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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 19, 609 - 621, 30.12.2018


Psychological well-being is the absence of any
psychological distress (anxiety, depression, etc.). Perceived social support is
the level of the subjective evaluation of one’s amount of support from their
social environment (family, friends, relatives, etc.). This study is to
determine the relationship between perceived social support and psychological
well-being of teenagers under protection (14-20 years of age) who stays at child
support centers. Living duration, frequency and duration of absence without
leave behavior are also included variables. The study predicted that perceived
social support and psychological well-being are positively related. Thus,
duration of their stay at the center was expected to be related with the
perceived social support. Frequency and duration of their absence without leave
behavior were also expected to be related with the variables. Seventy-eight
teenagers participated to the study. General Health Questionnaire and
Multdimensional Perceived Social Support Scale were used. 


  • Adamczyk, K., ve Segrin, C. (2015). Perceived social support and mental health among single vs. partnered Polish young adults. Current Psychology, 34, 82-96.
  • Arenas, M. D., Alvarez-Ude, F., Reig-Ferrer, A., Zito, J. P., Gil, M. T., Carretón, M. A., Albiach, B., Moledus, A. (2007). Emotional distress and health-related quality of life in patients on hemodialysis: the clinical value of COOP-WONCA charts. Journal of Nephrology, 20(3), 304-310.
  • Bilgiç, R., ve Yılmaz, N. (2013). The correlates of psychological health among the Turkish unemployed: Psychological burden of financial help during unemployment. International Journal of Psychology, 48(5), 1000-1008.
  • Byrne, M., Plunkett, P. K., McGee, H., Murray, A., ve Bury, G. (2003). Frequent attenders to an emergency department: a study of primary health care use, medical profile, and psychosocial characteristics. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 41, 309-318.
  • Chou, K. L. (2000). Assessing Chinese adolescents’ social support: the multidimensional scale of perceived social support. Personality and individual differences, 28, 299-307.
  • Çebi, E. (2009). University students’ attitudes toward seeking psychological help: Effects of perceived social support, psychological distress, prior help-seeking experience and gender. Thesis submitted to the graduate school of Middle East Technical University.
  • Eker, D., Arkar, H., ve Yaldız, H. (2001). Çok boyutlu algılanan sosyal destek ölçeğinin gözden geçirilmiş formunun faktör yapısı, geçerlik ve güvenirliği. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 12(1), 17-25.
  • Eker, D, ve Arkar, H. (1995). Perceived social support: psychometric properties of the MSPSS in normal and pathological groups in a developing country. Social Psychiatry Psychiatric Epidemiology, 30, 121-126.
  • Goldberg DP, Gater R, Sartorius N ve ark. (1997) The validity of two versions of the GHQ in the WHO study of mental illness in general health care. Psychological Medicine, 27, 191-97.
  • Goldberg, D.P., Hillier, V.F. (1979). A scaled version of the General Health Questionnaire. Psychological Medicine, 9(1), 139-145.
  • Glozah, F. N., (2013). Effects of academic stress and perceived social support on the psychological wellbeing of adolescents in Ghana. Open Journal of Medical PSychology, 2, 143-150.
  • Karim, N., Ali, A., ve Deuri, (2015). A comparative study of care burden and social support among caregivers of persons with schizophrenia and epilepsy. Open Journal of Psychiatryve Allied Sciences, 6, 132-137.
  • Kılıç, C. (1996). Genel Sağlık Anketi: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 7, 3-11.
  • Lakey, B., ve Cohen, S. (2000). Social support theory and measurement. In S. Cohen, L. G. Underwood, ve B. H. Gottlieb (Eds.) Social support measurement and intervention: A guide for health and social scientists (29-52).
  • Matsuda, T., Tsuda, A., Kim, E., ve Deng, K. (2014). Association between perceived social support and subjective well-being among Japane-se, Chinese, and Korean college students. Psychology, 5, 491-499.
  • Ryaff, C. D. (1995). Psychoılogical well-being in adult life. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 4 (4), 99-104.
  • Selçuk Tosun, A., ve Akça, G. (2014). Konya kent merkezinde sosyoekonomik özellikleri farklı olan bölgelerde yaşayan bireylerin sosyal destek ve ruhsal sağlık durumlarını etkileyen faktörler. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 17, 4.
  • Shahdadi, H., Monsouri, A., Nasiri, A. A., ve Bandani, E. (2017). An assess-ment of the relaitonship between social support and mental health of students of Zabol University of Medical Science in 2017. World Family Medicine / Middle East Journal of FAmily MEdicine, 15 (10).
  • Tam, C. L., Foo, Y. C., ve Lee, T. H. (2011). The association between perceived social support, socio-economic status and mental health in young Malaysian adults. East Asian Arch Psychiatry, 21(2), 73-78.
  • Tahmasbipour, N., ve Taheri, A. (2012). A survey on the relation between social support and mental health in students Shahid Rajaee Uni-versity. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Scinences, 47, 5-9.
  • Tschann, J. M., Flores, E., Pasch, L. A., Marin B. V. (2005). Emotional distress, alcohol use, and peer voilence among Mexican-American and Eu-ropean-American adolescent. Journal of Adolescent Health, 37(1), 11-18.
  • Oginska-Bulik, N. (2005). The role of personal and social resources in preventing advers health outcomes in employess of uniformed professions. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environ-mental Health, 18(3), 233-240.
  • Ono, M., ve Honda, S. (2017). Association between social support and child abuse potential among Japanese mothers. Children and youth services review, 73, 88-92.
  • Williams, P. (2005). What is social support? A grounded theory of social interaction in the context of the new family. Thesis for Department of public health, University of Adelaide.
  • Winefield, H. R., Gill, T. K., Taylor, A. W., Pilkington, R. M. (2012). Psychological well-being and psychological distress: is it necessary to measure both? Theory, Research and Practice, 2:3.
  • Yıldırım, N., Karaca, A., Cangur, S., Açıkgöz, F., ve Akkuş, D. (2017). The relationship between educational stress, stress coping, self-esteem, social support, and health status among nursing students in Turkey: A structural equation modeling approach. Nurse education today, 48, 33-39.
  • Zimet, G. D., Dahlem, N. W., Zimet, S. G. ve Farley, G. K. (1988) The Multi-dimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Journal of Personality Assessment, 52, 30-41.


