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Çin'in Kuşak ve Yol Girişimi: Küresel Ulaştırma Operasyonlarında Denizcilik ve Deniz Mühendisliği Perspektifinden Stratejik Karar Alma Motivasyonları

Year 2025, In Press Articles, 1 - 23


Çin'in 2013 yılında duyurduğu Kuşak ve Yol Girişimi (BRI), küresel ulaşım altyapısını geliştirmek ve ekonomik kalkınmayı teşvik etmek amacıyla tasarlanmış bir mega projedir. Bu çalışma, Çin'in BRI'yi yönlendiren başlıca motivasyon kaynaklarını, özellikle ekonomik, politik ve stratejik hususlara odaklanarak tanımlamayı ve önceliklendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. PRISMA sistematik literatür taraması ve odak grup metodolojileri kullanılarak 26 motivasyon faktörü tespit edilmiştir ve bunlardan 16'sı ağırlıklı olarak ekonomik niteliktedir. Bu faktörler arasında "Çinli yatırımcılar için yeni iş fırsatları" en önemli itici güç olarak öne çıkmıştır. Ekonomik motivasyonların yanı sıra, bu çalışma deniz mühendisliği, gemi risk yönetimi ve gemi makineleri yeniliklerinin BRI'nin deniz yollarındaki başarısı için kritik önem taşıdığını vurgulamaktadır. Güvenli ve verimli deniz taşımacılığı, Deniz İpek Yolu'nun operasyonel etkinliğini sağlamak için hayati bir unsur olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışma ayrıca, deniz güvenliği protokollerinin, altyapı modernizasyonunun ve risk azaltma stratejilerinin, Çin'in BRI aracılığıyla ulaşmayı hedeflediği geniş çaplı jeopolitik ve ekonomik amaçlarına ulaşmada oynadığı rolü vurgulamaktadır. Bulgularımız, Çin'in içsel motivasyonlarının, özellikle ekonomik büyüme ve deniz taşımacılığı altyapısı ile ilgili olanların, dış faktörlere göre daha önemli bir rol oynadığını öne sürmektedir. Bu durum, politika yapıcıların, deniz mühendislerinin ve taşımacılık operatörlerinin, uzun vadeli stratejilerini Çin'in hedefleriyle uyumlu hale getirmeleri, deniz güvenliği, operasyonel verimlilik ve Çin'in deniz teknolojilerinin küresel rekabetçiliğine odaklanmaları gerektiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen bulgular, BRI altında küresel ulaşım sistemlerinin geleceğini şekillendirmede deniz altyapısının stratejik önemine dair daha derin bir anlayışa katkıda bulunmaktadır.


