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Silisyumun bitki gelişimine olan etkileri

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 151 - 163, 28.12.2018


Bu çalışmada silisyumun (Si) bitki gelişimi üzerine olan etkileri, noksanlık simptomları, toksisitesi ve gübrelemesi konuları incelenmiştir. Bitkiler silisyumu toprak çözeltisinden orto silisilik (H4SiO4) veya monosilisilik asit (Si(OH)4) anyon formunda absorbe ederler. Silisyum bitkilerin sap veya yapraklarında pektin ve kalsiyum iyonlarıyla birleşerek silika-selüluz membran tabakası (SiO2.2nH2O) oluşturmak suretiyle epidermal bitki dokularında polimerize olmaktadır. Bu sayede yapraklarda transpirasyonu azaltarak kuraklığa direnç sağlamakta, toprak çözeltisinde Al-Si, Fe-Si, Mn-Si kompleksleri oluşturarak bitkilerde olası ağır metal toksisitesini azaltmakta, hücre duvarının kalınlığını artırmak suretiyle gövdenin biyotik zararlılara karşı dayanıklılığını artırmaktadır. Toprakta aşırı tuz bulunması durumunda Na-silikat oluşturarak Na miktarını ve bitkide oluşturacağı tuz zararını azaltmaktadır. Gelişme ortamında silisyumun noksan ve yeterli bulunması durumları ile muhtemel stres şartlarında kullanılabilecek silisyumlu gübreler incelenmiştir.


  • Anonymous 2009.
  • Balasta MLFC, Perez CM. 1989. Effecets of silica level on some properties of Oryza sativa L. straw and hull. Canadian Journal Botany. 67:2356-2363.
  • Birchall JD, Exley C, Chappell JS. 1989. Acute toxicity of aluminum to fish eliminated in silicon-rich acid waters. Nature 338:146–148
  • Brady NC. 1990. The nature and properties of soils, 10th edn. New York: Macmillan
  • Brecht MO, Datnoff LE, Kucharek TA, Nagata RT. 2004. Influence of silicon and chlorothalonil on the suppression of gray leaf spot and increase plant growth in St. Augustinegrass. Plant Dis. 88:338-344.
  • Brecht M, Datnoff L, Stiles C. 2004. Bipolaris and Curvularia and fungal species associated with ‘Tifeagle’ and ‘Floradwarf’ bermudagrasses in Florida. Turfgrass Field Day, UF/IFAS, Gainesville, 22 July. by chemical and biological methods. Abstract. Annual Meeting Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Baltimore, MD. 18-22 Oct, p.308.
  • Cherepanov KA, Chernish GI, Dinelt VM, Suharev JI. 1994. The Utilization of Secondary Material Resources in Metallurgy. Moscow: Metallurgy
  • Datnoff LE. 2005. Plant Management Network. Silicon in the life and performance of Turfgrass. Online. Applied Turfgrass Science doi:10.1094/ATS2005-0914-01-RV.
  • Datnoff, LE, Deren CW, Snyder GH. 1997. Silicon fertilization for disease management of rice in Florida. Crop Prot. 16:525-531.
  • De Datta SK. 1981. Principles and Practices of Rice Production. John Wiley & Sons. Inc. Newyork.
  • Dobermann A., Fairhurst TH. 2000. Rice:Nutrient Disorders & Nutrient Management. International Rice Research Institute. First edition, ISBN 981-04-2742-5, 95-98pp.
  • Elawad SH, Gren VE. 1979. Silicon and the rice plant environment: A rewiev of recent research. Riv. Riso 28:235-253.
  • Elawad SH, Gren VE. 1979. Silicon and the rice plant environment: A rewiev of recent research. Riv. Riso 28:235-253.
  • Elawad SH, Street JJ, Gascho GJ. 1982. Response Of Sugarcane To Silicate Source And Rate. I. Growth And Yield. Agron. J., 74:481-484
  • Epstein E. 1994. The anomaly of silicon in plant biology. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91:ll- 17
  • Epstein E. 1999. Silicon, Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 50 (1999) 641–664.
