Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 6/30/24

Year: 2024
International Security, International Relations Theories, Politics in International Relations
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşegül GÜLER KARAMANOĞLU MEHMETBEY ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-5014-4825
International Relations
Regional Studies, Far East Studies
Turkish Foreign Policy, International Relations, International Migration, Studies of the Turkic World
Dr. Hasan AYDIN Shanghai University
International Relations, Contemporary African History, Late Modern African History, African Political History, Turkish Foreign Policy, Regional Studies, African Studies
Prof. Dr. Hüsamettin İNAÇ KÜTAHYA DUMLUPINAR ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-6922-2010
International Security, Turkish Political Life, International Politics, International Relations
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet BARDAKCI It is not affiliated with an institution 0000-0002-8116-0545
Turkish Foreign Policy, European Union, Middle East Studies
Far East Studies, Security Studies, International Relations
Political Science, Turkish Foreign Policy, International Politics, Turkish Political Life, Comparative Political Movement, European and Region Studies
International Relations, International Relations Theories, International Security, Terrorism in International Relations, Politics in International Relations
Asst. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Deniz ALTINSOY Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi
International Law, International Relations Theories, Regional Studies, International Migration

The Journal of International Relations and Politics (ULIPOD); It aims to contribute to the literature by preparing non-profit, free, accessible, double-blind peer-reviewed studies in the fields of International Relations and Political Science, which are in the public interest. In addition to original articles in the field, book and article reviews are also published in our journal.

The Journal of International Relations and Politics (ULIPOD); In line with the determined purpose, it publishes articles, book reviews and book reviews on subjects falling within the scope of international relations, international politics, political history, international law, terrorism and security studies, regional studies, migration studies, diplomacy, political economy, foreign policy and political science.

Editorial Principles

1. There is no evaluation fee and application fee for the articles submitted to the journal.
2. There is no royalty payment to the author (s) for the works published in the journal.
3. Compliance with the spelling and punctuation rules in the articles to be sent to the Journal of International Relations and Politics (ULIPOD) is one of the most important issues.
4. The citation and reference order of the articles to be sent to the Journal of International Relations and Politics (ULIPOD) should be made in accordance with APA.
5. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of International Relations and Politics (ULIPOD) should not have been published anywhere before and have not been presented for publication.
6. Articles should be written in Turkish or English. The responsibility of the studies published in the journal in terms of science and language belongs to the author (s).
7. In our journal, not only studies from academics but also studies from researchers and practitioners will be evaluated.
8. The articles should be prepared by filling the article template on the spelling rules page, and saved in .docx format, and uploaded to the system.
9. Articles, first of all, will be evaluated by our Editorial Board at the pre-control stage, and articles that contribute to the literature in terms of their scientific content will be included in the refereeing process.
10. Articles sent to our journal are sent to at least two referees after preliminary examination in terms of form and content and scanned in the plagiarism program. Articles with positive opinions from the referees are taken into the publishing process. If one positive and one negative report is received from the referees, the study is sent to a third referee if deemed appropriate by the Editorial Board. Referee appointments are made by the editorial board.
11. Articles submitted for publication in the journal should be prepared in accordance with the rules of research and publication ethics. In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information about the permission (name of the board, date, and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article. In the case of reports, the information that the informed consent/consent form was signed should be included in the article. Therefore, articles that do not send this document although the ethics committee requires a permit will not be evaluated and will be rejected.
12. The publication time and the number of articles of which the evaluation process has been completed are determined by the Editorial Board. For articles accepted for publication, an acceptance e-mail is sent to the author (s) via DergiPark.
13. The evaluation process has been completed and the articles can be published with the opinion of the editorial board within a maximum of 3 issues following its acceptance.
14. In line with the reports from the referees, it is decided to publish the article, to request the correction, additional information, and abbreviation from the author (s) within the framework of the report or not to publish, and this decision is notified to the author (s) through the system. The author (s) are obliged to make all changes requested by the referees. If the authors do not make the requested changes within the specified period, their articles are returned.
15. Published articles can be used in accordance with our Open Access Policy and Creative Commons license provided that the source is indicated.
16. The information and responsibility in the articles published in the journal belong to the authors.
17. The originality of the studies is one of the most important issues. For this reason, salt literature survey etc. studies are not included in our journal.
18. If the research subject and article have been supported by any institution or if the article is from the thesis, this should be stated in the file of the author's information.
19. Applications for articles that do not comply with publication principles will not be accepted. The evaluation process of the articles whose deficiencies are detected later will be terminated regardless of the stage and the article will be rejected.
20. Authors can archive their articles via Sherpa/Romeo, Dulcinea, Diadorim etc. systems.

