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Diş Aşınmalarına Genel Bir Bakış

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 72 - 80, 30.08.2024


Ağız içinde diş çürüğü dışında kronik yıkıcı bir süreç sonunda diş dokusunda oluşan patolojik kayıplara diş aşınmaları denir. Diş aşınmalarının oluşumunda rol alan etkene bağlı olarak atrizyon, abfraksiyon, abrazyon ve erozyon olmak üzere dörde sınıflandırılır. Dişlerde oluşan bu çürüksüz lezyonlar dişlerdeki yapısal bütünlüğün bozulmasına bağlı olarak dental hassasiyete, estetik problemlere ve plak akümülasyonuna sebep olabilmektedir. Günümüzde bireyler arasında diş aşınmalarının görülme sıklığı giderek artmaktadır. Bu nedenle bu aşınmaların etiyolojilerinin bilinmesi, doğru bir şekilde teşhis edilmesi ve koruyucu önlemlerin alınıp tedavi planın belirlenmesi önemlidir. Bu derlemede diş aşınmalarının etiyolojisi, sınıflandırılması ve tedavisi üzerinde durulmuştur.

Destekleyen Kurum

Bu araştırma için maddi destek alınmamıştır


  • 1. Bartlett DW, Shah P. A critical review of non-carious cervical (wear) lesions and the role of abfraction, erosion, and abrasion. J Dent Res. 2006;85:306-12.
  • 2. Teixeira DNR, Thomas RZ, Soares PV, Cune MS, Gresnigt MMM, Slot DE. Prevalence of noncarious cervical lesions among adults: a systematic review. J Dent Res. 2020;95: 103285.
  • 3. Aubry M, Mafart B, Donat B, Brau JJ. Brief communication: Study of noncarious cervical tooth lesions in samples of prehistoric, historic, and modern populations from the south of France. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2003;121:10-4.
  • 4. Yang J, Cai D, Wang F, He D, Ma L, Jin Y, Que K. Non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) in a random sampling community population and the association of NCCLs with occlusive wear. J Oral Rehabil. 2016;43:960-6.
  • 5. Aw TC, Lepe X, Johnson GH, Mancl L. Characteristics of noncarious cervical lesions a clinical investigation. J Am Dent Assoc. 2002;5(3):11-143.
  • 6. Kolak V, Pešić D, Melih I, Lalović M, Nikitović A, Jakovljević A. Epidemiological investigation of non-carious cervical lesions and possible etiological factors. J Clin Exper Dent. 2018;10:e648-56.
  • 7. Bhundia S, Bartlett D, O’Toole S. Non-carious cervical lesions - can terminology influence our clinical assessment? Br Dent J. 2019;227:985-8.
  • 8. Wood I, Jawad Z, Paisley C, Brunton P. Non-carious cervical tooth surface loss: a literature review. J Dent. 2008;36:759-66.
  • 9. Schlueter N, Amaechi BT, Bartlett D, Buzalaf MAR, Carvalho TS, Ganss C, et al. Terminology of erosive tooth wear: consensus report of a workshop organized by the ORCA and the Cariology Research Group of the IADR. Caries Res. 2020;54:2-6.
  • 10. Pegoraro LF, Scolaro JM, Conti PC, Telles D, Pegoraro TA. Noncarious cervical lesions in adults: prevalence and occlusal aspects. J Am Dent Assoc. 2005;136:1694-700.
  • 11. Walter C, Kress E, Götz H, Taylor K, Willershausen I, Zampelis A. The anatomy of non-carious cervical lesions. Clin Oral Investig. 2014;18:139-46.
  • 12. Grippo JO, Simring M, Schreiner S. Attrition, abrasion, corrosion and abfraction revisited: a new perspective on tooth surface lesions. J Am Dent Assoc. 2004;135:1109-18.
  • 13. Michael JA, Kaidonis JA, Townsend GC. Non-carious cervical lesions on permanent anterior teeth: a new morphological classification. Aust Dent J. 2010;55:134-7.
  • 14. Bulut AC, Türkoğlu Ö. Diş aşınmalarının etiyolojisi, prevalansı ve patogenezi. Turkish J Clin Labor. 2018;9:137-43.
  • 15. Hur B, Kim HC, Park JK, Versluis A. Characteristics of non-carious cervical lesions - an ex vivo study using micro computed tomography. J Oral Rehabil. 2011;38:469-74.
  • 16. Osborne-Smith KL, Burke FJT, Wilson NHF. The aetiology of the non-carious cervical lesion. Int Dent J. 1999;49:139-43.
  • 17. Litonjua LA, Andreana S, Bush PJ. Tooth wear: attrition, erosion, and abrasion. Quintessence Int. 34(6). 2003;34:435-46.