  • Gascho GJ, Korndörfer GH. 1998. Availability of silicon from several sources determined by chemical and biological methods. In: Soil science Society of America annual meeting, 18-22 Oct. Baltimore. p. 308
  • Hamel SC, Heckman JR. 1999. Impact of mineral silicon products on powdery mildew in greenhouse grown turf. Rutgers Turfgrass, vol. 31, Rutgers, New Jersey.
  • Haysom MBC, Chapman LS. 1975. Some aspects of the calcium silicate trials at Mackay. Proc. Qld Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. 42:117-122.
  • Heckman JR, Johnston S, Cowgill W. 2003. Pumpkin yield and disease response to amending soil with silicon. Horticultural Science 38(4): 552-554.
  • Heckman JR, Provance-Bowley M. 2011. Silicon in Soil Fertility and Crop Production; Ten years of Research. Northeast Branch Crops, Soils and Agronomy Meeting Abstracts. (Available at 2012)
  • Hodson MJ, Evans DE. 1995. Aluminium/silicon interactions in higher plants. J. Exp. Bot. 46: 161–171, 1995.
  • Horuz A, Korkmaz A, Karaman MR. 2013. Çeltik Topraklarının Silisyumlu Gübrelemeye Tepkisi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi- Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 19(4): 268-280
  • Hull RJ. 2004. Scientists start to recognize silicon’s benefical effects.. Turtgrass Trends 8:69-73.
  • Idris M, Hossain MM, Choudhury FA. 1975. The effect of silicon on lodging of rice in presence of added nitrogen. Plant Soil, 43:691-695.
  • Imaizumi K, Yoshida S. 1958. Edaphological studies on silicon supplying power of paddy soil. Bull. Natl Inst. Agric. Sci. (Jpn) B, 8:261-304.
  • IRRI (International Rice research Institute) 1981. Annual Report. Los Banos, Philippines, 418 p.
  • IRRI 1980. Organic matter and rice. International rice research institute. ISBN 971-104-104-9.
  • Jones LHP, Handreck KA. 1967. Silica in soils, plants and animal. Ad. Argon. 19:107-1149
  • Kaya C, Tuna L, Higgs D. 2006. Effect of Silicon on Plant Growth and Mineral Nutrition of Maize Grown Under Water-Stress Condition. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 29:1469-1480.
  • Leibig L. 1840. Organic Chemistry in Its Application to Agriculture and Physiology. From the manuscript of the author by Lyon Playfair. London: Taylor & Walton,
  • Lewin CJ, Reimann BE.1969. Silicon and plant growth. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. 20:289–304, 1969.
  • Liang Y, Sun W, Zhu YG, Christie P. 2007. Mechanisms of silicon-mediated alleviation of abiotic stresses in higher plants: a review. Environ Pollut. 147(2):422-428
  • Liang Y, Wong JW, Wei L. 2005. Silicon-mediated enhancement of cadmium tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.) grown in cadmium contaminated soil. Chemosphere, 58(4):475-83.
  • Liang YC, Ma TS, Li FJ, Feng YJ. 1994. Silicon availability and response of rice and wheat to silicon in cacerous soils. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 25:2285-2297.
  • Lindsay WL. 1979. Chemical Equilibria in Soil. New York: Wiley,
  • Linjuan Z, Junping J, Lijun W, Min L, Fusuo Z. 1999. Effects of silicon on the seedling growth of creeping bentgrass and zoysiagrass. Pages 381 in: Silicon in Agriculture. L. E. Datnoff, G. H. Snyder, and G. H. Korndorfer, eds. Elsevier Science. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Loué A,1986. Les Oligo-Éléments en Agriculture. Agri - Nathan International, 43 Rue du Chemin- Vert, 75011 Paris.
  • Ma JF. 2003. Function of silicon in higher plants. Prog. Mol. Subcell. Biol. 33:127–147, 2003.
