Research Article
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The Contribution of the Anglo-Norman Romance to the Literature of Medieval England

Year 2021, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 105 - 117, 30.12.2021


After the Battle of Hastings (1066), Normans are considered plunderers and barbarians in the extant Anglo-Saxon, Latin, and Old French manuscripts. However, the Normans, who settle in England, owned the Anglo-Norman language and add cultural diversity to English literature between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Particularly, Anglo-Norman literature is associated with Anglo-Norman romances. While it is still difficult to define a romance, it provides a transition from an epic to chanson de geste. Romance, a literary genre inherited by the Normans, forms the basis of Middle English literature. This literary genre is inaugurated by the rise of Englishness in England, particularly with the Auchinleck manuscript in the mids of the fourteenth century. In this respect, Gui de Warewic is of signficance among dozens of romances produced in the Anglo-Norman language. Gui de Warewic survives in sixteen different manuscripts between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The major concern of this paper is to explore how Normans contribute to English literature. This paper refers to the codicological and paleographic aspects of the Gui de Warewic manuscripts.


  • Ailes, Marianne. (2012). What's in a Name? Anglo-Norman Romances or Chansons De Geste? Medieval Romance, Medieval Contexts. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer Limited, 61- 76. Bevan, Rosie. (2004). A Realignment of the 12th and 13th Century Pedigree of the Earls of Warwick – Complete Peerage Correction. Foundations, 1-3,194–7. Carol E. Harding. (2009). Dating Gui de Warewic: A Re-evaluation. Notes and Queries, 56-3, 333-5. Djordjevic, Ivana. (2015). Les Pruesses Gui: summarizing Gui de Warewic in London, College of Arms, MS Arundel 27. Medium Aevum, 84-2, 279-96. Ewert, Alfred. (1932). Gui de Warewic: roman du XIIIe siècle, Les Classiques Français du Moyen Age. Paris, 1932. Herbing, G.A.(1848). Ueber die Hs des Guy von Warwick auf der hzl Bibl. Zu Wolfenbuttel. Wismar. Jenkins, T.A. (1909). A New Fragment of the Old French Gui de Warewic. Modern Philology, 7, 593-96. Ker, N.R. (1983). Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries III. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Mason, Emma. (1984). Legends of the Beauchamps Ancestors: The Use of Baronial Propaganda in Medieval England. Journal of Medieval History, 10, 30-31. Richmond, Velma Bourgeois. (1996). The Legend of Guy of Warwick. London: Garland. Taflı Düzgün, Hülya. (2019). “Orta Çağ İngiliz Romansı Olan Havelok The Dane’de Millî Kimlik", Millî Folklor 31.124, 91-104. Vielliard, Françoise. (1975). Manuscrits français de moyen âge. Geneva, 1975. Wallensköld, A. (1909). Florence de Rome. Paris: Picart. Wathelet-Willem, Jeanne. (1975). Resurches sur la Chanson de Guillaume. Madison. Wilcox, Rebecca. (2004). Romancing the East: Greeks and Saracens in Guy of Warwick. Pulp Fictions of Medieval England. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 217–40.

El Yazmalarındaki Anglo-Norman Romansının Ortaçağ İngiliz Edebiyatına Katkıları

Year 2021, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 105 - 117, 30.12.2021


On birinci yüzyılın üçüncü çeyreğinde Hastings İstilası sonrasında Normanların, günümüze kadar varlığını koruyan Eski İngilizce, Latince ve Fransızca yazılan el yazmalarında yağmacı ve barbar olduğu şeklinde tasvirler bulunmaktadır. Ancak İngiltere’yi yurt edinen Normanlar, özellikle on bir ve on üçüncü yüzyıllar arasında Anglo-Norman dilini kullanarak İngiliz kültürüne ve edebiyatına çeşitlilik kazandırmıştır. Özellikle, Normanların miras bıraktığı edebi bir tür olan Anglo-Norman romansları, on dördüncü yüzyılın ortalarında İngiltere’de yeniden alevlenen İngiliz milliyetçiliği ile
şekillenen orta çağ İngilizcesi ile kaleme alınan romansların temelini oluşturmuştur. Bu bağlamda, Anglo-Norman dilinde yazılan onlarca romansın içerisinde Gui de Warewic’in farklı bir yeri vardır. On iki ve on beşinci yüzyıl arasında on altı farklı el yazması içerisinde bulunan Gui de Warewic, günümüze kadar korunabilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı orta çağ İngilizcesi ile yazılan Guy of Warwick başlıklı romansın temellerini oluşturan ve Anglo-Norman dilinde kaleme alınan Gui de Warewic’in el yazmalarındaki kodikolojik ve paleografik özelliklerine değinerek Normanların İngiliz edebiyatına olan katkılarını gözler önüne sermektir.


  • Ailes, Marianne. (2012). What's in a Name? Anglo-Norman Romances or Chansons De Geste? Medieval Romance, Medieval Contexts. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer Limited, 61- 76. Bevan, Rosie. (2004). A Realignment of the 12th and 13th Century Pedigree of the Earls of Warwick – Complete Peerage Correction. Foundations, 1-3,194–7. Carol E. Harding. (2009). Dating Gui de Warewic: A Re-evaluation. Notes and Queries, 56-3, 333-5. Djordjevic, Ivana. (2015). Les Pruesses Gui: summarizing Gui de Warewic in London, College of Arms, MS Arundel 27. Medium Aevum, 84-2, 279-96. Ewert, Alfred. (1932). Gui de Warewic: roman du XIIIe siècle, Les Classiques Français du Moyen Age. Paris, 1932. Herbing, G.A.(1848). Ueber die Hs des Guy von Warwick auf der hzl Bibl. Zu Wolfenbuttel. Wismar. Jenkins, T.A. (1909). A New Fragment of the Old French Gui de Warewic. Modern Philology, 7, 593-96. Ker, N.R. (1983). Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries III. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Mason, Emma. (1984). Legends of the Beauchamps Ancestors: The Use of Baronial Propaganda in Medieval England. Journal of Medieval History, 10, 30-31. Richmond, Velma Bourgeois. (1996). The Legend of Guy of Warwick. London: Garland. Taflı Düzgün, Hülya. (2019). “Orta Çağ İngiliz Romansı Olan Havelok The Dane’de Millî Kimlik", Millî Folklor 31.124, 91-104. Vielliard, Françoise. (1975). Manuscrits français de moyen âge. Geneva, 1975. Wallensköld, A. (1909). Florence de Rome. Paris: Picart. Wathelet-Willem, Jeanne. (1975). Resurches sur la Chanson de Guillaume. Madison. Wilcox, Rebecca. (2004). Romancing the East: Greeks and Saracens in Guy of Warwick. Pulp Fictions of Medieval England. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 217–40.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects World Languages, Literature and Culture (Other), Creative Arts and Writing
Journal Section Research Articles

Hülya Taflı Düzgün This is me 0000-0001-8513-7951

Publication Date December 30, 2021
Submission Date November 10, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Taflı Düzgün, H. (2021). El Yazmalarındaki Anglo-Norman Romansının Ortaçağ İngiliz Edebiyatına Katkıları. World Language Studies, 1(2), 105-117.

World Language Studies, Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.