Open Access Policy

Journal of Tour Guiding (JOTOG) aims to remove the need for funding / sponsoring to cover printing costs to a large extent, and thus facilitate access and sharing of information by publishing open source. In addition, being aware of the cost of information, we want to publish with an understanding that is not commercialized and does not allow the monopolization of information. Considering the difference between publishing and academics and the difficulties in publishing, we want to work exclusively for science on a voluntary basis, as in many stages of academia. For this reason, JOTOG is designed to be accessible to everyone easily and free of charge online.

JOTOG is fully accessible publication; This means that the peer-reviewed scientific studies can be read, downloaded, copied, printed, scanned or freely accessed online, scanned for indexing, transferred to software or financial, legal or technical means to be used for other legal purposes without obstacles.

The content of JOTOG is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-derivative 4.0 International License. All articles published after the referee evaluation in the Journal of Tourist Guidance are immediately accessible from the date of publication. In addition, there is no fee (article processing fee) requested from the authors before, during or after publication.

Archiving Statement

All articles published in the Journal of Tourist Guiding (JOTOG) are stored on hosting servers electronically through the DergiPark magazine management system under the umbrella of TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM.

CC License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

All articles published in Journal of Tourist Guiding (JOTOG) are licensed by Excerpt-NonCommercial -No Derivative 4.0 International (CC B Y-NC-ND 4.0). Authors and copyright holders agree that all users have free access. Authors whose articles are accepted are deemed to have accepted to share the information in their works by reference to the protection of copyright and the rights of the journal under Creative Commons Attribution License.

JOTOG applies Creative Commons Excerpt-Non-Commercial-Non-Derivative 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) for all the articles it will publish.

Last Update Time: 11/7/20, 4:17:02 PM