  • Ma JF. 2004. Role of silicon in enhancing the resistance of plants to biotic and abiotic stresses, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 50(1):11-18
  • Ma JF, Takahashi E. 2002. Soil, Fertilizer, and Plant Silicon Research in Japan. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam
  • Ma JF, Yamaji N. 2006. Silicon uptake and accumulation in higher plants. Trends Plant Sci. 11:392–397. Marschner H, Oberle H, Cakmar I, Romheld V. 1990. In : “Plant Nutrition-Physiology and Application” (M.L. Van Bensichem, ed.) pp: 241-249. [Ktuwer Academic Dordrecnt.]
  • Matichenkov VV, Ammosova YM, Bocharnikova EA. 1997. The method for determination of plant-available silica in soil. Agrochemistry 1:76-84
  • Matichenkov VV, Bocharnikova EA, Calvert DV, Snyder GH. 2000. Comparison study of soil silicon status in sandy soils of south Florida. Soil Crop Sci. Soc. Florida Proc. 59:132-137.
  • Matichenkov VV, Bocharnikova EA. 2001. The relationship between silicon and soil physical and chemical properties. In: L.E. Datnoff, G.H. Snyder, H. Korndorfer, eds. Silicon in Agriculture. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 209–219.
  • Matichenkov VV, Calvert DV, Snyder GH. 1999. Silicon fertilizers for citrus in Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 112: 5–8.
  • Matichenkov VV, Pinsky DL, Bocharnikova EA. 1995. Influence of mechanical compaction of soils on the state and form of available silicon. Euras. Soil Sci.27:58–67
  • Mattson N. 2012. Adding Silicon to the Fertilizer Program in Poinsettia Production: Benefits and Facts. (Available at 2012).
  • Mauad M, Crusciol CAC, Filho HG, Correa JC. 2003. Nitrogen and silicon fertiilization of upland rice. Sci. Agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.) 60:4
  • Nishimura K, Miyaki Y, Takahashi E. 1989. On silicon, aluminium, and zinc accumulators discriminated from 147 species of Angiospermae. Mem. Coll. Agric. Kyoto Univ. 133, 23–43.
  • Okuda A, Takashi E. 1965. The role of silicon. In: The mineral nutrition of the rice plant. John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MD. p.123-146.
  • Park CS. 2001. Past and Future advances in siilicon research in the republic of Korea. In silicon in Agriculture. Datnoff, L.E., Snyder, G.H., Korndorfer, G.H., Eds., Elsevier: Amsterdam, 359-371
  • Provance-Bowley MC, Heckman JR, Durner EF. 2010. Calcium silicate suppresses powdery mildew and increases yield of field grown wheat. Soil Science Society of America Journal, Madison, v. 74, n. 5, p. 1652-1661
  • Rayment GE, Higginson FR. 1992. Autralian laboratory handbook of soil and water chemical methods. Inkhata Pres. Melbourne. 330p.
  • Savant N K, Korndorfer G H, Datnoff LE, Snyder GH. 1999. Silicon nutrition and sugarcane production: a review. J. Plant Nutr. 22 (12):1853-1903
  • Savant NK, Synder GH, Datnoff LE. 1997a. Silicon managent and sustainable rice production. in Advances in Agronomy, vol. 58. D.L. Sparks ed. Academic Pres, pp. 151-199 San Diego, CA.
  • Savant NG, Snyder, Datnoff L. 1997b. Silicon management and sustainable rice production. Adv. Agron. 58, 151-199
  • Schindler PW, Furst B, Dick R, Wolf PO. 1976. Ligand properties of surface silanol groups. I. Surface complex formation with Fe3, Cu2, Cd3, and Pb2. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 55:469–475, 1976.
  • Seebold KW, Kucharek TA, Datnoff LE, Correa-Victoria FJ, Marchetti MA. 2001. The influence of silicon on components of resistance to blast in susceptible, partially resistant and resistant cultivars of rice. Phytopathology 91:63-69.
  • Singh KK, Singh K, Singhl RS, Singh R, Chandel RS. 2005. Silicon Nutrition In Rice - A Review Agric. Rev.. 26 (3) : 223 - 228.