  • Andrews, K. R., & Andrews, K. R. (1980). The concept of corporate strategy.
  • Barbosa, M., Castañeda-Ayarza, J. A., Ferreira, D. H. L. (2020). Sustainable strategic management (GES): Sustainability in small business. Journal of Cleaner Production, 258: 120880.
  • Bakhsh, S., Yin, H., Shabir, M., Ali, K. (2022). China trade with belt and road countries: the role and impact of institutions. China Economic Journal, 15(1): 29-48.
  • Blah, M. (2018). China’s belt and road initiative and India’s concerns. Strategic Analysis, 42(4): 313-332.
  • Bloor, M., Frankland, J., Thomas, M., & Robson, K. (2001). Trends and uses of focus groups. Focus groups in social research, 1: 1-18.
  • Boyd, B.K., Bergh, D.D., Ireland, R.D., Ketchen Jr, D.J. (2013). Constructs in strategic management. Organizational Research Methods, 16(1): 3-14.
  • Callaghan, M., Hubbard, P. (2016). The Asian infrastructure investment bank: Multilateralism on the silk road. China Economic Journal, 9(2): 116-139.
  • Carspecken, P., Dennis, B. (2012). Qualitative research: A reader in philosophy, core concepts, and practice. L. Carspecken (Ed.). Lang, Peter New York.
  • Chan, S. (2017). The belt and road initiative: Implications for China and East Asian economies. The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, 35(2): 52-78.
  • Chandler Jr, A. D. (1969). Strategy and structure: Chapters in the history of the American industrial enterprise (Vol. 120). MIT press.
  • Chen, Y., Fan, Z., Zhang, J., & Mo, M. (2019). Does the connectivity of the Belt and Road Initiative contribute to the economic growth of the Belt and Road countries?. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 55(14): 3227-3240.
  • Chen, Y., Jin, Q., Fang, H., Lei, H., Hu, J., Wu, Y., ... & Wan, Y. (2019). Analytic network process: Academic insights and perspectives analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 235: 1276-1294.
  • Cheng, L. K. (2016). Three questions on China's “belt and road initiative”. China Economic Review, 40: 309-313.
  • Cheng, Z. (2020). Building the belt and road initiative?–practices en route. The Pacific Review, 33(5): 788-812.
  • Chofreh, A. G., Goni, F. A., Klemeš, J. J., Moosavi, S. M. S., Davoudi, M., & Zeinalnezhad, M. (2021). Covid-19 shock: Development of strategic management framework for global energy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 139: 110643.
  • Cieślik, E. (2020). Does China use its trade potential in the Belt and Road Initiative properly? The relations between Chinese value added and trade potential in the European countries: bottom-up analysis. China Economic Journal, 13(3): 339-363.
  • Clarke, M. (2018). The belt and road initiative: Exploring Beijing’s motivations and challenges for its new silk road. Strategic Analysis: 42(2), 84-102.
  • Dai, Z., & Zhu, H. (2022). Time-varying spillover effects and investment strategies between WTI crude oil, natural gas and Chinese stock markets related to belt and road initiative. Energy Economics, 108: 105883.
  • De Fátima Teles, M., & de Sousa, J. F. (2017). A general morphological analysis to support strategic management decisions in public transport companies. Transportation Research Procedia, 22: 509-518
  • De Soyres, F., Mulabdic, A., Murray, S., Rocha, N., & Ruta, M. (2019). How much will the Belt and Road Initiative reduce trade costs?. International Economics, 159: 151-164.
  • Deng, Y. (2021). How China builds the credibility of the belt and road initiative. Journal of Contemporary China, 30(131): 734-750.
  • Dichabeng, P., Merat, N., & Markkula, G. (2021). Factors that influence the acceptance of future shared automated vehicles–A focus group study with United Kingdom drivers. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 82: 121-140.
  • Du, H. B. (2010). Risk assessment model for air traffic control based on Fuzzy-ANP method. Zhongguo Anquan Kexue Xuebao, 20(12): 79-85.
  • Drysdale, P., & Armstrong, S. (2021). RCEP: a strategic opportunity for multilateralism. China Economic Journal, 14(2): 128-143.
  • Eichengreen, B., & Lombardi, D. (2017). RMBI or RMBR? Is the Renminbi Destined to become a Global or Regional Currency?. Asian Economic Papers, 16(1): 35-59.
  • Elia, J. A., Li, J., & Floudas, C. A. (2015). Strategic planning optimization for natural gas to liquid transportation fuel (GTL) systems. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 72: 109-125.
  • Elrahman, O. A., & Al, J. A. (2017). Strategic management of global alliances in transportation research & development. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 5(1): 1-2.
  • ERU (Eurasian Research Institute). 2022. China’s the Belt and Road Risk Assessment Issue. is retrieved
  • Fern, E. F., & Fern, E. E. (2001). Advanced focus group research. Sage.
  • Flint, C., & Zhu, C. (2019). The geopolitics of connectivity, cooperation, and hegemonic competition: The Belt and Road Initiative. Geoforum, 99: 95-101.