  • 18. Brandini DA, De Sousa ALB, Trevisan CL, Pinelli LAP, Do Couto Santos SC, Pedrini D, et al. Noncarious cervical lesions and their association with toothbrushing practices: in vivo evaluation. Oper Dent. 2011;36:581-9.
  • 19. Aykor A. Diş aşınmalarına restoratif ve estetik yaklaşım. Quintessence Yayıncılık, 2016, s1-44.
  • 20. Wongkhantee S, Patanapiradej V, Maneenut C, Tantbirojn D. Effect of acidic food and drinks on surface hardness of enamel, dentine, and tooth-coloured filling materials. J Dent. 2006;34:214-20.
  • 21. Gonçalves DFM, Briso ALF, Pini NIP, Moda MD, Parpinelli de Oliveira R, Santos PH dos, Fagundes TC. Effects of dentifrices on mechanical resistance of dentin and restorative materials after erosion and abrasion. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2019;97:7-12.
  • 22. Yu H, Wegehaupt FJ, Wiegand A, Roos M, Attin T, Buchalla W. Erosion and abrasion of tooth-colored restorative materials and human enamel. J Dent. 2009;37:913-22.
  • 23. Wegehaupt FJ, Tauböck TT, Sener B, Attin T. Long-term protective effect of surface sealants against erosive wear by intrinsic and extrinsic acids. J Dent. 2012;40:416-22.
  • 24. Diyatri I, Indarta SF, Prasetya WKAA, Eradina NS. Potential of CPP-ACP and cranberry proantho-cyanidin chewing gum for remineralization of perimylolysis in eating disorders patients. World J Adv Res Rev. 2023;19:439-44.
  • 25. Grippo JO, Simring M, Coleman TA. Abfraction, abrasion, biocorrosion, and the enigma of noncarious cervical lesions: a 20-year perspective. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2012;24:10-23.
  • 26. Carvalho TS, Colon P, Ganss C, Huysmans MC, Lussi A, Schlueter N, Schmalz G, Shellis PR, Björg Tveit A, Wiegand A. Consensus report of the European Federation of Conservative Dentistry: erosive tooth wear - diagnosis and management. Clin Oral Investig. 2015;19:1557-61.
  • 27. Carvalho TS, Baumann T, Lussi A. In vitro salivary pellicles from adults and children have different protective effects against erosion. Clin Oral Investig. 2016;20:1973-9.
  • 28. Lussi A, Jaeggi T. Erosion - diagnosis and risk factors. Clin Oral Investig. 2008;12:5-13.
  • 29. Liporoni PCS, Bakar WZW, Zanatta RF, Ambrosano GM, Aguiar FHB, Amaechi BT. Influence of erosion/abrasion and the dentifrice abrasiveness concomitant with bleaching procedures. Clin Cosmet Investig Dent. 2020;12:101-9.
  • 30. Viana ÍEL, Alania Y, Feitosa S, Borges AB, Braga RR, Scaramucci T. Bioactive materials subjected to erosion/abrasion and their influence on dental tissues. Oper Dent. 2020;45:E114-23.
  • 31. Zhao X, Pan J, Malmstrom HS, Ren YF. Protective effects of resin sealant and flowable composite coatings against erosive and abrasive wear of dental hard tissues. J Dent. 2016;49:68-74.
  • 32. Cruz NVS, Pessan JP, Manarelli MM, Souza MDB, Delbem ACB. In vitro effect of low-fluoride toothpastes containing sodium trimetaphosphate on enamel erosion. Arch Oral Biol. 2015;60:1231-6.
  • 33. Bartlett D, O’Toole S. Tooth wear: best evidence consensus statement. J Prosthodont. 2021;30:20-5.
  • 34. A. Algadhi A. Tooth surface loss: definitions, prevention and diagnosis. Saudi J Oral Dent Res. 2021;6:129-33.
  • 35. Davies SJ, Gray RJM, Qualtrough AJE. Management of tooth surface loss. Br Dent J. 2002;192:11-23.
  • 36. Loomans B, Opdam N. A guide to managing tooth wear: the radboud philosophy. Br Dent J. 2018;224:348-56.
  • 37. Mesko ME, Sarkis-Onofre R, Cenci MS, Opdam NJ, Loomans B, Pereira-Cenci T. Rehabilitation of severely worn teeth: a systematic review. J Dent. 2016;48:9-15.
  • 38. Milosevic A. Clinical guidance and an evidence-based approach for restoration of worn dentition by direct composite resin. Br Dent J. 2018;224:301-10.
  • 39. Muts EJ, Van Pelt H, Edelhoff D, Krejci I, Cune M. Tooth wear: a systematic review of treatment options. J Prosthet Dent. 2014;112:752-9.