  • Sistani KR, Savant NK, Reddy KC. 1997. Effect of rice hull ash silicon on rice seedling growth. J. Plant Nutr. , 20 (1):195 –201.
  • Takahashi E. 1995. Uptake mode and physiological functions of silica. Japan J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 49:357–360, 1995.
  • Takahash, E, Ma JF, Miyake Y. 1990. The possibility of silicon as an essential element for higher plants. Comments Agric. Food Chem. 2:99-122.
  • Tanaka A, Yoshida S. 1970. Nutritional disorders of the rice plant in Asia. IRRI Technical Bull. 10. IRRI Manila. Phillipines
  • Turan M, Horuz A. 2012. Bitki Besleme. Bitki Beslemenin Temel İlkeleri. Ed: M. Rüştü Karaman, 123-347. Ankara
  • Vlamis J, Williams DI. 1967. Manganese and Silicon interaction in the Gramineae. Plant Soil. 27:131-140. Winslow MD, Okada K, Correa-Victoria F. 1997. Silicon deficiency and the adaptation of rice ecotypes. Plant and Soil. 188:239-248.
  • Xu G, Zhan X, Li C, Bao S, Liu X, Chu T. 2001. Assessing methods of available silicon in calcareous soils. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 32:787-801
  • Yoshida S. 1975. The physiology of silicon in rice. Technical bulletin, no. 25, Food and Fertilizer Technology Center, Taipei, Taiwan, 1975.

The effects of silicon on plant development

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 151 - 163, 28.12.2018


In this study, silicon (Si) effects on plant development, deficiency symptoms, toxicity and fertilization were investigated. Silicon is taken up from soil solution by the plant roots in the anion forms of orto silicic acid (H4SiO4) or mono silicic acid [Si(OH)4)]. Silicon polymerizes to form silica-cellulose membrane layer (SiO2·nH2O) by combining with pectin and calcium ions in the epidermal tissues of leaf or stem of plants. Thereby, it gains resistance against drought by reducing the transpiration, and reduces the transpiration of the leaves, reducing the toxicity of heavy metals in plants by forming Al-Si, Fe-Si and Mn-Si complexes in soil solution and increasing the stability of stem to biotic pests by increasing the thickness of the cell wall. Also, silicate reduces the amount of Na ions and the salt damage that will occur in the plant by forming Na-silicate. Si fertilizers were examined to be used in possible deficient and sufficient Si stress conditions in the growth media.


  • Anonymous 2009.
  • Balasta MLFC, Perez CM. 1989. Effecets of silica level on some properties of Oryza sativa L. straw and hull. Canadian Journal Botany. 67:2356-2363.
  • Birchall JD, Exley C, Chappell JS. 1989. Acute toxicity of aluminum to fish eliminated in silicon-rich acid waters. Nature 338:146–148
  • Brady NC. 1990. The nature and properties of soils, 10th edn. New York: Macmillan
  • Brecht MO, Datnoff LE, Kucharek TA, Nagata RT. 2004. Influence of silicon and chlorothalonil on the suppression of gray leaf spot and increase plant growth in St. Augustinegrass. Plant Dis. 88:338-344.
  • Brecht M, Datnoff L, Stiles C. 2004. Bipolaris and Curvularia and fungal species associated with ‘Tifeagle’ and ‘Floradwarf’ bermudagrasses in Florida. Turfgrass Field Day, UF/IFAS, Gainesville, 22 July. by chemical and biological methods. Abstract. Annual Meeting Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Baltimore, MD. 18-22 Oct, p.308.
  • Cherepanov KA, Chernish GI, Dinelt VM, Suharev JI. 1994. The Utilization of Secondary Material Resources in Metallurgy. Moscow: Metallurgy
  • Datnoff LE. 2005. Plant Management Network. Silicon in the life and performance of Turfgrass. Online. Applied Turfgrass Science doi:10.1094/ATS2005-0914-01-RV.
