın, G. (2000). Western models of counseling and psychotherapy within Turkey : Crossing cultural boundaries. The Counseling Psychologist, 28, 281-298.
  • Brennan, C. (1995). Beyond theory and practice: A postmodern perspective. Counseling ve Values, 39, 2, 299-307.
  • D’Andrea, M. (2000). Postmodernism, constructivism and multiculturalism: three forces reshaping and expanding our thoughts about counseling. Jour- nal of Mental Health Counseling, 22, 1, 1-17.
  • Dawn, C. H. (1992). Feminist encounters with post- modernism: exploring the impasse of debates on patriarchy and law. Canadian Journal of Women ve the Law, 5, 63-86.
  • Ellis, A. (2000). A continuation of the dialogue on is- sues in counseling in the postmodern era. Jour- nal of Mental Health Counseling, 22, 2, 97-106.
  • Fong, M. L. ve Lease, S. H. (1994). Constructivist al- ternatives: The case for diversity and integration in mental health counseling. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 16, 1, 122-126.
  • Freud, S. (1965). Interpretation of dreams (J. Strachey, Trans.) New York: Avon. (Original work published 1900).
  • Gergen, K. J. (1985). The social constructionist move- ment in modem psychology. American Psy- chologist, 40, 266-275.
  • Gergen, K.J. (1992). Toward a postmodern psychology. In S. Kvale (Ed.), Psychology and postmodern- ism (sayfa 17-30). London: Sage.
  • Gergen, K. J. (1994). Exploring the postmodern perils or potentials. American Psychologist, 49, 5, 412- 416.
  • Gergen, K. J. (2001). Psychological science in a post- modern context. American Psychologist, 56, 10, 803-813.
  • Gonçalves, O. F. (1995).Cognitive narrative psycho- therapy: The hermeneutic construction of alter- native meanings. In M. Mahoney (Ed.), Cogni- tive and Constructive Psychotherapies (sayfa 139-162). New York: Springer Publishing Com- pany.
  • Gonçalves, O. F. (1999). Hermeneutics, constructivism and cognitive behavioral therapies: From the ob- ject to project. In R. A. Neimeyer ve M. Ma- honey (Ed.), Constructivism in Psychotherapy (sayfa 195-230). Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Guidano, V. F. (1995). A constructivist outline of hu- man knowing process. In M. Mahoney (Ed.), Cognitive and Constructive Psychotherapies (sayfa 89-102). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Guterman, J. T (1994). A social constructionist position for mental health counseling. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 16,226-244.
  • Guterman, J. T (1996). Doing mental health counseling. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 18, 228- 252.
  • Ivey, A. E. (1986). Developmental Therapy. San Fran- sisco: Jossey- Bass.
  • Ivey, A. E. (1989). Mental health counseling: A devel- opmental process and profession. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 11, 26-35.
  • Ivey, A. E., Ivey, M., Myers, J., and Sweeney, T. (2005). Developmental counseling and psycho- therapy: Promoting wellness over the life span. New York: Lahaska Press, Houghton Mifflin Company.
  • Karaırmak, Ö. (2004). Tinsel anlayışın psikolojik dan- ışmadaki rolü. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Re- hberlik Dergisi, 3, 22, 45-53.
  • Kegan,R. (1982). The evolving self. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Kelly, G. (1955). The psychology of personal con- structs. New York: Norton.
  • Kelly, G. A. (1970). A briefintroduction to personal construct theory. In D. Bannister (8Ed.), In New Perspectives in Personal Construct Theory (1- 19). London: Academic Press.
  • Lowenthal, D. (1996). The postmodern counselor: Some implications for practice, theory, research and professionalism. Counseling Psychology Quarterly, 9,4, 373-381.
  • Lyddon, W. J. (1995). Cognitive Therapy and theories of knowing: A social constructionist view. Jour- nal of Counseling and Development, 73, 6, 579- 585.
  • Lyddon, W. J., Clay, A. L., ve Sparks, C. L. (2001). Metaphor and changes in counseling. Journal of Counseling and Development, 79,3, 269-274.
  • Lynch, G. (1997). Therapeutic theory and social con- text: A social constructionist perspective. British Journal of Guidance ve Counseling, 25, 1, 5-15.
  • Mahoney, M. (1995). The oretical developments in the cognitive and constructive psychotherapies. In M. Mahoney (Ed.), Cognitive and Constructive Psychotherapies (sayfa 3-19). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Mahoney, M. J. (1995). The cognitive and constructive psychotherapies: Contexts and challenges. In M. Mahoney (Ed.), Cognitive and Constructive Psy- chotherapies
  • (sayfa195-208). New York:
  • Springer Publishing Company.