  • Frost, A. D., Hróbjartsson, A., & Nejstgaard, C. H. (2022). Adherence to the PRISMA-P 2015 reporting guideline was inadequate in systematic review protocols. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
  • GFD (Green Finance & Development Center), 2022 Green Finance & Development Center (GFD) Countries of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), (2022) is retrieved
  • Gibcus, P., & Kemp, R. G. M. (2003). Strategy and small firm performance (pp. 1-75). EIM Business & Policy Research.
  • Hafeez, M., Chunhui, Y., Strohmaier, D., Ahmed, M., Jie, L. (2018). Does finance affect environmental degradation: evidence from One Belt and One Road Initiative region?. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(10): 9579-9592.
  • Haider, J., Pettit, S. J., Harris, I., Beresford, A.K.C., Shi, Y. (2021). Economic and environmental impacts of alternative routing scenarios in the context of China's belt and road initiative. Maritime Transport Research, 2: 100030.
  • Han, Y., Pang, X., Zhang, X., Han, R., & Liang, Z. (2022). Resource sustainability and challenges: Status and competitiveness of international trade in licorice extracts under the Belt and Road Initiative. Global Ecology and Conservation, 34: e02014.
  • Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2002). Administração estratégica. São Paulo: Pioneira Thomson Learning.
  • Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2016). Strategic management: Concepts and cases: Competitiveness and globalization. Cengage Learning.
  • Hsu, C. C., & Chien, F. (2022). The study of co-movement risk in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative. International Review of Economics & Finance, 80: 1130-1152.
  • Huang, D., Loughney, S., & Wang, J. (2021). Identification of China’s strategic transport passages in the context of the belt and road initiative. Maritime Policy & Management, 1-26.
  • Huang, Y. (2016). Understanding China's Belt & Road initiative: motivation, framework and assessment. China Economic Review, 40: 314-321.
  • Huang, Y. (2018). Proactively and steadily advancing China’s financial opening. China Economic Journal, 11(1): 1-13.
  • Innocenti, T., Feller, D., Giagio, S., Salvioli, S., Minnucci, S., Brindisino, F., ... & Ostelo, R. (2022). Adherence to the PRISMA statement and its association with risk of bias in systematic reviews published in rehabilitation journals: A meta-research study. Brazilian journal of physical therapy: 100450.
  • Kalanlar, B. (2021). A PRISMA-driven systematic review for determination of earthquake and nursing studies. International Emergency Nursing, 59: 101095.
  • Kamberelis, G., & Dimitriadis, G. (2013). Focus groups. London: Routledge.
  • Kang, L., Peng, F., Zhu, Y., & Pan, A. (2018). Harmony in diversity: can the one belt one road initiative promote China’s outward foreign direct investment?. Sustainability, 10(9): 3264.
  • Kazemi, Y., Szmerekovsky, J. (2015). Modeling downstream petroleum supply chain: The importance of multi-mode transportation to strategic planning. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 83: 111-125.
  • Kim, W., Kim, J. H., Cha, Y. K., Chong, S., & Kim, T. J. (2022). Completeness of Reporting of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Test Accuracy (DTA) of Radiological Articles Based on the PRISMA-DTA Reporting Guideline. Academic Radiology.
  • Kong, Q., Chen, A., Shen, C., & Wong, Z. (2021). Has the Belt and Road Initiative improved the quality of economic growth in China's cities?. International Review of Economics & Finance, 76: 870-883.
  • Koseoglu, M. A., Wong, A. K. F., Kim, S. S., & Song, S. Y. (2022). Tracing knowledge creation and dissemination of strategic management research in hospitality scholarship from 1960 to 2020. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 104: 103247.
  • Laurenceson, J., Bretherton, H., Burke, P. F., & Wei, E. (2019). Chinese investment in Australian infrastructure assets: accounting for local public preferences. China Economic Journal, 12(1): 77-92.
  • Li, W., Qiao, Y., Li, X., & Wang, Y. (2022). Energy consumption, pollution haven hypothesis, and environmental Kuznets curve: examining the environment–economy link in belt and road initiative countries. Energy, 239, 122559.
  • Lin, W. (2019). Transport geography and geopolitics: Visions, rules and militarism in China's Belt and Road Initiative and beyond. Journal of Transport Geography, 81: 102436.
  • Mu, E., Cooper, O., & Peasley, M. (2020). Best practices in analytic network process studies. Expert Systems with Applications, 159: 113536.
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China's Belt and Road Initiative: Motivations for Strategic Decision-Making in Global Transport Operations from a Maritime and Marine Engineering Perspective