An Overview of Dental Wear

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 72 - 80, 30.08.2024


Tooth wear refers to the pathological loss of tooth tissue by a chronic destructive process other than dental caries in the mouth. Tooth wear is classified as attrition, abfraction, abrasion and erosion, depending on the factor involved in its formation. These non-carious lesions on the teeth can cause dental sensitivity, aesthetic problems and plaque retention due to the deterioration of the structural integrity of the teeth. Nowadays, the incidence of tooth wear among individuals is increasing. For this reason, it is important to learn the etiologies of these wears, diagnose them correctly, take preventive measures and determine the treatment plan accordingly. In this review, focuses on the etiology, classification and treatment of dental wear.

Destekleyen Kurum

No financial support was received for this research.


  • 1. Bartlett DW, Shah P. A critical review of non-carious cervical (wear) lesions and the role of abfraction, erosion, and abrasion. J Dent Res. 2006;85:306-12.
  • 2. Teixeira DNR, Thomas RZ, Soares PV, Cune MS, Gresnigt MMM, Slot DE. Prevalence of noncarious cervical lesions among adults: a systematic review. J Dent Res. 2020;95: 103285.
  • 3. Aubry M, Mafart B, Donat B, Brau JJ. Brief communication: Study of noncarious cervical tooth lesions in samples of prehistoric, historic, and modern populations from the south of France. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2003;121:10-4.
  • 4. Yang J, Cai D, Wang F, He D, Ma L, Jin Y, Que K. Non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) in a random sampling community population and the association of NCCLs with occlusive wear. J Oral Rehabil. 2016;43:960-6.
  • 5. Aw TC, Lepe X, Johnson GH, Mancl L. Characteristics of noncarious cervical lesions a clinical investigation. J Am Dent Assoc. 2002;5(3):11-143.
  • 6. Kolak V, Pešić D, Melih I, Lalović M, Nikitović A, Jakovljević A. Epidemiological investigation of non-carious cervical lesions and possible etiological factors. J Clin Exper Dent. 2018;10:e648-56.
  • 7. Bhundia S, Bartlett D, O’Toole S. Non-carious cervical lesions - can terminology influence our clinical assessment? Br Dent J. 2019;227:985-8.
  • 8. Wood I, Jawad Z, Paisley C, Brunton P. Non-carious cervical tooth surface loss: a literature review. J Dent. 2008;36:759-66.
  • 9. Schlueter N, Amaechi BT, Bartlett D, Buzalaf MAR, Carvalho TS, Ganss C, et al. Terminology of erosive tooth wear: consensus report of a workshop organized by the ORCA and the Cariology Research Group of the IADR. Caries Res. 2020;54:2-6.
  • 10. Pegoraro LF, Scolaro JM, Conti PC, Telles D, Pegoraro TA. Noncarious cervical lesions in adults: prevalence and occlusal aspects. J Am Dent Assoc. 2005;136:1694-700.
  • 11. Walter C, Kress E, Götz H, Taylor K, Willershausen I, Zampelis A. The anatomy of non-carious cervical lesions. Clin Oral Investig. 2014;18:139-46.
  • 12. Grippo JO, Simring M, Schreiner S. Attrition, abrasion, corrosion and abfraction revisited: a new perspective on tooth surface lesions. J Am Dent Assoc. 2004;135:1109-18.
  • 13. Michael JA, Kaidonis JA, Townsend GC. Non-carious cervical lesions on permanent anterior teeth: a new morphological classification. Aust Dent J. 2010;55:134-7.
  • 14. Bulut AC, Türkoğlu Ö. Diş aşınmalarının etiyolojisi, prevalansı ve patogenezi. Turkish J Clin Labor. 2018;9:137-43.
  • 15. Hur B, Kim HC, Park JK, Versluis A. Characteristics of non-carious cervical lesions - an ex vivo study using micro computed tomography. J Oral Rehabil. 2011;38:469-74.
  • 16. Osborne-Smith KL, Burke FJT, Wilson NHF. The aetiology of the non-carious cervical lesion. Int Dent J. 1999;49:139-43.
  • 17. Litonjua LA, Andreana S, Bush PJ. Tooth wear: attrition, erosion, and abrasion. Quintessence Int. 34(6). 2003;34:435-46.
  • 18. Brandini DA, De Sousa ALB, Trevisan CL, Pinelli LAP, Do Couto Santos SC, Pedrini D, et al. Noncarious cervical lesions and their association with toothbrushing practices: in vivo evaluation. Oper Dent. 2011;36:581-9.