Writing Rules

Headings in the article
The article should have both Turkish and English titles. The title should be written in Book Antiqua font, 12 pt, single-spaced and justified. The Turkish title should be written first, followed by the English title. The internal headings in the article should be written with the first letters capitalized and bold, justified, and numbered. Subheadings should be numbered systematically. Abstract, Abstract, Introduction and Conclusion should be written without numbering.

Author(s) Information
When the referee process is completed, the author should first write the title of the article in Turkish and English in accordance with the title format. Then, one line below the title, the name and surname of the author(s) should be written in Book Antiqua, 11 pt, bold, right justified, 1.5 line spacing. The title, place of work, e-mail address, ORCID number of the author(s) should be given as a footnote (9 pt. / Book Antiqua). Footnotes for other explanations should be numbered in the text and at the bottom of the page.

After the author's name, there should be a Turkish and English abstract (maximum 250 words) expressing the scope and originality of the article. Under both abstracts, there should be 3-5 keywords expressing the scope of the text. It should be written in Book Antiqua, 10 Punto, 0 pt before and after, single-spaced. For articles written in a foreign language, an abstract in Turkish is also required.

Font and Page Layout
In the works prepared as MS Word file, Book Antiqua font should be used in the form of 1.25 cm inside the paragraphs, 12 pt, justified, 6 nk space before and after paragraphs, single line spacing. Manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 (ten thousand) words, excluding abstract and bibliography.

In the introduction section, the hypothesis and scope of the article should be emphasized. In the development section, the introduction should be supported by data, opinions, comments and discussions with intermediate and subheadings. In the conclusion section, the results reached in the article should be explained by supporting them with recommendations.

Table, Figure and Visual
Figures, pictures, graphs and tables should be numbered. Figure, picture and graphic names should be underneath; table name should be above the table. The text and numbers in figures, pictures, graphics and tables should be written in 10 point font.

Graphics should be openable in Windows MS Word and graphics and tables should be numbered. Tables, figures, pictures and charts should be of a size appropriate to the page of the journal. If necessary, they can be written in smaller font size and single-spaced. Photographs should be in .jpeg format, of adequate size, and in the relevant places in the text.

Citation and References
APA 6th edition format and in-text citation method should be used. Direct quotations in the text should be written in quotation marks and italicized. Block quotations should start 1 cm from the right and left and should be written in 10 pt, italicized and in quotation marks using single line spacing.

For in-text citations, the reference system in which author's surname, date and page numbers are given should be preferred (Example: İnalcık, 1997: 53). In references to sources with more than two authors, the surname of the first author and the phrase "et al." should be used (Example: Morgan et al., 1994: 75). If more than one source is used within the same parenthesis, the sources should be separated by semicolons (;) (Example: Hassard ve Parker, 1994: 125; Boje, 1996: 146).  The same rule should be followed for in-text citations in compilations and editorial books (consisting of articles). In encyclopedia and law articles, the name of the publication, year and number of pages should be given (Example: Meydan Larousse, 1998: 1256; Türk Medeni Kanunu, 2015: 124). In quotations from a study published by the same author in the same year, the quotations should be separated as a and b. (Example: Kazgan, 2016a: 125; Kazgan, 2016b: 256).

Explanations about some issues that need to be explained in the text can be given in the form of footnotes and such footnotes must follow each other numerically. However, references cannot be given as footnotes or endnotes.

Bibliography Writing Rules


Alkin, E. (1988). İktisadi Giriş, 4. Baskı, İstanbul: Kanaat Matbaası.
Tabakoğlu, A. (2016a). Türk Malî Tarihi, İstanbul: Dergâh Yayınları.
Tabakoğlu, A. (2016b). Türk İktisat Tarihi, İstanbul: Kitabevi Yayınları.
Kazgan, G. (1989). İktisadi Düşünce veya Politik İktisadın Evrimi, İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
Wood, R.; Payne, T. (1998). Competency-Based Recruitment and Selection, London: Wiley Publication.
Noondy, R.; Noe, M.; Premeaux, S. R. (2002). Human Resource Management, 8th Ed., New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.