Yıl 2018, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 19, 609 - 621, 30.12.2018


iyilik, kişinin psikolojik olarak herhangi bir sorun (anksiyete, depresyon,
vb.) yaşamamasıdır. Algılanan sosyal destek, kişinin sosyal çevresinden (aile,
arkadaş, akraba, vb.) almakta olduğu desteği öznel olarak değerlendirme
düzeyidir. Bu çalışmada korunma altında bulunan ve çocuk destek merkezlerinde
kalmakta olan 14-20 yaş arasındaki ergenlerin algıladıkları sosyal destek ve
psikolojik iyilikleri arasındaki ilişki araştırılmıştır. Çocukların kuruluşta
kalma süreleri, izinsiz ayrılma sıklıkları ve süreleri de incelenen değişkenler
arasındadır. Araştırma, algılanan sosyal destek arttıkça psikolojik iyiliğin de
artacağını öngörmüştür. Ayrıca kuruluşta kalış sürelerinin algıladıkları sosyal
destekle ilişkili olacağını, izinsiz ayrılma sıklık ve süresinin de bu
değişkenlerle ilişkili olabileceğini değerlendirmiştir. Araştırmaya kuruluşta
kalmakta olan 78 ergen katılmıştır. Değerlendirme amacıyla Genel Sağlık Anketi
ve Çok Boyutlu Algılanan Sosyal Destek ölçeği kullanılmıştır. 