Year 2025, In Press Articles, 1 - 23


China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), announced in 2013, is a mega project designed to enhance global transportation infrastructure and stimulate economic development. This study aims to identify and prioritize the key motivational sources driving China's BRI, with a particular focus on economic, political, and strategic considerations. Using PRISMA systematic literature review and focus group methodologies, we identified 26 motivational factors, 16 of which are primarily economic in nature. Among these, 'New business opportunities for Chinese investors' emerged as the most significant driver. In addition to economic motivations, this study highlights the critical importance of marine engineering, ship risk management, and ship machinery innovations in the success of BRI's maritime routes. Safe, efficient maritime transportation is identified as a crucial element for ensuring the operational effectiveness of the Maritime Silk Road. The study further emphasizes the role of maritime safety protocols, infrastructure modernization, and risk mitigation strategies in achieving China's broader geopolitical and economic ambitions through the BRI. Our findings suggest that China’s internal motivations, particularly those related to economic growth and marine transport infrastructure, play a more prominent role than external factors. This underscores the need for policymakers, marine engineers, and transport operators to align their long-term strategies with China’s ambitions, focusing on maritime safety, operational efficiency, and the global competitiveness of China’s marine technologies. The insights gained from this study contribute to a deeper understanding of the strategic importance of maritime infrastructure in shaping the future of global transportation systems under the BRI.