Collected Books and Encyclopedias

Toynbee, A. (2000). "Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun Dünya Tarihindeki Yeri", (Ed. K. Karpat), Osmanlı ve Dünya, İstanbul: Ufuk Kitapları: 49–67.
Pamuk, Ş.(2010a). “Monetary History of the Ottoman Empire”, Journal of Economic History, Vol. 15, No. 12: 256–285.
Pamuk, Ş. (2010b). “İstanbul’da 500 Yıllık Enflasyon ve Fiyatlar”, Financial Economic History of Ottoman Empire, (Ed. B. McGowan), Cambridge University Press: New York: 125–138.
Friedman, M. (2000). “Just Price in Medieval Europe”, Britannica, C. 9, Cambridge University Press: London: 1245–1249.
Britannica (2016). “Price Competition”, C. 12, Oxford University Press: USA: 2345–2350.


Paskaleva, V. (1967). "Osmanlı Balkan Eyaletlerinin Avrupalı Devletlerle Ticaretleri Tarihine Katkı 1700–1850", İÜ. İktisat Fakültesi Dergisi, C. 27, S. 1–2: 48–59.
İnalcık, H. (1967a). “Osmanlılarda Riyaset Rüsumu”, Belleten, Ankara: TTK. Yayınevi: 258–260.
İnalcık, H. (1967b). “Capital Accumulation of Ottoman Empire”, Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 28, No. 13: 128–135.
Linch, T.; Calantona, J. (1998). "The Impact of Market Knowledge Competence on New Product Advantage: Conceptualization and Empirical Examination", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 61 No. 2: 13–29.

Newspaper and Law Books and Texts

Akat, A. S., “Türkiye Ekonomisinin Yirmi Yıllık Geleceği”, Dünya Gazetesi, 22 Nisan 2012: 14.
Dünya Gazetesi, “İhracatta Rekor Gelişme”, 17 Ocak 1998: 7.
TBMM, Meclis Tutanakları, 28 Mayıs 2010: 1458.
Türk Ticaret Kanunu, 2014, Mad. 15.
T.C. Anayasası, 2014, İkinci Baskı, Başbakanlık Matbaası, Mad. 95.

Internet Resources

Salmon, P. (2003). "Decentralization and Supranationalty: The Case of the European Union", http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/fiscal/salmon.pdf, (Erişim: 02.10.2003).
"Special Topic: Corporate İncome Taxation and FDİ in the EU-8", http://siteresources.worldbank.org/İNTLATVİA/Resources/QER3spec.doc,(Erişim:28.10.2004).
http://www.tcmb.gov.tr, (Erişim: 28.10.2004).

Scientific Research Ethics
Scientific methods are used in obtaining data, analyzing, interpreting, and reaching the results. Unscientific results cannot be shown as research results.
While conducting the research, it is necessary to adhere to national and international agreements and to obtain permission from competent authorities.
The data obtained in the studies should be used to the extent and in the form allowed by the authorities. It should be essential that the data that should not be submitted remain confidential.
Researchers are obliged to report any adverse situations that may arise as a result of the research to the relevant persons and institutions. Every researcher has the right not to participate in the research due to these adverse situations that may occur.

Publication Ethics
Persons who have not contributed to the study during the scientific research and writing phase should not be shown as authors.
Author (s) should avoid situations such as irresponsible authorship, piracy, multilingual publishing, split publishing, biased source, biased publication, and human-animal ethics, which are stated as unethical behavior.
The author (s) should act in accordance with the citation system specified in the journal at the writing stage of the candidate article.
Unpublished or not presented studies should not be cited as references.
All or part of any work cannot be published without permission or giving reference (plagiarism).
The author (s) should indicate the financial sources of the study if any.

Referee Ethics
Referee (s); must be experts in the fields that the candidate article addresses. He is obliged to make his criticism objectively and clearly. He should not act in line with his own personal interests/views, and if necessary, he should not accept to be a referee. During the refereeing process, considering that the texts are personal, they should not be shared with third parties. They should not transfer information for their own studies from the article in the refereeing process and should not seek any academic/personal benefits. Candidate articles that will be rejected should be given clear and detailed justifications. The journal should also take into account the rules of scientific research and publication ethics.

Editorial Ethics
Editor (s) is obliged to appoint at least two referees appropriate to the subject of the candidate article. It should ensure the communication between the referee (s) and the responsible author, taking into account the blind review process. It should maintain its relations in a transparent and objective manner without discrimination between any author and referee. They should not use their position for their own personal and academic interests. Candidate articles for RET should give clear and detailed justifications. Scientific research, publication, and referee ethics should also be taken into account.

No fee is charged from the author or institution under any name.

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