  • Adamczyk, K., ve Segrin, C. (2015). Perceived social support and mental health among single vs. partnered Polish young adults. Current Psychology, 34, 82-96.
  • Arenas, M. D., Alvarez-Ude, F., Reig-Ferrer, A., Zito, J. P., Gil, M. T., Carretón, M. A., Albiach, B., Moledus, A. (2007). Emotional distress and health-related quality of life in patients on hemodialysis: the clinical value of COOP-WONCA charts. Journal of Nephrology, 20(3), 304-310.
  • Bilgiç, R., ve Yılmaz, N. (2013). The correlates of psychological health among the Turkish unemployed: Psychological burden of financial help during unemployment. International Journal of Psychology, 48(5), 1000-1008.
  • Byrne, M., Plunkett, P. K., McGee, H., Murray, A., ve Bury, G. (2003). Frequent attenders to an emergency department: a study of primary health care use, medical profile, and psychosocial characteristics. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 41, 309-318.
  • Chou, K. L. (2000). Assessing Chinese adolescents’ social support: the multidimensional scale of perceived social support. Personality and individual differences, 28, 299-307.
  • Çebi, E. (2009). University students’ attitudes toward seeking psychological help: Effects of perceived social support, psychological distress, prior help-seeking experience and gender. Thesis submitted to the graduate school of Middle East Technical University.
  • Eker, D., Arkar, H., ve Yaldız, H. (2001). Çok boyutlu algılanan sosyal destek ölçeğinin gözden geçirilmiş formunun faktör yapısı, geçerlik ve güvenirliği. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 12(1), 17-25.
  • Eker, D, ve Arkar, H. (1995). Perceived social support: psychometric properties of the MSPSS in normal and pathological groups in a developing country. Social Psychiatry Psychiatric Epidemiology, 30, 121-126.
  • Goldberg DP, Gater R, Sartorius N ve ark. (1997) The validity of two versions of the GHQ in the WHO study of mental illness in general health care. Psychological Medicine, 27, 191-97.
  • Goldberg, D.P., Hillier, V.F. (1979). A scaled version of the General Health Questionnaire. Psychological Medicine, 9(1), 139-145.
  • Glozah, F. N., (2013). Effects of academic stress and perceived social support on the psychological wellbeing of adolescents in Ghana. Open Journal of Medical PSychology, 2, 143-150.
  • Karim, N., Ali, A., ve Deuri, (2015). A comparative study of care burden and social support among caregivers of persons with schizophrenia and epilepsy. Open Journal of Psychiatryve Allied Sciences, 6, 132-137.
  • Kılıç, C. (1996). Genel Sağlık Anketi: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 7, 3-11.
  • Lakey, B., ve Cohen, S. (2000). Social support theory and measurement. In S. Cohen, L. G. Underwood, ve B. H. Gottlieb (Eds.) Social support measurement and intervention: A guide for health and social scientists (29-52).
  • Matsuda, T., Tsuda, A., Kim, E., ve Deng, K. (2014). Association between perceived social support and subjective well-being among Japane-se, Chinese, and Korean college students. Psychology, 5, 491-499.
  • Ryaff, C. D. (1995). Psychoılogical well-being in adult life. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 4 (4), 99-104.
  • Selçuk Tosun, A., ve Akça, G. (2014). Konya kent merkezinde sosyoekonomik özellikleri farklı olan bölgelerde yaşayan bireylerin sosyal destek ve ruhsal sağlık durumlarını etkileyen faktörler. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 17, 4.
  • Shahdadi, H., Monsouri, A., Nasiri, A. A., ve Bandani, E. (2017). An assess-ment of the relaitonship between social support and mental health of students of Zabol University of Medical Science in 2017. World Family Medicine / Middle East Journal of FAmily MEdicine, 15 (10).
  • Tam, C. L., Foo, Y. C., ve Lee, T. H. (2011). The association between perceived social support, socio-economic status and mental health in young Malaysian adults. East Asian Arch Psychiatry, 21(2), 73-78.
  • Tahmasbipour, N., ve Taheri, A. (2012). A survey on the relation between social support and mental health in students Shahid Rajaee Uni-versity. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Scinences, 47, 5-9.
  • Tschann, J. M., Flores, E., Pasch, L. A., Marin B. V. (2005). Emotional distress, alcohol use, and peer voilence among Mexican-American and Eu-ropean-American adolescent. Journal of Adolescent Health, 37(1), 11-18.
  • Oginska-Bulik, N. (2005). The role of personal and social resources in preventing advers health outcomes in employess of uniformed professions. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environ-mental Health, 18(3), 233-240.
  • Ono, M., ve Honda, S. (2017). Association between social support and child abuse potential among Japanese mothers. Children and youth services review, 73, 88-92.
  • Williams, P. (2005). What is social support? A grounded theory of social interaction in the context of the new family. Thesis for Department of public health, University of Adelaide.
  • Winefield, H. R., Gill, T. K., Taylor, A. W., Pilkington, R. M. (2012). Psychological well-being and psychological distress: is it necessary to measure both? Theory, Research and Practice, 2:3.
  • Yıldırım, N., Karaca, A., Cangur, S., Açıkgöz, F., ve Akkuş, D. (2017). The relationship between educational stress, stress coping, self-esteem, social support, and health status among nursing students in Turkey: A structural equation modeling approach. Nurse education today, 48, 33-39.
  • Zimet, G. D., Dahlem, N. W., Zimet, S. G. ve Farley, G. K. (1988) The Multi-dimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Journal of Personality Assessment, 52, 30-41.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Orhan Koçak 0000-0002-0281-8805

İrmak Arslan Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-5427-4355

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 19

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