  • Andrews, K. R., & Andrews, K. R. (1980). The concept of corporate strategy.
  • Barbosa, M., Castañeda-Ayarza, J. A., Ferreira, D. H. L. (2020). Sustainable strategic management (GES): Sustainability in small business. Journal of Cleaner Production, 258: 120880.
  • Bakhsh, S., Yin, H., Shabir, M., Ali, K. (2022). China trade with belt and road countries: the role and impact of institutions. China Economic Journal, 15(1): 29-48.
  • Blah, M. (2018). China’s belt and road initiative and India’s concerns. Strategic Analysis, 42(4): 313-332.
  • Bloor, M., Frankland, J., Thomas, M., & Robson, K. (2001). Trends and uses of focus groups. Focus groups in social research, 1: 1-18.
  • Boyd, B.K., Bergh, D.D., Ireland, R.D., Ketchen Jr, D.J. (2013). Constructs in strategic management. Organizational Research Methods, 16(1): 3-14.
  • Callaghan, M., Hubbard, P. (2016). The Asian infrastructure investment bank: Multilateralism on the silk road. China Economic Journal, 9(2): 116-139.
  • Carspecken, P., Dennis, B. (2012). Qualitative research: A reader in philosophy, core concepts, and practice. L. Carspecken (Ed.). Lang, Peter New York.
  • Chan, S. (2017). The belt and road initiative: Implications for China and East Asian economies. The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, 35(2): 52-78.
  • Chandler Jr, A. D. (1969). Strategy and structure: Chapters in the history of the American industrial enterprise (Vol. 120). MIT press.
  • Chen, Y., Fan, Z., Zhang, J., & Mo, M. (2019). Does the connectivity of the Belt and Road Initiative contribute to the economic growth of the Belt and Road countries?. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 55(14): 3227-3240.
  • Chen, Y., Jin, Q., Fang, H., Lei, H., Hu, J., Wu, Y., ... & Wan, Y. (2019). Analytic network process: Academic insights and perspectives analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 235: 1276-1294.
  • Cheng, L. K. (2016). Three questions on China's “belt and road initiative”. China Economic Review, 40: 309-313.
  • Cheng, Z. (2020). Building the belt and road initiative?–practices en route. The Pacific Review, 33(5): 788-812.
  • Chofreh, A. G., Goni, F. A., Klemeš, J. J., Moosavi, S. M. S., Davoudi, M., & Zeinalnezhad, M. (2021). Covid-19 shock: Development of strategic management framework for global energy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 139: 110643.
  • Cieślik, E. (2020). Does China use its trade potential in the Belt and Road Initiative properly? The relations between Chinese value added and trade potential in the European countries: bottom-up analysis. China Economic Journal, 13(3): 339-363.
  • Clarke, M. (2018). The belt and road initiative: Exploring Beijing’s motivations and challenges for its new silk road. Strategic Analysis: 42(2), 84-102.
  • Dai, Z., & Zhu, H. (2022). Time-varying spillover effects and investment strategies between WTI crude oil, natural gas and Chinese stock markets related to belt and road initiative. Energy Economics, 108: 105883.
  • De Fátima Teles, M., & de Sousa, J. F. (2017). A general morphological analysis to support strategic management decisions in public transport companies. Transportation Research Procedia, 22: 509-518
  • De Soyres, F., Mulabdic, A., Murray, S., Rocha, N., & Ruta, M. (2019). How much will the Belt and Road Initiative reduce trade costs?. International Economics, 159: 151-164.
  • Deng, Y. (2021). How China builds the credibility of the belt and road initiative. Journal of Contemporary China, 30(131): 734-750.
  • Dichabeng, P., Merat, N., & Markkula, G. (2021). Factors that influence the acceptance of future shared automated vehicles–A focus group study with United Kingdom drivers. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 82: 121-140.
  • Du, H. B. (2010). Risk assessment model for air traffic control based on Fuzzy-ANP method. Zhongguo Anquan Kexue Xuebao, 20(12): 79-85.
  • Drysdale, P., & Armstrong, S. (2021). RCEP: a strategic opportunity for multilateralism. China Economic Journal, 14(2): 128-143.
  • Eichengreen, B., & Lombardi, D. (2017). RMBI or RMBR? Is the Renminbi Destined to become a Global or Regional Currency?. Asian Economic Papers, 16(1): 35-59.
  • Elia, J. A., Li, J., & Floudas, C. A. (2015). Strategic planning optimization for natural gas to liquid transportation fuel (GTL) systems. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 72: 109-125.
  • Elrahman, O. A., & Al, J. A. (2017). Strategic management of global alliances in transportation research & development. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 5(1): 1-2.
  • ERU (Eurasian Research Institute). 2022. China’s the Belt and Road Risk Assessment Issue. is retrieved
  • Fern, E. F., & Fern, E. E. (2001). Advanced focus group research. Sage.
  • Flint, C., & Zhu, C. (2019). The geopolitics of connectivity, cooperation, and hegemonic competition: The Belt and Road Initiative. Geoforum, 99: 95-101.
  • Frost, A. D., Hróbjartsson, A., & Nejstgaard, C. H. (2022). Adherence to the PRISMA-P 2015 reporting guideline was inadequate in systematic review protocols. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
  • GFD (Green Finance & Development Center), 2022 Green Finance & Development Center (GFD) Countries of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), (2022) is retrieved