  • Datnoff, LE, Deren CW, Snyder GH. 1997. Silicon fertilization for disease management of rice in Florida. Crop Prot. 16:525-531.
  • De Datta SK. 1981. Principles and Practices of Rice Production. John Wiley & Sons. Inc. Newyork.
  • Dobermann A., Fairhurst TH. 2000. Rice:Nutrient Disorders & Nutrient Management. International Rice Research Institute. First edition, ISBN 981-04-2742-5, 95-98pp.
  • Elawad SH, Gren VE. 1979. Silicon and the rice plant environment: A rewiev of recent research. Riv. Riso 28:235-253.
  • Elawad SH, Gren VE. 1979. Silicon and the rice plant environment: A rewiev of recent research. Riv. Riso 28:235-253.
  • Elawad SH, Street JJ, Gascho GJ. 1982. Response Of Sugarcane To Silicate Source And Rate. I. Growth And Yield. Agron. J., 74:481-484
  • Epstein E. 1994. The anomaly of silicon in plant biology. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91:ll- 17
  • Epstein E. 1999. Silicon, Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 50 (1999) 641–664.
  • Gascho GJ, Korndörfer GH. 1998. Availability of silicon from several sources determined by chemical and biological methods. In: Soil science Society of America annual meeting, 18-22 Oct. Baltimore. p. 308
  • Hamel SC, Heckman JR. 1999. Impact of mineral silicon products on powdery mildew in greenhouse grown turf. Rutgers Turfgrass, vol. 31, Rutgers, New Jersey.
  • Haysom MBC, Chapman LS. 1975. Some aspects of the calcium silicate trials at Mackay. Proc. Qld Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. 42:117-122.
  • Heckman JR, Johnston S, Cowgill W. 2003. Pumpkin yield and disease response to amending soil with silicon. Horticultural Science 38(4): 552-554.
  • Heckman JR, Provance-Bowley M. 2011. Silicon in Soil Fertility and Crop Production; Ten years of Research. Northeast Branch Crops, Soils and Agronomy Meeting Abstracts. (Available at 2012)
  • Hodson MJ, Evans DE. 1995. Aluminium/silicon interactions in higher plants. J. Exp. Bot. 46: 161–171, 1995.
  • Horuz A, Korkmaz A, Karaman MR. 2013. Çeltik Topraklarının Silisyumlu Gübrelemeye Tepkisi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi- Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 19(4): 268-280
  • Hull RJ. 2004. Scientists start to recognize silicon’s benefical effects.. Turtgrass Trends 8:69-73.
  • Idris M, Hossain MM, Choudhury FA. 1975. The effect of silicon on lodging of rice in presence of added nitrogen. Plant Soil, 43:691-695.
  • Imaizumi K, Yoshida S. 1958. Edaphological studies on silicon supplying power of paddy soil. Bull. Natl Inst. Agric. Sci. (Jpn) B, 8:261-304.
  • IRRI (International Rice research Institute) 1981. Annual Report. Los Banos, Philippines, 418 p.
  • IRRI 1980. Organic matter and rice. International rice research institute. ISBN 971-104-104-9.
  • Jones LHP, Handreck KA. 1967. Silica in soils, plants and animal. Ad. Argon. 19:107-1149
  • Kaya C, Tuna L, Higgs D. 2006. Effect of Silicon on Plant Growth and Mineral Nutrition of Maize Grown Under Water-Stress Condition. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 29:1469-1480.
  • Leibig L. 1840. Organic Chemistry in Its Application to Agriculture and Physiology. From the manuscript of the author by Lyon Playfair. London: Taylor & Walton,
  • Lewin CJ, Reimann BE.1969. Silicon and plant growth. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. 20:289–304, 1969.
  • Liang Y, Sun W, Zhu YG, Christie P. 2007. Mechanisms of silicon-mediated alleviation of abiotic stresses in higher plants: a review. Environ Pollut. 147(2):422-428
  • Liang Y, Wong JW, Wei L. 2005. Silicon-mediated enhancement of cadmium tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.) grown in cadmium contaminated soil. Chemosphere, 58(4):475-83.