  • Mahoney, M. J., ve Lyddon, W. J. (1988). Recent de- velopments in cognitive approaches to counsel- ing and psychotherapy. The Counseling Psy- chologist, 16, 190-234.
  • Mahoney, M., Miller, H. M. ve Arciero, G. (1995). Constructive metatheory and the nature of mental representation. In M. Mahoney (Ed.), Cognitive and Constructive Psychotherapies (sayfa 103- 120). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Martin, J. ve Sugarman, J. (1997). The social-cognitive construction of psychotherapeutic change bridg- ing social constructionism and cognitive con- structivism. Review of General Psychology, 1, 4, 375-388.
  • McAuliffe, G. J. ve Eriksen, K. P. (1999). Toward con- structivist and developmental identity for the counseling profession: The context phase stage style model. Journal of Counseling and Devel- opment, 77, 3, 267-290.
  • Mitchell, D. P. (1996). Postmodernism, health and ill- ness. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 23, 1, 201- 204.
  • Neimeyer, R. A. (1993). An appraisal of constructivist psychotherapies. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61, 2, 221-234.
  • O'Hara, M., ve Anderson, W.T. (1991, Septem- ber/October). Welcome to the postmodern world. Family Therapy Networker, 19-25.
  • Pavlov, I. P. (1927). Conditional Reflexes. Oxford: Ox- ford University Press.
  • Polkinghorne, D.E. (1992). Postmodern epistemology of practice. In S. Kvale (Ed.), Psychology and Postmodernism (sayfa 146-165). London: Sage.
  • Prochaska, J. O. ve Norcross, J. C. (2003). Systems of psychotherapy: A Transtheoretical analysis. (5th Edition). Pacific Grove, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole
  • Rigazio DiGillio, S., Ivey, E. A., ve Locke, D. C. (1997). Continuing the postmodern dialogue: Enhancing and contextualizing multiple voices. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 19, 3, 233- 255.
  • Segal. R. A. (1997). Postmodernism and the social sci- entific study of religion. Religion, 27, 2, 139- 149.
  • Sewell,K. W. (1995). Personal construct therapy and the relation between cognition and affect. In M. Mahoney (Ed.), Cognitive and Constructive Psy- chotherapies (sayfa 121-138). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Siviş, R. (2002). Yapılandırmacı yaklaşım ve Türki- ye’de psikolojik danışma alanındaki uygulanabi- lirliği. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 2, 17, 43-48.
  • Skinner, B. F. (1953). Science and human Behavior. New York: Mc Millan.
  • Sonia, M, ve Ninnes, P. (2003). Postmodernism debates and comparative education: A critical discourse analysis. Comparative Education Review, 47, 2, 238-255.
  • The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Daniel W. Graham. Heraclitus. Internet’ten 25 Agustos 2005’te elde edilmiştir. h/heraclit.htm.
  • The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Richter, Duncan J. Ludwig Wittgenstein. Internet’ten 25 Agustos 2005’te elde edilmiştir.
  • The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (27 Ocak 2003). William James Russel Goodman. (Spring 2003 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), Inter- net’ten 30 Agustos 2005 tarihinde elde edilmiştir. /jame/
  • Vinson, M. L. & Griffin, B. (1999). Using a construc- tivist approach to counseling in the university counseling center. Journal of College Counsel- ing, 2, 66-76.
  • Voss, D. ve Schutze J. C. (1989). Postmodernism in context: Perspectives of a structural change in society, literature, and literary criticism. New German Critique, 47, 119-142.
  • Westhpal, M. (1995). Postmodernism and religious re- flection. International Journal of Philosophy of Religion, 38, 127- 143.
  • Wheeler, W. (1991). Postmodernism, politics, and art. Contemporary Sociology, 20, 4, 611.
  • William J. (1904) What is Pragmatism, from series of eight lectures dedicated to the memory of John Stuart Mill, A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking, in December 1904, from William James, Writings 1902-1920, The Library of America; Lecture II. Internetten 12 Ekim 2005’de elde edilmiştir. refeence/subject/philosophy/works/us/james.htm.
  • Winter, D.A. (1992). Personal construct psychology in clinical practice. London: Routledge. Vol: III No: 27
  • Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Özlem Karaırmak This is me

Gül Aydın This is me

Publication Date April 21, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 3 Issue: 27


APA Karaırmak, Ö., & Aydın, G. (2007). Constructivism: A Force Shaping the Contemporary Understanding and Practices of Counseling. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 3(27), 91-108.

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