  • Gibcus, P., & Kemp, R. G. M. (2003). Strategy and small firm performance (pp. 1-75). EIM Business & Policy Research.
  • Hafeez, M., Chunhui, Y., Strohmaier, D., Ahmed, M., Jie, L. (2018). Does finance affect environmental degradation: evidence from One Belt and One Road Initiative region?. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(10): 9579-9592.
  • Haider, J., Pettit, S. J., Harris, I., Beresford, A.K.C., Shi, Y. (2021). Economic and environmental impacts of alternative routing scenarios in the context of China's belt and road initiative. Maritime Transport Research, 2: 100030.
  • Han, Y., Pang, X., Zhang, X., Han, R., & Liang, Z. (2022). Resource sustainability and challenges: Status and competitiveness of international trade in licorice extracts under the Belt and Road Initiative. Global Ecology and Conservation, 34: e02014.
  • Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2002). Administração estratégica. São Paulo: Pioneira Thomson Learning.
  • Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2016). Strategic management: Concepts and cases: Competitiveness and globalization. Cengage Learning.
  • Hsu, C. C., & Chien, F. (2022). The study of co-movement risk in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative. International Review of Economics & Finance, 80: 1130-1152.
  • Huang, D., Loughney, S., & Wang, J. (2021). Identification of China’s strategic transport passages in the context of the belt and road initiative. Maritime Policy & Management, 1-26.
  • Huang, Y. (2016). Understanding China's Belt & Road initiative: motivation, framework and assessment. China Economic Review, 40: 314-321.
  • Huang, Y. (2018). Proactively and steadily advancing China’s financial opening. China Economic Journal, 11(1): 1-13.
  • Innocenti, T., Feller, D., Giagio, S., Salvioli, S., Minnucci, S., Brindisino, F., ... & Ostelo, R. (2022). Adherence to the PRISMA statement and its association with risk of bias in systematic reviews published in rehabilitation journals: A meta-research study. Brazilian journal of physical therapy: 100450.
  • Kalanlar, B. (2021). A PRISMA-driven systematic review for determination of earthquake and nursing studies. International Emergency Nursing, 59: 101095.
  • Kamberelis, G., & Dimitriadis, G. (2013). Focus groups. London: Routledge.
  • Kang, L., Peng, F., Zhu, Y., & Pan, A. (2018). Harmony in diversity: can the one belt one road initiative promote China’s outward foreign direct investment?. Sustainability, 10(9): 3264.
  • Kazemi, Y., Szmerekovsky, J. (2015). Modeling downstream petroleum supply chain: The importance of multi-mode transportation to strategic planning. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 83: 111-125.
  • Kim, W., Kim, J. H., Cha, Y. K., Chong, S., & Kim, T. J. (2022). Completeness of Reporting of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Test Accuracy (DTA) of Radiological Articles Based on the PRISMA-DTA Reporting Guideline. Academic Radiology.
  • Kong, Q., Chen, A., Shen, C., & Wong, Z. (2021). Has the Belt and Road Initiative improved the quality of economic growth in China's cities?. International Review of Economics & Finance, 76: 870-883.
  • Koseoglu, M. A., Wong, A. K. F., Kim, S. S., & Song, S. Y. (2022). Tracing knowledge creation and dissemination of strategic management research in hospitality scholarship from 1960 to 2020. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 104: 103247.
  • Laurenceson, J., Bretherton, H., Burke, P. F., & Wei, E. (2019). Chinese investment in Australian infrastructure assets: accounting for local public preferences. China Economic Journal, 12(1): 77-92.
  • Li, W., Qiao, Y., Li, X., & Wang, Y. (2022). Energy consumption, pollution haven hypothesis, and environmental Kuznets curve: examining the environment–economy link in belt and road initiative countries. Energy, 239, 122559.
  • Lin, W. (2019). Transport geography and geopolitics: Visions, rules and militarism in China's Belt and Road Initiative and beyond. Journal of Transport Geography, 81: 102436.
  • Mu, E., Cooper, O., & Peasley, M. (2020). Best practices in analytic network process studies. Expert Systems with Applications, 159: 113536.
  • Murcia, N. N., Ferreira, F. A., & Ferreira, J. J. (2022). Enhancing strategic management using a “quantified VRIO”: Adding value with the MCDA approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 174: 121251.
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There are 78 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Maritime Business Administration, Marine Vehicles Management Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Mehmet Serdar Çelık 0000-0001-5971-9405

Bulut Ozan Ceylan 0000-0003-1182-3566

Demir Ali Akyar 0000-0003-3853-0042

Early Pub Date February 16, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date September 24, 2024
Acceptance Date November 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 In Press Articles


APA Çelık, M. S., Ceylan, B. O., & Akyar, D. A. (2025). China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Motivations for Strategic Decision-Making in Global Transport Operations from a Maritime and Marine Engineering Perspective. Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences1-23.

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