  • Liang YC, Ma TS, Li FJ, Feng YJ. 1994. Silicon availability and response of rice and wheat to silicon in cacerous soils. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 25:2285-2297.
  • Lindsay WL. 1979. Chemical Equilibria in Soil. New York: Wiley,
  • Linjuan Z, Junping J, Lijun W, Min L, Fusuo Z. 1999. Effects of silicon on the seedling growth of creeping bentgrass and zoysiagrass. Pages 381 in: Silicon in Agriculture. L. E. Datnoff, G. H. Snyder, and G. H. Korndorfer, eds. Elsevier Science. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Loué A,1986. Les Oligo-Éléments en Agriculture. Agri - Nathan International, 43 Rue du Chemin- Vert, 75011 Paris.
  • Ma JF. 2003. Function of silicon in higher plants. Prog. Mol. Subcell. Biol. 33:127–147, 2003.
  • Ma JF. 2004. Role of silicon in enhancing the resistance of plants to biotic and abiotic stresses, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 50(1):11-18
  • Ma JF, Takahashi E. 2002. Soil, Fertilizer, and Plant Silicon Research in Japan. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam
  • Ma JF, Yamaji N. 2006. Silicon uptake and accumulation in higher plants. Trends Plant Sci. 11:392–397. Marschner H, Oberle H, Cakmar I, Romheld V. 1990. In : “Plant Nutrition-Physiology and Application” (M.L. Van Bensichem, ed.) pp: 241-249. [Ktuwer Academic Dordrecnt.]
  • Matichenkov VV, Ammosova YM, Bocharnikova EA. 1997. The method for determination of plant-available silica in soil. Agrochemistry 1:76-84
  • Matichenkov VV, Bocharnikova EA, Calvert DV, Snyder GH. 2000. Comparison study of soil silicon status in sandy soils of south Florida. Soil Crop Sci. Soc. Florida Proc. 59:132-137.
  • Matichenkov VV, Bocharnikova EA. 2001. The relationship between silicon and soil physical and chemical properties. In: L.E. Datnoff, G.H. Snyder, H. Korndorfer, eds. Silicon in Agriculture. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 209–219.
  • Matichenkov VV, Calvert DV, Snyder GH. 1999. Silicon fertilizers for citrus in Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., 112: 5–8.
  • Matichenkov VV, Pinsky DL, Bocharnikova EA. 1995. Influence of mechanical compaction of soils on the state and form of available silicon. Euras. Soil Sci.27:58–67
  • Mattson N. 2012. Adding Silicon to the Fertilizer Program in Poinsettia Production: Benefits and Facts. (Available at 2012).
  • Mauad M, Crusciol CAC, Filho HG, Correa JC. 2003. Nitrogen and silicon fertiilization of upland rice. Sci. Agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.) 60:4
  • Nishimura K, Miyaki Y, Takahashi E. 1989. On silicon, aluminium, and zinc accumulators discriminated from 147 species of Angiospermae. Mem. Coll. Agric. Kyoto Univ. 133, 23–43.
  • Okuda A, Takashi E. 1965. The role of silicon. In: The mineral nutrition of the rice plant. John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MD. p.123-146.
  • Park CS. 2001. Past and Future advances in siilicon research in the republic of Korea. In silicon in Agriculture. Datnoff, L.E., Snyder, G.H., Korndorfer, G.H., Eds., Elsevier: Amsterdam, 359-371
  • Provance-Bowley MC, Heckman JR, Durner EF. 2010. Calcium silicate suppresses powdery mildew and increases yield of field grown wheat. Soil Science Society of America Journal, Madison, v. 74, n. 5, p. 1652-1661
  • Rayment GE, Higginson FR. 1992. Autralian laboratory handbook of soil and water chemical methods. Inkhata Pres. Melbourne. 330p.