  • 19. Aykor A. Diş aşınmalarına restoratif ve estetik yaklaşım. Quintessence Yayıncılık, 2016, s1-44.
  • 20. Wongkhantee S, Patanapiradej V, Maneenut C, Tantbirojn D. Effect of acidic food and drinks on surface hardness of enamel, dentine, and tooth-coloured filling materials. J Dent. 2006;34:214-20.
  • 21. Gonçalves DFM, Briso ALF, Pini NIP, Moda MD, Parpinelli de Oliveira R, Santos PH dos, Fagundes TC. Effects of dentifrices on mechanical resistance of dentin and restorative materials after erosion and abrasion. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2019;97:7-12.
  • 22. Yu H, Wegehaupt FJ, Wiegand A, Roos M, Attin T, Buchalla W. Erosion and abrasion of tooth-colored restorative materials and human enamel. J Dent. 2009;37:913-22.
  • 23. Wegehaupt FJ, Tauböck TT, Sener B, Attin T. Long-term protective effect of surface sealants against erosive wear by intrinsic and extrinsic acids. J Dent. 2012;40:416-22.
  • 24. Diyatri I, Indarta SF, Prasetya WKAA, Eradina NS. Potential of CPP-ACP and cranberry proantho-cyanidin chewing gum for remineralization of perimylolysis in eating disorders patients. World J Adv Res Rev. 2023;19:439-44.
  • 25. Grippo JO, Simring M, Coleman TA. Abfraction, abrasion, biocorrosion, and the enigma of noncarious cervical lesions: a 20-year perspective. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2012;24:10-23.
  • 26. Carvalho TS, Colon P, Ganss C, Huysmans MC, Lussi A, Schlueter N, Schmalz G, Shellis PR, Björg Tveit A, Wiegand A. Consensus report of the European Federation of Conservative Dentistry: erosive tooth wear - diagnosis and management. Clin Oral Investig. 2015;19:1557-61.
  • 27. Carvalho TS, Baumann T, Lussi A. In vitro salivary pellicles from adults and children have different protective effects against erosion. Clin Oral Investig. 2016;20:1973-9.
  • 28. Lussi A, Jaeggi T. Erosion - diagnosis and risk factors. Clin Oral Investig. 2008;12:5-13.
  • 29. Liporoni PCS, Bakar WZW, Zanatta RF, Ambrosano GM, Aguiar FHB, Amaechi BT. Influence of erosion/abrasion and the dentifrice abrasiveness concomitant with bleaching procedures. Clin Cosmet Investig Dent. 2020;12:101-9.
  • 30. Viana ÍEL, Alania Y, Feitosa S, Borges AB, Braga RR, Scaramucci T. Bioactive materials subjected to erosion/abrasion and their influence on dental tissues. Oper Dent. 2020;45:E114-23.
  • 31. Zhao X, Pan J, Malmstrom HS, Ren YF. Protective effects of resin sealant and flowable composite coatings against erosive and abrasive wear of dental hard tissues. J Dent. 2016;49:68-74.
  • 32. Cruz NVS, Pessan JP, Manarelli MM, Souza MDB, Delbem ACB. In vitro effect of low-fluoride toothpastes containing sodium trimetaphosphate on enamel erosion. Arch Oral Biol. 2015;60:1231-6.
  • 33. Bartlett D, O’Toole S. Tooth wear: best evidence consensus statement. J Prosthodont. 2021;30:20-5.
  • 34. A. Algadhi A. Tooth surface loss: definitions, prevention and diagnosis. Saudi J Oral Dent Res. 2021;6:129-33.
  • 35. Davies SJ, Gray RJM, Qualtrough AJE. Management of tooth surface loss. Br Dent J. 2002;192:11-23.
  • 36. Loomans B, Opdam N. A guide to managing tooth wear: the radboud philosophy. Br Dent J. 2018;224:348-56.
  • 37. Mesko ME, Sarkis-Onofre R, Cenci MS, Opdam NJ, Loomans B, Pereira-Cenci T. Rehabilitation of severely worn teeth: a systematic review. J Dent. 2016;48:9-15.
  • 38. Milosevic A. Clinical guidance and an evidence-based approach for restoration of worn dentition by direct composite resin. Br Dent J. 2018;224:301-10.
  • 39. Muts EJ, Van Pelt H, Edelhoff D, Krejci I, Cune M. Tooth wear: a systematic review of treatment options. J Prosthet Dent. 2014;112:752-9.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Restoratif Diş Tedavisi
Bölüm Derlemeler

Leyla Devletli Özyiğit 0000-0001-7465-6617

Güneş Bulut Eyüboğlu 0000-0002-0033-7135

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ağustos 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 19 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Devletli Özyiğit L, Bulut Eyüboğlu G. Diş Aşınmalarına Genel Bir Bakış. Akd Dent J. 2024;3(2):72-80.

Başlangıç: 2022

Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 3 sayı

Yayıncı: Akdeniz Üniversitesi