  • Savant N K, Korndorfer G H, Datnoff LE, Snyder GH. 1999. Silicon nutrition and sugarcane production: a review. J. Plant Nutr. 22 (12):1853-1903
  • Savant NK, Synder GH, Datnoff LE. 1997a. Silicon managent and sustainable rice production. in Advances in Agronomy, vol. 58. D.L. Sparks ed. Academic Pres, pp. 151-199 San Diego, CA.
  • Savant NG, Snyder, Datnoff L. 1997b. Silicon management and sustainable rice production. Adv. Agron. 58, 151-199
  • Schindler PW, Furst B, Dick R, Wolf PO. 1976. Ligand properties of surface silanol groups. I. Surface complex formation with Fe3, Cu2, Cd3, and Pb2. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 55:469–475, 1976.
  • Seebold KW, Kucharek TA, Datnoff LE, Correa-Victoria FJ, Marchetti MA. 2001. The influence of silicon on components of resistance to blast in susceptible, partially resistant and resistant cultivars of rice. Phytopathology 91:63-69.
  • Singh KK, Singh K, Singhl RS, Singh R, Chandel RS. 2005. Silicon Nutrition In Rice - A Review Agric. Rev.. 26 (3) : 223 - 228.
  • Sistani KR, Savant NK, Reddy KC. 1997. Effect of rice hull ash silicon on rice seedling growth. J. Plant Nutr. , 20 (1):195 –201.
  • Takahashi E. 1995. Uptake mode and physiological functions of silica. Japan J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 49:357–360, 1995.
  • Takahash, E, Ma JF, Miyake Y. 1990. The possibility of silicon as an essential element for higher plants. Comments Agric. Food Chem. 2:99-122.
  • Tanaka A, Yoshida S. 1970. Nutritional disorders of the rice plant in Asia. IRRI Technical Bull. 10. IRRI Manila. Phillipines
  • Turan M, Horuz A. 2012. Bitki Besleme. Bitki Beslemenin Temel İlkeleri. Ed: M. Rüştü Karaman, 123-347. Ankara
  • Vlamis J, Williams DI. 1967. Manganese and Silicon interaction in the Gramineae. Plant Soil. 27:131-140. Winslow MD, Okada K, Correa-Victoria F. 1997. Silicon deficiency and the adaptation of rice ecotypes. Plant and Soil. 188:239-248.
  • Xu G, Zhan X, Li C, Bao S, Liu X, Chu T. 2001. Assessing methods of available silicon in calcareous soils. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 32:787-801
  • Yoshida S. 1975. The physiology of silicon in rice. Technical bulletin, no. 25, Food and Fertilizer Technology Center, Taipei, Taiwan, 1975.
Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Ayhan Horuz

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Aralık 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Horuz, A. (2018). Silisyumun bitki gelişimine olan etkileri. Toprak Bilimi Ve Bitki Besleme Dergisi, 6(2), 151-163.
AMA Horuz A. Silisyumun bitki gelişimine olan etkileri. tbbbd. Aralık 2018;6(2):151-163.
Chicago Horuz, Ayhan. “Silisyumun Bitki gelişimine Olan Etkileri”. Toprak Bilimi Ve Bitki Besleme Dergisi 6, sy. 2 (Aralık 2018): 151-63.
EndNote Horuz A (01 Aralık 2018) Silisyumun bitki gelişimine olan etkileri. Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Dergisi 6 2 151–163.
IEEE A. Horuz, “Silisyumun bitki gelişimine olan etkileri”, tbbbd, c. 6, sy. 2, ss. 151–163, 2018.
ISNAD Horuz, Ayhan. “Silisyumun Bitki gelişimine Olan Etkileri”. Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Dergisi 6/2 (Aralık 2018), 151-163.
JAMA Horuz A. Silisyumun bitki gelişimine olan etkileri. tbbbd. 2018;6:151–163.
MLA Horuz, Ayhan. “Silisyumun Bitki gelişimine Olan Etkileri”. Toprak Bilimi Ve Bitki Besleme Dergisi, c. 6, sy. 2, 2018, ss. 151-63.
Vancouver Horuz A. Silisyumun bitki gelişimine olan etkileri. tbbbd. 2018;6(2):151-63.